
GOSPEL OF LUKE THE EXTRAVAGANCE OF GOD’S LOVE FOR US Brian Purfield LUKELUKE 4:144:14--3030 Hospitality & Inhospitality at Nazareth Jesus Begins His Mission LUKELUKE 4:144:14--3030 Jesus’ Sermon 4:16-21 Reaction of the people of Nazareth 4:22-30 LKLK 4:164:16 ““WhenWhen hehe camecame toto Nazareth,Nazareth, wherewhere hehe hadhad beenbeen broughtbrought up,up, hehe wentwent toto thethe synagoguesynagogue onon thethe sabbathsabbath day,day, asas waswas hishis custom.custom. HeHe stoodstood upup toto readread……..”” Why is this important? Jesus is at Nazareth – speaking to people He grew up with. JESUSJESUS ININ NAZARETHNAZARETH SYNAGOGUESYNAGOGUE MarkMark 6:16:1--6a6a MatthewMatthew 13:5413:54--5858 LukeLuke 4:144:14--3030 JESUS’ SERMON 4:16-21 VirtuallyVirtually nothingnothing ofof contentcontent IsaiahIsaiah 61:161:1--22 DramaticDramatic contextcontext JESUS’ SERMON 4:16-21 Continuity with Jewish tradition Chiastic pattern Highlights text of Is 61:1-2 “Eyes of all…fixed on him.” ISAIAH 61:1-2 Greek translation of Hebrew: Septuagint (LXX) Departures Omissions One significant addition Key words & phrases ISAIAH 61:1-2 Trito-Isaiah (chs 56- 66) Echoes “Songs of the Servant” How to interpret Jesus’ quotation of the text? LK 4:18 ‘‘TheThe SpiritSpirit ofof thethe LordLord isis uponupon me,me, becausebecause hehe hashas anointed meme……..”” Meaning of the word anointed GreekGreek ““TheThe AnointedAnointed OneOne”” -- ChristChristόόss ((χριστόχριστόs)s) מָשִׁ֫ יחַ ,Hebrew “Messiah” - Mašíaḥ Lk 4:21 ThenThen hehe beganbegan toto saysay toto them,them, ‘‘TodayToday thisthis scripturescripture hashas beenbeen fulfilledfulfilled inin youryour hearing.hearing.’’ ExtremelyExtremely importantimportant verse!verse! JesusJesus sayssays IsaiahIsaiah’’ss prophecyprophecy isis comingcoming truetrue nownow, therefore boldly claiming to be the Messiah Isaiah said would come. Sermon “content” Liberation,Liberation, releaserelease (aphesis)(aphesis) Zechariah (1:77) John the Baptist (3:3) SINSIN –– notnot soso muchmuch aa situationsituation ofof guiltguilt toto bebe forgivenforgiven asas aa plightplight fromfrom whichwhich oneone needsneeds toto bebe setset free.free. ISAIAH 58:6 “to let the oppressed go free…” Not in Is 61:1-2 Context of Is 58:5-7 – transferred to Is 61:1-2 & into Lk 4:18 “Acceptable” (dektos) ISIS 61:161:1--22 -- ReleaseRelease Enshrined in the Torah: Deuteronomy 15:1-18 Leviticus 25 Jesus: heart of liberation is freedom from bond of sin Magnificat (1:46-55) Beatitudes (6:20-23) LK 4:19 – “A Year of Acceptance” Lk omits “day of vengeance of our God” Judgement & retribution not absent in Lk Postponed to an indefinite future Jesus’ ministry is not about vengeance but acceptance Crucial to Lk’s understanding of Jesus’ ministry The season of God’s hospitality Call to conversion – acceptance comes first! Who will accept? Reaction at Nazareth Lk 4:22-30 InitiallyInitially amazed at his gracious words Local village pride (v.22) Irony – extent of God’s grace LK 4:23 HeHe saidsaid toto them,them, ‘‘DoubtlessDoubtless youyou willwill quotequote toto meme thisthis proverb,proverb, ““Doctor,Doctor, curecure yourself!yourself!”” AndAnd youyou willwill say,say, ““DoDo herehere alsoalso inin youryour homehome towntown thethe thingsthings thatthat wewe havehave heardheard youyou diddid atat Capernaum.Capernaum.”” ’’ Jesus resists attempts to control him “No prophet is accepted in the prophet’s home town” (4:27) LK 4:25-27 Two Biblical Precedents to Jesus’ prophetic career Elijah (1 Kgs 17:8-24) Elisha (2 Kgs 5:8-14) Jesus’ out-reaching acceptance follows a biblical pattern. LK 4:30 Jesus “passes through” their midst Event looks backward & forward: Simeon (2:34-35) Jerusalem (ch.19 ff) Transfiguration & Exodus (9:31) Acts 2:1-10 & Acts 1:8 CONCLUSION 4:14-30 has a double function in Lk Heart of Jesus’ message is the good news of acceptance Broad outreach will meet with resistance & rejection. Jesus who offers the hospitality of God, meets with inhospitality & rejection Rejection will not have the last word! NEXTNEXT TIMETIME………… Read Lk 7:29 – 8:3 Theme: Varying responses to the Ministry of Jesus Please note: November 5th/6th.
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