E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2016 No. 175 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was plan that didn’t just win awards, it set ful, understated service and person- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Portland on a path to a revitalized cen- ality, but all who served and worked pore (Mr. VALADAO). tral city. with him were profoundly impressed f He was elected to the State legisla- with his professionalism, intellect, ture in 1974, where I was privileged to temperament, and quality of service. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO work with him for two sessions. We This, of course, was just the public TEMPORE served on the revenue committee to- side of Hardy. He was gracious, warm, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- gether, and I was on the judiciary com- funny, and deeply and passionately fore the House the following commu- mittee which he chaired with remark- committed to his family, his church, nication from the Speaker: able precision and productivity. The and his community. I only wish that I WASHINGTON, DC, same skill and civility that was his could be there in person Wednesday December 6, 2016. hallmark led to his being elected for morning as friends, family, and admir- I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID G. two terms as speaker of the Oregon ers gather at All Saints Church—a VALADAO to act as Speaker pro tempore on House of Representatives, providing place that played a central role in the this day. steady, thoughtful leadership during Myers family—to pay tribute to this PAUL D. RYAN, trying times for our State. Leaving the remarkable man. Speaker of the House of Representatives. legislature, Hardy was not content to Our hearts and sympathy go out to f merely continue his legal practice at Mary Ann; his three sons, Hardy, III, MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Stoel Rives, where he was for over 30 Chris, and Jon; his 10 grandchildren; years. and his great grandchild. We thank The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The list of his volunteer boards and them for sharing this remarkable cit- ant to the order of the House of Janu- commissions that he combined with his izen with all Oregonians. ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- work and elected service is too exten- Our State is better as a result of his nize Members from lists submitted by sive to mention in full. His contribu- extraordinary service as were all of us the majority and minority leaders for tions, usually in a leadership role, in- who were privileged to know him as morning-hour debate. cluded criminal justice, sentencing friend. The Chair will alternate recognition guidelines, transportation, and govern- between the parties, with each party ment reform. f limited to 1 hour and each Member Hardy capped off his career by serv- other than the majority and minority ing 12 years as Oregon’s attorney gen- RECOGNIZING THE 100TH BIRTH- leaders and the minority whip limited eral, with a side trip as elected member DAY OF RUTH JOHNSON COLVIN to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- of Portland’s metropolitan, popularly The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. elected regional government. As attor- Chair recognizes the gentleman from f ney general, he held the office with dis- New York (Mr. KATKO) for 5 minutes. tinction, serving with great skill and Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise HARDY MYERS: AN EXTRAOR- commanding the respect and admira- today to recognize the tremendous leg- DINARY PUBLIC SERVANT tion of the State’s lawyers. He gained acy of Ruth Johnson Colvin, a pioneer The SPEAKER pro tempore. The national recognition from his fellow in the adult literacy movement from Chair recognizes the gentleman from attorneys general for distinguished my district who is celebrating her Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- leadership. 100th birthday this month. utes. I had the pleasure to hear Hardy Known as the mother of the adult lit- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, Or- argue and win a case before the United eracy movement, Ruth Colvin has had egon lost an extraordinary statesman States Supreme Court. During his ten- an immeasurable impact on our com- last week with the passing of Hardy ure as attorney general, Oregon won all munity and our Nation. Myers. He was the epitome of a public six cases it brought to our Nation’s In the 1960s, upon discovering that servant. highest court. He was a superb legis- 11,000 people in her hometown of Syra- Hardy’s public service career had an lator and legal scholar who success- cuse, New York, could not read, Ruth auspicious beginning as president of fully ran for office and won nine tough Colvin launched Literacy Volunteers of the Portland City Planning Commis- campaigns. America. That organization, now sion in 1973, where he guided the devel- Hardy never really got the attention known as ProLiteracy, is still based in opment and approval of the downtown his work warranted due to his thought- Syracuse, New York. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7183 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:13 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE7.000 H06DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 6, 2016 Ruth Colvin has dedicated her entire Prime Minister Netanyahu. There is no mocracy that has served as a model for life to teaching, assisting, and empow- statement clearer to people of the Is- both Palestinians and Israelis—and we ering adult learners. She has taught lamic faith that they do not matter, have worked towards helping parties thousands of people to read, trained lit- that they do not belong, and that they continue to move in the direction of eracy tutors in 26 countries, and devel- will not be tolerated than to restrict two separate but mutually respectful oped and published effective programs the Muslim call to prayer in Jeru- countries, two nations that are not at to teach basic literacy and English as a salem—a city that has heard the Mus- war with each other or subservient to second language. lim call to prayer for thousands of one another. Because of her efforts, hundreds of years. I fear, Mr. Speaker, that Israel her- thousands of adults have learned to I think what is going on in Israel self is moving away from the two-state read both locally in central New York with Prime Minister Netanyahu pre- solution as a goal and that we, as her and around the globe. Over more than sents a cautionary tale about the con- closest ally, must remind her, and our- four decades, Ruth Colvin has pub- sequences of following a political selves, of what is at stake if we lose lished nine books, visited or worked in strongman. The strongman has to keep sight of this important goal. more than 60 countries, and received proving that he is a strongman over f nine honorary doctorate degrees. She and over. Like other strongmen who PROTECTING PENSIONS OF COAL was awarded the President’s Volunteer ride fear into leadership—when you MINERS Action Award from President Ronald base your political career on injecting Reagan, received the Presidential fear and resentment into political af- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Medal of Freedom from President fairs, when you use the backdrop of Chair recognizes the gentleman from George W. Bush, and was inducted into terrorism and the understandable fear West Virginia (Mr. MOONEY) for 5 min- the National Women’s Hall of Fame. of the Israeli people as a political tool utes. Ruth Colvin has given so many the for years and decades—this is the kind Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. gift of literacy. On December 16 of this of policy that results. Speaker, I rise today to urge swift pas- year, she will turn 100 years old. There is an appetite for constant es- sage of H.R. 2403, the Coal Healthcare Please join me in honoring her tre- calation of what you are doing to stand and Pensions Protection Act. This im- mendous life’s work and her legacy as up to the enemy you have con- portant legislation protects the pen- we celebrate this milestone. Happy structed—an enemy based on but not sions of coal workers who have spent birthday, Ruth, and many, many more. the same as the enemies that fight their lives producing affordable, reli- f against the State of Israel, tolerance, able energy for our country. and peace in real life. Strongmen con- These miners were promised a pen- ISRAEL AND PALESTINE struct a foil—in this case based on the sion when they signed up for the job, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Palestinians, but sometimes exagger- and, ever since the Truman administra- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ated beyond recognition—and they tion, Congress has made sure that the Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. need to feed the thirst for more and commitment is honored. It is our duty Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I am more action to attack the caricature to continue to uphold this promise very concerned about what is going on that they have constructed.
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