;,1 ~ike D~V~ney 1,G~O vard run - 1, Frank MurphY, Villanova, 2: 10.7. 2. aWO" Dyce, NYU, 2:10.8. 3, Herb G.er• mannco,,:New York AC, 2:11.2. 4, Cnag,·. rII .!-,? - 1'-Millroseb't Track Sum~aries ~"'\.. \BObNation,,. 60-yardZieminskl,Philadelphiahigil hurdlesNew Yorkpioneer- 1,A.C.,Wiliie2:13.1.2: 12.6.Daven-5, TRACK EVENTS 3:30.3: :So Rhode Island 3:31.1: 4, Roches- port, Houston striders. 2, Leon Coleman, _ Southern Catif. Striders. 3, Erv Hall, PAL. fwo-Iap relay-1. 32d precinct (Fer· 50b:~a~~43Run_l, Hardee M-cAlhaney, Ten• I.'; Villanova. 4!"- Jeff Howser,. Duke .. 5, dln~nd ~uner:Y, ~nc Callender~ Robert nessee, 0:56.9; 2, James Burnett, P'hila. Robert Green, Soprts Internatlonal. Time Ii Cral~' Bnan Carr), 2, 30th Pel., 3, 11th delPilia Pioneers, 0:56.9; 3. Andrew Bell, :06.9. (meet record; previous r~cor~1 :071 Pel." 4, 88th Pet. Tlme--j).46.8. Sports International 0:57.9; - Walter Fitz- set bY Milt Campbell, 1957; and tied by ..,Women s 4-Lap relay-I. Ato")s T.C. (Linda patrick, Cenfral Connecticut 0:57.9: 5, Hayes Jones, 1960 and 1961: Davenport, Reynolds. 'Paf ·Hawklns, Mrcheile McMil- •• Pefer, Schuder, Philadelphia Pioneers 0:58.2. 1966) .. '" Ian, _Carme-n SmIth);. 2, ?A.L. IIBII; 3, College Mile Relay~l, Yale~rCharles~Hobbs 60-yard dash - 1, Lennox Miller,. Central Jersey T.C.i 4, P.A.L. itA. II Time 52.5, Larry Kreiger 50.8, steve Bittner California 2, Mel Pender, U.S. Army. 3 -I :13.7. 50.6, Robert 'Inman 50.7)~3:24.6; 2. Penn. RaY Pollard, Morqan State. 4, Erv \-\a 1,1 Two-mile club and college relay handicap- sv-Ivania 3:25.4; 3, Seton Ha-il 3:25.4: 4, Villanova. 5, ctlarleV N.avs, Grand SfrcJ I, Villanova (Rick Kell. 'Dave Wrighf, Bill Brown 3:31: 5, Colgafe 3:40. McLoughlin, Wilson Smith) (SO yards) Charles Howe Half Mile-1. Josef PlachY, i B~~~mJ~~eio~~~rad~$tt--::;"'-:h.,;.,car.m~ . Smith, Atoms TC. 2, GladYs J~~.~s~ 7:43.2: 3, Sf. John's (35 yards) 7:45.7; Texas, EI Paso 1:57.7: 3, Tom Farrell, 4, Manhattan (65 yards) 7:46.4. New York A.C. 1 :55.2: 4, Frank Tomeo, One-mile7:39.1: Club2, -Fairleighand CollegeDickinsonRelay (60Handicapyards) NewCzechoslovakia,York A.C. 11:54.4;:55.6. 2, Daniel Pague, I -1, Seton Hall (Ed Higgins, Dan Trifi- College Mrle RelaY-I. Manhattan (James Heidi~J. Roeendahl, West Germany. TimelA Charles Howe half·mile - 1, Josef canfe, Howard Cox. Jan Chielfi) (60 yards) vedowitz 0:50.9. John Zuckerman 0:50.6; 3:20.7: 2, Rufgers (45 yards) 3:22.2. 3. Sieve Carlino, 0:50, James Collins 0:51) p~ue. Texas-EI Paso, 1 :54.7. 3, Tom. Adelph (45 yards) 3:22.6; 4, Manhattan 2:22.6; 2, Cornell 3:27.3; 3, lona 3:27.5: \~~~e~f..Farrell.placiw, Czechoslovakia,New~~de~~~ki~;,ndz:iomiYork A.C., 11:54.4.:55.2. 2,4,-FtSDanielFran~5)\ (35 yards) 3:22.7. 4. Boston College 3:27.7; 5, Temple 3:32.6. Suburban High School mile relay-l. Seton Mel Sheppard 600-1, Lee Evans, 5an Jese 1,'Tomeo,SOO,vardNewrunYork- AC,1, i\ardee~McAlhaneY.1 :55.6 .. \ • Hall Prep (Mike· Mielko, AI Venezia. Curt College I: 11.7; 2, Larry James, Villanova Tenness"ee, 0:56.9. 2, James Burnett I Flaherty. John Riva) 3:28.3; 2, Bioomfield 1: 11.8; 3. Martin McGrady, unattached. San Phlladolphia pioneer, 0:56.9. 3, Andrew 3:28.5; 3, Mf. Vernon 3:37.1: 4, Essex Jose, Calif. 1:12; 4, Ron Whitney, Soufhern Bell. spor.!s .,Infernational, 0:57.9. 4. Wai• Catholic 3:27.4. / Calif Striders I: 13. ter Fitzpatrick. Central Connecticut, P.S.A.L. Mile RelaY-l, Boys (Ken Reeves, The Wanamaker Mile-l, Martin Liquori, 0:57.9.;..>'5'; Pefer Schuder, Philadelphia TevorMatthews. Larry Hinds, Walter Pea- Villanova 4:00,8; 2. Bob Day, Southern Calif. Pioneer. 0:5~.2. cock) 3:26; 2, Taft 3:27; '3, Brooklyn Tech Striders 4:02.4; 3, Tom Von Ruden, Pacific se State. 1: 11.7. 2. Larry James, 3:30.6; 4, Jackson 3:36.7. ( Coast Club 4:09.1; 4, Brian Kivlan, Manhat- \l \t;'iIIanova,Mel Sheppard1:11.7.60D 3,- 1,MartinLee Evans.McGradY,San C.H.S.A.A. Medley Relay (660-220-440-880)- fan 4:11.9: 5, Joseph Ddlozil. Czechoslovakia unattached, San Jose, Calif., 1:12. 4, Rori I, Molloy (Howard Skeggs, George Dreher, 4: 14.3. Whitney. Southern Calif. Striders 1:13. Gil Pefers, Ted Diblasi 4:37.6; 2, Christ College Mile Relay-I. Rufgers (James Wanamaker mile - 1, Martin LiQuori, The King 4:38.4: 3. Xaverian 4:33.6; 4, Smifh. 0:52.2, John Hanley. 0:50.1, Robert Villanova, 4:00.8. 2, Bob Day, southern .Power Memorial 4:41.7. Kerr. 0:50.2, William Muir, 0:50.3) 3:22.8; Calif. Striders, 4:02.4. 3, .;ram Van Ruden, Mike Devaney 1.000-Yard . Run~l. Frank 2. Fordham, 3:23.2; 3. N.V.U., 3:25.9; 4. Murphy, .. Villanova, 2:10.7: 2. Byron Dyce. Holy Cross, :S:26.7. Kivlan.Pacific Manhattan,Coast Club,4:11.9.4:09.1.5, Joseph4, Brian\:Odlo- I N.Y.U., 2: 10.8;-3, Herb 'Germann/"New Women1s Half-Mile--l,--MadeJine:_-Manning, zil. Czechoslovakia, 4:14.3. York A.c. 2:11.2: 4, Craig Nation, Phila- Tennessee State. 2:11.9; 2. Cheryl Tous- Women's half-mile - 1, Madeline delphia Pioners. 2: 12.6; 5, Bob Ziemin- saint.' Atoms T.c.. 2: 13.7: 3, Francie Mannino. Tennessee State. 2:11.9. 2. ski, New York A.C. 2:13.1. Kraker. Michigan. 2:13,8: 4, Marilyn Bas· Chervl Touszint, Atoms~TC, 2:13.7. 3. Cellege Freshmen Mile Relay-I, Adelphi fian. PAL .• 2:20.8; 5. Debra Simmons, Francie Kraker, Michigan, 2:13.7. 4.11 (Albert Leigh 53.1, Mike Boland 52.9, Bill Atoms T.c.. 2:23.2 ... ' I Marilyn Bastian. PAL. 2:20.7. 5. Debra Simmons, Atoms TC, 2:23.2. " 3:26.9; 2, Man~attan 3:27.1; 3, N.Y.U. feet; 2. John Pennel. Southern. Calrf. pole vault - 1, Dick Railsback, UCLA, 3:28.7: 4, Villarlova 3:29.9; 5, st. John's Striders, 16·6; 3, Claus SchIProwsk!. West 17 feet. 2. John Pennel. Scuthern Calif. 3:30.McPherson 51.2,/ Clyde McPherson 49.7) PoleGermany,Vault-I. 16·6;Dick 4,Rarlsback.James U.C.L.A.,Williamson, 171 Striders, 16·6. 3, Claus Schiprowski, Wes") 6O-Yard High Hurdles-I. Willie Davenport. Maryland, 16-0; 5, Pefer Chen, sports In- Germany, 16..t1. 4, James Williamson, Houston Striders; 2, Leon Coleman, South- ternation?I, 16-0.. , i Maryland, 16-0. 5, Peter Chen, Sports International, 16·0. Millrose two-mile run - 1, George 4,.rn JeffCalif. Hows'er,Sfriders; Duke;3, Erv5, Hall,'RabertVillanova;Gre.n. CollegeTipswordMile 0:.51.4.Relay-1,James MarylandCalhoun (Williamq:51.6. I Young, unattached, Casa Grande, Arizona Sports International. Time--j):06.9 (meet George 'NoMch 0:50.1, Gene 0 Keefel B:37.B (meet record; previous recan!, record; previous record, 0:07, sef -by Milt 0:49.6) 3:27.7; .2, St. John's 3:24.1: 3~ 8:39.6, by Kerry O'Brien, Austr·alia. 1967). Campbell, 1957, and fied bv Ha.yes Jones, Catholrc University 3:24.9. 2. Sarry Brawn, New York AC. 8:41.8. ;J. 1960 ilnd 1961; WiJlie Davenport, 1961). College Two·Mlle Relay-I. MarYland .<.f' Jack Bacheler, Florida. 8:45.8. 4. Bill 6O·Vard Dash-I, Lennox Miller, Universify Shrader 2:01, James Mleehan 1:56.6 . Clark Quantico Marines, 8:46. 5. Van High Jump - 1, Ron Jourdan, Florida, 4. Erv Hall. Vilanova; 5, Charlie Mays, C.W. Posf 7:52.2; 4, M." 7 feet, 1 inch; 2, John Rambo, Pacific Grand st. Boys. Time--O:06.2. 5. Cornel, 7:54.9. Coast Club. 7-0. 3. Frank Castello. sports Women's 60·Yard Dash-l, Carmen Smith, MillrJse Two-Mile Run- ~ International, 6·10. 4, tie between Dick Atoms T.C.; 2, Gladys Jermison, P.A.l.; unattached, (a,sa .C: Fosbury, Oregon state and Frank Saier, 3, Madeline Render, Tennessee State; -4, (meet record; prevl(' Florida. 6-8. Mile relay - 1, Sports Internationa\ of.U'S'Pat SouthernArmy;Hawkins, 3,California:AtomsRay Pollard,T.e.; 2,5,MorganMelHeidi Pender.Rosen·Statei7:48.5;BrotemarkleKerry O'Brien,2, Catholic1 :57.2,Aust Universit'John 'Bal<" INelson,unattached, Minneapolis. 8:46 . ldahl. Wesf Germany. Time-O:Ol.\. Brown. New York :~Je~rn48C40Ilig~ 5~o~~{sk 41~~n~:~U' (~ne~v IOne·Mile College Relay--l, Fairleigh Dickin· BachelG'r, Florida record; previous record, 3:18, by New ~on (Ken Marino, Joseph Pictaggio, AI Quantico M~rine" '(ark Pior,oer, 1957). 2, Phiiadelphia Pion• ,~ritsch, steve Mele) 3:27; 2, Lafayette 'attach€'d, Mlnnr eer 3:16.8. 3. Grand Street Boys 3:23.2. 4. Ile"befween New York AC and United AA 3::1'3.7:-- I. I Long Jump - 1, Norm Tate, Nyack, ~t I ~•••--_..-- ~. N.Y .• 25 feel 71/4 inches. 2, Charley Mays, Grand Street Boys 24-4'12.
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