c OPERATING .ENG.INEE~lS ·lOCAL 3 STATI.ONARY .ENGINEE.RS LOCA~ 39 VOL . .14-No. i2 ' SAN ~RANC!SCO, CAL~FOR.NIA '· I)ECEMBER, J 95(6 '' l a_r Skies Signal ig V:eOr~End Push A solid month. of good weather-in November-the contractor's drea.rh -is in the records .fer this"year-end wind-up, and no matter. what comes-in December the, work accomplished during the long clear spell will rna!..;:e this fall of '56 one of the -best in many years for the West's construction '. industry. ' Local 3 reports this month are pleasantly repetitious - most all tell of great achievements during, November on pending ' jo ~§_ and wqrk schedules. And as December progresses, many of ou;r district offices tell I Of _leSS than the USUal Climb in oufof-work lists, though general- A summary of this month's dis­ ly speaking the .. early Decembet· trict reports provides a quick look current situation in' Local 3 storms signalled 'beginning of the at the annual sl-ack period. jurisdiction: ' . Utah: New bpildings, industr y Thus, the arrival of winter expansion help ease the · winter months and .the Christmas holidays slack season now underway. this year does not mean_ q_uite tl:e Nevada: Highw,a.y_ jobs move, but fmanc1al bm:de_n that. It has m winter gradually slowed down m ost other yea,rs, 1t 1s pleasmg to note. of the state. ·· Last ~<.aF' ,s lttll was ~-roken by de- j Redcling: · Bi~ ;: Trinity pro:ject is v~statmg floods, wh1~h we hope sparking the' area, moving wher- , w~ll not ~e the :ase th1s _YeaJ:. Jobs I ever possib)e, also highways and Wlll.contmue thru the qmet months Diamon_d Match plant. whenever and wherev_er they c~n, Marysville: Best se,ason ever, because backlogs contmue to ex1st now ea~ing off Mountain pow er ' in meeting the requirements of our jobs still mo vin~. • still booming pnpulation growth: Eureka : Dark spot of _the three .., All members are · requested . to states, with quite a . lot of rain so keep closely in touch with the un- far, that 'ol' . Oregon mist. ~iop p i ng ion·office, so that Local 3 may con- over. tinue to meet all manpower re- ,Ukiah: C9yote dam .highway r e- . _qu.irements which it- has·. do'ne so location is moving. S?,a§B.IJ. .. -' ' CQ4\;: __ _..;. ),~$} !_~-~~!E.g __ tli!s :, P~ t i?}LC!f }XP .~ I,1_:':. .• Nortl?-bay: 1 B~s-t ~~~Et~ .s10n. · · .. I tinuing as long as ·weather per­ ! mits. · · • ·- R' I Oakland: D_redging, Freeways, H. arnessmg a' !Ver shipyards are moving, About ;;i60 In (Jranite Gorges ::.~cleared to_jobs during Novem- .th H,{ h' .· s· · 1-. Stocld_on: Ta!'lering off on big .of . e - IQ_ . lert a ' Ti·i-Dam project . in mountains. ' ~. · . • · . · . j' Some levee work down in the val- J.:Ier_e is site for Donnell's-Dam, ley. ·· · .,.__ - h~ghest of the three dam-tunnel- Fresno:' An ideal F.all period. res.ervoir · qombin~tions know£1. as $pow forci)Jg. jobs to lower· alti- · ~­ the Tri.-Dam-Project, a $50. millioil tudes. FreeyYays ~n the valley. 1;ower-water_ project on Stanislaus San. Jose: Dry autumn, jol;>s hold rive~; from 20 to, 40' m~les ea~t of u p good. Industry:·-hotising . !he Mother .Lode to~'n of Son!ir,a.: · San l\'Iateo: Freeway, ,housing, '. This js a two~year, :~!lcco-1\i~wit- and bay fill jobs. - · . · _ , Stolt~ - A r im(1ei -Dixon j'o~ that st~ll ~ ·· ~~n Fra_!.tcisco_: " Go<:Jd weatheF .haD some rnontiJs to go. Shown 111 cleaned ·ul'> m.any, ·big jobs: Water­ '•. this aerial vie~\' are -: ~ 1. 760-foot front freeway· finally ,moving. - · cr.est of 2'88-foot .dam. '2. Fir st see- Hawaii: Local projects under\yay, ..t~o!J. ;; base of-- ~rch da_m . .3. Spillway. also·.in outei~ islands; ·' 4: Aggregate _a,nd mixing plant. 5. ·- Quarry. 6. Reservoir. .'. ···~-~ . .- New !ndus.tri'es fo.r 1 )he Shasta Region I ·,. 'l:he vast, ricit inlaiu; empir~ · of I .. GEO.' F, CORNISH "' the north valleys, the Redwoods, i Nov. i2, 1956, Brigham City, Utah_ ·- a1id the' Siena-Siskiyous region is _ · ·comino· into its own as the state's J. SOJ,\'IERVILLE N · 14 1956 ct 'c 1 f . ; str:i tegic" area· ·of natural resources. ov · : • concQr · • a : In this .region -- S.re •" to b~ f.ound l\f·. ;W . .:GRIFFING · the best hunting, fi shing, and I Nov: 15.: 195G, · stoc~~on , Calif. sports areas ~f th~ West. IJ:ere, _too I '·'VILL,~RD SNOWBALL . are.. the -states best ~ource of tnn- Nov: 15 1956 1_3rodei:lc,k Calif. ber; ,\rater -and power. ,_. The $120 ' ' million Trinity . fn:oiect ·'west of _ ·_P. WHI~FIELD . Redcl:n.g ;· is now _well. · un'derway,, NoY_. 20, 1956, San Francisco,- Calif. bring-ing a bgstl,e/ of :activity. New_· fsHER.RAL' BO\VMAN . industry is lo ~ating ·in t~e _area.! No'v. 20;' 195G, Oroville, Calif. ' This aerial view· shows the $21 I • mi!li~n Diam'Ond Match company JAMES CROSSMAN plant goi)tg up ,iust south of Redl' Oct. 21, 1956, Reno, Nevada. I Bluff, situatPd between Sacramento T. ·v. "HAP" CROM'WELL ~- -river an~l th~ rail and highway .Nov. 22, 1956, San Francisco, Calif. routes, at" left.- This Del ~· \.Vebb · r Const Co · ;ob has been tn'iderway ALVIN B. NELSON eigl-lt:·_mo;Iths · and -luis about ,1g . Nov. 24, 1,956, French Gulch, Shas- ·ln-onths :vet·to. go. .. _, ta County, Call£.. ~ Thi~ ]Jlan'; tnarks-a big expansion RANDOLPH WEST sten for D'.a"lond, which llas 63 Nov. 23, 1956, E l Granada, Calif. :vards in N. Calit: ·ltnd .a. hea~lqtjar - E. HEIDENTHAL t ers plant _at O.uco wzth m11I aml: · N · 24 F ,56 · 0 kl~ d c ]'f1 ' -ma!ich factory. Output. •at Red Blll.ff ov; " .'· " . ' , a' ~ n ' a · ·· wili include all. types cf lumber,: JOHN L. ROBERTSON fibre. paper orodncts. Dil~ e s seen N ov. 28,- 1956, Sp1)ngville, Utah -: in the .pi~tui' ~ are part' of an ex- AR.VIL F. DONOVAN ' ,. tensive _plan on .the, 400-acre site Dec.· 3 1956 R edwood City, Calif. for. ~ettling 1!11d_ testing basins to ' · , ' · .assure retur,n of pure water to the · _R!~Y f3HIPl'+'lAN neat:by 1·ivN', ~ ·Dec. v, 1956, Stockton, Calif. -, ; : \The City}y the Golden -Gate Tax Status of Travel Expenses Report· -of Last eetin~ Unions in the construction in- The m eeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m., President Clancy S.Fe J BS S EE E UP dustry will want to tell their .m~m- J presiding. Roll call showed Manager Swanson absent on business of the bTehrs ,about a new tax co~rt rulmg. Union and Vice-President .F oss absent, and both were ·excused. e court savs construction work- . ers w j1o obtain jobs a\~' ay from · Synopsis of the R-egular Meeting IHinutes of November 3 r _ead and YG home can deduct the cost of trav- by motion approved as read'. E eling to · and from the job THER site and Synopsis of the Executive By PAT CLAi'I'CY, HARRY METZ, Bus;ness Representa.t.ives the cost of food and lodging at the Board Minutes of November 14 and of . N ov embe~· 28 read and the acts alHl . We hmie- been fortunate in the San FFancisco area as site in figuring their federal in- recommen.dations of· tl1e Board there wasn't a trace of rain during the month of November. com.e tax. · were by motion a.pprovecl as read. The court rules in favor .of three Ca.rcls of thanks were received from the· Bad weather would have closed down a good many jobs that construction workers, each of family of Fred simmons; the family. ·of George Larsen;· the Speich family; the fallni!y of C. Jan1f'" have open pits and trenches. One of the biggest jobs of this whom belonged to a local union Crossman; the family of Jei·ry G; Hlueny; Ann and Jackie Larst type is the Civic Center Garage project where an entire block with headquarters near his home, has been excavated.- · I"' Dorothy Young and children; Mrs. Anna Betl1 ami family and Eleene . I obtained employment through the Duarte. All were received and filed . • ·California Division of Highways ~t raight-line freeway in the vicin-I u _n~ o n, a ~d wor~ed on jobs in o~her on November l Gth ·awarded a $ ,- 1t 7 y _o_f u :e Sa~ ~r a nc1 sc o Ferry , CJtles for varyi_n g penods of ~~~1e. The. following Brothers were reported ill: Char les 'Antrobus, E. :o 5,oo g Embarcadero F reeway con- BUJldmg. The 7 JOb mvolv.es . a two- The tax commiSSioner was WIIII11 g Bechtel, Elmer Bell, i\'litche] Be~rich, Geo. Bubier, VVillar<l Baker; \V. traCt . to Cnas. L. Harney Co . How- level r ~i ~forced _concrete structure to .c.onc~de that w_hen the· ~1en F. Barck, Patrick Campbell, Fillmore Cross, Ma.rsha.U Capps, Lionel ever ~ th.is pr oject may be held .up to provwe a mm1mum of four traf- ~rork ed 111 other c1tles for penods Dixon, Harolcl Duncan, James C. Dickey, Jesse Emm ett, Dona.Jd Far:­ for a time due to a dispute over fie lanes at each level between rang mg from three to 7 % we.eks, nm11, Floyd Greiner, Geo.
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