jJt. Jnl}u' 5 1fuiurrnity Alumni Nrwn TOLUME I, NU:MBER I FEBRUARY 1960 C.W.V. Honors ~Better Health' Then1e Of Msgr. Higgins 1960 Pharmacy Congress "It ls better to have biscuits than bullets, but when the time The 2nd Annual Congress for Pharmacists will be held at st. comes to fight for our liberties, John's University's College of Pharmacy on March 17, 1960, it tt will be found that we Catho­ has been announced by Dr. Andrew J. Bartilucci '44P, Dean of the Hcs are not afraid to die." College of Pharmacy. Alumni and those in the pharmaceutical field These words were spoken 21 are invited to broaden their knowledge and to share in a discussion years ago by the Right Rev. of problems facing the profession by participating in the aU-day Msgr. Edward J. Higgins, four symposium, Dr. Bartilucci added. years after he founded the The last Congress was an out- Catholic War Veterans. standing success and was at­ tended by leaders in the areas of Peter P. Smith, '95C Today these words are the Hospital Pharmacy, Community foundation of the CWV which Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, State Court Justice, lists 70,000 members and 2,000 and Medical Detailing. The Com­ posts throughout the nation, in­ mittee is presently engaged in cluding 33 in Queens County. arranging an interesting program Dies on Feb. 2nd Understandably, the OWV held for the coming Congress which is Peter P. Smith '95C, retired its 25th anniversary convention one of St. John's University's State Supreme Court Justice, in its founder's home parish, at series of educational programs died Feb. 2 in Brooklyn, N.Y., the Immaculate Conception Au­ for the benefit of the public. at the age of 83. ditorium in Astoria. The silver "The 1960 Pharmacy Congress Justice Smith was first ap­ jubilee convention was success­ will feature outstanding men in pointed to the Second District fully terminated after four days, the field who will participate in Supreme Court post in 1933 by and highlighted the appearances a four -part program on Com­ Gov. Herbert H. Lehman. In or noted dignitaries from inter­ munity, Hospital, and Industrial November of that year he was national, national, state, and Pharmacy and Medical Detail­ re-elected for a fourteen-year local levels of civil and ecclesias­ ing," Dr. Bartllucci stated. term which extended until his tical authority. Cal Berger, past president of retirement in 1947 at the man­ the American College of Apothe­ Born in the old Sixth Ward of datory age. He also served on caries· will serve as moderator Brooklyn, July 7, 1890, Msgr. of the Community Pharmacy Higgins studied at St. John's Before statue of St. Vincent de Paul, Very Rev. John A. Flynn, C.M., panel. Three panel members who College from which he graduated president of St. John's University, presents a medal of the Saint to will discuss the import.ant ques­ In 1910, and St. John's Seminary His Excellency Most Rev. Bryan J. McEntega~, Bishop of Brooklyn. tions of over-the-counter phar­ before his ordination in 1914. maceuticals, are: Robert E. A husky young man, he played Abrams, Executive Secretary of football at the college and to the American College of Apothe­ this day some of his St. John's Bishop Boardman Lauds Spirit caries, who will present the phar­ football pictures hang in his macists viewpoint; Charles B. room at the rectory at 21-47 McDermott, Vice President of 29th St., Astoria, N.Y. And Ideals of the Vincentians Winthrop Laboratories, who will He served in Brooklyn and "The Sons of St. Vincent de Paul planted well the seeds of great­ present the viewpoint of industry, Corona parishes before going to ness of which our Diocese boasts today is our proud tribute to those and Dan Rennick, Editor of the Immaculate Conception parish parish priests long since dead whose Vincentian training and high American Druggist, who will pre• in 1933. During World War I, ideals were our inspiration to leave all thing to follow Christ," were sent the views of the industry's he had served as an Army chap­ the words of Most Rev. Bishop John J. Boardman '17C, Auxiliary press. A special morning panel lain·, and in May 1935, he re­ Bishop of Brooklyn, speaking at the special Pontifical Mass cele­ session will consider the clinical ceived permission from Arch­ brated in honor of the Tercentenary of the Death of St. Vincent de and pharmacological aspects of bishop Molloy to found the CWV. Paul, Monday, January 25, at St. John the Baptist Church in phenothiazine therapy. Dr. Law­ rence C. Miller, of the United A month later he visited Rome Brooklyn. The mass was offered by the States Public Health Service Hos­ Peter P. Smith '95C to obtain an apostolic blessing pital, Staten Island, N. Y., and for the new organization. Astoria Vincentian Fathers residing in Attendance of 1600 the Appellate Term of "the Sec· the Diocese of Brooklyn, as part Dr. Vincent de Paul Lynch '54P, Post was No. 1. · Assistant Professor of Pharma­ ond District. of world wide ceremonies being Born in Brooklyn and a grad· In 1936, the founder was given conducted throughout the year Makes Ball a Success cology at St. John's University the Medal of St. Sebastian's, will be the speakers. uate of St. John's College in in honor of the three hundredth 1895, he decided to become a created in honor of the CWV Over 1600 alumni and friends The complete day's program, anniversary of the death of St. lawyer and put aside his major patron saint, a Roman soldier of St. John's climaxed "St. in addition to the morning and Vincent de Paul, founder of the interest in life, athletics. Justice who was clubbed to death for Vincentian Order (Congregation John's University Day" on Febru­ afternoon panel sessions, will in­ embracing Christianity. Smith had the distinction of of the Mission) . ary 5 by attending the 3rd An­ clude a luncheon at 12 noon at Through the years, Msgr. Hig­ nual St. John's University Ball which Henry L. Giordano, Deputy being the first short-stop and Over 1,000 clergy, religious Commissioner of the Treasury organizer of the uniformed Col­ gins has served in the dual ca­ and lay people, including eight at the Garden City Hotel, Garden pacity of spiritual counselor of N. Y. Department Bureau of Narcotics lege baseball team. He never lost bishops attended the ceremonies. City, the CWV and pastor of his will speak on: "The Federal Nar­ his interest in the game, and in Mass was celebrated by His Ex­ Vincent J. Caristo, president Astoria church. of the Caristo Construction Com­ cotic Law in Relation to Phar­ 1954 the Peter P. Smith award cellency Most Rev. Bryan J. macy." A reception closing the was established in his honQr_...J,o McEntegart, Bishop of Brooklyn, pany and chairman of the Ball, lauded "All the friends and program will be held following be presented each year to the and Bishop Boardman preached the afternoon panel sessions. A most valuable baseball player. the sermon. Other Bishops in alumni of St. John's who have Ned Feldman Named labored long and hard to make fee of $10 will cover the entire Justice Smith received his law attendance were Most Rev. Jo­ day, including the luncheon, degree from the New York Law seph P. Denning and Most Rev. the Ball an outstanding social La\v Fund Chairman and financial success." panel sessions and the reception. School in 1899. Charles R. Mulrooney '42G of St. John's College Glee Club After serving briefly as an Ned Feldman, President or the the Diocese of Brooklyn; Most assistant district attorney, he Bergen Trust Company of New Rev. Walter P. Kellenberg of the delivered a medley of selections to highlight the evening's enter­ RED MEN worked in the office of the cor­ Jersey, has been named Chair­ Diocese of Rockville Centre; Most poration counsel. He was ap­ man of the st. John's University Rev. James H. Griffiths '23C of tainment which also featured NIT BOUND music by Charles Turecamo's or­ pointed deputy state attorney School of Law Annual Alumni the Archdiocese of New York: For the :fifteenth time general by Gov. William Sulzer Drive for 1960, it has been an­ chestra, Terri Stevens, a popular since its inaugural, St. and Most Rev. Ambrose Seny­ singing star, and the Parkers, in 1913. nounced by Rev. William F. John's will participate in shyn, O.S.B.M., Apostolic Epa~h an internationally known dance Following his retirement from Cahill, Acting Dean. In his posi­ the N a t i on a 1 Invitation of Stamford, Conn., for the team. the Supreme Court in 1947, Jus­ tion he will coordinate the ac­ Byzantine Rite. Tournament. The Redmen, The St. John's University Ball, tice Smith served as an official tivities of the Class Chairmen of Very Rev. John A. Flynn, C.M., defending champs, had a referee of the court for six ad­ the School of Law Alumni. Mr. in its third year of existence, has winning streak of nine president of St. John's Univer­ become one of the outstanding ditional years. He then returned Feldman is a graduate of St. sity, and Very Rev. Joseph T. straight going, and an to private practice and was au John's School of Law, class of social affairs on Long Island. The overall record of 15-5 when Tinnelly, C.M., '42L, superior of financial success of this year's .active consultant until his death.
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