THE WESTFIELD LEADEB, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 23. Bridle Paths Near Completion From \ F. Painter and Expert care on the part of the PAPER-HANGING Mt'side to Watchung Reservation^ 'v^tiy division, of the New J?r- Department v.-.f Conservation and ud TINTING teback Riders May Now Have Opportunity for Pleasure COMPANY THE Eatinutei Fyroi,b«<i Seeking Through Beautiful Wooded Park of County— ' r.urthwefttm part uf Suss : HOME SERVICE Phone 1560 Echo Lake Park to Be Soon Connected to Mountain ; , frum a useless tangled mass ; :¥ and underbrush tu a pro*iu 517 CUMBEHLAND ST WESTFIELD, N. J. STABLES IN PARK TO BE ENLARGED TO FIFTY STALLS will open 0 !it-of-'Jour pleasure seeker, as «eli In order to K.akc the bridle trail . and w Provoienct road. * laying industrial foundations which is the Watchung Kesc-rvmi^n m<r •<!! eventually be a valuable asset u> •bailable to residents uf W^.-t.tk'i oUTed it ,s planned to <onrilruvt the -so community. APRIL 1st at 64 ELM STREET PATSY ALI01 sad vicinity, the Union County Par \ Indie paths right OH down through When the State first purchased the Csrorais&ion hiss been st BUI>, \.ni; this C •nm ction to &ho Lake 1'nrk L.Uo^ Forest about twenty years Highest Price! Paid For \ \vi,ioh '.viSi bring the Parting point for jro, a large part uf the region evn- past several weeks in cutting through ; Old R»i«, Iron, P.p., , »nd grading a bridle path >Urtins> at j n>obiu'k riders in this vicinity al- fttrt of a diseased and an inferior WESTFIELD as the O|( tte comer of New Providence road | o-.- within the boundaries of the ' sji-owth of trees and trash, with a Automobile Sfco.. »ttd the improved highway ;ir; town. j considerable area uf "Id. £rom Epringneld to Scotch :r-. The riding stable built about a; fields. Much of the timber iund hai generally known as Springfield roadiyear ago in the Summit section of;been nulled over time and again, the 352 Sotth A».. W«lfi.|J N_ j o* Mountain avenue. This trail lui'l*'the Reservation, with a capacity of i best trets taken uut each time, with Sole Authorized Distributors op to the main body of the lsuH-atre [twenty stalls is about to be enlarged [ little or no regard for future growth T.l. 2OOS-J Bescrvation, following parallel t>»; to a capacity of fifty stalls due to the ; or proper thinning to allow the young OF New Providence road for npproxi-; interest in riding and the demand for' shoots t(J mature. f&ately half a niiie. then bears off to ! more facilities. Plans for this stable j The ;St;ite foresters began their the left following an old trail for a I are now being prepared. Incidental- msn of transforming the aijiitd and distance and climbs the mountain- j ly, there is a fine opportunity for >. iwiriectcii woodland by gradually ; side on a gradual grade, coining out. jsunie enterprising person to establish making improvement cutting. This\ JOHN L. MILLER and again crossing New Providence j a stable in the vicinity of Westfield or I necessitated removing the diseased: road in the vicinity of the Peursail f Mountainside tu provide these faeil-|aiui inferior growth and tru:h. and: SANITARY PLUMBING Castle. In then wind* up lo the top j tties for residents in this vicinity. j then lett.ng nature restore 'he area- 1 Steam, Hot Water and Hot of the mountain connecting with the | It is hoped that, with the co-opcra-! A considerable portion if the old,; Air Heating Wioua bridle paths and log roads of jtion of the various municipalities the j abandoned tieliis in different parts uf : Tin Roofing, Etc. which at present cover more than : puhlic roada within the Reservation, the forest rwve been planU'J with; twenty miles. It is possible, by fol-' area may he repaired and maintained \ various >jjecie~ o>f evergreen trees to \ ESTIMATES FURNISHED lowing these various trails, to reach! so that the entire area of the Reser-: deteriuiat; jiut what k:nd wiii trrow the Lookout known as "Peckham'a! vation can be made accessible \eithjbe.~t un ior the exiitms conditions.: Telephone 278 Tower" at the high point on First; safety. !dv<r T3,()00 trees have been planted > AND SS Proipect St., Weitadd, N. J. Mountain, also the well-known Lake The Recreation Department, re-! in various parti of the forest within j Surprise, over a mile in length, lying jeently organized, with F. S. Mathew-; the last few years. ; in the Bine Brook Valley, between son, as Superintendent, is planning; In some piaet;, there is still so lit-; tb« First and Second Mountains, also various additional recreational fea-itle timber uf value on tfie ground, EASY Electric Washers the Boy Scout Camp just north of hires for this year's program, includ- \ that practically a clear cutting is nee-1 DUNGEE fk BRAXTON the Lake, the half-mile riding ring ing camping in the Watchung Reser-lcssary in order to salvage the deadi Dealers in located just south of Glenside avenue vation for individuals, irrouna or or-1 and inferior timber and in.sure future | ICE and WOOD and north of the dam at Lake Sur- ganizations on payment of a nominal i growth of the small shoota. Fortu- j prise. Other trails lead also to tie fee for the use of cabins or tents, j nately this condition exists on a rela- j Wholesale and Retail Deserted Village, known also as Glen- More playground equipment is being tively small area- Cutting is being [ Special Grade of •ide Park, and on down to the lake installed in all the parks, also fire- done very carefully along roads and Blockwood at Seeley's Mill., etc.' places where picnic parties may cook streams to preserve the natural beau- 615 South Amu • Condemnation proceedings are un- meals. This applies particularly to ty and to conserve the water re- REMOVAL April 1st WESTFIELD, N. J. darway, hearings being scheduled for Echo Lake Park where boating will sources. Only dead, dying and in- j Phonea: tbb week, for the acquirement of the also be established, so that this unit ferior trees are cut in such locations. | PUinfleld t»o remaining properties in the Echo will make an ideal spot for picne Many hundreds of hunters, fisher- j 1882 2996-R l*k*-Wfttchung Connection, lying be- parties. There is an excellent base- men and campers now use the forest! tween Mountain avenue, coming from i ball diamond at this Park also. for their recreation- Flat brook and CHARLES E. TICE, EhtctncalContractor its tributaries are stocked each year with trout secured through the State Real Estate Tnuufen The Robin's Soo, Fish and Game Commission. Both TO PAINTING hunting and fishing conditions are and The following transfers of real es- In the early flush of spring improving. A large quantity of small tata have been recorded in the offic: Oft I hear a robin sing, game and quite a number of deer DECORATING •tDM recorder of deeds in the court Overflowing with emotion were taken last year. Camp sites for 64 ELM STREET knoM «t Eliiabeth. In a rapture of devotion, short time use are provided for the Charles J. Ehmling and others to Loud and Clear; public free of charge upon applica- Ernest Achterman HHoldini g Company, Inc., How I love to hear the flow tion, and permanent camps muy be ptemlKS at the corner of Central and i Of the song that well I know— leased for a nominal sum by apply- Phone 1S48-M :l«nox avenoee, Weatfield. Hark the joy that now is welling ing to the forest officer, in charge. 729 OAK AVENUE Mr. and Mis. Pietro Sarallo to As he o'er and o'er is telling An artificial lake of twenty acres, We.tfield, N. J. ' Hich»el P. Marullo, 60 feet in See- Spring is here! on which is located the camp of the ond avenue, SO feet from Nile street Montclair Girl Scouts, has been con- In the budding mcple tree,—- structed near the head waters of Battie C Lane to Frank Been, Stony Brook. Similar projects are 86.5 feet in Lawrence avenne, 7B Gloomy weather though it be,— Caring not for clouds that lower being contemplated else where to add Phona Conn, ; feet from Syivania place, Westfield. Robin sings throughout a shower to the beauty and recreational facil- Special Stucco Work Catherine Johnston to Ellen Dabar Sweet and strong; ities of tho forest. Roads have been »nd Charles Dubar, her husband, g; improved and several thousand dol- FEILINI & CALDARA pwmiMS situated 100 feet from the Then the sun bursts through the gray lars are earned on the forest an- north side of Central Railroad and Of the rain-washed April day, nually and put back into the property Plaster Contractors and ') lands formerly of John Phillips, West- And from ruddy breast, untroubled, for general development- Ornamental Work a Pours he energy redoubled Specialty In his 3ong. The development of the forest is : Mr. and Mrs. George P. Orr to Mr. playing no small part in the indus- 37 SOMERSET ST. ;an4 Mrs. Walter Meiss, premises in Chill tho morning? Robin, bold, trial life of the community. At the Plftinfield, N. J. AWestfield avenue, 1B5 feet from Park present time a number of residents Flirts his feathers at the cold, 624 RIPL^y PLACE street, Westfield. Stout of heart, undaunted, cheery, of the vicinity are employed by an Jessie B.
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