2274 (-save rrlso as after mentioned) in nil otl>er parts huU with Boothen, Fenton Culvert, Fenton Vivia.n» of the line, to an extent on either side thereof not Longton, Trentham, and Blurton, in the county of exceeding one hundred yards, save and except Stafford. And to deviate from the level of the said where the property is situate within the said railway, as referred to the common datum line distances of ten yards and one hundred yards described on the section approved of by Parliament, respectively, or either of them, shall not be num- between certain points of the said line of railway bered on the said plan, or if numbered en the said as the same is authorized and intended to be made, in plan shall not be contained and described in the said certain parts of the several parishes and places fol- book of reference, and save and except where it lowing, to which the said several variations from the> shall be denoted on the said plan that the power of line of the said railway to be included in the said in- deviation is jiot intended to be applied for. tended Bill do nut apply, namely, Gorton, Newton, And it is further intended to applv for all proper Levenshulme, Kusholme, Manchester,Heaton Norris, and necessary powers to levy tolls, rates, or duties on or some of them, in the county of Lancaster ; Cheadle or in respect of the proposed new works 5 and power Mnseley, Stockport, Cheadle Bulkeley, Alderley, to alter and divert, for the purposes of the said pro- Nether Alderley, Chelford, Prestbury, Capesthorne, posed new works, the roads and canals following, Old Withingtou, Siddington, Marlon, Somerford or some of them ; that is to say : — Booths, Huhne Walfield, Congleton, and Astbury, or Road from Stone to Meaford Hall, in the town- some of them, in the county of Chester. ship of Meaford, in the parish of Stone. And notice is hereby given, that duplicate plans Road from Stone to Hilderstone, in the parish of and sections of the said proposed variations, with; Stone. books of reference thereto, containing a list of the Road from Burston to Stone, at Burston, in the names of the owners, or reputed owners, lessees or. parish of Stone. reputed lessees, and occupiers of the lands in or Road from Rugely to Stone, within the parishes through which the same variations are respectively in- of Colwich and St.owe, or one of them. tended to»be made, will be deposited, for public in- Roa',1 from Whittingtcn to Burton, at or near spection, on or before the oUth day of November Bunnin's Mill, in the parish of Whittington. next, with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Road from Whittington to or near Fisherwick-, in Chester, at h,is office at Chester, and with the clerk parishes of Whittington and Saint Michael's, Lich- of the peace for the county of Stafford, at his office field, or one of them. at Stafford. And that, on or before the 31st of December Canals—The line of the Grand Trunk or Trent next, a copy of so much of the said plans and sections and Mersey Canal, in the parishes of Stone, Colton, as relates to each parish in or through which the said and Armitage, otherwise Armitage and Hansacre, or intended varia'.ions respectively are proposed to be one of them. made, together with a book of reference thereto, The line of the Coventry Canal, in the parishes of will be deposited with the parish clerk for each such Whrttington urAl Saint Michael's, Lichfield, and in parish. tlie extra-parochial place o/ Tamhorn, in the said And notice is hereby also given, that it is in- county of Stafford, and city of the county ofLichtield. tended to apply to Parliament for power to deviate Wheeler, Solicitor. in the construction of the proposed new works (save, Manchester, 1st October 1838. as hereinafter mentioned), to an extent not exceeding ten yards on either side of the line laid down on the "OTIC'E is hereby given, that application is in- plans to be deposited as aforesaid, where the same tended to he made to Parliament in the nex-t line is intended to pass through land covered with, session for-leave to bring in a Bill to alter, am end, houses, and (save also as after mentioned) in all enlarge and repeal certain of the powers and provi- other parts of the line to an extent, on either side . sions of an Act, passed in the first year of the reign of thereof, not exceeding one hundred yards, save Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for making a and except where the property situate within the railway from Manchester to join the Grand Junction said distances of ten yards and one hundred yards Railway^ in the parish of Chebsey, in the county of respectively, or either of them, shall not be numbered Stafford'^ to be called the Manchester and Birmingham on the said plan, or if numbered on the said, plan^ Railway, with certain branches therefrom'' ; and to shall not be contained and described in the said authorize the company thereby incorporated to make book of reference, and save and except where it certain variations from the line of the said railway shall be denoted on the said plan that the power of from, in, through, or into the parishes, townships, deviation is not intended to be applied for. oxtra-parochial and other places following, or some And it is further intended to apply for all proper of them, namely;— and necessary powers to levy tolls, rates, and duties Alderley, Nether Alderley, Prestbury, Chelford, on or in respect of the proposed new works; and ©apcsthorne, Old Withingtori, Siddington, Mar- power to alter and divert, for the purpose of the ton, Somerford Booths, Hulme Walfield, Astbury, said new works, the Macclesfield Canal, iu the town-r Congleton, Newbold Astbury, Moreton, Moreton- ships of Odd Rode and Church Lawton, in the curn-Alcumlow, Odd Rode, and Church Lawton, in parishes of Church Lawton and Newbold Astbury, ihe county of Chester ; Checkley, Audley, Talk, or one of them, in the county of Chester; and also Talk o1 th' Hill, Talk on the Hill, Wplstanton, Tnn- the road leading from Congleton to Newcastle-under-.. stall, Brieryhurst, Chatterley, Ranscliff-otherwise Ra- Lyrae, in the same townships and parishes. venselnf, Clough Hall, Burslem, Rushton Grange, Whteler, Solicitor., . Loiigport, Stoke-upon-Trent, Shelton, Etrum, Penk- Manchester, ] si October 183.8....
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