221 DOI: https://doi .org/10 .30932/1992-3252-2019-17-5-214-227 Optimization of Location of Transport and Logistics Centers at the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ramazanova, Aray, Kazakh University of Transport Communications, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan*. Aray RAMAZANOVA ABSTRACT analysis and coordinate (gravitational method) Transport links largely determine the approach. potential of a country located within the Asian The objective of this article is to analyze the region to interact with market entities beyond possibility of using gravitational and multicriteria region’s borders. Meanwhile, transportation methods to find the optimal location for logistics of individual regions, territories, and transport and logistics centers using the countries is a complex integrated problem, example of the Republic of Kazakhstan. whose solution is based on the approaches to Based on that the research was intended as fundamentals of organisation of the operation an attempt to find optimal location of transport of transport infrastructure. and logistics centers in the Republic of One of the key tasks in organizing the work Kazakhstan. It was clearly shown that the use MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL ADMINISTRATION, of the transport system of the Republic of of the gravitational method has constraints if not Kazakhstan is to determine the location of the supplemented by the use of the multicriteria elements of its transport and logistics analysis method when solving the problem of infrastructure. At present, theoretical and choosing the optimal location of the transport methodological approaches to solving this and logistics infrastructure at the example of problem can be divided into multicriteria the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords: transport, transport and logistics center, production potential, Kazakhstan industry, gravitational method, multicriteria method, infrastructure location coordinates, Khorgos – Vostochnye Vorota FEZ, Altynkol station. *Information about the author: Ramazanova Aray – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Traffic Management, Transport Management and Logistics of Kazakh University of Transport Communications, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, [email protected]. Article received 22.07.2019, accepted 15.10.2019. For the original Russian text of the article please see p. 214. • WORLD OF TRANSPORT AND TRANSPORTATION, Vol. 17, Iss. 5, pp. 214–227 (2019) Introduction. The features of the economics The favorable situation in the oil and gas 222 of any region are characterized by the quality sector had a positive impact on the foreign and quantity of transport and communication trade turnover of the Republic of Kazakhstan . links, both established and promising for the Over the specified period, foreign trade regional development, those links determine turnover grew by 20,5 % and amounted to the potential for interaction of the region with 84,344 billion US dollars . The export grew by other market entities both inside and outside 26,4 %, which amounted to 54,673 billion US it . The significance and the role of this factor dollars, and import grew by 11,1 % (29,671 under modern conditions are particularly billion US dollars) . important, since this factor determines Transport logistics of the Republic of intensity and effectiveness of integration Kazakhstan is a comprehensive complex task, processes, of resources, information, and which is based on the solution of fundamental goods exchange processes . Moreover, the problems of organisation of the operation of geographical position of the region is either a transport infrastructure . The development of favorable or an inhibitory condition for transport systems in regions and cities has development of those processes [1] . been the subject of many works by domestic Today, leading manufacturing spheres of and foreign scientists [3–6] . the Republic of Kazakhstan are metallurgical One of the key tasks in organizing the (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy), work of the transport systems of the Republic petrochemical and chemical industries, of Kazakhstan is the problem of determining mechanical engineering and production of the location of the elements of transport and building materials . Kazakhstan exports its logistics infrastructure . Currently, theoretical products to more than 120 countries . and methodological approaches to their A feature of the industry of Kazakhstan is placement can be divided into a multi- that the country is exceptionally endowed with criteria analysis and coordinate approach . In its own mineral reserves . More than 50 % of the first case, the best option is selected based the world’s reserves of tungsten, 21 % of the on totality of the considered criteria, among reserves of uranium, 23 % of chromium ores, which may be area and configuration of the 19 % of lead, 13 % of zinc, 10 % of copper and site of a probable location, degree of develop- iron are concentrated in the territory of the ment of transport infrastructure at the Republic of Kazakhstan [2] . location, remoteness from consumers, cost of According to CIS Interstate Statistical land acquisition, etc . In the second case, when Committee, in 2018 compared with the solving location problems, geometric previous year, the industry of Kazakhstan had arguments (coordinates) are of key importance . significantly improved its position according These approaches allow achieving a high level to several indicators, regarding, namely, the of research accuracy when combining them electricity production, oil, natural gas, and at various stages of solving the problem . The coal extraction, manufacturing of industrial coordinate method allows to select the most products, and agriculture production . preferred region at the macro level for solving In 2018, crude oil and natural gas produc- the problem, and the multicriteria method tion in value terms increased by 4,8 % allows to select a specific location for placing compared to the previous year . Besides, there the element within the region in question . was an increase in the cost of produced oil A lot of works have been devoted to the use products by 8,8 % . In physical terms, yearly of coordinate methods in solving the placement crude oil production amounted to 77,5 million problem [5–8] . For example, A . G . Kirillova tons (an increase by 6,3 %), gas condensate in her work [5] considered density of container to 12,8 million tons (a decrease by 3,1 %), and flows using the «center of mass» method to natural gas to 55,5 billion m3 (an increase by search for the coordinates of container 5 %) . In 2018, oil refineries produced almost terminals . The coordinates of the center of 4 million tons of gasoline (an increase by mass are then found using the integrals . In the 29,8 %), 388,3 thousand tons of kerosene same way, it is assumed that it is reasonable in (an increase by 29,4 %), 4,6 million tons of region D to search for the optimal location of gas (an increase by 7,4 %), and 2,9 million the logistics center using the integral formulas tons of fuel oil (a decrease by 12,9 %) [2] . (1)–(3): • WORLD OF TRANSPORT AND TRANSPORTATION, Vol. 17, Iss. 5, pp. 214–227 (2019) Ramazanova, Aray Optimization of Location of Transport and Logistics Centers at the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pic. 1. Industrial map of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Table 1 Results obtained using gravitational method Cluster Obtained results Settlement name 1st cluster 597; 129 Kapchagay 2nd cluster 552; 232 Boztal 3rd cluster 297; 420 Mukur The advantage of this method is rapid 1 x= xr x,; y dxdy receipt of results, but when placing the 0 ∫ ( ) (1) M D transport infrastructure at the micro level, the results may turn to be impractical . 1 y= yr x,, y dxdy Objective. The objective of the article is to 0 ∫ ( ) (2) M D analyze applicability of gravitational and where D is density of container transportation, multicriteria methods for assessing the optimal and placement of transport and logistics centers at the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan . M= ∫ r( x, y) dxdy . (3) D Results. The work of G . I . Prosvetov [8] is also The analysis of the industrial potential of devoted to solving the problem of finding the the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan location of logistics centers . He, using the allows us to conditionally divide the country gravitational method on OXY coordinate into three production clusters, shown in Pic . 1 . plane, determined the location of the transport To determine the centers of gravity of cargo infrastructure relative to the supply volume flows, we will study each of these clusters to using the formulas below (4; 5): n determine demand for transport logistics in wx ∑ i =1 ii them . The main consumers of transport C = n ; (4) w services shall mean settlements and industrial ∑ i =1 i enterprises . As initial data, we will operate the n population size, the number of large enterprises wy ∑ i =1 ii in the regions under consideration, and the C = n , (5) w coordinate characteristics of the facilities 223 ∑ i =1 i under consideration . These characteristics w where i is the volume of products delivery; directly reflect demand for transportation xyii, are coordinates of facilities . services and products in the region . • WORLD OF TRANSPORT AND TRANSPORTATION, Vol. 17, Iss. 5, pp. 214–227 (2019) Ramazanova, Aray Optimization of Location of Transport and Logistics Centers at the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan Large industrial centers of Kazakhstan are The results obtained by gravitational 224 located mainly in the northern and method (597; 129) (Pic .1) are not quite northeastern areas of the country . The further satisfactory, since this method is suboptimal, displayed coordinates of the estimated and does not take into account important location of respective transport and logistics criteria such as the degree of development of centers (hereinafter TLC) were obtained using transport infrastructure, population, territorial the gravitational method (Table 1) . The basic development, development of production input data were statistical data of large enterprises, presence of hub stations, and enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan with possibility of servicing several types of the number of employees of at least 500 transport, etc .
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