THE SPORTINGCOPTHIOHT, 1894, BY THE 8POHTINO LIPB PUB. CO. BNTEBED AT FHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTBB. LIFE VOLUME 22, NO. 15. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JANUARY 6, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS. 'vow that both Lowell and Manchester ganization, and he claims he has al­ re not members of the New England ready received assurances from enough THE SPORTING LIFE. ..eague, the chances are that it will clubs to make the new league a success. ie sometime to come THAT NEW LEAGUE, QUITE A TRADE. LAW ON FRANCHISES. A WEEKLY JOURNAL before these critics That a league composed of semi-pro­ vill again he represented in the leading fessional clubs which will play games Devoted to minor league of this section. So the WHICH IS TO BE A TAIL TO THE 'HE BALTIMORE AND in this vicinity on Sunday can be made utlook for the formation of the Merri­ BROOKLYN to pay was clearly proven by tho crowds SOME POINTS IN THE CONSTITUTION BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND mack Valley League looks bright. What which attended the games of the New GENERAL SPORTS AND ay you, brother Jake Morse. WESTERN LEAGUE KITE. CLUBS SWAP NOTED PLAYERS. York Semi-Professional League two OF THE BIG LEAGUE PASTIMES. CAMPION'S DKATH. years ago. The league would probably The many friends of William Cam­ still be in existence but for the trouble ion in this city which are legion, were Colonel Hicfcey, ol Lincoln, the Pro­ Brooklyn Gives Bronthers and Keeler the colored Gorhajn and Cuban Giants Relating to tbe Sale or Transfer Published by ained to read the obituary notices of had with their players. To avoid an­ ol a liat well-known and popular ball player, jector ol the New Organization, to other such fate the managers of the THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. vho covered the initial corner for Low- Baltimore in Exchange For now league propose to get along without League Club and Franchise Which Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. 11 in '88, under Manager Jim Cud- the two colored teams this time, notwith­ vorth. Your correspondent was per- Speaks ol His Plans and Predicts Sbiudle and Treadway-Hanlon's standing that both are strong drawing Apply Particularly to the Cleve­ onally acquainted with him and found cards. FRANCIS C. RICHTER im a gentleman in every respect. He Snccess For Them. Motives For Making Changes. Among the clubs which have already land Club's Case. PRANK A. EGAN was one of the most popular ball players agreed to enter the new organization, hat ever wore Lowell across his uui- providing it is formed on a substantial prin. His fatal malady was consump- Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 2. Among Baltimore, Md., Jan. 2. Negotiations basis, are the Paterson and Olympic Cleveland, O., Jan. 2. The stock of CONTENTS; ion. On this same team in '88, poor he foreigners who are spending the lave been pending for some time be- clubs, of Patorson, N. J.; Ironsides, of he local base ball club is still held by Base Ball News............. ....... rages 1 to 6 amented Jack Grady was the back stop lolidays in Minneapolis is Colonel T. wer-n Manager Hanlon, of the Balti- Newark; Xavier, Flushing; Murray Hill, he Robisons and there is more than one Bicycling News ...................... Tagea 0 to 1* or that club. Campion has relatives in r. Hickcy, of Lincoln, Neb. Colonel nore Club, and Manager Foutz, of Allerton and Leontino clubs, of this reason for believing that they will con­ Billiards, Trigger, Font Bull, his city by the name of Coudon. Pitch- Jickey arrived ii! tht, city from Canada. Jrooklyn, for an exchange of players. city. It is also probable that the Emer­ tinue to hold it during the coming sea­ Cricket, Kennel and Skat- r Jack Condon, a twirler of first-class -Ie was delayed by a storm on the Cana- The matter came to a head Saturday, alds, of tho New York Catholic Protec­ son. President Robison may pass the lag.......................................... Page C 'eputation, formerly of the Lowells of lian Pacific and found it impossible to when third baseinan Shindle and out- tory, and Senators will enter before a active management into hands other >Athletlc, Turf and Aquatic.. Page 7 88, Rochester and Dover, N. H., is bin reach Lincoln iu time to spend Christ­ ielder Treadway, of Baltimore, were schedule is arranged. ban his own, ajid such action seems FHglM-tlc News, Sporting mas at home. "I see by your papers," exchanged for first baseman Brouthers )robable. ousiu. remarked the Colonel It is proposed to play only Sunday Notes and Chess..... ............ rage 8 CATCHER MERMTT. to-day, "that Man- and third baseman Keeler, of Brooklyn. games. The two Paterson clubs and the Whenever the constitution of the iger Barnes is getting a good ball team HANLON'S MOTIVES. Ironsides, League is read the difficulties of transfer­ Billy Merritt, Boston's rising and lead- ogether for Minneapolis. Unless I miss of Newark, have thoir own 8UBSCBIPTION RATES: ng young catcher, is taking excellent In explanation of the sweeping changes grounds. The Murray Hill and Leon- ring a club from one city to another my guess we are likely to show you tiue clubs seem to grow larger rather than small­ One Tear.............................................. S4.OO are of himself, and looks iu fine coudi- IVestern League people something about made in his team, Manager Hanlou will alternate in playing on SIi Months....................... ..................... H.as ian. He stated to your correspondent aid: the new West Farm grounds, which will er. Section 3 says there shall be twelve mse ball before the next season closes. be opened clubs and the membership shall be Three Months....................................... 1.1*6 he other day that he intends to take '. have been working hard to organize a "I have come to the conclusion that for the first time in March. Single Copy............................................ 10c. ight gymnasium work during the win- attlng is necessary to win games, and 1 Leo Park, in Maspet, L. I., has neither increased nor diminished during eague to be made up in Lincoln, iropose to make next year's Baltimore changed hands and a period of ten years from 1892. The PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. er, and great things can be expected Omaha, St Joseph, DCS Moines, Dubu- will probably be se­ roin him for the season of '94. 'lub secoud to none in that respect, even cured by the Xavier, Flushing and Al­ next section provides how and under Foreign Postage, S1.O4 Extra per Annum. nue, Davenport, Rock Island, Peoria and f some of the others excel In tickling. lerton clubs. The games will be played what condition a member mny withdraw. Catcher Dan Sweeney, of the Bing- Springfield. You just keep your eye on The old Detroit Club, which laniton Eastern League team, and one won the on the percentage basis, and the salaries The exact language is as follows: Those us, for the second league will be a go, championship of the world, relied wholly "Any club readers of THE SPOKTING LIFE if the leading catchers of the Eastern '. promise you. We upon stick work. Most of Its members will be fixed at a very low rate. member of this Leagua muling who have not facilities shall have a nieet- tself miutile to :neet the obligations it for reaching .league, is in demand by teams iu tbe ng in Des Moines some time next were poor Welders. In letting Shindle nnd has assurted, shall have the right to aste » newsdealers, or do not care to be depend­ Vestern League for next season. He month and if we can't make a go of it Treadway go I bore In mind that there the League for permission to dispose ot tood ninth as a catcher in the Eastern was a possibility of neither of them com- LATE HEWS BY WIRE. ent upon delivery by carriers or news with the $1200 salary limit to be adopt- ng Its rights r.nd franchises as a member of .eague last season, with an average iu d, will just to time in the the spring. Trendway this League to some other city or organi­ agents, should by all means subscribe, throw up the game for eaid before he left Baltimore last fall that Chicago Takes no Stock in Humors zation." Ihus assuring fielding of .942. He is reserved by' Bing- ;ood." he didn't care to play here again if he themselves regular and a niton for '94. He is Hart Off For California. The remaining part of the section prompt delivery by mail direct from fast enough for A meeting to organize the proposed could go anywhere else. Shindle has a he National League. new Western League will be held in ucrattve business In Philadelphia, and Special to "Sporting Life." treats of the assumption of obliga- this office. , AROUND THE BASES. Chicago, January !). It is proposed to says he is going to retire from base ball. Chicago, 111., Jan. 5. President Hart ions by the new member. Only Charley Fan-ell, one of the stars of lave a salary limit of $1000 per month have simply released them to Brooklyn, does not take any stock in the revival two clauses iu that section suggest Advertising Kate Upon Application. ho New England League, has offers 'or ouch team, manager included. On and upon Manager Foutz rests the respon­ of the American Association. He says anything that has yet been unsaid, sibility of signing them. the present order of things is the best about SPORTING LIFK goes to press at 'roru tho Western and Eastern League he same date the Illinois-Iowa League "Ihe Baltimore team, the proposed sale.
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