4672 CONGRESSIO~AL RECORD~HOUS~. MAY 1, observation does not apply in this case. No time has yet been fixed standing inuebtedness dne to him from certain bands of said Indians, which has never been paid to said Crooks, nor to his le~al representatives; and for Congress to adjourn, and it can not at present be said that this Whereas the said Ramsay Crooks, in his lifetune, tiled said claims in the is the last month of the session. office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, showing that there was due to At the same time I suggest to the Senator that he agree that the him from the Pllla~er and Lake Winnebagoshish band the sum of $6,410.80, and from a certain other band, known as the Chippewa Indians of the Missis­ Senate shall meet to-morrow at the usual time (to-morrow being sippi, the sum of $3,308.82, making a total amount of such indebtedness of Saturday, it will be almost impossible to get Senators here earlier $9,TI0.62: Therefore than that hour) and proceed with the bill immediately after the B e i t enacted, etc., That there be, and there hereby is, appropriated, out of the Treasury of the United States, from any money not otherwise appropri­ ordinary morning business is concluded, which will consume a ted. the sum of $9.TI9.62, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to examine some ten or fifteen minutes. Then let the general discussion go said claims a gainst the Pillager and Lake Winnebagoshish band of Indians in on until half past 2 o'clock, and after that under a ten-minute the sum of $6,410.80 a.nd the Chippewa Indians of the Minnesota band in the sum of $3,303.82, and l?ay said amount, or so much thereof as he shall find to rule, with the distinct understanding that we shall remain here be due, to the administrator of the estate of said Ramsay Crooks from the and finish the bill to-morrow night. The reason why I do not respective bands, and charge the same to any annu]ties or other moneys due, want to agree to fixing an exact time for a vote is because it or to becom e due, from the United Htates to the sa.id Indians, in such propor­ might exclude some amendments, as we know has been the case tions as shall be found to be due therefrom. heretofore under such agreements; but we can continue under The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration the ten-minute rule after half past 2 o'clock, or I have no objec­ of this bill? tion to the five-minute rule, provided· the amendment that is · Mr. DOCKERY. I think the report should be read. pending from the Committee on Naval Affairs in regard to the Mr. TAWNEY. The report is somewhat lengthy, a.nd if it price of armor is disposed of before half past 2. That amendment will satisfy the gentleman I can make a short statement of the I do not believe can be disposed of under the five-minute rule. facts and of the purpose of the bill. This bill is for the payment Mr. HALE. I will accept-- of a claim against the Chippewa and Winnebagoshish Indians of :M:r. GORMAN. We will agree to vote on the bill before we Minnesota. The bill has already passed the Senate, and has been adjourn to-morrowevening. favorably reported by the House Committee on Indian Affairs. Mr. HALE. I accept that proposition. I wish to be entirely The claim is for supplies furnished to these two bands or tribes of reasonable in every respect. · Indians by Mr. C:tooks in his lifetime, and the only object of the Mr. GALLINGER. Before I can consent to any agreement, I bill is to authorize the Secretary of th~ Interior to inquire into and wish to make a statement. I have been in my seat for three con­ ascertain the exact amount due to the heirs of Mr. Crooks for the secutive days waiting to offer an amendment on which I desire to supplies furnished, and to pay the same and charge it to the be heard briefly, a little longer than five minutes, possibly fifteen account of these Indians, who have at this time large annuities to minutes, and I think it is due to my constituents that I should their credit in the Treasury. The claim was considered in· and have that privilege. I have neglected other busipess and have passed the Fifty-first Congress, and was reported favorably in the been here at my personal inconvenience listening to speeches to Fifty-second Congress. which I did not care to listen, not knowing when they might be Mr. DOCKERY. Do I understand the gentleman to say that completed, and while I am very desirous to have the bill finished, these Indians have a large sum to their credit now? I shall rather insist on my right to _offer the amendment and to be Mr.-TAWNEY. Yes, sir. heard upon it for about fifteen minutes. Mr. DOCKERY. The question arose in my mind, on hearing Mr. HALE. I will agree, so far as I can, as the manager of the the bill read, whether or not it was specific and clear enough. In bill, that after disposing of the present amendment the Senator's other words, whether byimplicationit did not require the Govern­ amendment shall come up next, so that he shall have the oppor- ment to .make payment of this amount, and then, if any funds tunity he desires. - should be placed to the credit of these Indians hereafter, to charge Mr. GALLINGER. All right. it up against them. Mr. HALE. · I accept the suggestion of the Senator from Mary­ Mr. TAWNEY. I am informed that these Indians have a large land [Mr. GORMAN 1. amount of money to their credit at the present.time. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Maine [Mr. Mr. DOCKERY. Has this bill been referred to the Commis­ HALE] asks unanimous consent that the pending bill may be taken sioner of Indian Affairs or the Secretary of the Interior? up for consideration immediately_after the ro:utine business to­ Mr. TAWNEY. It hasbeen beforetheDepartment. !twill be morrow morning; that its consideration shall be continued until observed that this bill simply authorizes the Secretary to ascertain 2 o'clock under the ordinary rule, but after 2 o'clock the debate the amount actually due, and provides that the amount so ascer­ shall proceed under the five-minute rule, and that the bill and all tained shall be paid and charged to the account of these Indians. amendme-nts shall be disposed of before adjournment to-morrow Mr. DOCKERY. Does the report contain a letter from the night. Is there objection? Commissioner of Indian Affairs or from the Secretary of the Mr. SQUIRE. I wish to say that I have one or two amend­ Interior approving this bill? ments which I wish to present. Mr. TAWNEY. It does not contain anything from the present Mr. HALE. The Senator from Washington shall have an op­ Secretary of the Interior, but the claim has been approved bv the portunity to get in his amendments. Department in past Administrations. One of the members of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to there­ Committee on Indian Affairs, the gentleman from New York quest of the Senator from Maine! The Chair hears none, and it is fMr. FISCHER], informs me that the present Secretary has approved I!IO ordered. _ . this bill. Mr. CHANDLER. 'I am authorized to move the pending amend­ Mr. FISCHER. My recollection is that this bill has the. ap­ ment by direction of the Committee on Naval Affairs; and in order -proval of the Secretary of the Interior. !will state that that I'ec­ that it may be within the rule, I ask that it may be referred to the ollection is founded upon the fact that the committee has recom­ Committee on Appropriations. mended no bills at this session that have not had the approval of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The amendment will be re­ the Department. I am satisfied, therefore, that this has gone to ferred to the Committee on Appropriations. the Department for approval. Mr. HALE. I move that the Senate adjourn. Mr. DOCKERY. But the committee have no communication The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 35 minut-es in writing from the Secretary of the Interior_ approving the bjll? p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Saturday, May 2, Mr. FISCHER. All approvals from the Department are in ' 1896, at 12 o'clock meridian. writing, and possibly I can find this one in the committee room. The Department does not send us any merely oral approvals. Mr. DOCKERY. Several gentlemen around me suggest a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. query which I will propound to the gentleman in charge of this bill for their information: Why has not this claim been paid here­ FRIDAY, May 1, 1896. tofore? The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. TAWNEY. In reply to that I can only say that after the HENRY N. COUDEN. supplies were furnished, Mr. G'rooks went to the West Indies, re­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ mained there for some time, and died there. After his death. his proved. estate was administered, and the heirs, who were at that time RAMSAY CROOKS.
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