ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE .1 9 6 1, X X X I V, 5 8 6 COLLEMBOLA FROM THE AZORES AND MADEIRA, COLLECTED BY THE LUND UNIVERSITY EXPEDITION IN 1957 JIRf PACLT (Department of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) Introduction . The present report deals with the material of Collembola collected during a Lund University Expedition in 1957 to the Azores and Madeira, by Dr. and Mrs. Per Brinck and Dr. and Mrs. Erik Dahl. From late February to the middle of April1957, the expedition investigated six of nine islands of the Azores, viz. Santa Maria, Sao Miguel, Terceira, Pico, Faial and Flares; at the end of April 1957 the main island of Madeira was visited. I. Previous work on the Collembola of the Azores and Madeira From the Azores only eleven species of Collembola have previously been recorded: Smynthurus fuse us L. ( = Allacma fuse a [ L.]), Macrotoma tridentifera Tullb. ( = Tomocerus minor [ Lubb.]), Templetonia major Mo­ niez ( = H eteromurus major [ Moniez]),? Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus Gmel. ( = ? a young Entomobrya), Isotoma tullbergi Moniez ( = Isotomurus pa­ lustris [ 0. 'F. Mull.]), Entomobrya multifasciata Tullb. ( = E. nivalis [ L.]), Xenylla humicola 0. Fabr. nom. dub. ( = X. maritima Tullb.), ? Anuropho­ rus sp. ( = ? Uzelia setifera Abs.), Lipura agilis Moniez ( = Onychiurus ambulans [ Nic.]), Lipura bipunctata Moniez nom. dub. ( = Onychiurus ghidinii Gis. an 0. pseudinermis Born.?). All these species were recorded by Moniez (1889). Finally, Stach (1951) mentions Neanura . muscorum (Templ.) from the Azores. Our knowledge of the Madeiran Collembola was, on the other hand, relatively advanced when I began to write the present report. Thanks to the work done by Agrell (1939), Delamare Deboutteville and Bassot (1957), Gisin (1958) and Gama (1959), the list of identified Collembola previously recorded from Madeira contained about 60 different species. These are as follows. 1. Hypogastrur'a (Ceratophysella) occidentalis Gis. - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 2. Xenylla maritima Tullb. - Gama 1959. 3. Xenylla xavieri Gama - Gama. 1959. 221 222 Collembola from the Azores and Madeira \_ 4. Friesea mirabilis (Tullb.) - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 5. Friesea clautseta Axels. - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 6. Friesea Zadeiroi Gama - Gama 1959. 7. Brachystomella parvula (SchiHf.) - Gama 1959. 8. Odontella lamellifera (Axels.) - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 9. Xenyllodes armatus Axels. - Gama 1959. 10. Anurida comellinii Gis. - Gama 1959. 11. Micranurida pygmaea Born. - Gama 1959. 12. Pseudachorudina palmtensis (Born.) - Gama 1959. 13. Neanura muscorum (Templ.) - Agrell 1939, Gama 1959. 14. Neanura (Lathriopyga) sinistra Den. - Gisin 1958. 15. Neanura (Lathriopyga) longiseta Car. - Gama 1959. 16. Neanura (Lathriopyga) phlegraea Car. - Agrell 1939, Gama 1959. 17. Onychiurus tuberculatus (Mon.) - Gama 1959. 18. Onychiurus hortensis Gis. - Gama 1959. 19. Onychiurus circulans Gis. - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 20. Onychiurus ghidinii Den. - Gisin 1958. 21. Onychiurus pseudinermis Born. - Gama 1959. 22. Tullbergia (Mesaphorura) krausbau.ert (Born.) - Gama 1959. 23. Tullbergia (Mesaphorura) callipygos Born. - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 24. Proctostephanus madeirensis Gama - Gama 1959. 25. Tetracanthella matthesi Gama - Gama 1959. 26. Isotomodes cf. productus (Axels.) - Gama 1959. 27. Isotomodes plurisetosus (Den.) - Gama 1959. 28. Folsomia multiseta Stach - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 29. Folsomia candida Will. - Gisin 1958,· Gama 1959. 3J. Proisotoma minuta (Tullb.) - Gama 1959.' 31. Proisotoma thermophila (Axels.) - Gama 1959. 32. Proisotoma coeruleogrisea (Hammer) - Gama 1959. 33. Isotomiella minor (Schaff.) - Gama 1959. 34. Pseudisotoma sensibilis (Tullb.) - Agrell 1939, Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 35. Isotoma notabilis Schaff. - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 36. Isotomurus palustris (0. F. Mi.ill.) - Agrell 1939, Gama 1959. 37. Isotomurus antennalis Bagn. - Gama 1959. 38. Entomobrya nivalis (L.) - Agrell 1939, Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 39. Entomobrya muscorum (Nic.) - Agrell 1939. 40. Sinella pulcherrima Agrell - Agrell 1939. 41. Lepidocyrtus curvicollis Bourl. - Agrell 1939, Gama 1959. 42. Lepidocyrtus paradoxus Uzel - Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 43. Lepidocyrtus lundbladi Agrell - Agrell 1939, Gama 1959. 44. Seira domestica (Nic.) - Gama 1959. 45. Tomocerus sp. I - Agrell 1939 ?, Gama 1959. 46. Tomocerus sp. II - Agrell 1939 ?, Gama 1959. 47. Neelus murinus Fols. - Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957, Gama 1959. 48. Megalothorax mintmus Will. - Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957, Gisin 1958, Gama 1959. 49. Sminthurides (Sphaeridia) minimus (Schtitt) - Delamare Debouttevilie et Bassot 1957, Gama 1959. 50. Sminthurides sp. - Gama 1959. 51. Arrhopalites coecus (Tullb.) - Gama 1959. 52. Arrhopalites mauli Del. et Bassot - Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957. 53. Arrhopalites sp. - Gama 1959. 54. Disparrhopalites patrizii (Cass. et Del.) - Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957 .. 55. Sminthurinus aureus (Lubb.) - Agrell 1939, Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957 (,Sminthurinus cf. niger"), Gama 1959 (,Sminthurinus niger [ Lubb.]" et ,Sminthu­ rinus cf. igniceps [Reut.]"). 56. Sminthurinus elegan.s (Fitch) - Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957, Gama 1959. 57. Bourletiella arvalis (Fitch) - Agrell 1939. 58. Bourletiella (Deuterosminthurus) repanda (Aagren) - Agrell 1939. Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae, 1961, XXXIV, 586 223. 59. Sminthurus bremondi Del. et Bassot - Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957. 60. Sphyrotheca lubbocki (Tullb.) - Gama 1959. 61. Dicyrtoma minuta (0. Fabr.) - Agrell 1939, Delamare Deboutteville et Bassot 1957 LDicyrtomina juv."), Garria 1959. The above list is, of course, not free from misidentified species which are discussed in the following part of the present paper. All the material examined has been mounted in polyvinyl alcohol and returned to Lund where it will be deposited in the Entomological Museum of the Zoological Institute. I am indebted to Professor P. Brinck, Lund, who sent me the rich col­ lection for study, as well as to Dr. L. Hoberlandt, Prague, who agreed to publish the present paper in this journal. II. Material examined Family HYPOGASTRURIDAE Hypogastrura manubrialis (Tullberg, 1869) A z o r e s, Sao Miguel: Ponta Delgada, 2 km NE of town, at swimming pool, 3. Ill. 1957, loc 9, protocol AZ/-/6, AZ/-/9 (2 Hx.); ibidem 5. III. 1957, loc. 9, protocol AZ/-/1, AZ/-/4, AZ/-/5,AZ/-/10 (35 ex); Ponta Delgada, grassy ground, garden, 16. III. 1957, loc. without no., protocol AZ/-/3 (9 ex); Lagoa do Carvao, freshwater lake, on the shore, 7. Ill. 1957, loc. 13, protocol AZ/13/3, AZ/13/4 (2 ex); Relva, at tanque da Rocha Quebrada, 15. Ill. 1957, loc. 31, protocol AZ/31/3 (11 ex.); ibidem, fresh­ water pool, 15. Ill. 1957, loc. 31, protocol AZ/31/2 (3 ex.); Ribeira das tres Voltas, near Ribeira Cha, almost dry spring, 23. III. 1957, loc. 55, protocol AZ/55/1 ( 1 ex.). Azores, Faial: Horta, town, 3. IV, 1957, loc. 84, protocol AZ/84/1 {1 ex.). Azores, Flores: Ribeira d' Alem da Fazenda, river, 14. IV. 1957, loc. 108, protocol AZ/108/3 (3 ex.). Although cosmopolitan in distribution, the species has not previously been recorded from either Azores or Madeira. A specimen from the sample AZ/-./1 carries on the left antenna a mature Laboulbeniales. Hypogastrura ( Ceratophysella) armata ( Nicolet, 1842) A z o r e s, Sao Miguel: Ponta Delgada, 2 km NE of town, swimming pool, 3. Ill. 1957,-loc. 9, protocol AZ/-/9, AZ/-/12 (4 ex.); ibidem, 5. Ill. 1957, loc. 9, protocol AZ/-/1, AZ/-/4, AZ/-/10, AZ/-/11 (61 ex.); Ponta Delgada, grassy ground, garden, 16. Ill. 1957, loc. without no., protocol AZj-/3 (3 ex.); Sete Cidades, at Lagoa Azul, 2. III. 1957, loc. 7, protocol AZ/7 /2 (1 ex.); Fonte da Rocha near Relva, 4,5 km W of Ponta Delgada, spring, 5. Ill. 1957, loc. 11, protocol AZ/11/3 (15 ex.); Lagoa do Carvao, freshwater lake, at shore, 7. Ill. 1957, loc. 13, protocol AZ/13/1 (2 ex.); 224 Collembola from the Azores and Madeira \ Caldeira das Sete Cidades, at the lake, 8. Ill. 1957, loc. 18, protocol AZ/18/8 (1 ex.); 3 km W of Porta Formosa, in detritus on a steep near the road, 9. Ill. 1957, loc. 20, protocol AZ/20/1 (1 ex.); river 5 km SSE of Ribeira Grande, sieved from leaves of Eucalyptus and Hedychium, 14. Ill. 1957, loc. 29, protocol AZ/29/1 (1 ex.); Relva, at tanque da Rocha Quebrada, 15. Ill. 1957, loc. 31, protocol AZ/31/3 (1 ex.); ibidem, freshwater pool, 15. Ill. 1957,. loc. 31, protocol AZ/31/1, AZ/31/2 (3 ex.); Ribeira das tres Voltas, near Ribeira Cha, river, 16. Ill. 1957, loc. 35, protocol AZ/35/1 (39 ex.). Azores, Santa Maria: Limestone area, on the S. coast, 20. Ill. 1957, lac. 48, protocol AZ/48/3 (1 ex.). · A z ore s, Faial: Horta, Ribeira dos Flamengos, under stone in a damp ravine, 31. Ill. 1957, loc. 71, protocol AZ/71/2 (1 ex.); Faja, 1,5 km W of Praia do Norte, foerna, in forest, 2. IV. 1957, loc. 78, protocol AZ/78/3 (2 ex.); Ribeira dos Flamengos, 2 km 'WNW of Flamengos, in drift material in a ravine, 4. IV. 1957, loc. 91, protocol AZ/91/1 (1 ex.). A cosmopolitan species, the polymorphism of which was described excellently by Gisin (1947, Mitt. schweiz. entomol. Ges. 20: 342). Later in 1958, the same author proposed the Madeiran populations to be named • H. (Ceratophysella) occidentalis Gisin. A number of Azorean specimens which I investigated in detail with regard to their abdominal microchetotaxy correspond to the type u occi­ dentalisJJ, but owing to the known variability of the characters in ques­ tion I am opposed to classify the form u occidentalisJJ as a distinct species or subspecies. In addition, the Azorean populations show some colour differences. Thus the examples listed as AZ/7/2, AZ/11/3, partly also AZ/-/3 (3 ex.) and AZ/35/1 (3 ex.); may be identified as f. uunicolorn; those listed as AZ/78/3 rather represent f. upallensn. Choreutinula libyca (Caroli, 1914) A z o r e s, Sao Miguel: Ribeira das tres Voltas, near Ribeira Cha, river, 16. Ill. 1957, loc. 35, protocol AZ/35/1 (7 ex.).
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