Regd. No. NE 907 The Mizoram Gazette Published by Author,ity Vol XUI Aizawl Friday 2.11.1984 Kartika 11 S.B. 1906 Issue No. 44 , ;t)vernment of ,Mizoram PA!:tT I ,t.,;�"P8,;-,�,nents, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and other F\;rsonal Notices and OrGers. ORDERS BY THE LT. GOV ERNOR (ADMINISTRATOR) NOTIFICATIONS , No.B. 20022j 1/84-EDN/3, the 29th October, 1984. The Lt. Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Co-ordination Committee of Archives with the following members and under the terms of reference shown below with immediate effect and until further order:- 1. 1) Chief Secretary Govt. of Mizoram. Chairman ...- 2) Deputy Commissioner Aizawl. Member 3) Education Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. -do- Director of Education, Mizoram. -do- 54)) Dy Director Education. i/c Adult & Culture, Mizoram, Aizawl. -do- 6) President, District Council Court. -do- -7) Director of Agriculture, Mizoram. -do- '\. 8) Chief En,2ineer; P.W.D. Aizawl. - -do- 8) Su b-Diyisional Education Officer, Aizawl West.- ' -do- lO) Senior Executive Secretary, Mizoram Presbyterian Church. -do- l l) Representative of the Mizoram Baptist MIssion Church Lunglei -do-- 12) Representative of the Mizoram Roman Catholic Church, .Aizawl. --do- 13� Renresentative of the Mizoram Salvation Army, Aizawl. -do- 14) Superintendent of Archives -do- 15) Curator. J\1izoram· State Museum Mem ber Secretary. R-44/84 2 ' II. The function of the Co-ordi nation Committee of Archives is to implement the (i)main fWlctions of a Shte Record Office as follows:- To conccntrak in a single repos itory a]l the non current records, both , (a) Confidential and non-confidential of the State �ecretariat and the s ubor­ dingte t:1uthorities to it whether at the headqua'rters or elsewhere inc1udin£r District Divis'on' and coUectorate records and similar records I of the igh Court and othtr cou t; H r (b) To house th:m in a properly equipped building: (c) To arr.]I1.;e (IIld clarify them on Scientific principles; (d) To take such measures, as are required; for their preservation and reha- bilitation; . To them' available both to the Official and Non-Official users; (f)(e) To providemake the records with necessary reference media such as summary and detailed invel1 tories, and books etc. (ii) The Com�llitte.:: may fix a Chr.c}nologic::tl limit of 20· or 25 years whichever may suit the Departments cOilcerned or the State Rocord Officer for transfer of records. The term records for this ourpose would include - documents, rolls, codices, she.:ts, files, dossiers, m icrofilens, photographs, charts, plans, diagrams, maps, sound rccordjr�g etc. (iii) Records pcrt�ining to body becoming defunct with no seccessor taking ov�r its functio1lS, should be tlansfened to the State Archives soon after the body IS defunct. (iv) In the Stolte e records may be Record Office, the following sp cial types of . concentrated:- , Private papers business Records, ElessiasticaJ records, M unicipal records, l.fni- r versi1.y records. Co-Operative Societies, Village Committees and other Organisations Dnd f9mily records etc. No.ECLjPF/41/75/38-A, the 27th October, 1984. The Lt.Go'vernor of Mizoram. is pleased to all ow cro�sing of efficiency bar in respect of Shri F. Rongenga, Vice-' Principal, l'v1:zoram Institute 'of Education in the Scale of pay of Rs. 900-40-110 (EB)-50-1400/- per Illonth thus raising his pay from Rs. 1100/- to Rs. 1150/- per moi1th with effect from 1.7.t-J.. Lallun ghnema ... Secretory to the Govt.of Mizoram, Education Department. 3 No. A. 19J26/5/SJ-EDNj19-A, flP, 30th O:tober. 1984. In . pursu3n e tl) Horne Department's Notification No. A. 19018j4/80-H�vlP d1ted 12 10. 19f5< tl!e Lt. Go­ vernor of Ivlizoram is pleased to release for repatridtion of Slui R. ('Gln:;;.! to his parent orgl0isation with effect from 1. 11. 1984. He is to hand over the charges to Director of Education. l\1 izora:';. No. A. 19027/8 /83 EDNI20, the OGloner, 198L Subje:t tD ad:issibility of leave, the Lt. Governor of Mizoram29th is please to gf,1lnt an extens on of 45 days EClrned, Leave on Medical Ground to Shfi R. dLaI.�auva, Project Officer,i R. F. L P. » Aizdwl for the period from 11. 9. 1984 to 15. 10. 1934 (both d�l.y3 inclusive) 3S Admissible under c.C.S (Leave) Rules, 1972. _ The Officer wou d have continued to old the post but for his proceeding· on leave and there is evlery l i ood of his hreturning to the post after expi ry of his l�ave. ikei h Lallunghncma� Secretary to the Govt. of MizGram. Eduo.ltion Dep::lrtmen::. No.CON 8i/PW /80/254, the nth October. 1904. Tn partial modification ({ this Departm::nt's Notification No. CON.��/PW/30iPt. I1193 dt.12.3.84 the Lt.Governor (AdministraV)1") of Mizor(1lTI is pleased to order the transfer of Shri S. K.Bhatta­ charjee, S.D.O. PWD, Store Sub-Division Siichar and post him as S.D.O. (TC) Kawrthah Division for the period from 25.6.84 29.7.84. to \'f.C. Gosw<:mi. Deputy Secretary to the Govl. of !viizoram, Public \Vorks Department. No.A.19018j20(75-HMP, the 27th O tober, i984. The Lt. overnor of l\lizoram is pleased to sanction Earned Leave on cdomestic ground to Shn<;J Thanmawla. Chongthu, Superintendent of Poli�e (OpGrations) for a per od of 30 days wi:zh e�T('ct from 26.10 84 to 24.11. 84. i The officer would ha.ve ont nued to hold the same post but for his pro.::ee­ din g on leave and there is everyc i likelihood of his returning to the S:lme pest from which he proceeded on leave .. L.R. Laskar, , Deputy S,xretary to the Govt. of MilOfam, Home Department. , " R-44/84 4 No. B.l2020/3/83-EXC./5, the 31st October., 1984. The 1t. Governor (Administra­ tor) of Mizoram is pleased to order promotion of Shri R Lalzauva, Superintendent of Excise to the post of A,ssis�ant Commissioner of Excise in the pay scale of Rs 900-40-1100-EB-50-1400/- with effect from 10th October, 1984. 2. The appointment is made on an adhoc basis for a short period subject to regularisation in accordance with the approved Recruitment Rules, the appointment will not bestow on the person a claim for regular appointment and the service ren­ ered on adhoc basis in the grade would not count for the purpose of seniority III� the grade ; 3. Shri R. Lalzauva, Assistant Commissioner of Excise shall continue to hold the charge.ofS uperintendent of Excise, Aizawl District in addition to his own duties. 4. This supercedes earlier Notification No. B.l2020/3/83/EXC dated 4th. October, 1983, Rual Zakhuma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, No. A. 19036/1/83-FST, the 31 st October, 1984. The Lt. Governor (Administrator) of Mizoram is pleased to grant 45 (forty five) days Earned Leave to Shri B. Lal­ -nghaka, ACF, Kawrthah Forest Division with effect from the date of availin g un­ der C.C.S (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time to time. Certified that the Officer would h continued to hold the post but for his proceeding on leave and on expiry of Mthis leave there is every likelihood of his re", turning to the same post and place from where he proceeded on leave. During this period of leave he is allowed to avail LTC for the block year 1982- 1985 for visiting Bombay with his family consisting of7 (seven) adult members in- cluding himself under LTC Rules. ' No.FOR.256/80-84/192,(A) the 31st October, 1984. The Lt. Governor (Administrator) of Mizoram is pJeased to order re-naming of the following 2 (two Forest Divi­ sions with effect from the date of issuing this Notification. ) PRESENT NAME NEW NAME l. Aizawl East Forest Division Aizawl Forest Division 2. Aizawl West Forest Division Mamit Forest Division. Hence-forth the new names should be used in all Official matters . W. B. Bathew, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Forests Department . ... , 5 R-44/84 No.A. 19014/4/80-APT (A), the 30th OCfober, 1984. In continual ion of this Department's Notification even number dt.S.7.84, 18 (eighteen) days exlension of leave on private ground is granted to Shri R. SeJthuama, Under Secretary, Com­ munity Development Department with effect from 13.10.1984 to 30.10.1984 (both days inclusive) under C.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the post but for his proceedin� on leave and on expiry of leave there is every ltkelihood of his returning to the same post and place from where he proceeds on leave. J. Ma]sawma, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of :yfizoram. OFFICE ORDER No. A. 19014/36/80-APT(A), the 30th October., 1984. Shri Keihawla Sai]o A.D.C. (R) Aizawl is hereby a]]owed to Cross Efficiency Bar at the stage of Rs. 750/--pm. raising his pay of R s. 780/-p.m. v.ith effect from 1.7.1984 in the scale of pay of Rs. 550-25-750-EB-30-900/- His date of next increrr:enl will be 1.7.1985. No. A. 190I4/41/80-APT(A), tI)e :Oth 1984. Shri H. Sizu, Block Deve­ lopment Officer, Tuipang is hereby alIowedOcto t-ter.,o Cro ss Effeciency Bar at the stage of Rs.
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