CÁC TRƯỜNG, TỔ CHỨC CÓ THỎA THUẬN VỚI CỤC ĐÀO TẠO VỚI NƯỚC NGOÀI ANH 1 University of Northampton 2 University of Birmingham 3 University of Nottingham 4 University of East Anglia 5 University of Southampton 6 University of Liverpool 7 Sheffield Hallam University 8 University of Stirling 9 University of Sheffield 10 University of Birmingham 11 University of Leeds 12 Newcastle University 13 University of Westminster 14 University of Central Lancashire 15 University of the West of England at Bristol 16 Bournemouth University 17 University of Warwick 18 Northumbria University BELARUS 1 Belarusian State University BỈ 1 Wallonie - Bruxelles International CANADA 1 Saint Mary's University 2 University Of Prince Edward Island 3 Brock University 4 Calerton University 5 University of Alberta 6 Dalhousie University 7 Memorial University 8 University of Manitoba 9 University of Saskatchewan 10 University of Waterloo 11 École de technologie supérieure ĐÀI LOAN 1 Elite Study in Taiwan Lưu ý: Khi đăng ký đi học Đài Loan, ứng viên khai hồ sơ với phía Đài Loan theo đề án VEST 500 ĐỨC 1 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 2 World University Service HÀN QUỐC 1 Kyung Hee University 2 Chung - Ang University 3 Sejong University 4 Catholic University of Daegu 5 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) HOA KỲ 1 Murray State University 2 University of Missouri 3 Oklahoma State University 4 Texas Tech University Michigan State University 5 6 Caroll University 7 Indiana University Bloomington 8 University of Texas at Arlington 9 North Carolina A&T State University 10 University of Nebraska at Lincoln 11 Loyola University Chicago 12 University of Arkansas 13 Portland State University 14 New Mexico State University 15 Oakland University 16 University of Hawaii at Manoa 17 American University 18 Mississippi State University 19 Auburn University 20 University of Mississippi 21 Arizona State University 22 University of Nebraska at Kearney 23 University of South Florida 24 Middle Tennessee State University 25 University of California Riverside HONGKONG 1 The University of HongKong ITALIA 1 Politecnico di Milan MALAYSIA 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia NGA 1 Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping 2 Astrakhan State Technical University 3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University 4 D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia 5 Don State Technical University 6 Far Eastern Federal University 7 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 8 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia 9 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 10 National Research - Irkutsk State Technical University 11 Ivanovo State University 12 Ivanovo State University of Chemical and Technology 13 Kazan Federal University 14 Kazan State Power Engineering University 15 Kazan State Technical University 16 M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology 17 Maritime State University named after admiral G.I.Nevelskoi 18 Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev 19 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) 20 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University 21 Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University 22 Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA)... 23 Moscow State Mining University 24 Moscow State Pedagogical University 25 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) 26 Moscow National University of Food Production 27 Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography 28 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry 29 Moscow State University of Railway Transport 30 Lomonosov Moscow State University 31 National Research University - Belgorod State University 32 National Research University - St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University 33 National Research University - Tomsk Polytechnic University 34 National Research University - Moscow Power Engineering Institute 35 National Research University - Moscow State University of Civil Engineering 36 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 37 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia 38 Pushkin State Russian Language Institute 39 Rostov State Medical University 40 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 41 Russian State Hydrometeorological University 42 Russian State Technological University named after Tsiolkovsky 43 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas 44 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 45 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" 46 Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance 47 South-Russian State Technical University 48 South-Russian State University 49 St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy 50 St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University 51 St. Petersburg State Medical University. IP Pavlova 52 St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. GV Plekhanov 53 St. Petersburg State University 54 Tambov State Technical University 55 Tula State Pedagogical Institute LN Tolstoy 56 Tula State University 57 Tver State University 58 Ural Federal University 59 Vladimir State Sniversity 60 Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University 61 Volgograd State Technical University 62 Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering 63 Voronezh State University 64 Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering 65 Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies NEW ZEALAND 1 Victoria University at Wellington NHẬT BẢN 1 Waseda University 2 Kanazawa University 3 Yamaguchi University 4 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) 5 Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) 6 Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) 7 University of Miyazaki 8 Chuo University 9 Kobe Pharmaceutical University 10 Tottori University 11 Yokohama National University 12 Hiroshima University ỐX-TRÂY-LIA 1 Macquarie University 2 Flinders University 3 Curtin University 4 Queensland University of Technology 5 The University of Queensland 6 The University of Adelaide 7 University of Technology Sydney 8 The University of Newcastle 9 University of New South Wales 10 University of New England 11 University of Wollongong 12 Deakin University 13 Swinburne University of Technology 14 Central Queensland University 15 University of Ballarat 16 University of Sunshine Coast 17 Edith Cowan University THỤY ĐIỂN 1 Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) TRUNG QUỐC 1 East China Normal University 2 Central China Normal University 3 Wuhan University 4 Dongbei University of Finance and Economics 5 Southeast University 6 Beijing Forestry University 7 Beijing Sport University CÁC TRƯỜNG, TỔ CHỨC CÓ THỎA THUẬN VỚI CỤC ĐÀO TẠO VỚI NƯỚC NGOÀI ANH www.northampton.ac.uk www.birmingham.ac.uk www.nottingham.ac.uk www.uea.ac.uk www.southampton.ac.uk www.liv.ac.uk www.shu.ac.uk www.stir.ac.uk www.shef.ac.uk www.birmingham.ac.uk www.leeds.ac.uk www.ncl.ac.uk www.westminster.ac.uk www.uclan.ac.uk www.uwe.ac.uk www.bournemouth.ac.uk www.warwick.ac.uk www.northumbria.ac.uk BELARUS www.bsu.by BỈ www.wbi.be/hanoi CANADA www.smu.ca www.upei.ca www.brocku.ca www.carleton.ca www.ualberta.ca www.dal.ca www.mun.ca www.umanitoba.ca www.usask.ca www.uwaterloo.ca www.etsmtl.ca ĐÀI LOAN http://www.esit.org.tw/?&lang=eng ĐỨC www.daadvn.org/en www.wusgermany.de HÀN QUỐC www.khu.ac.kr/eng/index.jsp http://neweng.cau.ac.kr/ www.sejong.ac.kr/eng www.cu.ac.kr/english www.unist.ac.kr/index.sko HOA KỲ www.murraystate.edu www.missouri.edu www.okstate.edu www.ttu.edu www.msu.edu www.carrollu.edu www.iub.edu www.uta.edu www.ncat.edu www.unl.edu www.luc.edu www.uark.edu www.pdx.edu www.nmsu.edu www.oakland.edu www.uhm.hawaii.edu www.american.edu www.msstate.edu www.auburn.edu www.olemiss.edu www.asu.edu www.unk.edu www.usf.edu www.mtsu.edu www.ucr.edu HONGKONG www.hku.hk ITALIA www.polimi.it/index.php?L=1 MALAYSIA www.usm.my NGA www.gma.ru http://astu.astu.org/en/ www.bmstu.ru www.muctr.ru www.dstu.edu.ru www.dvfu.ru www.fa.ru www.herzen.spb.ru www.mma.ru www.istu.edu www.ivanovo.ac.ru www.isuct.ru www.kpfu.ru www.kgeu.ru www.kai.ru www.mitht.ru www.msun.ru www.cnshb.ru www.mai.ru www.mipt.ru www.madi.ru www.mirea.ru www.msmu.ru www.mpgu.edu www.mesi.ru www.mgupp.ru www.miigaik.ru mgmsu.academia.edu www.miit.ru www.msu.ru www.bsu.edu.ru www.spbstu.ru www.tpu.ru www.mpei.ru www.mgsu.ru www.ifmo.ru www.rudn.ru www.pushkin.edu.ru www.rostgmu.com www.rsmu.ru www.rshu.ru www.mati.ru www.gubkin.ru www.rea.ru www.eltech.ru www.finec.ru www.npi-tu.ru www.sssu.ru www.spbfarmt.ru www.ftacademy.ru www.spb-gmu.ru www.spmi.ru www.spbu.ru www.tstu.ru www.tsput.ru www.tsu.tula.ru http://university.tversu.ru/en/ www.urfu.ru www.vlsu.ru www.vspu.ru www.vstu.ru www.vgasu.ru www.vsu.ru www.vgasu.vrn.ru www.vsuet.ru NEW ZEALAND www.victoria.ac.nz NHẬT BẢN www.waseda.jp/eng/about.html www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/e www.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/english www.apu.ac.jp/home/?lang=english www.jaist.ac.jp/index-e.html www.kit.ac.jp/english/03/03_010000.html www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/english http://global.chuo-u.ac.jp/english/ www.kobepharma-u.ac.jp/english www.tottori-u.ac.jp/dd.aspx?menuid=2828 www.ynu.ac.jp/english www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/index.html ỐX-TRÂY-LIA www.mq.edu.au www.flinders.edu.au www.curtin.edu.au www.qut.edu.au www.uq.edu.au www.adelaide.edu.au www.uts.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au www.unsw.edu.au www.une.edu.au www.uow.edu.au www.deakin.edu.au www.swinburne.edu.au www.cqu.edu.au www.ballarat.edu.au www.usc.edu.au www.ecu.edu.au THỤY ĐIỂN www.bth.se TRUNG QUỐC www.ecnu.edu.cn www.ccnu.edu.cn www.fses.whu.edu.cn www.dufe.edu.cn www.seu.edu.cn www.bjfu.edu.cn www.bsu.edu.cn.
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