\ ‘9 m iD A T , SEPTEIdBER 10, 1948 rA(JE FOURTEEil' wary CHENEY i r : iSIanr^pBt^r lEorttfng Ifm ilb The W oh tlM r Aw enf Dolljr Net Preoe Ron ] e f tJ. B. Weotho Fer Hw Meath ef Aogiml 194B H' Group A of Center church wom­ has set the datlT of Saturday. Sep­ Partly dee tember 18, for a food eale at nine en, Mrs. Abbot Chase, leader, will •eel teoight: About Town have a box supper, Wednesday, o'clock m Hale’s store, with Miss 9,243 September 15, at elx o’clock on OUve Irons and Mrs. W. U Ysrks e f the AadM lEupnittg H h rw feir aa In charge. ’ K !"3 Cevid Lodge o f Odd Fel* the west lawn at the church. Ice cream and punch will bo provided lows wUl pl»y eoftbell •geJnet On Sept. 20 the Klwanla Mancheeter^A City of Village Charm Owsbstuck Lodge of WlUlmanUc' by the refreshment comnuttee, of which Mrs. WHHam Oralf la chair­ will have a Round Table meeting * '• i W ct South WInrthsw. Sunday at two at noon and on the same day wrlH man. If the weather is unfavor­ AdrerllMag ao Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1948 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS 2i o’clock. All players and members able the supper will be served In hold a corn rqast at "Tom” Bent­ ^ Vi VOL. LXVIL, NO. 291 Pi are requested to attend and to the parish house and a busineas ley’s. The roast will start at about t ^ meet at Coach Joseph Hublard’a meeting wlU follow. This group 5:80 p. m. '' home at one o'clock. ■ s i ' Quinn Before Committee The Gleaners group of the South Ifethoditt church will hold its first Envoys Exchange ^mv”derd Press in Berlin meetins of the season Monday evening, with a pot luck supper at the church at 6:80. Members are Brightest thing on the campus requested to see that their articles Messages About Given Europe | o f food for the meal are brought to the church as soon after six Says Western Allies o'clock as possible. Nations Helped Reach Teachers of Center church by Friendly Next Crisis Step First Milestone in school wlU meet Friday eve- j nlng at 7:30 for a dessert party, | Working Together ‘Inciting’ Residents and to make final plans for th e, opening o f the church school on American, British and For Mutual Reedverv Sunday, September 16. French Diplomats Get* News Tidbits Paris, SepL ii._(,iv-The na­ Anti*Communists in City Miss Nancy Burnham who was tions of western Europe today France Facing Undergoes Surgery graduated In June from Manches­ (ing Important Advice Colled Fron (Jf) Wires Attacked in Most Abn* ter High school will enter Skid- Style^wise ».. Paris From Home Capitals; reached the first milestone Ui^ more College, Saratoga, N. Y .,: working together for mutual re­ Higher Taxes give Terms Yet; Warn* later this month. Miss Priscilla . Litde Chance for Chang Chun, former Chinese covery when their delegates premier, indicates he is not com­ agreed on the division o f $4,875,- ,ing Given Thursday's Burnham is enrolled at Thayer j Inspired Academy, Braintree, Maas. They; to Talks This Week-End pletely satlafled with Japan's pro­ 000,000 in American aid funds. Street Fighting May are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. | gress toward democratization or The decision for the first year Queuille Offern Program C. Kenneth Burnham of Henry, with occupation policy In Japan.. of the European Recovery Pro­ Have ^Serious Conse* Moscow, Sept. 11.—(/P)— gram (ERP) embraces a system O f Budget Reductions Street. ! Wectlher ^ To Give U. S. turns over property and A reliable source said today credits worth hundreds o f millions of intra-European assistance Like Two Predecessors cfuences' for Citiaens; the envoys of the United of dollars to new republic of South which has still to be filled out by Korea. .C. I. O. Longshore Lieader an agreement on currency ex­ Aim to Bimst RaUy Here are the coats You The .States, Britain and France changes. Paris, Sept, ll— —Premier to wear belted, un­ Harry Bridges passes to shlpoivn- ‘ are exchanging important ere responsibility for working Work to Continue Today Henri Queuille today offered Berlin. Sept. 11.— —^The belted . Models messages with their bo***® Army. cargo In strike-bound Pa­ The Council of the Ehiropcan France a program of budget re­ Economic Cooperation Organiza­ Soviet Military administra­ adaptable to caprici­ Fem inine capitals on the next step in cific coast ports . .Army, with ductions and increased taxes In an tion's official newspaper to- ous climes. With or half its potential draftees signed tion (OEEC) prepared these the four-power talks on the agreements In a six-hour session attempt to get the nation back on <^y accused the western Al­ without zip-in lin­ up. Is readying reserves for swift Berlin crisis. action if there is ever a military last night. Work on the scheme ita financial feet. lies of “ inciting” BerUnera Hke way to make Hie rounds. ing. Look . Smith Roused From Bed em ergency.. U. N. Commission for currency payments will con­ Backed by a National Assem­ against Russia and Commu­ Hits# now, young sandals U. S. Ambassador Walter on Balkans--calls on General As­ tinue today. bly vote of 351 to 196, confirming As soon as the Council agrees nism. The entire Communist by Friendly! They have Bedell Smith was roused from hla sembly to Intervene in Greek sit­ him as premier, Queuille sought bed at 8 a. m „ by hts minister- uation .. Fairly warm week-end on the currency propolis It will to form a new centrist govern­ press railed against anti­ go to work on the details o f the a way of making any girl .Simplicity plus elegance counaellor, Foy Kohler, to answer forecast for most of nation. ment. communists in the most abu- a luder in bar claii. messages from Washington. 1648-49 recovery program for sub­ He offered the nation a financial Blve terms it has yet used. R . with drapery for However, Indication^ ere that Belgian government investiga­ mission to the Americsin Economic policy along the same general lines John A. Quinn (left), Jersey City, N. J., soap manufacturer and ex­ warned that Thursday’s bloody drama . and crisp there Is little chance for any four- tions under way into action of Cooperation Adminiatra- as his two predecessors. Andre street fighting, which followed a $45-«« two real estate firms that have porter, appears before a Senate committee Investigating shipping tion (ECA). Each participating fabric for character. power talks over this week-end. Marie and Robert Sebuman. The huge enti-Communiat demoostra- demanded evacuation of cemetery lioeaeee that have been branded as forgeries. His attorney, Albert These are the Continenr Unless there are new develop­ nation is to alter Its prog^ram to aame polices caused the downfall tlon, might have "aerioas cense- ments, the three envoys do not containing 12,000 American war A. Soiin, alts beside Quinn. An eariier witness testified that he paid conform with the aid allotmenta o f the tw.o governments. <- quencea.” tal touches which make dead near Namur.. Italian news­ Quinn for export licenses which committee said were forged. (A P plan to hold a meeting of their drawn up last night. The complete Tenders Vague Premise our Fall into Winter col­ papers say four Italian youths wlrephoto). program should be ready by Sept. Film Actreee Rita Johneoa Aha to Bond Up rnwHii BaBj own today or tomorrow. French To adherents of Gen. Charles de (above) underwent deScate brain The obvious aim waa to bnUd OTHER lection outstanding! See Ambassador Yves Chataigneau have been killed in Yugoslav ter­ 25. ritory In past week .... Soviet Britain’s SUoe Greatest Gaulle, the premier tendered surgery at Bollywood to allevi- up tomorroar's Communist coun­ them today. and Special British Envoy Frank atee an Injury eke received nnder ter-rally In the Soviet aector and Roberts met Informally with Smith sponsored North Korean govern­ The proposed division o f Amer­ vague promise to consider the COATS general elections which they are myaterlous rtamnMtoneen Sept. $. intensi^ Conununiat daman^ yesterday. ment demands that U. S. and Rus­ ican aid for the first year, as re­ ClISIllli-BKIN ••a Friandly tayt: sia withdraw their troops from Truman Drops Plans vealed by the Council, gave Brit­ demanding. Ho said the question Police are Investtgattng the case. that BerUnera must kldc out the Await More InatrucHons Korea. American B-29 bomber o f electiona will be taken up with (AP wirephoto). elected anti-Co mm unist city gov­ $35.00 to ain the greatest amount—$1,328,- ernment Step high, wide and Evidently the three await still that disappeared more than week 000,000. This was a cut of $10,- the Assembly after the country’s mora Instructiona. Some fresh dis­ ago after its erew bailed out over financial difflculiUea are solved. Meentime the Ruanaa-Ucenaed handsome as you dance 000.000 from the British poison $69.98 patches were received yesterday Netherlands is presumed to have For Long Dixie Tour in the schedule originally drawn This apparently was not enough newa agency ADN reportad last from one of the capitals—which ‘New Twists’ night that a Geiman-lad spy rtiw for joy. ’Cause Penny's T r l M d l y dropped Into Baltic sea. Earth­ by the Council's subcommittee o f to win the support of the de Qaull- $8-98 one was* not disclosed—but ap­ quake felt In Taranto, Italy.
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