-18- DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of the Ottery St Mary Town Council held in the Narthex of St Michael’s Church, West Hill on Monday 7th July 2014 at 7pm PRESENT Mayor Councillor Dobson (Town Ward) Councillors Carter, Holmes, Pang, Pratt following co-option, Thurgood (Town Ward), Bailey, Mitchell, Talbot, Watmore (West Hill Ward), Bartlett (North Ward), J. Harding, L. Harding (Tipton St John Ward) together with the Clerk NOT PRESENT Councillor Giles (Town Ward) and Cllr Hansford (North Ward). Apologies received from each. The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed pleasure to be in West Hill and to have many members of the public present. PRAYER The Clerk read the Council Prayer 14/07/01 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Giles and Hansford. Cllr L. Harding left the meeting 14/07/02 TO CONSIDER AND DECIDE ON CO-OPTION TO FILL THE VACANCY FOR THE TOWN WARD One application had been received from Geoffrey Pratt. His co-option was proposed by the Mayor and seconded by Cllr J. Harding. He signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took his seat as Councillor where he was welcomed by the Mayor. Cllr L. Harding returned to the meeting 14/07/03 TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FOR ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AND RECEIPT OF REQUESTS FOR NEW DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS (DPIS) DISPENSATIONS FOR ITEMS ON THE AGENDA (a) Cllr J. Harding declared a personal interest in item 27 (June Schedule of payments) as one of the payments is to the Ottery and Villages Computer Club for which he is the Treasurer. (b) Cllr Bailey declared a personal interest in item 15 (West Hill Village Hall grant application) as she is a Trustee of West Hill Pre-School which operates at the Village Hall. (c) Cllr L. Harding declares a personal interest in item 27 (June Schedule of payments) as she is one of the Ottery and Villages Computer Club organisers. 14/07/04 IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 (PUBLICITY WOULD BE PREJUDICIAL TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY REASON OF THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED): TO AGREE ANY ITEMS TO BE DEALT WITH AFTER THE PUBLIC AND PRESS HAVE BEEN EXCLUDED There were no items. 14/07/05 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING The Minutes of the Meeting of 2nd June 2014 (minute refs 14/06/01 – 14/06/28) were presented by the Mayor, approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record. Mayor’s initials: ……………………………. -19- 14/07/06 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings of 4th June 2014 (minute refs: P/14/06/01-P/14/06/18) and 16th June 2014 (minute refs: P/14/06/19-P/14/06/30) (already confirmed by the Planning Committee) were agreed. The Minutes of the Meeting of 30th June 2014 (minute refs: P/14/06/31-P/14/06/42) were presented and approved. All Minutes were signed by the Mayor as a correct record. 14/07/07 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING The Minutes of the Personnel Meeting of 23rd June 2014 (Pe14/06/01-Pe14/06/04) were presented, approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record. 14/07/08 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE MEETING The Minutes of the Finance and General Purpose Meeting of 23rd June 2014 (F14/06/01-F14/06/10) were presented and following an amendment to minute ref F14/06/02 (a), (b) and (c) to read “Ottery and Villages Computer Club) were approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record. 14/07/09 TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PERSONNEL MEETING OF 23RD JUNE 2014 It was RESOLVED to approve the recommendations relating to adoption of the Training Statement of Intent, establishment of a Policy on Staff Absence from work and additional volunteer helpers for the Tourist Information Centre (TIC). The Clerk will send letters of confirmation to the two volunteers recommended by the TIC Manager and approved at the meeting. 14/07/10 TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE MEETING OF 23RD JUNE 2014 INCLUDING NEW STANDING ORDERS It was RESOLVED to approve the recommendations including amended Standing Orders, future methods of financial reporting, installation of a second phone line with broadband in the Meeting Room with payment by monthly Direct Debit, charges for the use of the Meeting Room by the Ottery and Villages Computer Club, replacement nets at the Winters Lane Tennis Courts, annual membership of the Community Council of Devon and annual inspection for the West Hill Play Park through EDDC. A final version of amended Standing Orders will be presented for approval to the August meeting where a decision will need to be taken about when they come into effect. 14/07/11 TO RECEIVE A POLICE REPORT PCSO Maria Clapp apologised for her absence from the previous two meetings. She reported that Crime figures for the month of June 2014 stand at 21 compared with 25 for June 2013. The cumulative total for this year stands at 56. Crimes in the town included: theft from a motor vehicle on a building site, portaloos knocked over after an event on the Millennium Field, an assault outside the Chemist on Broad Street, four tyres damaged on a car at Franklea Close, two seats slashed and the piano scratched at the Parish Church, theft from a motor vehicle at St Budeaux Close and theft of a pedal cycle at Mossop Close, trailer wheel removed and fuel taken, fly tipping at Knightstone Lane, criminal damage to a barbecue near the Hospital, criminal damage to a motor vehicle following a dispute. Crimes in Wiggaton: power tools taken from a garage. Crimes in Tipton St John: equipment and red diesel taken form an insecure farm building. Crimes in Feniton: advertising signs stolen. Bowd Recycling Centre: damage caused. Mayor’s initials: ……………………………. -20- Pixie Day: Special Constables assisted with a warning issued for cannabis possession and some alcohol seized. Sgt Paul Roberts has left and a new Sergeant is awaited. PC Simon Blyth has replaced PC Dave Smith who has retired. 14/07/12 TO ALLOW MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Individual contributions limited to 3 minutes There were no contributions at this stage. It was agreed that members of the public wishing to speak on various agenda items should be allowed to do so at the time of the item. 14/07/13 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCILLORS AND DEVON COUNTY COUNCILLORS (a) Cllr Giles had emailed his report in advance to Councillors. It included: EDDC Development Management Committee Meeting on 3rd June involving (a) Open Space Study Review 2014, (b) Delegated authority for Deeds of Variation and (c) Former Marist Convent Planning Application; EDDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 12th June; Community Hospitals in East Devon. (b) Cllr Wright reported on: (i) Beavers on the River Otter. DEFRA had declared that they could be carrying disease and are proposing to trap them and send them to a zoo. Cllr Wright has requested MP Hugo Swire to speak to the relevant Government Minister. Devon Wildlife Trust are in favour of allowing them to remain. (ii) West Hill pavement. A small section was installed last year. A DCC Safety audit found that cars were breaching the 20mph limit and that there would still be a gap in the pavement so it says speed bumps are needed. This is not popular with residents DCC Portfolio holder Cllr Stuart Hughes has been asked to get involved. (iii) Wild flower verges. Three were planted. In Tipton St John and Ottery St Mary these have been a failure and abandoned. There has been some success in West Hill. New verges will be looked for. (iv) Broadband: “Connecting Devon and Somerset” have reported a delay in providing superfast broadband. (v) Health Services: A consultation is due to start at the beginning of August lasting for 16 weeks. It will contain firm proposals for the Community Hospitals of Devon. 14/07/14 TO RECEIVE A REPORT ON ACTIONS TAKEN AS A RESULT OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL’S MONITORING OFFICER’S REPORT AND TO DECIDE ON ANY FURTHER ACTION (a) A Report from the Clerk outlined the result of actions she had been instructed to take following the decision taken at the 12th May 2014 Council meeting (minute ref. 14/05/28) which resolved that it was in the public interest for the full text of the Monitoring Officer’s Report to be in the public domain. The Monitoring Officer had received objections from two Councillors to the Report being made public and had stated that she does not consider it appropriate to release it. (b) Further to decisions taken at the 24th April 2014 Council Meeting (minute ref. 14/04/37) and concerning the three recommendations made by the Monitoring Officer in her Complaints Conclusion; (i) the Clerk and Deputy Clerk have attended Code of Conduct training and the Tiverton Town Clerk has acted as mentor. (ii) all Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of Committees, as well as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor have either attended, or are booked to attend Chairmanship Training Courses. (iii)assertiveness/teambuilding training for the whole Council in order to set ground rules for behaviour during meetings has not yet been possible to achieve as action could not be taken at the June meeting as the Minutes of the 24th April Meeting had not at that stage been approved.
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