A V\' - t \ \ \ T X ‘J \ \ , ,, V' h V.Vs\ MONDAY, MARCti 9, 1970 w ' ' ' / ' PACffl TW ENTY jflianrltfiatpr lEttWing Hwalh Avenige Dally Net P re« Ron \' For The Week IbUM The Weather January 14, IMS i The Permanent Memorial MFT Says School Board Clear and cold again tonight About Town Day Committee of Manchester l^chool Board Gets Briefing Records with lows In upper teena to low will meet tonight at 7:80 at the Warrantee Deeds 15,890 20s. Tomorrow sunny, oontlnusd ' T1i« •x«cutlve board of the Probate Courtroom at the Mu­ Town of Manchester to Top Not Acting in Good Faith cold. High near 40. UaiichMtar Newoomera Club of nicipal Building. On Teacher Aide Program Notch Foods, Parcel 5 in North Manchester— A City of Village Charm the TWCA will meet tonight at End Renewal Area, at N. Main Manchester Federatloii of board with to enter S at the home of Mrs. Peter The worship and music com­ A video tape presentation of culum can be enriched to meet and Main Sts., no conveyance , !,>■ raised its binding negotiations with VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 1.15 (TWENTY PAGES) (Cloeslfied Advertising on Fnge 17) McDonald, S7 Philip Rd. mittee of Emanuel Lutheran personnel and acUvttles in the their vocational needs, tax. Teachers (MFT) has raised iu j,^ ch ester teasers, of reject- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1970 PRICE TEN CBMTi R teacher______ _____ aider— program-- ............... will be— Under new business, thej Ixmrd„ Richard L. and Hilda W. voice in the negoUaUons im- compromise setUements Church will meet tonight at • 0 ^ ...111 «« MAllnar ySAnillvMV Members of the Veterans 7:30 at the church reception fflven at Board ot Education '^**1 consider a policy Hastey to Bias and Hath- passe between the of both*, mediators and arbltra- Council of Manchester will meet room. .. "'^th drug abuse, as prepared arina Stlmac,______, property^ at ________Education an<|- Jlanch^er■ Edu- ___ -r____ the-- Connecticut- _________ State .tonight at 6:40 at the Holmes meeting tonight at 8 in the Ben- by a committee 59 Homestead St., conveyance cation Association (MBA). Bai^ Department of Education, and Funeral Home, 400 Main St., Miss Dorothy Zlno, a mem­ net Junior High School Main Retirement resignations have tax <19.25. gaining between the boafd and ultimately exploiting the Johnny’s Ark to pay respects to the late Army ber of the faculty at Washing­ Building. been submitted by Mrs. Laurie Attachment MEA broke off following ^the Manchester teachers by rigid Spec. 4 Victor Del Greco, who ton School, will be guest speak­ The board cooperated this M. Carlton, third grade teach- The Savings Bank of Manches- March 3 meeting. Mediation adherence to this predetermined Nixon To List SANTA ANA. Calif. (AP) was killed in Vietnam. er at a meeting of the Man­ . , er at Buckley School; Mrs. ter against Charles B. and Bar- procedures are now (being in- pyacadure." — Policemen, hearing year in Initiating the program Catherine R. Doremus, current- Associate of H. Rap Brown chester Area Alumnae Club of strange noises, peeked In tee at Bennet and Keeney St. jy ga leave of absence; Mrs. bara T. Kelly, property on Ralph sUtuted.___ ___ if the board U not negoUat- Children four and ^five years Pi Beta Phi tonight at 7:30 p.m. } Rd., $3,900. 35-foot house trailer and saw old are Invited to a ' pre-school School in conjunction with Man- Mildred Tenney, second grade ter':ta ?rit“T !.rio iS y m: mg in good faith, the MFT con- at the home o f . Mrs. George Trade Nome Johnny Whlteriver, lUs wife story hour In the Junior Room Chester Community College. Jay teacher at South School; M d eluded its statement by urging Laos Losses Krlvick, 84 Ayers Rd., Wap- Pearl M. Perrett, doing vestlgatlng what it con cern a teachers “ to declare and their pets: of Mary Cheney Ubrary Mrs. Thelma C. Woodbrldge, a WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid ping. Her topic: "A Year in the Stager, education coordinator at business the number of CIA agents at Three 160-pound bears, a Wednesday morning from 9;4S first grade teacher at Bentley ** ^s®? del^ rate pattern of piwrasu- impasse and promptly Peace Corps in the Philip­ MCC; Allan Cone, Bennet prin- congressional charges he Is several hundred. The newspa­ burro, a wallaby, on ocelot, ' to .10:30. The story teller will oigg; Gone, oennev ^ I t u r e Exchange. 80-38 Oak naUon and execute tee subsequent acUons pines.” dodging demands for disclose of per said their activities include a bobcat, three goats, two be Miss Marlon Jesseman, chil­ cl^ l; and teachers and aldiM jjanchesteir for 20 years, Mrs. ^ntrart ne* (medlatlonandarbltratlon)pre- Killed When Car Explodes photo who arej^i^clpating n the pro- ^ „ „ Marriage Uoenses regarding current contract ne- imposing sanctions U.S.-Laotian involvement. Pres­ recruiting' and training progov­ opossums, a monkey, three dren's librarian, assisted by gram will be present to com ident Nixon has ordered the ernment guerrillas, detecting peacocks, 18 dogs, four cats, Mrs. Raymond Borst, chair­ The worship committee of -.-Ill K. gg y g a „ David George Luetjen, East goUaUons.” on^ tee town of Manchester.'^ North United Methodist Church Guild Speaker ment and answer questions. Beginning in 1965 and in each public release of American cas­ enemy troop movements, and six pigeons, five doves, man of the Junior Vvomen’s Club The board will act on four and Doris Ve«111i An. Hie MEA is the authorised BEL AIR, Md. (A P I- will meet tonight at 7 at the The board will act on -requests year since, tee MFT statement ualties and air losses as they oc­ acting as ground controllers for three rabbits, five gttinea education committee. Dr. Thomas J. Donovan of other resignations, a sabbaUcal 2 1. Qent bargaining agent for syatem Two Negro men, one idtiir church. The Council on minis­ for approvaa of two grants. One er Congregational Church. says, tee board's course has cur in tee Southeast Asian coun­ aircraft. pigs, nine chickens, two 110 Westland St., will speak to­ teachers. Asked the numerical tified as an associate of tries will meet at 8:30 at the is for an addlUonal grant of ^ave o f absence, and three try. The six persons killed were geese, 16 quail, two desert Iliere will be, two meetings morrow at a meeting of the Michael George Giguere, 16 been one of “ intentionally ex- strength of his group, Joseph church. ...... $3,625, for the period Feb. 16 to leaves of absence. Church St., and Laura Goulette, tending contract settlement be- In announcing tee policy identified by the State Depart­ turtles and a duck. All ap­ militant H. Rap Brown and tonignt at the siigiiUi uisinct O'Brien, MFT president, re­ Guild of Our Lady of St. Bar- 30, to employ three teach- Manchester, March 13. yond the budget deadline and change Monday night, the White ment as: peared healthy. the other still unidentified, flreiiouse. Main ahu niHlard St. tholomew at 8 p.m., at St. Bar- )d0 shared by plied, “ That’s top secret in­ House disclosed six civilians Arthur Stillman and Dennis Whtteriver, 37, said he was were killed when an exirio- The Junior Rhythm Choir of Building Permits teto meditation and arbitration At 7, tiiere will ue a dcpail- tholomew’s School. His topic; grade teachers at Lincoln, formation.'’ were killed in Laos Idst year as Mummert, both of International a circus and carnival clown North United Methodist Church European Health Spa of Con- • . and therefore is guilty, a sive destroyed their car aa ment meeting, and at 8 Hose "The Ever-Changing Role of Robertson and Nathan Hale the result of hosUIe enemy ac­ Voluntary Services, ambushed who used the animals in his it traveled on U.S. 1 eouth Co. 1 will meet. ■ will rehearse tomorrow at 3:30 the Physician in Today’s Con- Schools. The board approved the necticut Inc., commerical build- priori, of failing to negotiate in act. Ing at 515 W. Middle Tpke., good faith with the Manches- tion. by enemy near Ban Nong Keun, o f here. p.m., at the church. temporary Society.” original program on July 28, August 5, 1969. Officers Bald tee Whlteriv- $206,000. ter teachers." ___ Press secretary Ronald L. Whether tee second man was The WCTU will meet tomor­ Dr. Donovan is the senior i969. Town firefighters extinguished Ziegler said tee administration ers hod a bed and cooking The executive board of Jaaui Laine, additions to dwell- -A spokesman for the MFT YOU ALWAYS Chandler Edwards, Interna­ Brown, who Is on trial bare on row at 10:80 a.m. at me iioine surgeon in thoracic and cardio- The other request is for the ^ behind the Parkade will Immediately "Inform tee equipment at one end of the Church Women United will ing at 44 Henry St., $8,000. pointed out teat in the past five tional Voluntary Services, am­ trailer. The burro the arson and riot charges, hod not of Mrs. George H. eisn oi 22 vascular surgery at Hartford establishment of a $2,160 wash- American public about all mili­ and BrooKiiuld sii. co-iiosiesses wui meet tomorrow at 12:30 p.m., Hospital. He is also on the con- out account ito provide super- Bowling Lanes in the parkade Roscoe L. Thompson Jr. for pres- SAVE AT THE bushed by enemy, Ban Soukhou- bears were in makeshift cor­ been positively determined al­ tary aircraft losses and military ma, April 24, 1069. be Mrs. William Rush and Mrs. at the home of Mrs.
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