Lu et al. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:466 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/13/466 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Metagenomic analysis reveals a functional signature for biomass degradation by cecal microbiota in the leaf-eating flying squirrel (Petaurista alborufus lena) Hsiao-Pei Lu1, Yu-bin Wang1,2, Shiao-Wei Huang1, Chung-Yen Lin2, Martin Wu3, Chih-hao Hsieh4,5 and Hon-Tsen Yu1,6* Abstract Background: Animals co-evolve with their gut microbiota; the latter can perform complex metabolic reactions that cannot be done independently by the host. Although the importance of gut microbiota has been well demonstrated, there is a paucity of research regarding its role in foliage-foraging mammals with a specialized digestive system. Results: In this study, a 16S rRNA gene survey and metagenomic sequencing were used to characterize genetic diversity and functional capability of cecal microbiota of the folivorous flying squirrel (Petaurista alborufus lena). Phylogenetic compositions of the cecal microbiota derived from 3 flying squirrels were dominated by Firmicutes. Based on end-sequences of fosmid clones from 1 flying squirrel, we inferred that microbial metabolism greatly contributed to intestinal functions, including degradation of carbohydrates, metabolism of proteins, and synthesis of vitamins. Moreover, 33 polysaccharide-degrading enzymes and 2 large genomic fragments containing a series of carbohydrate-associated genes were identified. Conclusions: Cecal microbiota of the leaf-eating flying squirrel have great metabolic potential for converting diverse plant materials into absorbable nutrients. The present study should serve as the basis for future investigations, using metagenomic approaches to elucidate the intricate mechanisms and interactions between host and gut microbiota of the flying squirrel digestive system, as well as other mammals with similar adaptations. Keywords: Coevolution, Gut microbiota, Folivore, Metagenomics, Fosmid Background Each animal operates as a “super-organism”,whichcon- Although ancestors of mammals are believed to have been sists of gene functions from its own genome, as well as small carnivores, primarily feeding on invertebrates or those of the gut microbiome [4]. Although the latter en- other vertebrates [1], dietary shifts into herbivorous niches able the host to exploit new dietary niches, the paucity of may have been critical for the massive expansion of mam- well characterized model systems has limited understand- mals [2]. The symbiotic relationship of gut microbiota to ing of the diversity of gut microbial ecosystems and inter- provide metabolic activities lacking in the host was un- actions among components of the “super-organism.” In doubtedly a great success in mammalian evolution [3]. particular, a complex gut microbiota would be expected in highly folivorous animals, since this specific foraging habit was presumably facilitated by adaptive evolution to extract * Correspondence: [email protected] 1Institute of Zoology and Department of Life Science, National Taiwan energy from fibrous leaves. University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC The diet of giant flying squirrels (genus Petaurista), 6 Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program, National Taiwan University, which are adapted to a leaf-eating niche in forest trees in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Full list of author information is available at the end of the article the montane areas of Taiwan, primarily consists of leaf © 2012 Lu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Lu et al. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:466 Page 2 of 13 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/13/466 parts (buds, petioles, young leaves, and mature leaves) of an indicator of the digesta-retaining capacity of the small diverse tree species [5,6]. That those leaves supply less en- intestine, cecum, and large intestine. An extremely dis- ergy per unit weight relative to other plant parts (e.g. tended cecum, containing nearly 50% of the gut contents fruits, flowers and seeds) poses special difficulties for foli- by weight, was the most salient feature (Table 1). More- vores [7]. Furthermore, the giant flying squirrel weighs no over, the weight/length ratio for the cecum was 6–8 more than 1.5 kg, making it one of the smallest mammals times greater than that of the small or large intestines. sustained by a strictly folivorous diet [8]. Compared to large herbivores (e.g. ruminants, horses and elephants), Phylogenetic profiles of cecal microbiota, based on 16S small herbivores have a relatively high energy demand, but rRNA gene sequences low absolute gut capacity [9]. Therefore, giant flying squir- To characterize the bacterial community of the cecum, rels are expected to have complex digestive strategies, in- 16S rRNA gene libraries were constructed from 2 indivi- cluding a well-adapted gut microbiota. duals (FS1 and FS2). After elimination of short, low- Metagenomics, which uses efficient sequencing techni- quality, and chimera sequences, a total of 520 and 440 ques to provide enormous datasets for phylogenetic and sequences were obtained for FS1 and FS2, respectively. functional analyses, is well suited to investigating gut Based on a 97% sequence identity threshold, the 2 librar- microbiota engaged in complex metabolic interactions ies respectively contained 173 (FS1) and 165 (FS2) phy- [10,11]. In the present study, a fosmid library was used lotypes or OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units), with for reconstructing partial genomes of novel uncultured 262 (FS1) and 293 (FS2) estimated species diversity bacteria expected to be involved in plant biomass deg- (Chao1) of cecal microbiota (Additional file 1). radation. Furthermore, a 16S rRNA gene survey and The 16S rRNA sequences from the 2 flying squirrels metagenomic approaches were used to investigate gen- were classified into 4 phyla of bacteria, with <1% unclas- etic diversity and functional capability of the cecal sified bacterial sequences (Table 2). Two microbial com- microbiota in the folivorous flying squirrel (Petaurista munities were both extremely dominated by Firmicutes, alborufus lena). with sequence abundances of 96.5 and 88.4%, respect- Our data clearly elucidated the functional signature of ively (average, 92.92%). The remainder of the sequences this mammalian "super-organism" adapted to a particu- belonged to Actinobacteria (2.7 and 5.9%; average, lar ecological environment. During the transition to a 4.17%), Proteobacteria (0.6 and 1.6%; average, 1.04%), specific foliage diet, extensive changes due to adaptive and Verrucomicrobia (0 and 3.2%; average, 1.46%). evolution on flying squirrels and their gut microbiota Data from the present study were compared to pub- were manifested in the entire system, rather than a sin- lished data from fecal samples of 56 mammalian species gle species or gene. We inferred that the limited energy [13], and from the fermentation chambers of lean la- provided by a leaf diet was allocated and circulated boratory mice (cecum) [14] and cattle (rumen) [15], among numerous microbial species and the host, appar- using the principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of the ently resulting in mutually beneficial interactions. The UniFrac metric matrix (Figure 1). This analysis summar- metagenomic datasets generated advanced our under- ized variation in sampled communities, based on phylo- standing regarding the complex processes of supplying genetic differences in bacterial members, and generated the energy needed for small mammalian folivores; fur- plots that separated individual communities. The flying thermore, they may provide insights into energy transfer squirrels were near to other herbivores, but not clus- in forest ecosystems. tered with the omnivorous Prevost's squirrel, although they are phylogenetic kin (Figure 1). As expected, mice Results were similar to other omnivores, whereas cattle were far Anatomical confirmation of the cecum as a fermentation from most foregut herbivores, as were banteng, a close chamber relative of cattle, which may reflect domestication of It is generally accepted that small mammalian herbivores these two ruminant species. have substantial cecal microbial fermentation [7]. We To gain more insight into fermentation chambers sought to verify if this was the case in the flying squirrel. (functional counterparts to the flying squirrel’s cecum), We examined 4 white-faced flying squirrels, each with a full gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For all 4 squirrels, the Table 1 Mean ± SD anatomical features of 3 intestinal average length of the entire GI tract was 411 ± 35 cm compartments of the white-faced flying squirrel (N = 4) (mean ± SD), 10 times the body length (average, 40 ± 3 Small intestine Cecum Large intestine cm). This GI tract to body length ratio was similar to Weight (g) 81.75 ± 18.93 143.00 ± 31.51 66.00 ± 12.41 those of other cecum-fermenter mammals [9], such as Length (cm) 182.75 ± 28.44 48.53 ± 2.07 171.95 ± 7.76 rabbits (ratio of 10) and lemurs (ratio of 13) [12]. The W/L (g/cm) 0.45 ± 0.08 2.93 ± 0.56 0.38 ± 0.06 weight/length ratio including food (g/cm) was used as Lu et al. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:466 Page 3 of 13 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/13/466 Table 2 Comparison of the phylogenetic composition of bacteria Bacterial phylum Flying squirrel Mouse Cattle OTU OTU (%) Clones Clones (%) OTU OTU (%)
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