t'c; ':s..eI - ul. ' M \ WE WISH YOU AVERY .:, - :, iil f 7 ' ..-.. '-if... \ t-(t- .., Dempster Street carwash BigEitofillNiles Library ,.,, Board,vacancy ,, wins suit againstNiles 7855 N nj pecmi board oseeting the village eogiseer who sought Frank S1go II National Pride, a companyhIes and coostniction has begun Orlavi Nil was swam my b 22 Big. 34 wee cboeii osthefacdity. the issthtlatios of washrooms on from aiming the five cndIdnt which was denied theirpetition to the premises. The car wash isMarch 9 as a trnstsof thoNilea isstolla 14 hoy car wash at 7303 Dicector ofBoildisg and Zoning PublielibraryDisiejet He fsm many ocmi br theApniLi2 being constructed on the site werebsoited, Joe Salerno told The Bugle the . Dempsler st. by the Niles Village eeptaeesLois . Grant,.ofDea election. Thosigh oil Board is November st 1980, has petitioner's origissl request forwhich is 257 feel by 133 feet deep Plai.sea, who edsignOd'IDecessi- ContwuedauPage 30 subsequently won the low soit14 boys had been cut down to 13andlocated . between ABT which they instituted againstthrough the recommendation of Continuent u. Page 31 Nation-wide search forposition ViI!ae(IfNilest Egli lion Retain firmto 1 seek village 8746 N SHERMERNILES ILL 4, VOL NO 42 THE BUGLE THuRSDAYMARCH 31 I manager Niles offers free furnace e°emt aillag: d°bp1yern .,jFròm the iàïthnm' ònodde tests within sctseelwtshad.lenNil heart attack on The Village of Biles Is suppor-is encouraging aft senior residen- A consulting firm bau been sud'nly of Left Ha,îdting a free carbon monoxideto to participate in tIns program. retained to assiot in the nation- March11. He was 58 years old. wide search to fill the $46,000 a The Insu of Scheel created a testing servire of your furnace toNational statistics released by void .t a. critical time In the by B,d Be,Sr help.maintaisi the Village au aIke ILS. Department of Health.yearjob. ahnt Homos Services report that Among the Village Manager's village as vifiage administrators safe and healthy community. responsibilities includes noper- Two of our SLate . Senators; The Nitos Housing Departsssest CantlnuedenPagelO RopabIiear Bob }astra andhas toen organized to omit all ¿ - DemoeraBobEgan had dance . eyebaU-to-'ebaIl confrotithtiOn ththesmiorrs1iseflpOplMt Ntl4SEvents dinner lastWednesday down in The Senior Citizen Department ,.. , , . Springlmeld:and Egant me out '; . Village Holiday I ' ., , ; :.Kiistra wantéd to open a The .. Village of . Nibs. Ad- pra tice of hiring parttim minidtrationOIficê will.bp closed deputi in the Çook 'Cowot'óis FdayùndSatindaAPril 1 Sheriff o Departon ntKuotra sañd 2 in observance of the Baster . 'resotntiofl directed the Illinois igisIative: Investigating Corn- .rnissinn-to. make rèóornrnen-Äheñtee Ballots ... otations On posoibleimprovemen- to inSheriffRichard Elrod's of- a!lal!Iç thru .. fico..St Was blOcked byan B 18 vate by the Senate ExecütivèApril 11 Committee. VillageClèrkFrank C. Wagner, Jr.wishes to advise that ... : natorEgan, who chairs thetn-Office absentee voting in committee contended Kustra'savailable tothe registered volèrs . -resolutioñ.was politically 5f Nifes who wuilbeout oftown os.. motivathd;and succinctly con- . Election Day, Thèsdsj April12, cloded,'ItrèallyotinhS." Absenteehallòtowillbe . Knstro'sattemp ut seeking anavailable Ihr Monday, April 11, . imeotlgation-followed t!iarrest'till,ät the Administratioñ . 9f. adeputy.sheriff who was . Building,7101Milwaoke e ave., bhas'ged'wlth attempting tokiSNitesIllinois.. Heers àrè to30 len ttO, a reputed crime sync dicate gambling boss. Friday and 8:30 am. to 12 noon George Walter., Chairman of Nile. Event. .Therewuialsobedoorprines, raffle prine mdl . CoatbsuedmiFage3l Cammi is shown noSing tickets to the Annusi funevesing mamnstarefor.alttboseattendlng. Dinner-Dance tu be hold on Saturday, April 30, at .3jetoare $12.SOeach and availible frein any theTrtdent Center to Nitos Mayor Nirholas Blaue. monitorat the NUes EVeII8O Canunitteeor at the Plans have already toen completed lar a very - VillageHalE ,. ........ : . Bugleseèks:typist : ... gala affair, catered by Sobcnak'n Avnnd,le Make ypinr 1señitiòiiu ..early and join your :. The Bügle tasaniopénlog for a port-time typist ta work.Moñ-. .days,Tuendaynand Fridays 9 am. 103 pnn. Call 58648B for far- Sausage Shoppe. Foiawing dinner, Jus Folto sell triendè fera fWn4IIIed eilntag. can 9t7-7 fur.. furnish muait todance to by featuring alIti.. weil- iiominUà . .,,... remèmberednni1u. ' . ycO' 05,1 o,. Ij Pigez . TheBugle,Thiir,day,Mareh3l,10E3 MOLegion TheBugle, Thursday, March 31, 1083 Rabies Alert in Niles '- rui. 5ovidnnsss!.Fd5m&PltlIhec sdietkiles Easter l963M.eab« 5100e MIsse . Mesoglog Edits, ISnols PmnnAiiochiuion sobes Sewer-Copy Edltsr Egg hunt I The Morton Grove Americas Legion Post h134..wili Cosdort 8746 N. Shermer Road their msalEàstrrstgg Dont once Niles, Illinois 60648 ¡gais this year. iaster Sunday. Ir April 3 is.the dote with 1 p.m.,the Ii, Indepevnden,CsmwoniésXro.spopee tniohfinhedin 1957 timeintheSt. Panl'sWoods sooth of Uncnls ave. The asnoal event News foreull Nues Seniorsa6&fld;over) Is opes to all yomigoters of the from the Nues Senior Center.. village sp to the age of 10. No Discount Store, Health Club to occùpy Goldblatts Legion affiliatioo is necessary to 8060 Oakton, Nues . 967-6100 ext. 76 participate. - Re.Creative Olympics Commander Roland Keppes has named junior vic&canunan- GOOD FRIDAY CLOSURE at Niles . South Schoól dertt'red Medina chairman of the The Nues Senior Center wiU be closed on Friday, April 1 Prairie View shopping. hnnt.Medina indicates the (Good Friday). The Nues Senior Ceñter sthff wishesalla veìy children will be divided into age blessed andjoyoasllasler. categaries to make it fair for the finders oftheeggs. DRIVER'STRAINING Some eggs will he especially Driver's TraiaiDg, a two class coarse designed to prepare ito center nearS completion marked and these will entitle the students forRe writteo examrnatioo required bythe otatelicen. hearer to a fine prize. However, ningfacititieswill begin onMonday, April 4 tram 10a.m. to 1200 all eggs fornid may he kept by the p.m. at the 215es Senior Cnter in the Trident BSI1din.The youngsters. second ctass is a review of the 'Rules of the Road" massai. Court rules by Roh Renner Is the event of inclement There inno charge for this coarse. Advance reservations are in favor of Following ito decline caused by department store ts nothing short weather, the Hunt will he moved : necesoary,9070100ent.376. the closing of the mammoth indoors to the Legion Home on of an 'engineertng miracle" oc- Goldbtalto department store, thecording to37nsrner. Dempoter. APRILLUNCIIEONTICKRTSALES . collector 'election Prairie View Shopping Center at Fer those interested, the hard The pool will be eoostrsicted Reservation line numbers for our April lundlean -*111 be Au election will be held on Nov. Dempoter st. aod Wanhegan rd.using structural steel supported boiled eggs which the Easter distriboted at IO am. an Monday, April 4. Tlcketo(notdaccor. 8 for Nues Township colleclor,ac- is preparing for a renewed surge bunny will hide in St. Paul's from the bottom of the pool. Asimil W96di Eíiieg P.reIll f ding to the reservatios line numbers) will be sold at 1O15 am.. cording lo a ruling handed down so a result of an ambitions Besides the Front Row depar- nocutatingallanimalnagatnstrabies and inkeeping yourpetona. Woods. will be dyed the day on Monday, April 4. The iumrheonwitl take place on Friday, by Cook Coucty Circuit Court renovation. before at the.Legioa Home, 6140 tment store, two other stores AprillSat 12:30p.m. Ticketo are 2.50. Themenu will feature a Judge Eugeoe Wacbowski sii Io addition lo lise senes newhave sigsed teases to occupy the Doetothe ootbreak strahlen hi Becaose of this emergehcy, as Dempster. Legion families mili salad including letture, spinach, radishes, onlóm, mushrnoms, Thursday, March 24. stores built Eronting Dempster st. east end of the hsildisg which the Cook Conoty area, the Vittage of Jonc 1,1993,village personnel gather to assist Medioa.in cheese. sunflower s, sprouts, diced poa1try cauoliflower, The court ruled is favor cf a io the nome location wherea tire coloring the eggs. Dilly children formerlywas u garden renter. of Nues is taking emergencywill cosdocta door-tosloor sor- broccoli, carrots, celery and a sperialnataddrèwiing, as well as . petition presented by Leo Brown- Centerwassitsated,the The stores wEd ioctude The Gap measures to enzoco the health.vey ofthevlllage. Those maiden-oid enough to assist are asked io bread and cackers. Following the luncheon, staff. nui Cis Refreshments and nielo thai the Nues Township Dominick's grocery store wig be jeaos store cod a obre called and safety of oar residento. to who have animals without tags appear. FrisOni wiUnanup the hihllgbto of the Center's April Health Board of Trustees was wrong io hnilding as addition and the em- 'Taggs". Zimmer said os From now irntil May 31, animalwillbeuubjecttaafise. goodies will he served following ply Goldblatt's department store thepreporatiosaftheeggs. appointing Betty Pelroohi to fill Tneoday that Taggs will be the tags will he given free of charge In the meantime, you can take Taking part In the ReCreative Olympic Gym Show at Riles Ihe uocnpired lerm cf the late will he 005verled into a depar-female cosslerpart of The Gap : . to any resident who ran showsteps ta protect yate family and DIVFWORKSHOP . EtemestorySckool are (l-r) Bnddy Horn, Song Hee Um, tAsca Michael Liso.Brownslein cou- tmenl store os Ike first floor and offering
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