Mystical Golden Myanmar 金碧辉煌缅甸 神秘 之旅 UD 10OCT 8D Mystical Golden Myanmar Tour Code: MYN-706-PTE Day 1 YANGON ARRIVAL - CITY SIGHTSEEING (D) Day 2 YANGON SIGHTSEEING (B/L/D) Day 3 YANGON – BAGAN SIGHTSEEING ( B/L/D) -Domestic Flight 1 Day 4 BAGAN – HEHO – PINDAYA -INLE ( B/L/D) -Domestic Flight 2 Day 5 INLE LAKE SIGHTSEEING ( B/L/D) Day 6 INLE LAKE –HEHO- MANDALAY SIGHTSEEING ( B/L/D) -Domestic Flight 3 Day 7 MANDALAY – MINGUN – SAGAING – AMARAPURA ( B/L/D) Day 8 MANDALAY - DEPARTURE (B) Day 1 Singapore Yangon ~ City Sightseeing (D) Tooth Relic Pagoda – Enshrine a sacred Buddha Tooth relic, believed to be from Gautama Buddha died some 2500 Years ago. Kalaywatawy Monastery – Home to over 1000 young novices (mostly orphan who are being cared for & get regular education as well as teaching in Buddhism). Chauk Htat Gyi –a colossal reclining Buddha image 70m long;. Shwedagon Pagoda –over 2500 years old & the world most spectacular famous religious monuments in the dome shape rises 98 meters above its base and covered with 60 tons of pure gold. Dinner & Overnight in Yangon. Distance: Yangon Int’l airport – Hotel: 15km - 40 min for transfer Day 2 Yangon City Sightseeing (B,L,D) Kandawgyi (Royal) Lake –Take photo at the floating Karaweik Hall “hamsa-bird-shaped”; Kaba Aye (World Peace) Pagoda –Stupa measure 36m tall & its spire shaped like an umbralla Mahapasana Cave –where sixth Buddhist synod took place; Botataung Pagoda-The 40m high golden pagoda enshrines a sacred hair relic of the Buddha. Tour Yangon City’s colonial-style Center & 2000year-old Sule Pagoda Bagyoke (Scott) Market– largest market in Yangon with time to browse among hundreds of stalls for souvenir bargains. (Closed on Mon & public holidays) Dinner & Overnight at hotel in Yangon. Day 3 Yangon ~ Bagan Sightseeing (Domestic flight 1) (B,L,D) Domestic flight 1 – fly Yangon to Bagan (Nyaung Oo airport) Nyaung Oo Local Market – for a dose of local life and culture Shwezigon Pagoda - built by King Anawrahta in the early 11th century as a religious shrine; Gubyanuk Gyi - a temple with exquisite murals of Jataka scene; Ananda Temple- the most beautiful temple in Bagan with four huge standing Buddha images; Manuha Temple – a unique sandstone monument; Myingabgu Byaukgyi Temple – noted for its ancient mural painting under protection of UNESCO; Shwesandaw Stupa - to watch the beautiful sunset over Ayeyarwaddy River. Dinner & Overnight in Bagan. Distance: Bagan Nyaung U airport – Hotel: 8km - 15 min for transfer Day 4 Bagan ~ Heho ~ Pindaya ~ Inle Lake (Domestic flight 2) (B,L,D) Domestic flight 2 – fly Bagan to Heho (the primary air gateway to Inle). Pindaya Caves – about 490ft along a well-worn path, famous for its over eight thousand of Buddha Images inside the caves. On the way passing through the hill tribes villages. Shan Paper Umbrella workshop in Pindaya –see how skillful locals are to create amazing handicraft; Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery –constructed from teak and painted red. Dinner & overnight in Nyaungshwe/ Inle Lake. Distance: Heho Airport – Nyaung Shwe/Inle: 30km - 50 min for transfer Day 5 Inle Sightseeing (B,L,D) Boat trip Inle Lake -stretches 18km & 889m above sea level ,the second biggest lake in Myanmar & famous for its unique Leg Rowers. You can see floating villages, garden, market, (Workshops: Silk weaving, Silverware, Lotus Fibre, Cheroot making), temples, monasteries with golden pinnacles brightening on the sunlight. The most special sight is floating gardens where local use the water hyacinth combining with seaweed on the bottom of the lake to keep oild to grow vegetables such as tomatoes, mint etc.. Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda -the holiest religious site in Shan State house 5 buddha images; Ywa Ma Village & Kay Lar Village Dinner & overnight in Nyaungshwe (or) Inle Lake. Day 6 Inle Lake ~ Heho ~ Mandalay Sightseeing (Domestic flight 3) (B,L,D) Domestic flight 3 – fly Heho to Mandalay Mahamuni Image - a spectacular Buddha Image covered with thick layers of gold leaves, Gold-leaf beating Kuthodaw Pagoda - the world biggest book,consist of 729 marble slabs engraved with Buddhist scriptures; Mandalay Hill to watch the sunset and the panoramic view of the city. Dinner & Overnight in Mandalay. Distance: Mandalay airport – Hotel: 35km – 50min for transfer Day 7 Mandalay ~ Sagaing ~ Mingun (B,L,D) Boat Trip on Ayayarwaddy River to Mingun (1km-1hr) – where the world largest ringing Mingun bell exist- weigh 90 tones; Pathodawgyi Paya –world largest chedis; Myatheindan Zedi. Sagaing Hill – drive across Ayeyarwaddy River to Sagaing Hill - known as the center for meditation with hundreds of Pagodas, Monasteries & Nunneries tucked into the surrounding valleys & hills. Kaungmudaw Pagoda – an enormous dome shaped pagoda built in 16th century Pottery & Silversmith workshops – eye-catching necklaces and bracelets are inexpebsive items. Amarapura - an ancient capital built on the advice of astrologers. U-Bein Teak Wood Bridge - 1.2 km long over 200 years old wooden bridge across the Taung Thaman Lake; enjoying the sunset view over the mighty Ayerwaddy River. Dinner & Overnight in Mandalay. Distance: Hotel in Mandalay – Mingun-Aagaing : 47km -1hr & 40 min for transfer Day 8 Mandalay Singapore (B) Free time till transfer to Mandalay airport for departure. 金碧辉煌缅甸神秘之旅 Mystical Golden Myanmar 金碧辉煌缅甸神秘之旅 Code: MYN-706-PTE 第一天 新加坡 仰光 - 瑞光大金塔 (晚餐) 仰光市 Yangon- 搭乘豪華客機前往有『東方花園』、『寶石之都』雅稱的緬甸。 乔达基卧佛寺 Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Buddha –世界最大卧佛,长 75 公尺,高 30 公尺,脚底有 108 个图案,代表人 有 108 次轮迴 翁山市場 Bogyoke Market 在仰光的昂山市場擁有 2000 家店鋪從手工藝品到珠寶古董一應俱全,各種各樣獨 特的地方特產和昂貴的貨物,包括黃金珠寶、銀器、工藝品、漆器、油畫、傳統木娃娃、曼德勒絲綢、特色肩帶 手提包、食品、化妝品和手工裁縫的衣服。遊客可以在此自由購買緬甸有名的玉石翡翠、紅藍、綠寶、琥珀、珍 珠,瞭解當地人交易情形, 是仰光市内最大的商贸市场。 瑞德貢大金塔 Shwedagon Pagoda 可媲美印度著名的『泰姬瑪哈陵』;是仰光市的地標,始建於 2500 年前,高 約 100 公尺,塔頂鑲有七千多粒鑽石及一顆世界最大的紅寶石,價值連城,塔身四周用純金鑄成,金光閃閃,有 如黃金城一般耀眼,塔周環立 68 座各式小塔,簇擁著大塔而形成金塔之林,尤其夕陽西下時場面十分壯觀富 麗。此乃佛家聖地,體驗佛家的那一份怡寧與祥和,不枉此行矣!。当晚在仰光市过夜 第二天 仰光市区- 昂山市场 (早,午,晚餐) 早餐后,游仰光市。游览 皇家湖 Kandawgyi Royal Lake, 湖上建有國宴會場鴛鴦石龍船,造型優美特殊, 续程参观 世界和平塔 Kaba Aye (World Peace) Pagoda,有 2000 年厉史的 Sule Pagoda,隨後前往參觀四方面佛 (Mahapasana Cave)。过后,再逛[翁山市場 Bogyoke Market] 继续购物。唐人街(Chinatown) - 已拥有数百年历史,陈旧而古朴的 色调让人浮想联翩。 有许多手工艺店铺,还有小吃街。当晚在仰光市过夜 第三天 仰光 浦甘 (国内航班 1) (早,午,晚餐) 内陆航班 1:从仰光飞往浦甘 - 四百万佛塔之城及缅甸第一个王朝的首都,大约 1 小时 10 分钟航程。蒲甘为世 界三大佛教古迹之一,与柬埔寨的吴哥窟、印尼的七层浮屠齐名。整个王朝在此建造了数万座造型各异的佛塔,其 精湛的佛塔建筑艺术和传承下来的佛塔文化,经过近千年的风雨冲刷,现尚存 2000 多座,有的气势恢弘、高耸入 云,有的精美雅致、体态华贵,堪称建筑奇观。穿梭在绿树掩映的佛塔群当中,就像走进了一座古代建筑、绘 画、雕塑的艺术殿堂和佛教经典文化的宝库。 瑞西光塔 ShwezigonePagoda–蒲甘王朝的开国之塔,缅甸佛塔的源头,早期建筑的典型代表。 石窟寺 描绘着佛学本生经的彩画寺庙。 Wetkyi-in Gubyaukkyi – 阿南达 Ananda-内供奉四尊庄严祥和神像,集缅甸古代建筑艺术之精华,是蒲甘现存最完整造型最美丽的佛教寺庙, 令人赞叹。 漆器制作 - 浦甘是东南亚最著名的漆器之乡,有世界最精制的漆器作坊 马努哈 寺 是浦甘最重要的寺庙之一 Manuha Temple– 南琶雅 寺 建筑结构是独一无二,内壁用烧制的砖铺成,而外墙则用砂岩建成 Nanbaya Temple – 观赏日落 - 傍晚, 从瑞山陀塔或卜帕耶寺欣赏在伊洛瓦底江上的日落。当晚在蒲甘过夜 第四天 浦甘 海霍 - 彬达亚洞穴 - 茵莱湖 (国内航班 2) (早,午,晚餐) 乘国内航班飞 2: 从蒲甘(Bagan)飞往海霍 (Heho) (二十分钟航程) 彬达亚洞穴(Pindaya Cave)-续程行驶二小时车程(七十公里),一路上经过乡村村落,景色宜人。到达彬达 亚参观洞穴,洞里摆着约 8000 尊佛像。室内的壮丽景观叫人叹为观止!再参观传统造纸村,雨伞制造村。 茵莱湖 (Inle Lake -Nyaungshwe)– 续程经 Nyaungshwe 到高原上的水乡泽国【茵莱湖 Inle Lake】景区,它是缅 甸的第二大湖,位于高原海拔 889 米的山地间,犹如一颗高原上的明珠。茵莱湖因当地人特有的单腿划船绝 技、独具特色的浮岛村落和热闹繁华的水上市场而闻名。 观赏茵莱湖日落美景。当晚在茵莱湖过夜. 第五天 茵莱湖 (早,午,晚餐) 茵莱湖(Inle Lake) – 乘船游茵莱湖。茵莱湖长 22 公里,宽 10 公里,是缅甸主要风景区。三面环山,湖水的颜色 随天气变化。浩瀚的湖面上有世界唯一的单脚划船,水上人家于浮土上耕种农作物的奇景,寺庙,酒店,学校, 工厂。可谓是水上的珍贵风光。 水上市场 (Floating gardens), 传统银器加工厂,自作纸伞加工厂。 彭都奥寺(Phaungdawoo Pagoda)-,坐落在茵莱湖南部的一座岛上,寺内供奉五座佛像。 Ywa Ma Village –以浮动市场而闻名,是缅甸最大的水上市集,当地村民售卖各种本地产品。 KayLarVillage–以其浮动花园而出名,村民主要生活在渔业和农业上。 当晚在茵莱湖过夜 第六天 茵莱湖 - 海霍 曼德勒 (瓦城) (国内航班 3) (早,午,晚餐) 乘国内航班飞 3: 从海霍 (Heho) 飞往曼德勒 (Mandalay) (三十分钟航程) 曼德勒 (Mandalay)-是缅甸第二大城市,历史上数代王朝建都地,荟萃了大量的历史古迹,被联合国列为世界 文化遗产。当地华人称她为瓦城,有多宝之城之称。也是缅甸珠宝最大集散地。 马哈木尼佛塔 Mahamuni-高约4米(公尺)的大佛,传为佛祖亲自开光,当地人将其视为佛祖真身,是缅甸人最 尊崇的佛陀雕像,香火最旺的朝圣地之一 瑞南道寺 Shwenandaw Monastery-是依照缅甸传统风格而建造的木结构建筑 古托道塔 Kuthodaw Pagoda-被冠为“全球最大藏书”的地方。 曼德勒山 Mandalay Hill-登山阶梯有1729级,串联了八座佛塔,入山口处有一对白色巨大的白麒麟塑像镇 守,鸟瞰曼德勒市全景 在露台观赏日落,也是观赏曼德勒城360度全景的绝佳地点。 当晚在曼德勒过夜 第七天 曼德勒 - 世界最大的响钟 (Mingun) - 乌坪桥 (早,午,晚餐) 阿玛拉普拉古城 (Amarapura) - 占星学布局古都。 乘车前往曼的勒西部的Sagaing, 再乘小船到 Mingun- 参观世界最大的响钟,各个寺庙。 乌坪桥(U Bein Bridge)-约有两百年历史,全长 1.2 公里,横跨东塔曼湖,是世界最长最珍贵的柚木所建成 的桥,当地人叫它“情人桥”。乌坪桥日落也是世界十大最美日落之一,让人为之倾倒。 木雕、青铜雕刻、大理石雕以及铸铜村等工作坊 当晚在曼德勒过夜. 第八天 曼德勒 新加坡 (早餐) 送往机场搭乘飞机飞返新加坡 Grand Myanmar 全缅甸探索之旅 UD 10OCT 9D Grand Myanmar Tour Code: MYN-707-PTE Day 1 YANGON ARRIVAL - CITY SIGHTSEEING (D) Day 2 YANGON – KYAIKHTIYO (GOLDEN ROCK) (B/L/D) Day 3 KYAIKHTIYO (GOLDEN ROCK) –BAGO-YANGON (B/L/D) Day 4 YANGON – BAGAN SIGHTSEEING ( B/L/D) -Domestic Flight 1 Day 5 BAGAN – HEHO – PINDAYA -INLE ( B/L/D) -Domestic Flight 2 Day 6 INLE LAKE SIGHTSEEING ( B/L/D) Day 7 INLE LAKE –HEHO- MANDALAY SIGHTSEEING ( B/L/D) -Domestic Flight 3 Day 8 MANDALAY – MINGUN – SAGAING – AMARAPURA ( B/L/D) Day 9 MANDALAY - DEPARTURE (B) Day 1 Singapore Yangon ~ City Sightseeing (D) Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda –a colossal reclining Buddha image 70m long;. Yangon City’s colonial-style Center & 2000year-old Sule Pagoda Bagyoke (Scott) Market– largest market in Yangon with time to browse among hundreds of stalls for souvenir bargains. (Closed on Mon & public holidays) Shwedagon Pagoda –over 2500 years old & the world most spectacular famous religious monuments in the dome shape rises 98 meters above its base and covered with 60 tons of pure gold. Experience the wonder of this inspiring pagoda, being left breathless with its vivid color & sacred atomphere; Dinner & Overnight in Yangon. Distance: Yangon Int’l airport – Hotel: 15km - 40 min for transfer Day 2 Yangon ~ Kyaikhtiyo (Golden Rock) (B,L,D) Kyaikhtiyo – located about 160 km from Yangon to visit the miracle Pagoda named Golden Rock Pagoda- enshrine a hair relic of Buddha. Set on top of gold gild bouloe which in turn is balanced on the edge of the cliff. The Kyaikhtiyo Mountain range is over 3645 ft above sea level. Cars/coaches reach only at Kinpun base camp & take the local open trucks (non roof, non aircon) for 1hr to the truck terminal near the foot of Golden Rock Pagoda. Devotees believe that a pilgrimage to this pagoda brings them good health & wealth Dinner & Overnight in Kyaikhtiyo. The distance: Yangon Capital – Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda : 160km – 4 hours for transfer & break time on the way Day 3 Kyaikhtiyo (Golden Rock) ~ Bago ~ Yangon (B,L,D) Bago – drive to Bago –an ancient Capital of Mon Kingdom -80km North-East of Yangon.
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