A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And -Impartially Each Week VOL. XVI—NO. 13 FORDS,. N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Prom Fund California- Oil Gives 3 •Young-Men -Big Start Is Growing, Now $566 $2,500 Goal Still Tar In Distance, but Hope For Success is High an in WOODBRIDGE — Contribu- tions to the Woodbridge High School Senior Prom fund showed a spurt this week but the total is Juveniles who- Looted Gas •'*>• still a long way off from the $2,500 needed for the prom expenses. The total received to. date is Stations Here, Apprehended $566.56 but it is hoped that con- WOODBRIDGE — Riding other three boys. They stole an- tributions now being sought by around in style for two weeks in other car and were chased by a the High School Seniors them- a stolen automobile, five juve- radio car in Elizabeth, almost selves will swell the sum consid- niles from Jersey City who have crashing with the police car. WOODBRIDGE — "Gang war- erably. Donations are also begin- admitted to gas station rob- They finally were stopped on the fare will not be tolerated in ning to come in from the parents. beries in the Township wound Pulaski Skyway by the Jersey Woodbridge Township," Polite The Prom is scheduled for May up yesterday in the hands of City Police. Chief John R. Egan warned today, 21 at The Pines, Metuchen. Jersey City and Linden police. In the stolen car, which the "and any who think they waut to One mother, Mrs. William Sam- The. boys, ranging in ages quintet was using in its rob- try it will wind up behind !"•::.'! son, wrote to Dr. John P. Lozo, from 14 to 17, admitted to De- beries and for joyriding, the po- And to put emphasis to Ch "!•:•.;.' High School principal: "I am en- tective Fred Leidner .and Sgt. lice found all the -loot taken Egan's warning, Magistrate An- closing a/check as a contribution Elmer Krysko at Jersey City Po- from the Cloverleaf Esso Serv- drew D. Desmond yesterday fin--'! to a very worthy cause—the Sen- lice Headquarters, they looted ice Station owned by Thomas five men $50 each, issued a sum- ior Prom Fund. the Shell Station across from Mazan, St. George Avenue, Lin- mons for an Iselin resident =>;M "I sincerely hope that our com- the Holiday Inn, Route 9, the • den. The boys stole cash, search turned over four juveniles to i.hr-. munity is aware of how very im- E. W. Endter, president of The California Oil Company, congratu- area. Left to right above are Mr.' Endter, Robert J. Wiuff, Fords, Texaco Station on Route 9, the lights, spark plugs, batteries, Juvenile Court in New Bruns- portant this function is and gives lates the three outstanding: high school students who have won Woodbridge High School; William E. Bowling, Carteret, St. Mary's Atlantic Station across from windshield wipers and a case of wick. its wholehearted-support. the 3600-a-year, four-year scholarship his company has estab- High School, Perth Amboy, and Donald B. Cook, Perth. Amboy, Howard Johnsons and the Esso soft drinks, in that job. A strong The nine arrested were en- "This is a big undertaking and lished at the Estate University for young men from the plant Perth Amboy High School. Cloverleaf Station on Route 1. box containing check books and gaged in a gang fight in Ken-M^iy I appreciate the effort that has to One of the boys escaped from bills of sale, taken in the Atlan- Park a little after 10 O'CKH!: be put into it by yourself, Dr. Hut- : Jamesburg last year and was tic Station robbery was also re- Tuesday night in which baseu;'1! ner and the committee. As a par- n picked up by Woodbridge police covered as ' was a radio stolen bats, clubs and a large ma^Iic:•--<-•• ent, may I say, "Thanks'." School Musicians Fords Youth, 2 Others Get in a stolen car at that time. from the Shell Station. The boys were used as weapons. Donors this week were' as fol- The case broke when two of said they spent the cash stolen in lows: all the jobs. The five fined $50 each wtui; the boys, were nabbed by a Lin- Milo W. Moody, 19, a laborer, La- $10.00 To Offer Recital Full Rutgers Scholarships den officer, who observed them Three sets of stolen plates were ' Lou' Homer, Anonymous, Mr. fayette Road, Metuchen; Aif>/•:.•<.; NEW BRUNSWICK—Award of three California Oil acting suspiciously. As he was found in the stolen car, Krysko Cherscavick, 18, a earp?ntor'-. and Mrs. Joseph Fritsche, Mrs. WOODBRIDGE — The instru- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The taking them to the call box, one and Leidner reported to Chief Bertha Samson, Dr. and Mrs. Company Scholarships to Rutgers University to outstand- helper, 1 Madison Avenue, Fords: mental Music Department of final event Off the season's calen- of the juveniles broke away and John R. Egan. They changed the James 'Pasterak, 23. a triif;!; Maurice Chodosh, Greiner Fu- Woodbridge Township Schools ing seniors in Woodbridge, Perth Amboy and St. Mary's dar for the Clara Barton Woman's plates on the car frequently to neral Home, Woodbridge Town- made his way to the Elizabeth- driver, 33;1 Chapman Avenue, will present the annual-band and High schools was announced today by John P. Kirkwood, Club—'the annual supper—will be Linden line where -he joined the avoid detection. Perth Amboy; John F. Hacker, 21, ship Education Association, Knox orchestra concerts next week in Laboratories, Jackson's Drug secretary of the State University's scholarship committee, held May 18 at Oak Hills -Manor laborer, 100 Demarest Avenue. the High School Auditorium. All and E. W. Endter, president of the California Oil Company at 6:30 P. M.,, according to ar- Avenel, and John Donich, 22 A Store, Frank R. Bloom, Dr. Henry school orchestras will appear May A. Belafsky, William Nemeth. which operates a. large refinery at angements made Tuesday by the laborer, 31 William Street, Fnr>;];;, 13 and all school bands on May 14Perth Amboy. Town Readies, for Winter; Magistrate Desmond warned U; $5,00 at 8 P. M. xecutive board at the home ef The winners of the $60O-a-year quintet that he "was sick of sen- Polkowitz Motors, Avenel Mo- The concerts are under the su- League.to Aid Mrs. Remsen Hansmann, Indian thers' Club, Dr. Thomas L. Tallon, scholarships are Robert James Avenue. Ponders Bids for 8 Plows ing most of your faces in court," Walsheck's Flower Shop, James pervision of Theodore H. Hoops Wiuff, 49 Livingston Avenue, and that if they thought they Byers, Better Schools Association, who will be assisted by John M. Fords; Donald Brace Cook, 217 Activities of CD The newly-elected officers will WOODBRIDGE—Bids for rodent control, blinker lights, were going to start "gans; v/ar~ Margeret Thergeson, Mr. and Walz and Leonard J. Gallo. First Street, Perth Amboy; and be installed at 'tt*\aflair. Mrs. A.mosquito control and snow plows were received by the Town fare in Woodbridge Township tin ;/ Mrs. W. S. DeLisle, Misses S. K. A prevueof the concerts will be William Edward Dowling, 14a T. Ulrich, .hospitality chairman, had better change their zuinc;.-; given to Woodbridge High School RARITAN TOWNSHIP Dr. nnounced' that reservations must Committee Tuesday. , immediately." and A. L. Johnson. Mary Ann On- Lowell Street, Carteret. The schol- a dar, Elizabeth Coughlin, Mr. and students tomorrow, the High arships are tenable foi- the four Raymond Curcio presided at a ie made with her by Monday. Fogging, Unlimited, Shrewsbury, was the only bidder The juveniles picked up in- Band appearing. in the afternoon meeting of the executive board of VTrs. William Testa will be in for rodent control at the Township garbage dumps at $70 cluded two 17-year-old youU.s, Mrs. T. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. years of the college, program. the Clara Barton League of Rari- Francis P. Boyle, Ethel M. Geis, session with -the High School harge of the program. a month for a minimum of 12 months. • . : one from. Metuchen and the other Twiners' and the High School Or- These are the first to win the toh'Township Voters held Mon- from.jrPerth Amboy and two Hi- William E. O'Neill, Mi\ and Mrs. scholarships which were>announc- j Mrs. Adam Zimmerman, inter- For blinker lights to be in- Wukovets, Mr. and Mrs. Paw chestra playing for the morning day at the American Legion Home, national relations chairman, an- stalled at intersections of Max- year-olds, one from Woodbridg'.: session.., . ; .. ed in February by Mr. Endter and Brower Avenue. and the other from Fords. Kinn, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bar- Dr. Lewis Webster Jones, presi- nounced she is seeking old sweat- well Avenue, Egan Avenue and thelmes, Mr. and Mrs. George Personnel of the bands and or- Plans were made to conduct a King George Road, Fords; Ply- Public Inspection f dent of the State University. At membership drive and to present rs far use in a club projeot to A summons has been issued ff<r Scott, Robert Peterson, John An- chestras are as., follows: make an afghan to 'be sent as a mouth Drive and Oak Tree Road, George, Sinka, 89 Trento Street-. Junior Band :•'': Iselin School, that time Mr. Endter said that a juke box, obtained through the drascik, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin his company was setting up the elfare project to Korea. Dona- Iselin; Elizabeth Avenue and Of Hospital Urged Iselin, in whose car the very Casey, Mrs.
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