STINKY STORIES, P.6 * RAPTOR RAPTURE, P.12 * ANCHOR ART, P.16 cascadia REPORTING FROM THE HEART OF CASCADIA WHATCOM*SKAGIT*ISLAND*LOWER B.C. 01.04.12::#01::V.07::FREE FilmsBest OF 2011 P. 2 2 ALL THAT JAZ: BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE IDIOM THEATER, P.15 :: MY GOODNESS: BIG SOUNDS FROM A DYNAMIC DUO, P.18 EVICTED! OCCUPY BELLINGHAM’S WINTER WOES, P.8 Whether you’re planning 31 cascadia a winter wedding or are FOOD looking ahead to a spring knot-tying, you’ll likely find 25 what you need at the $ 2 B-BOARD A glance at what’s happening this week Jan. 8 at the Best Western Lakeway Inn 22 22 FILM FILM 2 ) .4[01.{.12] ONSTAGE 18 Into the Woods Auditions: 6-9pm, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Skagit Valley College MUSIC WORDS Vincent Standley: 7pm, Village Books 16 ART ART /#0-.4[01.|.12] 15 ONSTAGE STAGE STAGE Good, Bad, Ugly: 8pm, Upfront Theatre The Project: 10pm, Upfront Theatre 14 WORDS Julie Marie Wade: 7pm, Village Books WORDS !-$4[01.}.12] 12 ONSTAGE Alice in Wonderland: 6:30pm, Bellingham Arts Academy GET OUT for Youth Umik!: 7pm, Blaine Performing Arts Center 8 Improv Evolution: 8pm, Upfront Theatre 48 Hour Theater Festival: 8pm and 10pm, iDiOM Theater Cagematch: 10pm, Upfront Theatre CURRENTS CURRENTS MUSIC 6 The Endorfins: 9pm, Old Foundry Winter Masquerade: 10pm-2am, the Majestic VIEWS VIEWS WORDS 4 Chris Linder: 7pm, Village Books MAIL MAIL GET OUT Eagle Viewing: 10am-4pm, Howard Miller Steelhead Park, 2 Rockport DO IT IT DO DO IT 2 VISUAL ARTS First Friday Gallery Walk: 6-9pm, downtown Anacortes Art Walk: 6-10pm, downtown Bellingham .12 04 ./0-4[01.~.12] .07 01. 01 View Debbie Leighton’s paintings at ONSTAGE # Honey Salon Jan. 6 during the monthly Alice in Wonderland: 2pm and 6:30pm, Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth 2 in downtown Bellingham Umik!: 7pm, Blaine Performing Arts Center Improv Evolution: 8pm, Upfront Theatre 48 Hour Theater Festival: 8pm and 10pm, iDiOM Theater Cagematch: 10pm, Upfront Theatre CASCADIA WEEKLY DANCE 2 Oceanographer and award-winning photographer Salsa Dance: 8:30-11:30pm, Blue Horse Gallery ' shares stories and images from Science MUSIC on Ice Jan. 6 at Village Books Thomas Harris Quartet: 2-5pm, VFW Hall Concert Choir Cabaret: 7pm, Abundant Life Church Lindsey Nakatani: 7pm, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church MYLZO VYNHUPJ /2&$/ COMMUNITY 31 Inspirations: 11am-4pm, Village Books FOOD GET OUT New Year Kids’ Cross Country Clinic: 10am, Salmon brandywine 25 Ridge Sno-Park Eagle Viewing: 10am-4pm, Howard Miller Steelhead Park, Rockport kitchen B-BOARD “From Seed to Plate” Nutrition VISUAL ARTS Open House: 10am-5pm, Ann Morris Sculpture 22 Woods, Lummi Island Yesterday’s Tomorrow Opening: 2-5pm, Mu- FILM FILM seum of Northwest Art, La Conner 7KLV\HDUPDNH 18 .0)4[01..12] 1317 commercial st DUHVROXWLRQIRU MUSIC ONSTAGE 360.734.1071 Alice in Wonderland: 2pm, Bellingham Arts 16 Academy for Youth JRRGKHDOWK³ A Night of Improv Fundraiser: 6:30pm, ART Upfront Theatre 15 COMMUNITY Bridal Inspirations Wedding Expo: 12-5pm, STAGE STAGE Best Western Lakeway Inn GET OUT 14 Lake Samish Runs: 10am, Samish Park Eagle Viewing: 10am-4pm, Howard Miller WORDS Steelhead Park, Rockport 6KRSWKH&RRS V Baker Beacon Rally: 11am-2:30pm, Mt. Baker Ski Area &(57,),('25*$1,& 12 FOOD Pancake Breakfast: 8am-12pm, Haynie Grange, GET OUT Blaine SURGXFHGHSDUWPHQWV 8 (*)4[01..12] CURRENTS CURRENTS ONSTAGE Anne Frank Auditions: 7pm, Claire vg Thomas 6 Theatre, Lynden VIEWS VIEWS WORDS Poetrynight: 8:30pm, Amadeus Project 4 GET OUT MAIL Raptor Identification Class: 7pm, Whatcom 2 Middle School 2 DO IT IT DO DO IT /0 .4[01.x.12] 7KH&RRSRIIHUVWKHODUJHVW .12 ONSTAGE VHOHFWLRQRIRUJDQLFSURGXFH 04 Improv Workshop: 7pm, Skagit Valley Food Co-op LQ:KDWFRP&RXQW\ Anne Frank Auditions: 7pm, Claire vg Thomas .07 01. 01 Theatre, Lynden # MUSIC Willamette University Chamber Choir: 7pm, Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship WORDS Rob Lopresti Discussion: 12pm, Village Books CASCADIA WEEKLY Tim McHugh: 7pm, Deming Public Library 'RZQWRZQ &RUGDWD Chuckanut Radio Hour: 7pm, Leopold Crystal 3 Ballroom 1)RUHVW6W :HVWHUO\5G SEND YOUR EVENTS TO DW+ROO\6W DW&RUGDWD3NZ\ [email protected] ZZZFRPPXQLW\IRRGFRRS THIS ISSUE Contact Cascadia Weekly: E 360.647.8200 31 Editorial FOOD Editor & Publisher: Tim Johnson E ext 260 25 ô editor@ mail cascadiaweekly.com TOC LETTERS STAFF Arts & Entertainment B-BOARD Editor: Amy Kepferle Eext 204 Poor Michele! From a promising start earlier this year, ô calendar@ 22 22 the bomb-throwing Republican back-bencher bombed in cascadiaweekly.com Tuesday’s Iowa caucus, coming in dead last among leading FILM FILM contenders who seek to face off against Barack Obama in Music & Film Editor: 2012. The winner? Mitt Romney, who not only performed Carey Ross well in caucus returns, but also knocked out a few of his Eext 203 18 more serious critics. ô music@ cascadiaweekly.com MUSIC VIEWS & NEWS Production 16 4: Mailbag Art Director: Jesse Kinsman ART ART 6: Gristle & Views ô jesse@ 8: Un-occupying Bellingham kinsmancreative.com 15 Graphic Artists: 10: Police blotter, Index Stefan Hansen STAGE STAGE 11: Last week’s news ô stefan@ cascadiaweekly.com Send all advertising materials to 14 ARTS & LIFE [email protected] 12: Study, prey, observe Advertising WORDS 14: Coal coalition Account Executive: 15: Portrait of a techie Scott Pelton 12 E360-647-8200 x 253 16: Anchoring art ô spelton@ 18: Big sounds, small crew cascadiaweekly.com GET OUT 20: Clubs Distribution UNGRATEFUL DEAD vided for time on air. 8 22: Big screen blowout Frank Tabbita, JW As the former program director of KUGS-FM, After the removal of the show, Marty immedi- Land & Associates 24: Film Shorts ô distro@ I was the single entity who decided to end the ately contacted university personnel in an out- cascadiaweekly.com Grateful Dead Hour in order to restore our station’s rage. Kevin and Jamie both presented opportunity CURRENTS CURRENTS REAR END mission statement of original programming. I am for appeal through the process underlined in their 6 Letters 25: Bulletin Board, Sudoku Send letters to letters@ no longer on the staff of KUGS or a student at volunteer contract, but the hosts chose not to cascadiaweekly.com. WWU. As disclosed in a letter last week, the Dead elect this option. VIEWS VIEWS 26: Wellness hour was cancelled by KUGS General Manager Jamie The hosts still believe this is personal, but the STINKY STORIES, P.6 * RAPTOR RAPTURE, P.12 * ANCHOR ART, P.16 cascadia 27: Crossword REPORTING FROM THE HEART OF CASCADIA bottom line is the show did not fit in with the WHATCOM SKAGIT ISLAND LOWER B.C. Hoover. The letter was a gross misrepresentation 4 * * * 4 01.04.12::#52::V.07::FREE 28: Free Will Astrology of the dedicated KUGS and WWU staff who backed mission statement or current programming. No MAIL MAIL MAIL 29: This Modern World, up my decision to cancel the program within my strings attached, I made this decision by myself rights as the program director at the time. Marty and I would like to take this opportunity to thank 2 Tom the Dancing Bug Weber and Rich Donnelly are not victims of the Jamie Hoover and Kevin Majkut for standing by me 30: Advice Goddess DO IT IT DO system, and this false martyrdom is a purposeful and allowing me to grow within my position. ALL THAT JAZ: BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE IDIOM THEATER, P.15 :: MY GOODNESS: BIG SOUNDS FROM A DYNAMIC DUO, P.18 31: Playing with their food EVICTED! OCCUPY BELLINGHAM’S WINTER WOES, P.8 defamation of character aimed to hurt the reputa- —Hallie Sloan, Bellingham tions of Jamie Hoover and Kevin Majkut, as well as .12 04 a poor attempt to convince readers that KUGS is A LEGACY TO BUILD ON not fond of community members. As Kelli Linville begins her term as Mayor of The Grateful Dead Hour was the only music pro- Bellingham and Dan Pike leaves office, we should ©2011 CASCADIA WEEKLY (ISSN 1931-3292) is published each Wednesday by .07 01. Cascadia Newspaper Company LLC. Direct all correspondence to: Cascadia Weekly gram on KUGS that was not originally produced consider what Dan (along with the Bellingham 01 # PO Box 2833 Bellingham WA 98227-2833 | Phone/Fax: 360.647.8200 [email protected] by the show’s hosts, but instead a nationally syn- City Council and staff) accomplished on environ- Though Cascadia Weekly is distributed free, please take just one copy. Cascadia dicated program that required purchase for play. mental protection: Weekly may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Any person removing papers in bulk from our distribution points risks prosecution Dedicated listeners can still catch the show online t Land-use planning and growth management: SUBMISSIONS: Cascadia Weekly welcomes freelance submissions. Send material to either the News Editor or A&E Editor. Manuscripts will be returned if you at their website as well as other radio stations. trying to block development in the Lake What- include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. To be considered for calendar list- Prior to the removal of the program, Jamie and I com watershed and to oppose Whatcom Coun- ings, notice of events must be received in writing no later than noon Wednesday the week prior to publication. Photographs should be clearly labeled and will be warned the hosts that we were looking to replace ty efforts to allow inappropriate land uses returned if accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. CASCADIA WEEKLY LETTERS POLICY: Cascadia Weekly reserves the right to edit letters for length and it with original programming due to the increased in areas adjacent to the City of Bellingham.
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