with scientific categorization 1 and wonder about the natural world. The New Jersey State Museum also collects objects. Calendar of Events In this exciting new exhibi- tion, visitors will experience Auditions Seminary, 64 Mercer St, Prince- March 31, Requiem For the Liv- an eclectic selection of artifacts ton. For more information visit ing, Capital Singers of Tren- January 29, New Student Au- and specimens collected over the drydenensemble.org / 609- ton, 4pm. Sacred Heart Church, the past ten years. See a cari- ditions, Youth Orchestra of 466-8541. 343 S. Broad Street, Trenton. Central Jersey. Students MUST bou antler from Ice Age New January 20, Winter 2019 Large For more information visit cap- Jersey, a painting by artist Ben study privately and be enrolled italsingers.org in either their school band or Ensemble Concert, Youth Or- Shahn, a 1930s flight suit from orchestra (if there is a band or chestra of Central Jersey, Dance a South Jersey female pilot, Na- orchestra in your school) in 7:30pm. Kendall Hall, The Col- tive American projectile points order to become and remain a lege of New Jersey. For more in- Every Tuesday night, Interna- and much more. For more member of the Youth Orches- formation visit yocj.org tional Folk Dance, Princeton information visit state.nj.us/ Folk Dance, 7:30pm. Kristina state/museum. (W,V) tra of Central Jersey. Recom- January 26, Capital Philhar- mendation by the student’s Johnson Pop-Up Studio, Prince- Now - February 24, Pictur- monic of NJ Youth Orchestra ton Shopping Center, (609)921- private teacher is required. Festival, Youth Orchestra of ing Place in Japan, Princeton Homeschoolers are also invited 9340 Lesson followed by dance. University Art Museum. The Central Jersey, 7:30pm. Locat- $5. princetonfolkdance.org to audition! For more informa- ed at Patriots' Theatre, 1 Me- exhibition centers on a set of tion visit yocj.org morial Dr, Trenton. For more Every Wednesday night, New- exceptional loans from the re- information visit yocj.org comer Dance, American Ball- nowned Manyo’an Collection, Concerts room Dance Company, 7pm, supplemented by paintings January 7-9, Maestro Gustavo February 2, 8pm; February 3, $10. (609) 931-0149. For more from the Princeton Universi- Dudamel's residency at Prince- 4pm. Beethoven's Fifth - Ed- information visit american- ty Art Museum, and features ton University Concerts. 68 Nas- ward T. Cone Concert, Princ- ballroomco.com some twenty works of varying sau St, Princeton,, princetonuni- eton Symphony Orchestra, scale, medium, and subject versityconcerts.org 4pm. Located in Richardson Every Thursday night, Viva that together showcase the dis- Auditorium in Alexander Hall, Tango, 8pm. Suzanne Patter- tinguished tradition of depict- January 11-12, Die Gärtnerin Princeton. For more informa- son Center, Princeton. (609) ing place in Japanese painting. aus Liebe , Princeton Univer- tion visit princetonsymphony.org 948-4448, $15. For more infor- For more information visit art- sity, Richardson Auditorium, mation visit vivatango.org museum.princeton.edu (W,V) Alexander Hall,7:30pm. Sung February 3, Messiaen "Quartet in German with English dia- for the End of Time, Princeton Every Friday night, Friday Farmers Markets logue, the production offers a University Concerts, 6pm & Night Social, American Ball- 9pm. Richard Auditorium, 68 room Company, 7:30pm. Lo- January 5 & 19; February 2 & modern setting of the comic 16; March 2 & 16, West Wind- tale, as directed by Princeton Nassau St, Princeton, (609) 258- cated at 1523 Parkway Ave, Ew- 9220, $30. princetonuniversity- ing. (609) 931-0149. For more sor Farmers' Market, 10am. University Performance Facul- Windsor Athletic Club Clarks- ty member David Kellet. Ruth concerts.org information visit american- ballroomco.com ville Rd, West Windsor. Produce, Ochs conducts the Princeton February 9, Performance meats, woven fibers, honey, University Sinfonia, and Sar- with Jubilee Singers, Trenton Every Friday, Friday Dance wine, flowers, baked goods, and ah Pelletier has provided vocal Children's Chorus. The Perfor- prepared foods. For more infor- coaching. Social, Jersey Dance, 8:30pm. mance takes place at Westmin- West Windsor Arts Center, 952 mation visit westwindsorfarm- January 11, Winter Songs XII ster Choir College, Princeton. Alexander Rd, West Windsor. ersmarket.org - Songs of the Season, Capital For more information visit For more information visit jer- Singers of Trenton, 7:30pm. trentonchildrenchorus.org seydance.com Festivals/Hoilday Saint Paul Roman Catholic February 23, Trenton Chil- January 6, Arts Council of Church, 16 Nassau Street, Every Saturday, English Coun- dren's Chorus Black History try Dance, Princeton Country Princeton - Three Kings' Princeton. For more informa- Month Celebration, 11am. For Day Event, 2pm. Join the Arts tion visit capitalsingers.org Dancers, 8pm. Suzanne Patter- more information visit trenton- son Center, Princeton. $11. For Council of Princeton in our Sol- January 19, Vivaldi!, Central childrenchorus.org more information visit prince- ley Theater for a special dance Jersey Choral Society, 7pm. toncountrydancers.org performance! Fiesta del Día March 12, Master Class with de Los Reyes Magos, or Three Princeton Meadow Event Cen- David Kim, Youth Orchestra of ter, 545 Meadow Rd, Princeton. Kings Day, is the last day of the Central Jersey, 7pm. Located at Exhibitions Christmas season and is cele- Antonio Vivaldi was one of the West Windsor Plainsboro High great composers of the Baroque Now - 20, Garden State Watercol- brated throughout the world by School South. For more infor- or Society Juried Show, Trenton several different cultures. Enjoy era. He spent his most produc- mation visit yocj.org tive years as the music direc- City Museum. For more infor- a live Flamenco dance perfor- tor of an orphanage in Venice. March 23 & 24, 8pm; Dvorak / mation visit ellarslie.org. mance by Lisa Botalico’s Fiesta From there, he would compose Liebermann/Mazzoli, Princeton Flamenca and rosca de reyes On View Objects Count: A De- (Three Kings cake). Learn about music for strings and chorus Symphony Orchestra, 8pm. Lo- cade of Collecting, New Jersey that would inspire a generation cated in Richardson Auditorium Spanish culture and end the hol- State Museum, 205 West State iday season in celebration! Paul of composers, most notably in Alexander Hall, Princeton. For Street St, Trenton. People love Johann Sebastien Bach. For more information visit prince- Robeson Center for the Arts, 102 to collect objects. Some seek Witherspoon Street, Princeton. more information visit cjcho- tonsymphony.org items of aesthetic beauty. For ralsociety.org For more information, please March 24, Spring Into Song, others, the motivation is to visit artscouncilofprinceton.org January 20, II Queen Christina Trenton Children's Chorus gather hundreds of examples or call 609.924-8777. Goes to Rome, Dryden Ensem- 2pm. Central Church, Ewing. of one particular type of ob- ble, 7:30pm. Located at Miller For more information visit ject. For still others, the need January 21, Dr Martin Lu- Chapel, Princeton Theological trentonchildrenchorus.org to collect goes hand-in-hand ther King Jr Day Event, 9am. 1. Mercer County Cultural & Heritage Commission cannot be responsible for errors or omissions. Please call ahead to confirm times and prices. Deadline of March 1, 2019 for the April, May and June - Spring 2019 Newsletter. - 4 - Join the Arts Council of Princ- brary, Ewing Branch, 7pm. in Trenton: Significant People den State Storytellers, Torch eton as we celebrate the life This talk concerns how the and Places, Mercer County Clubs International and vol- and legacy of Dr. Martin Lu- events of the Revolution af- Library, Ewing Branch, 7pm. unteers at Urban Promise in ther King Jr. with a day of fected the people of what was Learn about the people and Trenton. Registration is re- live music, interactive work- then Trenton Township, to- places associated with Tren- quired. Call 609-882-3148. For shops, and discussions as day's Ewing Township and ton's African-American com- more information visit mcl.org they relate to Dr. King’s life, the city of Trenton north of munity from its founding to March 13, The Flyboys of teachings and civic engage- the Assunpink Creek. Present- the mid-twentieth century. Pre- Princeton, Mercer County ment. The celebratory day ed by Larry Kidder, a retired sented by Jennifer B. Leynes, Library, Lawrence Branch, will begin with a Communi- high school history teacher author of Three Centuries of 6:30pm. Join historian and ty Breakfast at 9am, followed who taught for seven years African-American History in photographer Erik L. Bruno by hands-on activities for all in Ewing and 32 years at The Trenton: Significant People and in this presentation on the ages.For more information, Hun School of Princeton. For Places, which was published role of the Princeton Univer- please visit artscouncilofprinc- many years he has been a by the Trenton Historical So- sity military flying school eton.org or call 609.924-8777. volunteer historian for How- ciety with support from the during World War I, supple- February 24 - February 26, ell Living History Farm and New Jersey Historical Commis- mented with information on Oscar Shorts Weekend, Tren- Crossroads of the American sion. She serves on the Trenton the Doughboys memorial ex- ton Film Society. For more Revolution National Heritage Landmarks Commission and hibit featured in the library information visit trenton- Area. Registration is required. is employed as a Historic Pres- during the month of March. Call 609-882-3148. For more ervation Specialist by the New filmsociety.org This program is co-spon- information visit mcl.org Jersey Historic Preservation sored by the Friends of the March 28 - March 31, 2019 Office. Registration is required. Trenton Film Festival, Tren- January 24 , Abraham Lincoln Lawrence Library and the Call 882-3148. For more info vis- Lawrence Historical Society. ton Film Society. For more Visits Philadelphia, Mercer it mcl.org / 609-882-3148.
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