|HAO WATUM UT US010087143B2TIL A T MAN AT MALAT (12 ) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 087 , 143 B2 Hadida - Ruah et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: * Oct. 2 , 2018 ( 54 ) PYRIDONE AMIDES AS MODULATORS OF 8 , 779 , 197 B2 7 / 2014 Chen 8 , 841, 483 B2 9 /2014 Joshi SODIUM CHANNELS 8 , 865, 771 B2 10 / 2014 Chen 9 ,051 , 270 B2 * 6 /2015 Hadida - Ruah .. .. C07D 213 / 75 ( 71 ) Applicant: VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS 9 , 108 ,903 B28 /2015 Hadida - Ruah INCORPORATED , Boston , MA (US ) 9 , 139 ,529 B2 9 /2015 Hadida - Ruah 9 , 163 ,042 B2 10 /2015 Anderson (72 ) Inventors : Sara Sabina Hadida - Ruah , La Jolla , 9 , 393 ,235 B2 * 7 / 2016 Hadida -Ruah .. .. .. CO7D 213 / 75 CA (US ) ; Corey Anderson , San Diego , 9 ,421 , 196 B2 8 /2016 Hadida - Ruah CA (US ) ; Vijayalaksmi Arumugam , 9 , 464 , 102 B2 10 / 2016 Anderson San Marco , CA (US ) ; Iuliana Luci (Continued ) Asgian , San Diego , CA ( US ) ; Brian Richard Bear , Carlsbad , CA (US ) ; FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Andreas P . Termin , Encinitas, CA CN 101883758 11 / 2010 (US ) ; James Philip Johnson , San CN 102264722 11/ 2011 Diego , CA (US ) (Continued ) (73 ) Assignee : VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED , Boston , MA (US ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Akopian , A . N ., L . Sivilotti, and J. N . Wood , “ A tetrodotoxin patent is extended or adjusted under 35 resistant voltage - gated sodium channel expressed by sensory neu U . S . C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . rons .” Nature , 1996 . 379 ( 6562 ) : p . 257 -62 ). This patent is subject to a terminal dis ( Continued ) claimer . Primary Examiner — D Margaret M Seaman ( 21) Appl. No. : 15 / 667, 722 ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Brinks Gilson & Lione (22 ) Filed : Aug. 3 , 2017 (65 ) Prior Publication Data (57 ) ABSTRACT US 2018 / 0016235 A1 Jan . 18 , 2018 The invention relates to pyridone amide compounds of formula I and I ' or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof , Related U . S . 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