RAnON CALENDAR IIIOCUSID )lOODS blue &tamps AS throu.h va v~Ud IndefinItely; Cloudy amAT re(l stamps A8 throu,h T8 v.lld lnddlnltely; SUGAR stamp JII," (110011 4) valid Indellnltely. ~tamp ~O lor cannl", sugar explr•• DAILY IOWAN reb .. II: I"~: SHOE .t8mp, aU'plane stampa I and 2 (book 3) valid , . IOWA: Cloud,., Showers Jlldeflnltely: GASOLINE A· tJ coupon expire. June 22; FUEL OIL plr . ••nd ~ coupons expIre Bept. 30. Iowa City'i Morni~g Newspaper ..... t'M: CENTS Till AI'OOIATIO ••181 IOWA' CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1944 VOLUME XUV NUMBER 210 ,..- l Allie·s Baftl~ , Savagely T~d;;y's RAF . Blasts French Coast Eor Italian StrongholdJ/ow.a.n. With · Heaviest Bombing CHINA'S FIRST LADY VISITS AIRMEN RAF nilM raiders follow-up Yanks, British massive daylight attacks, deliver . heaviest bombing of war on French <:oast, Coal Mines Returned Japs Block I Raids BaUer Edge Forward Allied drive toward Rome in- creases io fury, To Private Owners G.rman Radio Reports Secretary Ickes returns to pri­ Yanks on Biak West Wall vate ownership coal mines pro· Ickes Says Mines Straet Righting Rages ducing 60 percent of the nlltion's Broke All Previous bituminous coal. Mighty Attacks Follow I I~ City of Velletri Fighting Subsides Production Records To Patrol Action; Huge Daylight Assault AILL'I E D lIEADQUAR· Liberty ship runs agrqund 30 miles west of Golden Gl\te;; over 679 Japanese Slain WASBLNCTON (AP)-Secre­ On Hitler's Europe trERS, Napl s (AP)-Ameri. 1,000 of personnel rescu~d , . tary Ickes yesterday returned to can ~nd BI'ilish tl'OOPS drove private ownership coal mines pro­ LONDON, Thursilay (A P)­ ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD­ duelng 60 percent Of tbe nation's IIs(ed II F'ollowinl! up IJ. trrmeudow; day· into Rome's outer defenses with QUARTERS, New GU inea, Thurs­ bituminous coal. led to lIIe li ght aer'ial al;s8ult on HitlrJ"s increased f u l'y yesterday and Nazis Fiercely Attack day (AP)- The bittcr fighting on He decla~ed that manalement orlal da, and labor " are now on trial to Europe fl'om the w Jlt and Roulh : precioul smash ed' through to 1\ point west Biak island has subsided tQ patrol by})o ibly 3,fiOO allied p)ane~, of Velletl'i, a key fortI·c BS in the prove to the nation that they could I I 'us here Russians in Romania action and a,ti llcl'Y exchanges tuUm wdrtlme responsibilities RA'F' night raideN! Rmnshed ilL I rave II Nazis ' powerful new mountain with the Yanks still blocked trom under their own power," the Fr neh coast from l'alaiR to line before the Eternal cilv. Moscow Announces the airdrome after battles in New Ware Contract 'ap GI'is 'ez arly today with The Gel~m8n radio said '" dra­ which 679 Japanese were slain, Yesterday's action left in it hellvic~t bOlnbing or the war, matic street fighting" WIIJ~ J'ag­ Enemy Losses Heavy governm~nt's possession only the The mightie~t blowR ~'ct st I'll 'k ing in Velletri i.tself as Nazi 'I headquarters reported today. anthracite mines, the mines of In Air, Tank Battles, Headquarters made its first re­ at tbe J 'azi." yuunted wesl wall shock troops fought American the Southern Coal Producers' as­ revel'berated aero '!\ the ('hunnp[ port on enemy losses since the sociation and certain scattered op­ doughboys for; possession of the LONDON, Thursday (AP) like on eOI'! hqunkc, choi ng stronghold, loss of which would Americans went ashore Saturday erations on which wOl'd is awaited Large German forces continued to as to execution of the new wage through th night with gr at, seriously disrupt the enemy's on that main island in the Schout­ repeated blaHts, plans to make a lengthy stand in attack fiel·cely Russian lines north contract recently approved by the ens of[ the north Dutch New Gui~ Gennan Lonf-Range Gun the Alban hills, of lasi in Romania yesterday but War Labor board. nea coast. The total covered ac~ Revulse Counter-Attacks were repulsed without advancing The turn back came 13 months The targets appearcd to be the tion up to Tuesday, after 3,000 mine were sel:ted by German long-range guns which Allied troops who advanced "even one step" and left "thou~ Invaders Increase LoSfle5 through deadly fire and repulsed the government because they were often have sheUed the Dovel" dls­ sands of dead" on the battlefield, Allhough still held two miles paralyzed by a strike, savage counter-attacks west of BUSY with hlt maPf\ dqrlnc the trlct. I Moscbw announced early today, away from Mokmer airfield by The blLuminous mines restored early stares ot the Aulo beaeh- The moon and slars shone over Velletri were rel'orted to have to their owners will put the new r,eached a point within six miles WEAJUNG AN OVERSEAS GAP, Mme, Chiang Kal-shek accompanies Counter-AUacks Ragtl enemy positions on ridges domin- bead operation Is Maj. Gen. Lu- the channel as the fleet or Britisb ating a coastal road approach, the wage contract into clfect jmmedt~ qt t~e Pope's summer home at her distinguished spouse, China's generallsslD'o, on a visit to the The enemy's 10J)ses were en or- invaders added to the Japanese clan Truacoit of. the Allfell FUth Ibombers thundered across the iit­ ately, army. Censorship wllbheld the ~le strip or water, seemingly lly~ Castel Gandolfo and within ap: Chinese-American composite wing of the Chinese Air force, ' This mou in the, series of attacks and I losses by cleaning out small pa.r~ Release of the anthracite mines '. proximately 16 miles of Rome. wine was formed In November, 1943, The Chinese of the unit are pICtUre until no~ when the beach- lllg lower than usual. counter - attacks which rag e d I ties nol"th of captured Bosnek vll· awaits ratilicallon of a new con­ head bal bec:eme Joncer a Flares were dropped soon a[ler British forces driving up from membel'$ of the Chinese Air force and the' Americans, who are se­ tract by special convention to be ,0 lbe south, on the coastal flank 01 lec~ from the United States 14th Air force, are on loan to the eom­ through.out the day, the Russians lage, d mil th beac:hhH4 but part of &he creat the planes had passed Irom sight . Two hun red es to e called by the Untted Mine work­ Allied baijle Une, and as the unnatural glare showed tb~ 25-mile battle line before the po!!lte wlnr. The plan Is for the Americans to be withdrawn gradually saId ID the broadcast supplement southeast, where another Amed- ers, Italian capital, were edging for- rrom. the. or,allisatlon, leaving it eventually all·Chinese. ! on the horl:ton, German ck-ack to their nightly communique. can invasion force occupies a In refUSing to restore the bitum­ gun fire sounded, ward through thick mine fieldS Giving 'an indication ot the in- smaH stretch of Dutch New Gui~ inous mines ot the Southern Coal I I &Duth of Pescarella Nuova, which ( . The n 0 i s e or this ),arrage tensity of ijle furious air and tank nea coast at MaWn buy, Japan­ Producers' association, Ickes acted Chinese Order Aged, seemed to die as the bombs is 14 miles due south of the edge battles wttich. started Tuesday ese raiding pal·ties seeking to cut under a ruling by Atty, Gen. of Rome. Ship Runs Aground dropped, touching off great blobs Irish ' Minister after a six-weeks lull on the main communication lines were driven Francis Biddle that the govern­ of fire one after another, Desperate Resistance eastern front, Moscow reported oU Tuesday, ment is l1o.t required to restore Children From City Nazi forces entrusted with the The attack, like the four which Near San Francisco knocking out 122 German tanks Headquarters reported t hat mines in t e absence 01 an effec­ preceded it in ti'le same region, immediate job of ~lemming the and shoQti ng down 164 enemy bombers taking off from the Ad- tive industry wage contract where AsJap Drive He,ars wu as ~hort as it was shar p and rUth army's assault until the bulk R·etains ·Seal planes in two days "f fighting. miralty i lands raided Tl'uk, Sat" thel'e b; 'a tbreat of dJ$tu~bahces a little more than 15 minutes aLler 01 Field MarshaL. Albert K..sel­ Potrols, Destroyers Full Mcaptnc Obae&&re awan and Woleai in the Caroline interfering with production, CHtJNGK1NG (AP)- Thc ovac- tile blasting began the plAnes ring's 10th army could be with- Rescue Over 1,000 The full meaning 'of the assault, islands Monday and Tuesday. Souther~ers Refuse Contract began streaming back to their . drawn from the broken HlUer line, which began Tuesday and broke The communique, de a lin g The Southern Coal Producers' uatlon ot children and the aged Men From Transport bases, continued to offer desperate re­ In Parliament a six-weeks' lull on the main briefly with the enflamed Biak association has not accepted the from Changsha was ordered by of­ In skies virtually clear of the sistance all the ,#ay from Va1mon~ eastern front, remained obscure, situation, said that tbe Japanese new bituminous wage contract as ficials of that Hunan province enemy and at a cost of one bomber I~Ol! to the sea, SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-More As&ociated Press Correspondent opposition to the east of the Bos­ a group, capital ' as two Japanese prongs and four fighters, from 750 to An aUled communique said "It DUBLIN (AP)-Prime Minister than 1,000 navy men were res- Eddy Gilmore in a dispatch from nek beachbead "has collapsed," Ickes sa~d that during the 13 were driven Into the city's outer 1,000 Am e ric a n heavyweights is IlOW clear the enemy intends to Eamon De Valera and at least six cued from a stricken transport and Moscow said the Soviet press and The hard fighting is to the west months of government possession from Britain pounded crowded hold this line at all costs," of his cabinet members retained radio had carried no stories from along the south coast where Mok­ all previous production records defenses 40 miles to the north, surrounding w ate r s yesterday the front lines and gave no elabor- mel' and two other airfields arc railway yards at Hamm, Osna­ Edward Kennedy of The Asso­ tbeir seats in the Dail (parlia~ were broken, half a million min­ aIte, the SS Henry Bergh crashed ation on the communique, located, Chinese officiaLs reported last brUCk, Schwerte and Soest- trans~ ciated Press wrote from the fight~ ment) in Tuesday's glner;al elec~ aground in ra in and heavy fog on ers attained the greatest per~man night.
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