The following chronology was downloaded from http://zionism-israel.com Detailed Timeline of Zionism and Palestine: Rise of Zionism to Birth of the State of Israel 1893-4 In France, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, falsely charged with espionage. Ultimately he is exonerated with the help of Emile Zola, but the trial and attendant wave of antisemitism cause many Jews to rethink their commitment to assimilation. The trial and other influences ledTheodor Herzl to write Die Judenstadt - The Jewish State. 1897 First Zionist Congressin Basle, Switzerland. 1901 Fifth Zionist Congress establishes the Jewish National Fund ;Eliezer Ben Yehuda/A> publishes a He- brew newspaper, “Hashkafah” (The Outlook), supported by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. 1902 Herzl publishes Altneuland. 1903 Following the horrors of the Kishinev pogroms, Herzl proposes to substitute another country as a “night refuge” for persecuted Jews. British officials suggest El Arish and later Uganda. The idea is rejected by the Russian Jews whom Herzl wanted to help. Sixth Zionist Congress split over British offer to settle Uganda. A commission is appointed to look into the question. Eventually the British offer is withdrawn. Laemel school moved to “new” part of Jerusalem, outside the walls. 1904 Second Aliya (wave of immigration) - young socialist immigrants (1904-1914). Catalyzed by pogroms and a coincidental wave of arrests in Russia preceding and following the 1905 revolution. Herzl dies. Vaad Halahshon founded by Eliezer Ben Yehuda to popularize Hebrew as the language of the Jewish people. 1905 The seventh Zionist Congress (Basel) rules out any alternative to Palestine as the objective of the Zion- ism. 1906 David Gruen (later David Ben-Gurion) arrives in Israel; First Hebrew high school founded in Jaffa; Bezalel School of Art founded in Jerusalem by Boris Schatz. First Congress of Poalei Tziyon in Poltava, under the leadership of Ber Borochov. 1907 Arthur Ruppin visits Palestine, reports to Zionist organization on status of settlements and is sent to open the Palestine Bureau in 1908. July 3 1908 The Young Turks revolt breaks out in the Ottoman empire, and is eventually led by Enver Pasha; Sultan ‘Abd al-Hamid II is forced to restore the constitution of 1876, entailing the creation of a new parlia- ment, and indirect representative elections. ‘Abd al-Hamid is then deposed (27Apr 09), and his brother Mehmet V installed. Policies for the ‘Turkification’ of the Ottoman territories promulgated through 1909, resulting in the creation of societies promoting pan-Arab ideas, 1908 First Arabic newspaper in Haifa, al-Karmil, popularizes opposition to selling land to Zionists. 1908 The eighth Zionist congress in 1908 adopted “Synthetic Zionism” incorporating both Practical Zionism (settlement on the land) and Political Zionism (attempts to get an internationally recognized homeland). Jewish Agency brings Yemenite Jews as immigrants to provide inexpensive labor 1908-1914. 1909 Foundation of Tel Aviv (Called Ahuzat Bayit) near Jaffa; foundation of first Kibbutz - Degania (1910 ac- cording to some sources); foundation of Hashomer (the Watchman) patrol group. 1910 British archeologist Montague Parker excavates under the Haram as Sharif (temple mount). Rumors that he had found and stolen the Ark of the Covenant caused riots by Jews and Arabs. 1911 Filastin, large Arabic newspaper, launched in Jaffa. 1912 Aref el Aref, later the historian of Palestine, mandate Southern District officer and mayor of East Jerusa- lem, warns in Filastin that the Jews want to take over the country. Aug 1914 Start of WW I. Foreign nationals (including Zionists with Russian citizenship) expelled from Palestine during the war.. July 1915 Husayn-McMahonCorrespondence - Britain promises independence for Arabia. Zion Mule Corps (“the Jewish Legion”) established by Yosef Trumpeldor in British Army. May 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement divides up Fertile Crescent between France & Britain into zones of influence, July 24, 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty signed by Greece, Turkey and the Allies recognizing Arab independence in part of the land. Sept 29, 1923 Palestine British Mandate officially comes into force. Nov 2, 1917 British issued The Balfour Declaration, promising a “National Home” for the Jews in Palestine. 1924 Official inauguration of the Israel Technical Institute (Technion) in Haifa Dec 1917 Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby captures Jerusalem from Ottomans for the British. Col. Reginald Storrs is 1925 Official inauguration of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Revisionist movement founded by Zeev appointed military governor. Allenby’s conquest was aided by information from the Jewish Nili under- Jabotinsky ;Brit Shalom (Covenant of Peace) movement founded by Martin Buber, Yehuda Magnes and ground. However, the conquest of northern Palestine is delayed for 9 more months because fresh Ger- others advocating a binational state. man advances in France force Allenby to send troops back to Europe. Feb. 20, 1928 Britain recognizes Transjordanian independence (subject to treaty provisions). Apr, 1918 Zionist commission arrives in Palestine. July 5, 1928 Sir John Chancellor becomes High Commissioner in Palestine. June, 1918 Emir Feisal and Dr. Haim Weizmann meet near Aqaba August, 1929 Arab Riots and Massacres in Hebron,Jerusalem, Safed, Haifa, Motza and elsewhere. The Jews had set Nov 1918 First Muslim-Christian association formed in Jaffa to oppose the creation of a Jewish homeland. Another up a dividing screen at the Wailing Wall in Yom Kippur of 1928 to separate men and women worship- was formed in Jerusalem soon after. Armistice between Allies and Germany, Nov 11. pers, prompting rumors that the Jews wanted to build a synagogue at wall, which were spread deliber- Jan. 1919 First Palestinian (Arab) Congress advocated incorporation of Palestine into greater Syria. ately by Hajj Amin El Husseini. Amid heightening tensions, a demonstration by Jews in 1929 and Arab Jan 18, 1919 Paris Peace Conference opens - results in Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919. Haim Weizmann headed incitement ignited violence and rioting against Jews. Thousands of Jews fled the ancient Jewish quarter the Zionist delegation. in Jerusalem. The Hebron Jewish community was evacuated after 64-67 were killed in riots. July 1919 General Syrian Congress (which included prominent Palestinians, Transjordanians, Lebanese & Syr- 1930 The Hope-Simpson Report recommends cessation of Jewish immigration. ians) held in Damascus, supporting the independence of an undivided Syria, and opposed to Zionism. Oct 21, 1930 British Passfield White Paper proposes to limit Jewish immigration to Palestine. Britain cedes authority over Syria to France after the congress finishes; Gen. Henri Gourand becomes 1931 After questions in commons, Zionist pressure and League condemnation, Letter of PM Ramsay Mac- High Commissioner. Donald to Chaim Weizmann Rescinding the Passfield White Paper Aug 29, 1919 Henry King and Charles Crane, the US members of the International Commission of Inquiry,sent primar- 1931 IZL (Irgun or Etzel - The Irgum Tzvai Leumi) formed by Jabotinsky and others who leave the Haganah. ily on the initiative of President Wilson, present their report based on their visit to the region in June- 1932-1939 Fifth Aliya (wave of immigrants) - Consisting mostly of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany and neighboring July, against creation of a Jewish National home in Palestine. countries. Beginning in 1936, riots and administrative restrictions greatly reduced the number of immi- 1919-1922 Third Aliyah (Wave of immigration) - consisted mostly of Jews returning to Palestine from exile. grants. 1933 - Assassination of Chaim Arlozorov. Feb - Mar 1920 Jewish settlements of Tel Hai and Metullah in N. Palestine attacked (Feb 20). Josef Trumpeldor killed in 1936-1939 Arab Revolt led or coopted by the Al-Husseini family and Fawzi al-Kaukji and apparently financed by second attack at Tel Hai (March 1) Axis powers. Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources; most were killed by other Arabs March 1920 Faysal elected and crowned king of Greater Syria at 2nd General Syrian Congress in Damascus; as- and by British. Eleven Arab clans were wiped out by Hajj Amin El Husseini and his men. Several hun- sembly proclaims independence from France of Greater Syria; rejects Balfour Declaration and Sykes- dred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. 1937- Orde Wingate Picot agreement. Allies occupy Constantinople. forms “night squads” for Jewish self-defense. Between 1937 and 1939 Jews build 54 “stockade and April, 1920 Musa Kazim al-Husayni, mayor of Jerusalem, is replaced by Raghib al-Nashashibi; clan rivalry grows. watchtower” (Homa Umigdal) settlements to circumvent British regulations against new settlements, and bring tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into Palestine (Aliya Bet). April, 1920 “Nebi musa” Arab riots led by Hajj Amin El Husseini and Aref El Aref in Jerusalem. Forty six Jews Killed. 1937-1938 Peel and Woodheadcommissions recommend partitioning Palestine into a small Jewish state and a large Arab one. Apr 25, 1920 San Remo Conference - Supreme Allied Council assigns mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine to Britain, and Syria and Lebanon to France. Oct. 1, 1937 British declare Arab Higher Committee in Palestine an illegal body. June 1920 Haganah, Jewish Self Defense, organized by Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, Eliahu Golumb and others. Oct. 16, 1937 (approximate date) Hajj Amin El Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem escapes to Syria and thence to
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