Property of the Watertown Historical Society rt watertownhistoricalsociety.org tftmee Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 43 No. 20 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI2,00 PER. YEAR Car. Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS June 11, 1987' • Building Activity Healthy Homeowners Make Building and renovation activity in. the community continued its. healthy spring surge during May, surpassing the $2-million mark in estimated values for the second straight month, According to the monthly report filed by Building Inspector Robert Kontout's office, 169 permits were issued for work valued at $2,051,791. Pitch For Relief In Fees amounting to $11,260 were collected. In April, 145 permits were handed out for activity estimated at $2,191,682, A year ago in May, 1986, 188 permits were issued for $1,228,191 worth of work. Residential growth continued to boost the overall value, as 10 per- Beach Avenue Area mits for one-family dwelling superstructures were doled out. for With the Grandview and Circuit wells are contaminated and their $1,21,5,397, There were 14 residential addition or alteration permits, issued sewer service. avenues water debacle still fresh, in property is "used up" because of for an estimated $270,400. The petition was signed by a the minds of local residents, failing septic systems. Town Twenty-five plumbing jobs were valued at $96,000, and 44 electrical number of people representing 29 representatives from the Beach Manager Robert Middaugh pointed, jobs at $93,830. of that areas households. Accoiding Avenue neighborhood Monday out the town is aware of some '"sep- The rest of the permit breakdown is as follows: foundations for one- to Attorney Franklin Pi.li.cy, that night presented the Water and tic failings,,"" and the Chesprocott family dwellings, 12, $120,000; commercial or industrial additions or comprises about half of the houses Sewer Authority with a petition, Health District has reported some alterations, two, $45,200, decks, 13, $29,096; sheds, four, $4,660; in the neighborhood. claiming critical need, for water and Some of the residents claim their well contamination. sidings, Five, 123.200, pools, five, $27,600; and garages, four, $35,956 Dave Daiton, a, member of the Also roofs (reshmgle), 11, $29,365, gazebo, one, $1,120; gas tanks Town, Council and resident on |si\), one, $10,000', security systems, two, $4,675; heatings, 13, $45,292, Top.Graduates Announced Beach, told the authority the and demolitions, three, no value residents would have to. pay $10,000 to $12,000 dollars for a septic system that would last just 10 to 15 Registration Saturday For years. "Water and sewer service is something that's desperately need- Summer Recreation Fun ed,,"" he appealed to the board. Summer is here to 7 p in "Some of us still, have good water. Md\lx not nffiujll\ but registra- S\!\an Lake—Open weekday 1 but some of us don't." tion l.ir programs in the Pjrks jnd Hi 7 p in , weekends 12 noon to 7 The, authority agreed, with re- Ru-rcalum Departments summer p in Different Ices lor residents and quests made by Attorney Pilicy that schedule opens Saturday June 13 non-reside tits FanuK season - {fie-.authority approach the-Council truin 9 a in to I pm at Svutl memberships available to appropriate money " for . an Junior High Sihonl 250 Colonial T<n\n Sunn Champioii^lups—The engineering study to bring water Si Oakullc annual novice competition, Aug and sewer lines to the area. and. for Tht. follow ing is a Iksl of tht pro- 14, is tin girls and bo_\s uge.s 6-14 the go-ahead to ask, the' Watertown grams nltered Most requin either - Ribbons tor winners Registration Fire District if it would, be able to prciegisiratitin a fee or both \ opens Aug 3 take the sewage generated from, the separate artnlc in the limit Ttnti \ Summer Swim Clinic area. lists programs ottered on a "twlk- A competitive summer swim The WFD. in the meantime, was m basis Call the recreation office team, a seven-week program, pro- ordered by the state Department of at 274-5411 e\l 255 lor lurther vides tun and competition tor Environmental, Protection to shut information novice and experienced swimmers down, its Main Street sewage treat- Detailed instruction in four com- Michael Guerrera Shelly Descoteaux ment facility because of polluted ef- Swimming petitive strokes provided with par- fluent dumped, into Steele Brook. ticipation in the Colonial Swim Valedictorian Salutatorian "What's amazing," said Mr. Community Swimming League. Michael Guerrera has been, nam- ematics and science during his Daiton, "is we're going to be sur- ttitttntmn Hi}yh Si html ptmi— Registration, set Wednesday. June ed valedictorian, and Shelly junior year, Mr. Guerrera. was rounded, by water and sewer and; Earl) Bird Lap Swimming on |7, from, 6 to 7 p.m. in the Water- Descoteaux, salutatorian of the chosen, to represent WHS at the there's our block of town which Tuesdajs and Thursdajs, 7 30 to town High School lobby, .324 Watertown High School Class of Centennial of the national Institutes needs it the most." 8 30 «J m . General Swimming on French St. Fee required. 1987. Principal William P. Williams of Health Seminar at Vale Univer- Joseph klasi, authority member, Mondays Wednesdays and Swimming Instructions and the high school Guidance sity for students, excelling in Fndajs, I to 2 p rn . and 1 to 3 p m told the several residents gathered Swim instructions for non- Department have announced. science. on Tuesdajs, Adults Onl) Tuesdays in the Polk, School all-purpose room, swimmer through swimmer will be Mr. Guerrera is. the son of Mr. He will be attending Rensselaer the board could, recommend the through Fndajs. 3 to 4 p m available at Sylvan Lake and Water- and Mrs. Francis M. Guerrera, 35 Polytechnic Institute, N.Y., in, the Town Council, approve the study Cn stbntok Park—Pool open dai- town High. Registrations taken at Sills Drive, Oakville. He was a. fall and major in, biomedical and the plan, and the whole thing 1) From Ham to 7 p m Different recreation office with payment. No member of the Honor Society research. "still could, be voted down by the fees tor residents and non-residents telephone registrations. Class size chapter at the school, holding the Miss Descoteaux, is the daughter people..'" Proof of residency required (Continued on page 10) offices of vice president his junior of Mr. and Mis. Rene J. Desco- Authority Chairman. Richard Echo Lake—Open daily 10 a m year. and. president as a senior. teaux,, Munson Road. She was a (Continued on page 2) He also was a member of the Ex- member of the softball team, for one ecutive Board for three years. year, and was on the volleyball team, A recipient of the Rensselaer three years. Medal, of Achievement in math- (Continued, on page 11) Inside Automotive .page 22 Trust Fund Big Aid To Polk Bethlehem News.,......,... .12 Births 20 Book • Review . 19 Grads Heading To College Calendars.. 6 & 15 The Olive Ryan. Scholarship designated as recipients. • Churches -...» A 9 Committee will make awards He said the committee is becom- Classifieds 30 & 31 amounting to approximately $18,000 ing cognizant of"'the ever-increasing Dining Out 17, 18 & 19 next Tuesday, June 16, when reci- costs of just one year's college Joseph Lieberman.. // pients, are announced. education. .Legal- Notices. '—31 The scholarships will ..bring the Mr. Cwick said there has been, a Music Notes. 17 overall total given out to former little misunderstanding as to how Nancy Johnson 15 Polk, School students since 1,979 to the awards, are: made. The basic re- Newsbeat Briefs . .21 about $140,000, according to school, quirement is the graduating high, Obituaries 4 . Principal Raymond Cwick, who _.. school applicant must have attend- Personals 16 chairs the seven-member com- ed Polk at least three years. Realty News. .7 mittee. However, financial, need and in- Regional Olympics . 16 dividual, scholarship also are taken THE HALLWAY PORTRAIT of Olive R>an at Judson School is ad "We're looking at, increasing the Servicemen 6 : into1 consideration, he noted. mired by Shirk} Walford left a learning skills center instructor at the amount" given, out to each student, Showcase Of Homes ,29 Therefore:,, every applicant does not school and Principal Raymond Cw.ck This >ear s memorial scholar- he said, "while decreasing the Sports.. ....24, 25 & 26 number of scholarships.'" Of this ship winners in honor of the former longtime OaUiIle teacher will be (Continued on page 2) year's. 30 applicants, 29 were announced Tuesday, June 16. (Valuckas Photo) Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 2 Town Times (Walei-town, Coon.) Jane 11, 1987 Homeowners Make bill. first, wary of approving the figure The authority parsed the resolu- ' as 'well. When, Mrs. Woodlock •. (Continued from, page 1watertownhistoricalsociety.org} .An' unpaid, balance of because if the city won't, budge, the tion unanimously. passed, away in 1977, she left a, large PaganO' pointed out the board "went: $792,254.80 dating back to last year town could, have to go back to the part of her estate—approximately ' the whole nine yards" with 'the peo- still is outstanding on, Watertown's people for a. third rate increase... •" • Trust Fund • • $100,000—to 'the fund... bill, for water purchased from -.ple from, Grandview and. Circuit, He agreed later, however,;-with, The $3,000 awarded in 1979 shot Waterbury. - (Continued from page' 1) and the issue still 'was voted down. commissioners who said another up to $11,500' a.
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