
Ill E ( 'OfJR IER-C i VZli' I TE. ROCK Erl N il GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1S4B. 1 I TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1S74.( fobe $rcss is tbf ^rcbimfbtnn £cbcr tbat Htobes tbe fSiorlb at <Ttoo Dollars a g e a r I SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CENTS. V o l . 7 . - -N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND. MAINE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1888. N umber 38 CHAUTAUQUA GATHERING. BLOOD AND SPEED. POSITIVELY CLOSING WEEKS! _____ ABOUT TOWN, TH E C o U RIER-GAZ ETTE i B R U S Ey PORTER & JONES. GRAND CYCLORAMA, In response to the call ot A. P. Starrett for a The Gilt-Edged Stock of Oak Point meeting of the Cbautauquans of Knox County Stock Farm, St Stephen, B R O f L H ER B ER T M. LOKI), E d it o r . BATTLE OF more than 125 of the C. L. R. C., and their On a recent visit to St. Stephen we had, friends gathered at Reunion Grove Sept. 15th. through the kindness of Mr. Fred Waterson, A M O DERN PA PE R . Alter the picnic dinner the Cbautauquans gath­ I J the pleasure of a trip to G .tk Point Stock Farm . ered on the speaker’s stand, and the meeting | This property is owned by W. F. Todd and is Forty-third year...........of the....Rockland Gazette GETTYSBURG! Fifteenth year.................o f the ...K ochland Courier SAMPLES BY MAIL! A rapidly running broncho without driver was called lo order by Mr. Starrctt. who ap­ J situated six miles below the town, containing 541 TREMONT ST., BOSTON. — WF. HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF — made things lively on Main street, Tuesday pointed I.H.Storer pres’t for the day. Mr.Luce J one bundled nnd fifteen acres. No more lieau- Two dollars a year In ndvanci— $2.50 if paid nt of South Union was asked to offer prayer. Mr. end of year: *1 for six months; 50 cents for three afternoon. I tiful spot than this could have been selected. months' trial trip. Don’t Fail to S^e This Great Battle Stnrrett read a pnssnge ol scripture, then all I The approach to it from town is along n wind- Dry and Fancy Goods W. T. Haines, esq., of Waterville, a Rock­ united in singing “ Praise God from whom all Scene at Once. | ing road, which commands a view of the river, Entered ns second class mall matter. land boy tiy marriage, has built and now blessings flow." Listened to rein irks on Chau­ ftTfi- A new subject now being painted will take its In this State. We do a occupies a tine new bouse on College street, | with its busy craft and gleaming waters, nnd place in this building January 1st. 33 45 tauqua work by Mrs. Morton of Union, Mrs. Strictly One Price Business. Waterville. I of the Maine shore, with its green lic’ds nnd EDITORIAL ETCHINGS. Harkness ot Rockport, Mr. I.uec of South { white cottages, its distant hills and forest A line painting of Col. Doughty’s cavalry No house can possibly undersell us, us all our Union, Mr. Starrctt, Mr. Storer and others, I crowded bluffs. Water bounded on three goods are bought tor Ready Gash at the charge with the First Maine Cavalry at Brandy The Machias Union says: We don't think after which the object of the meeting was pre­ j sides, the farm itself occupies a commanding HARVEST EXCURSIONS VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Station lias been on exhibition at Lewiston and sented, and the Cbautauquans pres­ much of Brewer hut we hnd llmugbt that position—on the right the main St. Croix; on l-'kowhegnit, Camden, Brunswick, Deering nnd Our lecord of the past twenty-five years in this bus­ it is hopcil that it may lie shown here. ent voted to organize a County Assembly. I the left, Oak Bay dotted with islands; and in iness speaks for us. If you want any article in our Hanly &Sitaw, real estate brokers, report Voted to extend the privilege of uniting with perhaps Eastport would before long lie voting TO POINTS IN line, please write to us, stating what particular j Iront the St. Croix Estuary, stretching far as Brewer has lo ask for city charters. ; Kansas, Nebraska, kind of goods you want, nnd we will send you sam­ business good. They have recently sold a lot the assembly to neighboring towns outside of ' away lowards St. Andrews nnd the sea, with ples by Mall, FREE, with price marked on each. on Shaw street off Cedar, to F. A. Thorndike, the county. Arkansas & Texas. We Guarantee all our Goods to be exactly as I Deer Island low down on the horizon and Navy The friends of Ihe French spoliation hill in represented by the samples,or the purchase money who will move a house from Blaekington’s The following officers were elected: Presi­ Island and historical Doucett between. From ONE FARE for the both houses have held a conference with lead­ will be refunded. Please give us a trial and see Corner thereto and rent it. On Tuesday they dent, Willis Luce of South Union; Vice Pres­ the right hank of the river the Devil's Head HOUND TRIP. how easily you can do your shopping in this way. ing senniors nnd have decided that tlie appro­ By being careful to state in your letter, as nearly as sold the Spear residence, Winter street, to F. idents, A. I’. Starrctt,Warren, L. R. Morton, looks frowningly across, while on the left ihe priation to pay the judgement of the court of Aug. ZlTsept. 11 and 35, Oct. « and 23. you can, the kind of goods you desire, your ordern II. and C. II. Derry for $2000. Union,.!. P. Marston, Rockland; Secretary, will receive more prompt and satisfactory atten’ion. well tilled fields of Bay Side present a pleas­ claims shall not lie inserted in the deficiency Tickets on Rale at all principal Coupon OfflcoB Goods sent G. O. I), in all eases when orders are Bangor Whig, referring to the recent enter­ Miss Myra E. Hill, Warren; Treasurer, S. W. ing picture of thrift, comfort and content. hill, ns was first intended, und that no further in the United States. not accompanied bv purchase money. Jones, South Union; Chairman of Executive Printed circular of information sent with samples. tainments given by Prof. Chas. Waller before In 1.887 Mr. Todd had built a large brick attempt shall tie made to scciite the passage of the Y. M. C. A. of that city : “ After a time Com., A. P. Starrett. Voted to ask each circle stable 140x43 feet, in which are kept the horses this bill, at this session. The theory is that EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT, spent about the gymnasium,parlor and reading to appoint one of their members to serve on which have tended to make the St. Croix the appropriation can he secured nt the next rooms the company returned to the hall where the executive committee and send the names of famous. The lower floor contains 19 box session and that it is unwise to make any fur­ they were most pleasantly entertained for an the one chosen to the secretary. Place and stalls, with a passage way lietw. cn, 13 feet ther efforts to secure payment of the claims N.IV.AL.IS! hour by Prof. Waller, a ventriloquist from time of next meeting left with executive com­ wide, and running the entire length of the now. London, England. The professor is one of the mittee. After listening to a Chautauqua song Structure. The stalls arc each about 12x14 According to the by-laws of the Knox County W liat is Nivalis? I will tell you. Nivalis best in his line that has visited our city for a the assembly adjourned to meet at call of the feet in size and are sheathed with oiled hard is the Greatest Discovery and Wonder of Agricultural \ Horticultural fciciety trotting INVESTMENT long time, and the young men went home hav­ committee. wood, as, indeed, are all the walls and ceil­ th e a g e. horses and draft hors ed together, so ing enjoyed a very pleasant evening of inno­ An informal vote was passed, thanking Mr. ings in the lower flat. The appliances for ven­ A skin preserver and tonic; and at the same that when the eomn the premiums SECURITIES. cent amusement." Starrett for the use of his grove, and fur his tilation arc of the most improved pattern each time an eradicator of skin troubles. it is necessary toj n a clean-built Jf you have a rough, pimply, complexion, kind hospitality, and aft r an interchange of stall communicating with the central passages trotter and a sL r. This seems USE NIVALIS. Denominations, S200 to 510,000. TO BE AVOIDED. greetings nnd congratulations the company by means of a window, which in its turn com­ to ns a very um f doing things, I f you have by tl»e use o f cosm etics, powders, separated feeling that they had spent a very municates with three large sized ventilators in pastes anil pigments caused your naturally soft, Interest, 5 per ct., 7 per ct., 8 per ct. There wt. ise in clnssing Secretary Whitford in the last Association enjoyable day. the roof. In addition to this there two other smooth skin to become coarse, and those most un­ d ran ________ pettier. There sightly ‘ black heads” to appear, Record has the following recipe, which he rec­ M aturity, - 3 Months to 5 Years.
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