. ■,..- , * , T, , .V >r ■#•, _*_-5i 4 .f -V • •" * ' ■v.' ■'. < ■ ■r-'irvrwef) ■;-r I- ‘ I f : - - ; " V fsn^tixraKN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1954 iimtrb^Btyr lEoptiins lyralb AYerafft Daily Net Preaa Ran IjMiirir. F ar MM,,Weelr Haded Thd WfRthfr " ■ II m Alpina Boclety arlU hold tta Faranto at high school ptgkls daughter la atteatUng Sytnctiaa Nev. 37, lOM F m ia a l a f 0 . R. w m e o . f About Town annual CSuriatmaa p ^ y tomorrow who attend afternoon seeeioaa will Snowball Co4]liairm an Admit Local Men University on a acholarahip. Hospital Notes % at 7 p.m. at the Sub Alpine Club meet this evsning at 7:30 at ths 11,560 L ight •aew. late thU ettoBilg. V? TbMBM V. McCuin, 33. S3 on Bldrldge Street Hembera are ochool. To Aircraft Club Lear 9 9 -8 8 . Thairkdaff * eal4 •99te fftM n 8t« yvsterday anturcd the requeated to bring 33 cent gifta ADMITTED YESTERDAY: EMERGENCY Mcaeber et the Aadit for the grab^wg. The Dllworth-Comell-Quey Poet Charles Argiraa, M Spruce St.; Itareaa ef Otrealatlea atonal a ■ew flarrtoe aver higher yp. B. Army and reported to the Two local men have-joined Pratt OIL lURNER >K4o«i>Uoa Center at F t Dlx, N. 7. Ho. 103, American Legion, will hold Police A r^i$ Mrs. MUdred Eldridge, Hartford elevatleae. High 88-49. The Women’a iM gue of the Sec­ a social meeting tonight et the A Whitney Aircraft’a Quarter. Turnpike, Rockville; Alan Dux. SERVICE Manchester-^A of VUlage Charm ond Congregational OHudi will Poet Home on- Leonard Street Centtiry Oub. RTlllem P. Gwlnn, 14 Proctor Rd.; Robert Tucker, -------- ^ ------------------ --—___ ; Xiaa Barbara A. BeU of 34 W. hold an all-groig> meeting a t the general manager, announced to­ Omar Chapti 23, 32: Silas Rd.,' .yiithUa and Herman R. Ma- Bterting at 8 o'clock. Rcfreahments Taylor Street, TaicottVlUe; Elise- VOL. LXXIV, NO. 52 (THIRTY-TWQ PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) church tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Gifta will be served. day. free under >^,0Q0 bond while hath Ann Campbell, 43 Joseph St.; \CALL MANCHESTER, CONN., w y i:NESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1954 (COaaallled AdvactMag ah Page 89) i»tanr"aC Worceater, Mana. appHed ihould be brought to thia meeting The new 25-year men are Fred awaiting tMiU in' Superior Court PRICE n V B CENTS A matrtafa licanae in Hart- Joseph Patrissi, Sunset Terrace, "Hat for patienta at mental inatitutiona. Jack Sanaon, 85 Hamlin St., who P. Keiah of 48 Delmont St., and G. on chaiWs of possession of arms Rocpville; Teofll Opslsch, M M I - 9 - 4 5 4 8 .ford MBtarday, accordlnc to the is a patiant at Manchester Me­ Raymond Huaaey of 15 Forest St. or butthu's tools in ths night, a Avondale Rd.; Ronald E. Durand. rRart&cd Bureau of Vital SUUa- Ronald Lane of 13 Oxford St., morial Hospital, is greatly im- Pratt A W htti^ Aircraft’s Quar­ violation oTlBec. 8408, waa arrest­ 183 Broad 8t.; Marcia Gienney, WILLIAMS tlca. e Junior at Bmeraon College in provad and able to receive viMte ter Century Club now numbers ed yesterday afternoon and Bolton Center Road, Bolton; Albert Lost Plan e ’s Radio 40 Students Boston, will participate in the from hie friends. more than 330 members. charged with aaaauit and battery OIL SERVICE s ' Our Lady of Victory Mothera Krause, 44 Ridge 8t. drama festival, one of the high Keish, a third-shift bench jfie- and breach of the peace, according ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Shir­ Ctrcla will meet at the home of points of the 73th anniversary at chanic at the East Hartford phmt, to police. Mra. George NacBtowakl. 302 Members of Gibbons Assembly, ley Langerin, 370 Main St. Escape Bus the college. A drama major. Lane CsUiolic Lediee of Columbus, are joined the company in the cylinder Picked up by Patrolman Curtie DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Hadcmataclc 8t., tomorroa* at 8 will play in the first presentation, aascmbly department and spent 14 Wilson as the result of a domestic Heard in Mountain p.m. The Rev. Robert J. OarroU reminded that the Holy Hour of Mrs. Maude Phelps,-39 Cottage a full scale production of Romeo the combined Catholic organisa­ years there before being trans­ disturbance at his home yesterday, St.; Warren Wynshaw, 34 Milford Lose Weighr will akow colored cUdea of thb and Juliet, at the college's ferred to his present job. He has Oiapman la being held pending tfaaa Mae. Geocge >VVUlard, Jr. tions wUl be held tonight from 8 Rd.; Mrs. Louis T, Krees, Jr., 32H Motor Blast TbeatreH>n-the-Eimlanade Dec. 1, to 9 o'clock in the Church of the four children aad five grandchil­ posting of bond for appearance in Mea aad vam ta ’ arm be co-tMateaa. Town Court tomorrow to face St. James St.; Mrs. George Me- «iie foUew the Ayda 3, 3 and 4. Assumption. dren. Kenney, Tolland; Joseph Meder, Plea revert leehie aa A^rea; Hunt Pushed Hussey, general foreman of the these two addttlooal charges. 113 Weddell Rd.;. Mrs. Dorian to 10 peuade with ' Cheshire, Dec. 1 {JP) engine overhaul in the airport de­ AeoorAng to the atatutes, the the very tiret bei . Forty grammar school pupils The Ladies Aid Society of Zion Miss Hope Allen of Providence, Shainin and daughter, 33 S. Lake- <|2.M). Teka Ayde Lutheran Church will meet tomor­ R. I., will be the.gueet epeaker at partment at the Southington charge of poaeesaiem of arma or wood Circle; Misa Maureen Wad­ before mele ee dU North Conway, N. H., Dec. 1 (JP)—A faint radio messag'e m iss^ death or serious in­ row at 7:30 at the church to make a meeting of the Hartford Pem­ branch plant, began his PAWA burglar’s tools carries a maximum dell, 57 C o ^ r Hill St.; leremieh reeted. You ente-', jury by minutes here today plans for its chicken chmv mein broke Cbllega Club Tuesday, Dec. rsreer on the engine assembly line. penalty of five years in prison. eeelloelly eet leee— and ungubstantiated report of sighted wreckage on a moun­ rtell Opposing Censure Hmgan, 18 ITielpi Rd.; Mrs. Rus­ He hss been doing overhaul work William W. Dickenson, Jr, 33, leee .weight aet- a when a heavy flywheel on i HALE'S supper Wednesday, Dec. t , reser- 7, at the home of Mlsa Eliubeth Herald Photo sell Potterton end son, Keeney arelly. Lerso baa tainside today spurred ground and air search for Northeast vaticma for wlUch will does Dec. de W. Root, 38 Famham Rd., Mlsa Marilyn Lupten since 1931. He was made a fore­ South Coventry, waa arrested this Drive, Bolton; Mrs. George Rink, ' $3.96. Airlines plane downed yesterday with seven aboard. The Khool bus exploded, wreck Hmnlquartws 3. West Hartford. man in 1938 and promoted to gen­ morning and charged with paaidng Jr., and daughter, Windsor Locks. brief radio voice maeaage—trans-i. ing the vehicle and tearing Miss Marilyn Lupien, dsitighter eral foreman in 1947.' Huaaey a red light at Center and Broad BIRTHS YESTERDAY: s daugh­ mltted "blind" for anyonenyo who gaping holes in the side of a Ret|*aces Cham Delta. Chapter Ho. 31. Royal of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lupien of worked at the East Hartford plant Streets by Patrolman Emanuel ter to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kee­ exydi cwtehity V A Y D S > iisan ’ Says FOR hetyed weP could -pick It up—^read: "glmer- Arch Masons, wiU confer the 31 Sunset St., has been named until 1930 when the overhaul sec­ Motola. ney, 509 Adams St.; a daughter to __ VITAMIN CANDY gency—Down five mUea-northeast Pilot of Plane nearby house. Moet Excellent MaaUr Degree at co-chairman of the annual "Snow­ tion was moved to Southington. Charged with making Unneces­ Mr. and Mrs. Redvers Beck, 82 The pupils had just left the bus of Field hill but—.” The messsge and Russell D. Pericins, a driver its stated convocation tomorrow ball,” aponsored by the St. James A t r o p h y-winnlng rifleman, sary noiaa with a motor vehicle, Greenwood St. DRUa then faded out. Senate Verdict IN evening at 7:30 tat the Maeonlc and St. Bridget's Catholic Youth Hussey Is a member of the Ciqiitol Ro^r J. Michaud, 22, 19 D e^ BIRTHS TODAY; a daughter to WELDON GO. At aitout the san:e time a report for the Rose Bus Co., of Walling­ heppardto Temple. There win be the ueual Organlutions. City Rifle Club In Hartford. He Sq., waa arrested yekerday by Mr. and Mrs, Anton Lataivtc, 19 901 MAIN ST.—TeL M1-S-883t attributed to a Civil* Air .Patrol ford, had ju st started the vehicl- APniEOIftTION aocial hour and refraahmenta fol­ has three children. His oldest Patrolman John Turner. Ash St. pilot aald wreckage of a plane had Mhen the blast occurred. lowing the masting. A meeting of the executive been stgbted In the snowy wUdor- Fragments Fly 310 Feet Get Divorce Wo of Natmeg are deeply ness of. Bald Mountain, about five The engine, located in the rear Due Tomorrow aeaalMe of aid and sup­ committee of the Buckingham Congregational Church will be miles northeast of ths alriinet^’a tors the vehicle apart. By RBLAMN MORIN port reisdofed our hoidiag of Berlin airport destination. How­ Huge chunks of the /taotor the Thaakaglvlag Day road held this evening at 7:45 to make ever, ths Air Fores search coor­ pierced the aide of the home of Cleveland, Dec. 1 (A*)— Washington, Dec. 1 (/P)—Sen.
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