DiA DE .LA RAZA! (f. Under this. name-the Feast of the latin Race-is commemorated, on the 12th of October each year throughout South and Central America, the historic voyage of discovery by Columbus in 1492. «<. Since thellJ the development of the vast resources of the New World has been phenomenal. C:. To-day a great and growing volume of overseas trade is transacted annually by the latin American Republics, and complete facilities for every descrip­ tion of modern banking business are afforded by THE ANGLO-lOUTH AMERICAN BANK LTD 117 OLD RROADST,LONDON,EC2 ii BANK OF LONDON ffSOUTH AMERICA Lll~tiTED H ead Office : 6, 7 & 8 Tokenhouse Yard, LONDON, E.C.2 MANCHESTER : BRADFORD : 36 Charlotte S t r eet. 33 Hustlergate. Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund, £6,540,000. J. W. BEAUMONT P EASE, Chairman. L HIBERT W . MIDDLETON , Deputy-Chairman. The Bank 's Informa tion Dept. issues free of cha rge a :'l lonthly R eview in E nglish or French , giving p articula rs of Cu rrent market a nd other conditions. Up-to-date "tatus rep orts on South American fi rms, compiled from reliable sources, a re supplied on request . ESTABLISHED AT Be lgium : Antwerp, 1 0 Rue Uruguay : Montevideo, and a t :\'ationalc . P aysandu, Rivera, Salto. France : Paris, 9 Rue du H elder. Brazil : Rio de J a neiro, Ballia, Portugal : Lisbon , 44 Rua Aurea. Bello Horizonte, Ceara, Curi­ Oportp : 9 Rua do Infan te D . ty b a, Juiz de Fora, Macei6, Henriq ne. Ma naos, Ma ranhao, P a ra, U. S. America : J\"ew York, 67 P elotas, P ernambu co, Porto \\'all Street. Alegre, Rio Grande, Sa ntos, Argentina: Buenos Aires, with 5ao P auio , Victoria. Cit,. Sub-Bra n ches at Barra­ Chile : Valparaiso, Sa ntiago, c<~.s. Boca , Cons titucion, On ce, Antofagasta. Calle Scl llta Fe. Also a t Rosario , Azul, B :thia Blanca, Concor- Paraguay : Asunci6n. dia, C6rcloba, Mendoza , Pa rana, Columbia: Bogota, Cali , Buena- l'os,.das, Santa Fe, T res ventura, Manizales, Medellin, Arroyas, Tucuma n . Barranquilla. Agents throughout the World. AFFILIATED TO L!.OYDS BANK LIMITED. iii International Advertising 'J'ODA Y, advertising spans the world. It is one of the great new modern sciences, like the cable, the wireless, the radio- a seemingly miraculous force by which goods are distributed to hundreds of millions of buyers. Every one interested in successful selling should in­ quire of the latest methods by which great industries New York Building are built. ALBERT FRA~..JK & CoMPANY, one of the oldest of American advertising agencies, is in a position to offer manufacturers, travel and transportation companies, commercial institutions and banks an advertising ser· vice complete in all branches of advertising, merchan· dising, direct mail, etc. Our exceptional foreign connections through the London office enable us to reach and influence the markets of the world. Inquiry is invited at any of our eight offices. ALBERT FRANK lli CoMPANY ADVERTISING New York Boston Chicago London San Francisco Los Angeles Portland Seattle lV OhananJa) arao Gadgli Libra!) IIIIII\ IIIII IIIII \lUI IIIII IIIII Ill\ Ill\ JIPF.-P E-007567 TO SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL,. URUGUAY & ARGENTINA TRAVEL BY BRITAIN'S LUXURY MOTOR LINERS H ALCANTARA" & "ASTURIAS" REGULAR SERVICE: EUROPE TO NORTH PACIFIC PORTS PLEASURE CRUISES: TO NORWAY, BALTIC, WEST INDIES MEDITERRANEAN, ETC., ETC. Ft1r fintltrr partiadars apply : THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY AMERICA HOUS~ COCKSPUR S"Tll£ET, LOSDON, S.W.t ATI.A.'ITIC HOUSE, MOORGATE, LONDON, E.C-2 S0011iAMPTON, UVERPOOL, B!R.\.IINGHA.\1 Mfu'IC!i.ESTER, C."'RDIFP & GL~SGOW v b ROYAL MAIL MAINTAINS REGULAR SERVICES OF FAST CARGO VESSELS BETWEEN THE PRINCIPAL EUROPEAN PORTS & SOUTH, CENTRAL & NORTH AMERICA (EAST AND WEST COASTS) AND THE WEST INDIES ON THE HOMEWARD VOYAGES COFFEE · COCOA TOBACCO· SUGAR AND OTHER PRODUCTS ARE CARRIED Optional and Direct Bills of Lading are issued at rhrotlgh rates of freight· co all J!Sirts Further information from R.M.S.P. Offices and Agencs at the Ports, or from the Head Office THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY ROYAL MAIL HOUSE, MOORGATE, E.C.~ LONDON THE ROYAL MAIL SOUTH AMERICAN SERVICE. The name of The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company in South America is a household one, and countless tales could be told of the historic episodes in which it has figured and of the distinguished peopb the vessels of its fleet have carried since the year 1850 when the Service was first inaugurated. A wise and far-seeing statesmanship was responsible for the Treaties of Amitv and Commerce which laid the foundations of the vast trade whicli has been steadily developed by the enterprise and business acumen of the merchants and traders of Great Britain and the Latin Republics. \\"ith this development the R.M.S.P. has had no small share, since its vessels have provided the essential means of transportation for both passengers and freight. \\"ith all its splendid past behind it the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company is still the premier line trading to South America, and foremost in 'providing the most modern, luxurious, and up-to-date passenger vessels as well as the highest class of cargo carrier. The watchwords of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company are: "Safety," "Comfort," "Service," "Regularity." The various South American services of The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company comprise : · Ten-daily service by luxurious "A" vessels from Southampton. Fortnightly service by comfortable "D" steamers from Liverpool. Fortnightly service by cargo steamers from the United Kingdom and Continent. Cruises all the year round from United Kingdom ports to the \\"est Indies, Mediterranean, Norway, and Northern Capitals of Europe, etc., and from New York to Bermuda. Gross tons. Total tonnage of the R.~I.S.P. Fleet 373.527 Cubic feet •. Total refrigerator capacity for chilled and frozen meat, butter, and other dairy produce, and fresh fruit 6,8oo,ooo · Total gross tonnage of R.J\I.S.P. and Associated Companies' Fleets .• 2,679.146 vii b2 R.M.S.P. and P.S.N. OFFICE3 an:l AGENCIE~. Offic~ and Agencies of the Royall\Iail Steam Packet and Pacific Steam Navigation Companies are established in all parts of South America, Central America, and Mexico. In addition the Companies are represented, of course, in all important centres of the world. The list below refers only to certain of the principal places in the American and European Continents: EUROPE. Great Britain and Ireland. Germany, LONDON : Royal Mail House, E.C. BERLDI: AI. Peters, Unter den Lindenq. LIVERPOOL: Goree, \Vater Street. BELFAST: \V. McCalla & Co., 41-43 Vic· HA)IBvRG : Royal l\Iail Line G.m.b.H., toria Street. Hopfenmarkt 2. BlRMINGHAM : 112 Co !more Row. CARDrFF: 18A High St. Holland. DUBLIN: Hewett's Tourist Office, ROTTERDA.'d: Kuyper, van Dam & D'Olier St. Smeer, so Van Vollenhovenstraat. GLASGOW: 125 Buchanan St., C.x. MANcHESTER: Royal Mail House, Cross Portugal. St. SoUTHAMPTON: R.M.S.P. Buildings. LISBO:"': J. Rawes & Co., Rua Bernar· dino Costa 47 (R.l\I.S.P.); E. Pinto Austria. Basto & Co., Ltd., Caes do Sodre 64 VIENNA: Wiedner Guertel32. (P.S.N.C.). Belgium. OPORTO: Tait & Co., Rua do Infante D. Henrique 19 (R.M.S.P.); Kendall, ANTWERP : Union Ticket Office, Pinto Basto & Co., Ltd., Rua do 46, Avenue de Keyser. Infante D. Henrique (P.S.N.C.). BRUSSELS: S. A. Voyages Bull, 26 Place 73 de Brouckere. Spain. Czechoslovakia. CoRvNA: Rubine e Hijos, Real 81 PRAGUE: Hybernska 24. (R.l\I.S.P.); Sobrinos de Jose Pastor, France. Ltd., Edificio Pastor (P.S.N.C.). BoRDEAUX: 8 Cours du Trente Juillet. l'i!ADRID: 1\IacAndrews & Co., Ltd., CliERBOURG: Vve. P. Cottel & Co., Quai Marques de Cubas 21. de !'Ancien Arsenal. VIGO: E. Duran, C.B.E., Avenida de I,A ROCHELLE PALLICE: Quai Carnot. Canovas del Castillo 3 (R.l\I.S.P.); PARIS: S.A.R.M.S.P., 12 Boulevard des Sobrinos de Jose Pastor, Ltd., Poll· Capucines. carpo Sanz, I, and Carra!, 2 (P.S.N.C.). SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA AND MEXICO. Argentina. British Guiana. ~ABIA BLANCA: Agencia Maritima BERBICE : S. Davson & Co., Ltd. Dodero, S.A. DEMERARA : Sandbach, Parker & Co • .BUENOS AIRES : La Mala Real Argentina, Ltda. ROSARIO : Barnett & Co. British Honduras. BELIZE: Belize Estate & Produce Co., Bolivia. Ltd• . LA P.U: Duncan, Fox & Co. Chile. ·Brazil. · · ANTOFAGASTA : Barnett & Co., Ltd. BAHIA: F. Stevenson & Co., Ltd. ARICA: Pacific Steam Navigation Co • .· PEllNAMBUCO : Royal Mail Steam Packet CoNCEPCION : Williamson & Co. Co. RIO DE JANEIRO: Royal Mail Steam CONSTITUCION : David Hoy!. Packet Co. COQUIMBO : Eduardo A. Araya. RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Cranston Wood­ CORONEL : Franklin & Co. head & Co. IQT11Qv"E: Lockett Bros. & Co . SANTOS : Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. SAo PAULO: Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. LEBu : · Antonio & Martin l\Iendiboure • '\iii R.M.S.P. and P.S.lf. OFFICES and AGENCIES (contd.). l\!AGALLANES : S.A.C. Braun & Blan­ MEXICO CITY: H. E. Bourchier, Suets., chard. S.A. liiEJILLONES : Gibbs & Co. J>DERTO MEXICO : Tomas Ruiz. PISAGUA : Soc. Com. Harrington, Mor· SALINA CRUZ : Guzman & Nyrup. rison y Cia. PUERTO l\IONTT : S.A.C. Braun & Nicaragua. Blanchard CORINTO: E. Palazio & Co.; J. I,, SANTIAGO: Pacific Steam Navigation Griffith & Co. Co. li!ANAGUA: National Bank of Nicaragua, TALCA: Williamson & Co. Inc. (R.M.S.P.); Anglo·Central Ameri· TALCAHUANO: Williamson & Co. can Commercial Bank, Ltd. (P.S.N.C.) VALPARAISO: Pacific Steam Navigation SAN JUAN DEL Sua: E. C. Kelly, Co. Colombia. Panama. BARRANQUII.LA : Tracey Bros., Ltd. BALBOA, C.Z. : Pacific Agencies. BoGoTA: Tracey Bros., Ltd. CRISTOBAL, C.Z. : Pacific Steam Navi· BUENAVENTURA: Llano y Cia.
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