Tank Mixing Pendimethalin with Pyroxasulfone and Chloroacetamide Herbicides Enhances In-Season Residual Weed Control in Corn Authors: Prashant Jha, Vipan Kumar, Josefina Garcia, & Nicholas Reichard This is a postprint of an article that originally appeared in Weed Technology in the April-June 2015 issue. Jha, Prashant, Vipan Kumar, Josefina Garcia, and Nicholas Reichard. "Tank Mixing Pendimethalin with Pyroxasulfone and Chloroacetamide Herbicides Enhances In-Season Residual Weed Control in Corn." Weed Technology 29, no. 2 (May 2015): 198-206. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1614/WT-D-14-00095.1. Made available through Montana State University’s ScholarWorks scholarworks.montana.edu Tank Mixing Pendimethalin with Pyroxasulfone and Chloroacetamide Herbicides Enhances In-Season Residual Weed Control in Corn Prashant Jha, Vipan Kumar, Josefina Garcia, and Nicholas Reichard Kochia, common lambsquarters, and wild buckwheat are major problem weeds in glyphosate- resistant corn production in the northern Great Plains of the United States. Field research was conducted in 2011 and 2012 near Huntley, MT to investigate effective PRE herbicides applied aloneorinpremixeswithorwithouttank-mixedpendimethalin for extended in-season residual control of the selected broadleaf weeds in glyphosate-resistant corn. Control of kochia, common lambsquarters, and wild buckwheat with recently registered herbicide premixes, including saflufenacil þ dimethenamid-P and S-metolachlor þ mesotrione, was as high as 95 and 90% at 21 and 63 d after treatment (DAT), and mostly similar to the standard atrazine treatment. Residual control of common lambsquarters and wild buckwheat from pyroxasulfone was higher at 298 compared with 149 g ai haÀ1 rate. Pyroxasulfone and other chloroacetamide herbicides (acetochlor or dimethenamid-P) applied alone failed to provide greater than 79, 70, and 54% residual control at 21, 35, and 63 DAT, respectively, of the weed species investigated. Residual weed control throughout the growing season was significantly improved with the addition of pendimethalin to pyroxasulfone (149 g haÀ1), acetochlor, or dimethenamid-P when compared with any of the three herbicides applied alone. Kochia control by pyroxasulfone, acetochlor, or dimethenamid-P tank mixed with pendimethalin was as high as 94, 92, and 81% at 21, 35, and 63 DAT, respectively. Control of common lambsquarters with the addition of pendimethalin to pyroxasulfone or acetochlor was improved to 94, 89, and 81% at 21, 35, and 63 DAT, respectively. Similarly, wild buckwheat control with acetochlor plus pendimethalin was improved to 87, 85, and 82% at 21, 35, and 63 DAT, respectively. Consistent with the extended in-season (up to 9 wk) residual weed control, pyroxasulfone, acetochlor, or dimethenamid-P treatments when tank mixed with pendimethalin had higher corn yields compared with the herbicides applied alone. The investigation on residual herbicides that provide extended in-season weed control should be continued as an important aspect of glyphosate stewardship and to mitigate the occurrence of glyphosate-resistant weed populations in grower fields. Nomenclature: Acetochlor; dimethenamid-P; pyroxasulfone; saflufenacil þ dimethenamid-P; S- metolachlor þ mesotrione; atrazine; pendimethalin; kochia, Kochia scoparia (L.) Schard.; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L.; wild buckwheat, Polygonum convolvulus L.; corn, Zea mays L. Key words: Glyphosate-resistant corn, herbicide efficacy, herbicide resistance management, preemergence, residual weed control. Kochia scoparia, Chenopodium album,yPolygonum convolvulus son malezas problema´ticas en la produccion´ de ma´ız resistente a glyphosate en las Grandes Planicies del Norte de Estados Unidos. En 2011 y 2012, se realizo´ una investigacion´ de campo en Huntley, Montana, para investigar herbicidas efectivos PRE aplicados solos o en premezclas con o sin pendimethalin mezclada en tanque para el control residual de malezas de hoja ancha extendido durante la temporada de crecimiento en ma´ız resistente a glyphosate. El control de K. scoparia, C. album,yP. convolvulus con premezclas de herbicidas recientemente registradas, incluyendo saflufenacil þ dimethenamid-P y S-metolachlor þ mesotrione, alcanzo95´ y 90% a 21 y 63 d despues´ del tratamiento, y fue similar al tratamiento esta´ndar con atrazine. El control residual de C. album ydeP. convolvulus con pyroxasulfone fue mayor con la dosis de 278 que con la de 149 g ai haÀ1. Pyroxasulfone y otros herbicidas de tipo chloroacetamide (acetochlor o dimethenamid-P) aplicados solos, fallaron en brindar un control residual de las especies investigadas superior a 79, 70, y 54% a 21, 35, y 63 DAT, respectivamente. El control residual durante la temporada de crecimiento mejoro´ significativamente con la adicion´ de pendimethalin a pyroxasulfone (149 g haÀ1), acetochlor, o dimethenamid-P, cuando se comparo´ con cualquiera de los tres herbicidas aplicados solos. El control de K. scoparia con pyroxasulfone, acetochlor, o dimethenamid-P mezclados en tanque con pendimethalin alcanzo´ 94, 92, y 81% a 21, 35, y 63 DAT, respectivamente. La adicion´ de pendimethalin a pyroxasulfone o acetochlor incrementoel´ control de C. album a 94, 89, y 81% a 21, 35, y 63 DAT, respectivamente. En forma similar, el control de P. convolvulus con acetochlor ma´s pendimethalin mejoro´ a 87, 85, y 82%, a 21, 35, y 63 DAT, respectivamente. Consistentemente con el control residual extendido de malezas durante la temporada (hasta 9 semanas), los tratamientos de pyroxasulfone, acetochlor, o dimethenamid-P, mezclados en tanque con pendimethalin tuvieron mayores rendimientos de ma´ız al compararse con los herbicidas aplicados solos. La investigacion´ de herbicidas residuales que brinden un control residual extendido durante la temporada de crecimiento deber´ıa continuar como un aspecto importante del buen uso y mantenimiento de glyphosate y para mitigar la aparicion´ de poblaciones de malezas resistente a glyphosate en los campos de los productores. Weed management is one of the major produc- alternative PRE herbicide chemistries for weed tion challenges for corn growers (Parker et al. 2006; control in corn. Rajcan et al. 2004). Kochia, common lambsquar- Pyroxasulfone is a relatively new herbicide that ters, and wild buckwheat are problem broadleaf acts as a root/shoot growth inhibitor in germinating weeds in corn production in the northern Great seedlings of susceptible weeds (Tanetani et al. Plains (NGP) of the United States. If not controlled 2009), and is registered as a PRE herbicide in corn. early, these weeds can reduce corn yields by 30 to Pyroxasulfone applied PRE in corn controls 69% (Hall et al. 1992; King and Garcia 2008; broadleaf weeds such as Palmer amaranth (Ama- Wicks et al. 1993). ranthus palmeri S. Wats.), velvetleaf (Abutilon Glyphosate-resistant corn is grown on approxi- theophrasti Medicus), tall waterhemp [Amaranthus mately 90% of the U.S. corn hectares (USDA-ERS tuberculatus (Moq.)], common lambsquarters, and 2014). Overreliance on glyphosate for weed control common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in glyphosate-resistant crops has caused weed (Knezevic et al. 2009; Nurse et al. 2011; Steele et population shifts to species that vary in their natural al. 2005). In previous research, residual control of susceptibility to glyphosate, including common Palmer amaranth, velvetleaf, and common ragweed lambsquarters and wild buckwheat (Shaner 2000; with pyroxasulfone was superior to chloroacetamide Wilson et al. 2007). Additionally, the widespread herbicides (seedling root/shoot growth inhibitor) occurrence of glyphosate-resistant weeds is a major such as S-metolachlor and acetochlor (Geier et al. concern for producers, with a total of 14 weed 2006; Steele et al. 2005). species that evolved resistance to glyphosate in the S-Metolachlor þ mesotrione (4-hydroxyphenyl- United States (Heap 2014). The recent evolution of pyruvate dioxygenase inhibitor) is a new premix glyphosate-resistant kochia is an increasing concern registered for PRE/POST weed control in corn. for producers in the NGP, including Montana Although mesotrione alone PRE at 150 to 310 g ai (Heap 2014; Kumar et al. 2014). haÀ1 controls certain broadleaf weeds such as Soil-applied PRE herbicides can potentially smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.) and reduce reliance on glyphosate in glyphosate-resistant common lambsquarters, efficacy and spectrum of crops (Culpepper 2006; Norsworthy et al. 2012). weed control can be enhanced when used in Effective PRE herbicides in corn can minimize conjunction with S-metolachlor (Armel et al. early-season weed interference by controlling weed 2003; Whaley et al. 2009). cohorts that emerge with corn (King and Garcia Saflufenacil plus dimethenamid-P is a premix 2008; Parker et al. 2006). Atrazine, S-metolachlor, recently registered for PRE weed control in corn. acetochlor, and isoxaflutole are the PRE-applied Saflufenacil is a protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase- herbicides most used by corn growers for many inhibiting herbicide with POST and soil-residual years because of their effectiveness and low cost activity (Grossman et al. 2010), and dimethenamid- (Swanton et al. 2002); however, potential move- P is a chloroacetamide herbicide that acts as a ment of the herbicides into groundwater and seedling shoot growth inhibitor (Anonymous herbicide losses in surface water runoff are the 2005). Saflufenacil þ dimethenamid-P applied major concerns. Furthermore, the occurrence of PRE at low-use rates of 115 to 325 g ai haÀ1 atrazine-resistant
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