News of Interest t_o the Gay Communi_ty Published Monthly as a Service of The Memphis Gay Coalition . ce;· FREE! - Volume Number Memphis, Tennessee 6, 5 April, 1985 Gay Documentary Wins Academy A ward he After six years of work The film documents has received critical ac- t People, a documeri- pictures before being fi�min� an(j limited dis- the life and times of claim · wherever it has tary on conditions in El allowed to vote. Co­ tributlon,. The Times of the fust openly Gay been released. Last Salvador; Streetwise; producer ·Robert Epstein Harvey . Milk took home count� supervisor in San mc:mth the film was pre- and High Schools. followed a low-key ap­ the Oscar for "best docu- FranCisco's history. sented at the Berlin In . true Hollywood tra- proach in presenting the mentary feature" March Milk was assassinated Film Festival. dition, co-filmmaker film to Academy mem- 25. It is believed by at City Hall by Dan ·There were ·four other Richard Schmeichen bers which he said may thanked his "life part- many film experts to be White on November 27, films nominated in the · have contributed to its M ner" for enduring the not only the first time 1978-. less than a vear category. They were ar- winning. an openly-Gay produced after taking ·office. The lene a ·documentary filmmaking· process. The film is available · l film was. nominated but Times of Harvey .Milk abou Marlene Dietrich :Members of the Academy for rental and the Mem­ certainly the first to received the New YorK produced_ by_ Maximillian of Motion P icture Arts phis Gay . Coalition is win. Film Critics Award and Schell; In the Name ot and Sciences were re- making plans to present quired to have se�n all it durmg Gay Pride Movement Seen five of the nommated Week in June. · On Local AIDS Front Drag Queen Indicted Bar l lniti9.11y the test e re ared to e � two months af- -- W musL,.be p p . Counts_ of Rape . I ter Its organization, (which does not diagnose. speak to the issue of On l�o AIDS, but merely tests counseling someone who the Aid to End AIDS Billy "Lady Rose" 1984 and January 1985. Committee has come a for antibodies) · was to receives a positive McGee is being held on However, official say long way both in setting be offered to blood test." $100,000 bond after be- they believe McGee has . goals and getting the banks for the purpose of The AIDS Committee ing indicted on '10 assaulted more than 100 nitty-gritty work done. screeni!lg . blood. How- h!ls also met with offi- counts of rapeo young boys over a longer "It's frustrating_ to a ever' It IS felt that a Cials from Mid-South According to The Com- period of time. · degree" said Tommie number o f people may Home Health and Hos- mercial Appeal McGee The investigation was Stewart, president of try to get the test· for pice which has agreed to_ was indicted arch 22 started after a runaway the committee. "In order free· by attempting to develop a special train- on aggravatedM rape was taken into custody to get anything done,· we donate blood and that an ing program for volun- charges. }Je was _arrested at McGee's home. The alternative should be teers in dealing with· had to have a c harter, . March 24 on Montgomery youth gave police a by-laws, letternead. de- established .for those· AIDS patients. by fugitive squad·. offi- statement that McGee signed and cards printed who are at high risk for . I n ad'!ition to provid- cerso McGee is accused had forced him to have • . • • to e test a lot of little A�DS � � the mg testmg' t�e ijealth of raping . 10 youths, sex and that he had seen • wtthout_ · gtvmg bloo� DePB:rtrrn;nt . IS al o things;" State approval . � _ages 6 to 6. He has al- the same done to T · 1 of the organization's he . AIDS . committee IS cons!d�rmg Its role. m legedly been . luring others," Graves said • . charter came back in workmg With both the proVIding other serVIces young boys who thought "Lady · Rose" performed February. The next step, Health. De�artment and to AlPS. sufferers. A he was a woman. in shows at The Apart­ 3 _ perha�s a long one, is Lifeblood . m order . to .$ 12 milhon dollar, - Neighbors of McGee ment Cl!-ib and was to gam tax exempt sta- bo th pr�VId.e the serVI<;e month _federa! grant pro- said they did not know charg-ed w1th public lewd­ tus in order to q ualify and . m�mtam the confl- gr9:m IS available from he was a man. Several ness last yearo His act for operational and pro- dentlahty n�eded by the whic.h to draw mon�y to indicated they had ·seen included two boa con- ject grants. Gay commumty. proVIde reso�rces. him around but'had no ·in- strictor snakes which Stewart and Allen Cook "We feel like we're Currently rio Memphis dicatiort that he was· a were confiscated in a were inVIted to attend a giving out . mixed mes- hospital has. an AIDS man and knew nothing of raid on his home in Sep­ special state ·health sages,". said Cook. On treatment . umt but sev- the alleged· incidentso . tember. According to po­ department meeting in the one hand, we don_'t eral . hospitals are . c��- Det. WoL. Graves, an lice records, he . was · February on the e ffects feel that �he test !S s�dermg the possibih- inve�tigator with the ju- ar·rested for soliciting of the AIDS antibody good. It doesn't �ell If hes. In all cases, they venile squad, said the rides and violation. of test. They were among you have AIDS, w tll get agree' the volunteer sup- indictments concern al- Health Department codes 4 r rom members G - I t, can infect others po � f . the Gay com- • of the ay com leged incidents which in 2 and 84 - or are immune. n ·the. �unity Will be essen- 198 19 munity invited to dis O · happened between Januar' y·· cuss how the test should other hand, we realize hal. · - - --- -• be adminfstered and that there .are many Anyone interested in be-· .. -�-�-------- ---- what its potential im- "worried well" out the�e coming- a. volunteer part pact on the blood bank- who want to know If of the Aid to End AIDS ]NSlDE: ing and public health they've been exposed. We Committee · is urged to Knoxville's lOo/o s·ystem would be. fear that the psycholog- call or come to 454-1411 Gays · Cook is also partici- ical impact to those the next meeting, Sun- & Substance Abuse pating in a local Health with a positive test day April .14, 3 pm, at Exercise & the Immune System the Georgetown Inn. Department task force (even -though it doesn't ' And More! working · on the AIDS ·mean anrhing conclusive- problem. ly) wil be devastat_ ing •.-_- _ ..._._�.�.--; . ' appearing in represent only th� opinions of the . Editorials Gaze authors unless· otherwise indicated. Reaganomics- Misplaced Priorities - ./' of a stamp went up but now. Th·e new tax laws · And if you're not im- tes of Health's budget . / .·- ..." ". do they also know· that require that' you pay tax- pressed by all that, being reduced 5 96. If post office box rentals es on the fair market letvs see how Reagan is that doesn't bring home by John Stilwell bulk mailing fees and value of the se�vices trying to balance the to the Gay community · all other services are you receive. Even em- budgeto According to an the danger of Reaganom- It is no secret that up as well? One ployee benefits are now article in the April ics, I don't know what I am a Democrat and interesting . note i� that being taxed. If your com- 1985 . Discover magazine it will take. one of those "bleeding until recently, the Post pany �ves you a cloth- entitled A Field Day This year we will l heart liberals." It is Office could only issue mg al owance, that mon- for the Pentagon, 70% of spend $40 billion to also no secret that dur- a money order for up to ey is now considered tax- the funds (abOut $40 bil- create new and imagina­ ing the past presiden- $500.00. That limi.t has able income. If you .lion) of the $57.6 bil- tive ways to kill been raised to $700.00. work for a company lion budget for research ourselves and only $5 tial election, 1 was shocked to find out that I wonder what that says which provides a service and development will go billion on research to there were actually Gays about the ·economy and and you normally receive to· military and defense. save or . improve our who intended to vote for the cost of living. that service free, you That is an increase of liveso Reagan. But what · really Have you tried to are · now liable for taxes 2296 over what they re- I know I'm going to threw me . a curve was to make a phone call f�om on the a.mount .y�u would ceived last year. Be- have to pay taxes until hear those Gay Republi- a pay phone lately? In have paid. Airhne em- cause of the I die and then my survi­ ployees who get free embarrassment of · cans saying that the Gay the still of the night the vors are going to have rights Issue was not an someone went around and trips now pay income scandals there, the EPA to pay taxes on what I issue in the campaign changed all the phones tax on their value.
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