U.S. Department of Commerce ,._,.~.. T OF C"oA, ~~(f "\1 1--~ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration a . ,. ' National Geophysical Data Center Boulder, Colorado TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS DATA SERVICES AND PUBLICATIONS KEY TO GEOPHYSICAL RECORDS DOCUMENTATION NO. 17 t \ l '; KGRD CATALOG SERIES Listed below are catalogs published in the Key to Geophysical Records Documentation (KGRD) series. Those without an asterisk (*) may be obtained from the National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA, Code E/GC1, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 80303; if preceded hy an asterisk, from the National Technical Inforrnation Service, U.S. Departrnent of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia, USA, 22161. KGRD No. 1, Marine Geophysical Data Catalog (superseded by KGRD No. 4). *KGRO No. 2, Catalog of Strong-~1otion Seismograph Stations and Records (NTIS No. COM-74-10714). KGRn No. 3, Catalog of Earthquake Photographs (superseded hy KGRD No. 7). KGRD No. 4, Marine Geophysical Data Catalog--1975 (superseded by KGRD No. 11). *KGRO No. 5, Earthquake Data File Summary (NTIS No. PB-265445). *KGRD No. 6, Bibliography and Index to Literature on Manganese Nodules (1874-1975) (NTIS No. PB-257218). KGRO No. 7, Catalog of Earthquake Photographs. *KGRn No. 8, Catalog of fligital Bathymetric Data for the United States Coastal Regions (NTIS No. PB81 133258). KGRD No. 9, Catalog of Seisrnogram Archives. KGRD No. 10, The Marine Geophysical Data Exchange Format--"MGD77". KGRD No. 11, Surnma ry of Digital Marine Geophysical Data Holdings (Rathyrnetri c, Magnetic, and Gravimetric Data). KGRD No. 12, Thermal Springs List for the United States. KGRD No. 13, Catalog of Tsunarni Photographs. KGRD No. 14, Marine Geology and Geophysics Data Services and Publications. KGRD No. 15, Earthquake Data Services and Publications (including Tsunami). KGRD No. 16, Catalog of Geological and Geophysical Data for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. KGRD No. 17, Terrestrial Geophysics Data Services ~nd Publications. KGRD No. 18, U.S. Land Gravity. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary NATIONAl OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION John V. Byrne, Administrator NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE. DATA. AND INFORMATION SERVICE John H. McElroy, Assistant Administrator TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS DATA SERVICES AND PUBLICATIONS KEY TO GEOPHYSICAL RECORDS DOCUMENTATION NO. 17 CONTENTS Page Page Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Data Products and Services (cont.) Geothermal Data.............................. 14 Terrest ria 1 (Land) Geophysics Data Bases..... 1 Volcanoes ••••••.••••••.••••••.••••.•••••. 14 Announcements of Data Availability ••••••••••• 1 Geothermal Energy •••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Information for Ordering ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 World Heat Flow •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Data Products and Services •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Geochemical Data ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Multichannel (COP) Seismic Data •••••••••••••• 2 Rock Analysis Storage System ••••••••••••• 18 Gravity...................................... 3 PETROS................................... 18 Topography................................... 5 Radiometric Age Data Bank •••••••••••••••• 18 Geological Data.............................. 5 Coal Resources ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 Well Logs--Land •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska ••••••••• 21 Well Logs--Marine •••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 Publications ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 Geomagnetic Data (Solid Earth)............... 9 Geomagneti Sl'l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 21 National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska..... 22 Earth Surface Data ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 Gravity ...••••.•••••...•.••...•••....•... 22 Airborne (Aeromagnetic Survey) Data •••••• 11 Geothermics •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23 Seismology............................... 23 Satellite Magnetic Survey Data ••••••••••• 13 Marine Geology and Geophysics •••••••••••• 23 Mathematical Models of Magnetic Field •••• 13 List of Data Announcement Fliers ••••••••••••• 23 iii TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS DATA SERVICES AND PUBLICATIONS I NTROOUCTI ON disk, but analog data (strip charts) that support data bases such as seismic reflection and well logs also are available. Formats in which data are provided The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra­ include magnetic tape, plots, paper printouts, and tion (NOAA) is responsible for collecting, managing, computer-output mi crofi 1m (C0~1) for computer data and disseminating many kinds of data that result from bases; and paper copies (blackline or sepia), man's inquiry into his en vi ronf!lent. The Nation a 1 transparent plastic copies, or microform for analog Geophysical Data center (NGDC) is one of the data­ data bases. Available formats are announced in the managef!lent centers of NOAA. Other centers are the data announcP.ment fliers or catalogs for specific data National Oceanographic Oata Center in Washington, bases. D.C., i!nd the National Climatic Center in AshevillP, N.C. NGOC data-file holdings range from the disci­ Announcements of Data Availability plines of solid-earth geophysics (seismology, geomag­ netism, gravity, marine geology and geophy-sics) to the disciplines of solar-terrestrial physics, which de­ Data announcement fliers often are issued to scribe the influences on the Earth of the sun, solar advise the public of the availability of new data activity, and the interplanetary medium. NGDC also sets. These announcements, which contain brief sum­ operates World Data Centers A for: Solid Earth Geo­ maries of data sets, include source, description, physics, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Solar­ geographical coverage, dates, and specific ordering Terrestrial Physics, and Glaciology under the auspices information. A current list of fliers is given on of the Nation a 1 Academy of Sciences and the Inter­ page 23. Sumfllary catalogs also describe specific data national Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). sets and services (see p. 21 ). This brochure briefly describes NGDC data pro­ NGDC maintains mailing lists that are used to ducts and services that relate to terrestrial geophy­ announce the availability of new rlata in all disci­ sic~ (excluding earthquake seisfllology and tsunamis, plines. Data announcement fliers and other materials which are the subjects of the "Earthquake Data Serv­ are mailed to names on these lists as new data become ices and Publications" booklet). Inquiries about any available. You may request that your name be added to of the data sets discussed here should be sent to the specific l'lililing lists by writing NGDC. address helow (see "Information for Ordering") unless otherwise indicated. Information for Ordering Terrestrial (Land) Geophysics Data Bases--General It is usually most convenient for customers to order specific data from the announcement flier or NGOC, the national and international repository catalog in which the detailed ordering information is for many data bases that re 1ate to terrestri a 1 geophy­ provided. Data inventories or other information are sics, is the focill point for data dissemination and often provided free of charge in anticipation of a customer services. ThP. geophysical and related geo­ later order that f!lay result from the inquiry. chemical and geological data bases include data of Wherever possible, the data set identification numbers multichannel seismic reflections (COP), well logs, (Item Nos.) are also shown to facilitate inquiries coal, geomagnetism, gravity and topography, radio­ about specific rlata holdings. Orders and inquiries metric age, rock analyses, geothermal sources, heat about data and their prices may be made by phone: flow, and volcanoes. (303) 497-6541 or FTS 320-6541; or by mai 1: Data from Government agencies, U.S. and foreign National Geophysical Data Center universities, research centers, and other organiza­ NOAA-E/GCl tions are provided to NGOC through data-exchange 325 Broarlway agreements or other arrangements. After quality­ Boulder, CO 80303 USA control, processing, and documentation procedures, new data are advertised th ro11 gh announcement fliers (see If requesting data on magnetic tape, please spe­ p. 23 ), Ciltalogs (see p. 21 ), and other means. The cify number of tracks, density (800, 1600, or 6250 media in which data are provided depend on the kind of BPI), EBCDIC or ASCII, and blocking factor (maximur1 data and on the original format acquired. Many digi­ characters per block is 5120), or unblocked. The tal data bases are held on magnetic tape or coillputer stanrlard tape format is 9 track, 1600 BPI, ASCII. 1 DATA PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Multichannel (CDP) Seismic Data* Figure 1, taken from the NPRA catalog. depicts the coverage of COP seismic survey lines and documen­ tation throughout NPRA for 1972-81. Represented are NGDC holds many data sets that contain seismic about 13,000 line miles (about 21,000 km) of seismic data from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska survey data. COP survey lines were shot at 6-. 12-, (NPRA) (see p. 21). Customers should request a copy or 24-fold nultiplicity. Full-scale (5-in./s) sec­ of catalog KGRD-16 to enable them to specify the data tions are available for ITDSt of the lines as sepia 1 sets they require. The "Contents" page from KGR0-16 rqylar1 or blackline ~IF e: ::ala:~. Microfilm copies (see table 1) conveys the scope of the catalog. which of processed sections or demultiplexed digital field contains not only seismic data from the NPRA region tapes (in SEG-Y format) are also available. Suppor­ but also well-log, gravity, aerial gamma-ray.
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