0 1 »~ . _ ~!. IURE -__ " . e ~-- . ~., . INVESTIGATION _. .,. .92 -. &#39;i;_;&#39;-_-.-n " &#39;af_.;v.1|Ln Office 92._"" - &#39; Investigative Period » JHANGEIJNEWlurk_ -1 &#39;l1I-&#39;d_ " YORK_ /T/17/66 6/15 - 12/23$ I bIIREN<:EE>wAR1> SMITHaka RPp0l&#39;lby Ind! TE-Snlefclji -Clarence Smith Jowars Clarence Smith _CHARACTEROF CASE . Clarence 13XSmith __T.--w?31ES ll _ - Clarence 13X : 1,,-e : / " @- "Allah" I-5 1 f*.",.".;M__ - 92 . - NOI _ ~-" I -.v-&#39;-~ &#39; Albrzscx/~ , ._ "Puddin" I. Lqs!-~H. 62221::1:-ui7.I°".c°A15-&#39;12- -J l9292,LA:sIFID &#39;92q F- U2:-:6. |- &#39; I I w»_ WW lynopull: 6 --- __ ___,__--- , &#39; sunmnv REPORT u5m 1 it ® 0 T 1e "chan ed" to reflect alias of CLARENCE SMITH 92 A??P:.&#39;T.I.3.TE AZZNCIE-SAND FIELD f; REFEREncEs 7/ pp OF?ICIL3VIIZL£YITUTIHGSL1? ,/&#39; NYairte1 to / &#39; BY cmour CALLED FIVE Bureau dated /.. PERCENTERS, my MATTERS". u 6/2/65 eeiii-IiBF"&#39;,"DISTURBANCE //// Bureau NYa1rtel to dated &#39; PERCENTERS,BY GROUP CALLED FIVE HARLEM, mrc, 65, mom. MATTERS",u 6/9/65 captioned "DISTURBANCE NYairte1 to Bureau dated HARLEM, mrc, 5/31/65, mom BY GROUP CALLED FIVE PERCENTERS, MATTERS".u 6/22/65 captioned "DIS&#39;IURBANCE NYairte1 to Bureau dated HARLEM, urc, 5/31/65, RACIAL BY GROUP CALLED FIVE PERCENTERS, MATTERS".u 7/9/65 captioned "DISTURBANCE &#39;1. HARLEM, NYC,5/31/65, mom NYlet toBureau dated9/17/b5. f&#39; ./ St. Louis letter to Bureau dated 10/22/65. &#39; NY1et to Bureau dated 10/15/65 captioned "DISTURBANCE nu, BY GROUPq U92cuts? - lpoeul PERCENTERS,FIVE Aglnl. NYC, 5/31/65,RACIAL HARLEM, lo not write In apnea: below . L my In Charge - Bureau0094;? - 636!/ RM! - ._.&#39;;&#39;.1 / {=5J 2"J.» - [J . 1 4 - New York00-150520! "F,m¢m__""&#39; -1 """". """"7- 1>s.~:;b0xili9 1971./i&#39;§.1.,1_Q /~ 1 /I _, .92t&#39;vt:-M7" 92~ ,1. 5 .1:,. 8/&#39; 4. was19 ~*-¥92"°1@U"l &#39;1!- -- 6 : Ii: W74 , 6/ *4?0 _, .. ...-5-» "&#39; &#39; vl &#39;9&#39;_ h &#39; t-*..C~*I¢R<>* 2 . ~.06 " .92£u&#39;L_; ;..".mn. _ $1/ 1 E. _fg2§§4¢4L,.<;: .:.,2. - 1; L I4r J.- £9-éG::::ortloaned 1|you by toI-I3 Ill andauthor cuss. _~. &1IX- ; H 3 " U. ;.°"" &#39;/7; 14/ DATE QFEEVIEEVg I/_q! are lion 92 0&#39; fl F , OA NY 100-150520 . l ms,KY1 t t tsB3122:B d t d 125145?11..:t:d 16 5 . &#39; @@~Hl2E~ww Richmond letter to RY dated 12/21/65.; - 9 - ADMINISTRATIVE &#39; . &#39; This report is classified&#39;7Confidential because of the information cotained therein from I! 2-l through - NY T-5 who are informants furnishing information of continuing value and whose effectiveness could be impaired if this &#39; , information is revealed and would thereby have an adversej effect on the national securitmyk! . - _ It is noted that information concerning all of the - NOI affairs attended by the subject are not set out in detail 1 determinedin this report inasmuchbe to ofa seditious,as many of theseanarchistic affairs could orrevolutionary not be I na ure.a 0 It is noted that prior investigation by the NYC into the "Five Percenters" revealed that it was a Negro youth street Q gang in Harlem that had been influenced by CLARENCE EDWARD SMITH ~ aka,a former ROI member who called himself "Allah". Under his ; influence these youths became indoctrinated in the perverted NOI , form of Muslim ideology with anti-white racial overtones. Many A of these youths have adopted Muslim names although investigation _ revealed that they were not membersof or affiliated with the i N01, MMI or the OAAU. Inasmuch as the gang was composed of _ teenagers without any rad overall organizational setup or 5 headquarters, the NYO conducted no extensive investigation of - the group since they represente d a local police problem.;. %: ferred with i BSS The 1i@!!snmIrllults o W - of this report on the specific request hat none of the information be disseminated outs view of the.continuing 1 extensive investigation by the IIOPD into the five Percenters". , Becauseconcealed of thea nature "T" by symbol of the information, withoutit being BSS couldapparent not be the that I/if ? concealedobtained sourc SA by eurings some branchthe of abovethe conferenceIYCPD. Ihe informationas follo92_rl?,-_-. is ~ .r-,,¢-&#39;2&#39;It - - ,1 g ~ &#39;-1 .,,*.~ &#39;§; " 0/ J &#39; 1 covgn-Pass I.C9lV_F7¥nm&#39;;,{§ ._&#39; ,:._,J &#39; u 4 I NY 100-150520 The IIYCPDis continuing to conducta full-tine,C0NHm~NTlAL extensive investigation ot_the Five Percenters" which includes §?=1§.i§§°i§§§3 e _ lees ¬¬s.""°t 1?s ensvecoveage ."§-2&#39; oi? &#39;§&#39;°1§I;°° "§" succeeded detering-jt_h_e_astivity__etin gang the andhas opened the waylornnaierens a-es"ts"tor;"Ibsa.uil.tsj "nnggiq and "*1J~2~&#39;;!!°1=i=s.!=he=s=I .,>_;_..I*¥!§+P°&#39;>~=¢-9&#39;- .. &#39; __*.|§heI!C1_&#39;D i&#39;n&#39;vestigati3ii&#39;A&#39;hasfdeterained thatthere are approxiaataly.,2O0 ripe-Peroenters in IIC, ranging in age andfrom l2 the;-fillingt -lpproxinately 75are scattered1.25-over of than areBronx, lrooklyncentered in Harlem,and Queens. Ihe gang is responsible for numerous assaults and nggings, chiefly ained at whites on the fringe area or Harlem. However, if the gang is unable to find a white victim they have no reservations about choosing a Negro victin. The gang has also caused a great deal of trouble in schools where they have disrupted classes, demanded to be celled by their Muslin name and have assaulted some teachers. n - the leader oi the "Five Percenters" was CLARENCE EDWARD SMI&#39;S.I-Iwho is incarcerated andunderoing psychiatric examination. He is knarn to gang nenbers as Allah, Clarence 13X or &#39;Puddin".w The gang has no neeting place other than the street, school yard and public parks. ,,_ The current meaning of "Five Percent is that 85 percent of Negroes are cattle, l0 percent are Uncle Tons and the remaining 5 percent, which they are, are the real leaders of the Negro people. The Muslin indoctrination they receive in addition to the adoption of a Muslim name is the memori- zation of the questions and answers put out by the N01 which ROI membersmust learn before receiving their X name. This list or questions and answers appears to have originated with SMJ."1&#39;Hwas who an ROI nenber under the name or CLARENCE l3X BHIBH, and he undoubted]; obtained it when he,joined the I01.» The IICPD investigation has developed no tie or relationship by the Five Percenters"_ with the IOI, I041 or the OMU. M _ &#39; the investigation has developed nothing to indicate that the gang is armed or has a cache of arms and weapons stored in Harlem. Undoubtedly sone oi the members have weapons or *1 A Q covsn men &#39;*~;:r»T, .L-L -. _-- f 4&#39;1 I r- _ »-4 Oi - _ I 1 . NY 100-150520 CONFID TIAL homemade-type zip guns, but there is no evidence of wholesale arming or the gang. There is also nothing to indicate the gang has training ingarrotting or hand to&#39;handkilling methods.14 > nent&#39;!-Peed above, describedthe&#39; 1 L&#39;92.Q/ &#39;j"!lVQ-IQTQIQ asers- a;partieilaily_gicious type of street _ &#39;gaggor ideo1og{.tbstthat_has roundseesm&#39;to in thieflnslin andovertone inspireunite a than. mysterious Consequently, type the IYCPD following their activities very closely to control &#39; andidentitythen._ f -T, -&#39; _.@_&#39; As pointed out_in referenced I! airtel dated 10/18/65, the "Five ?ercenters is a teenage Iegro street gang. Its leader is currently incarcerated and the IYCPD is conducting an extensive investigation of the gang. Therefore, the KYO feels that the "Five Percenters" represent a local police problem and no investigation or the "Five Percenters" itself is being conducted.v. One extra copy or this report is being furnished the Bureau end being prepared for the IYO for dissemination to US Secret Service upon Bureau authorization.u - FD 122 is being submitted recommending subject be included on the Security Index SI!.h INFORMANTS iii-in . 92 1 Identity of Source_ &#39; FileNumber WhereLocated 100-150520 W7 1%, l my i 5? A A&#39;_i_oo-15o52Q]C§,!11 ~ 100-150520 92_/ - D- L/I,/////,1 covsn PAGE ,_ __ _ -.f....~ =__-._&#39;§_.&#39;,;.&#39;_&#39; .4 1 NY 100-150520 B &#39; !&#39;heidentitiesother or confidentialsources hC0NFWW|A_ contacted during the investigation or the subject and w c were unableto tarnish "aw into:-nationconcerning thesubject are: -;<* &#39;9 Vf 1II.-._&#39;92&#39;vsL&#39; ,_; . .¢ _ _ __ _&#39; 92 __ M mv LEADS mzw YORK " AT NEWYORK, NEWYORK. will await Bureau approval of subject"s inclusion on the SI. v. 2. Upon approval of subject&#39;s inclusion-onthe SI, willsubject furnish toUSone Secret copyService, of instant NYC./,_report and photograph" of 3. Will determine from Department of Mental Hygiene, State of NY, location of subject: incarceration and attempt to place stop should subject be released. - go - COVER PAGE p _-_.....Z-_-..- . - _ - ..-_--. - . t.. a.-..1," &#39; &#39; -0 "*1 . ~, , " ____> &#39; ~- -c . _._ :~. ._ Z&#39;v-ej:~.~ ~;.._,- _.,_, s76 Rev. ll-13-65! I 4 , _. &#39; ura suns narnnrunzvr orgsrrcn i rsncan. auazsu or rnvssrtcarron .
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