HAKIHEA DECEMBER 2018 / KOHIT Ā TEA JANUARY 2019 TEA JANUARY PARK LIFE Higher-density OURAUCKLAND.NZ living demands high-quality public spaces. How's Auckland IN OUR doing? NATURE Auckland's best beaches, walks, parks and events s Yoursummer' AUCKLAND COMESs ALIVEorted WHEN WE HEAD OUTSIDE. HERE’S YOUR FREE GUIDE TO MAKING THE MOST OF TĀMAKI MAKAURAU Everything changes when you listen. The music that moves you is just a tap away. New Sennheiser MOMENTUM True Wireless earbuds have intuitive tap controls. No clicky buttons. No wires. Just exceptional sounding, ergonomically designed earbuds that are ready to wear and can easily be recharged in the compact carry case. Search: MOMENTUM True Wireless OurAuckland.nz TO TATOU TAMAKI MAKAURAU CONTENTS 18-23 CONTACT US PARK LIFE Auckland's world-leading Auckland Council approach to public space aucklandcouncil.govt.nz 09 301 0101 (24/7) aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/ contactus Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 facebook.com/aklcouncil twitter.com/aklcouncil About OurAuckland OurAuckland keeps you up to date with council services, projects and events, and helps to fulfil our legislative obligations to 04 keep Aucklanders informed. MAYOR'S LETTER We conduct regular research Phil Goff welcomes you to to ensure OurAuckland is an your new-look mag efficient way of doing this. 08-14 Te reo Māori 24 We’re proud to use te reo WHAT'S ON Māori in OurAuckland. If Live music, festivals, free ON THE MOVE you come across a word you events, markets and more Quay changes are coming don’t know you can learn to the city centre what it means at maoridictionary.co.nz 26 BEYOND THE FRAME OurAuckland ourauckland@ Art doesn't just live in the aucklandcouncil.govt.nz gallery; it lives outside too ourauckland.nz Subscribe to OurAuckland e-newsletter at 28-29 ourauckland.nz/enews SUMMER STUNNERS Disclaimer Aucklanders choose the top OurAuckland includes paid beaches, walks and events advertising, in addition to 16-17 Auckland Council editorial IN YOUR 30 content. While Auckland Council appreciates the NEIGHBOURHOOD SEE HERE NOW support of advertisers in What's hot and happening Great summer shots of the helping to pay for production in your area this summer best summer spots of OurAuckland, the inclusion of any specific advertisement is not an official endorsement or recommendation of that Library opening hours business hours). Visit NEED TO advertiser's products or Visit aucklandlibraries. aucklandcouncil.govt.nz services by Auckland Council. KNOW govt.nz or call 09 301 0101 for information on council for information about services and facilities. Our Published by Bauer Media in partnership with Auckland Rubbish & recycling library opening hours call centre is open 24/7 Auckland Council will Council. For advertising and extended loan periods throughout the holiday enquiries email advertising@ continue to pick up your over summer. period: call 09 301 0101. bauermedia.co.nz. rubbish and recycling over Printed by Webstar using the summer break, but Summer opening hours Pools & leisure centres sustainably sourced paper. there will be some changes Auckland Council service See aucklandleisure.co.nz or to collection days. Visit centres close noon Friday call 09 301 0101 for opening makethemostofwaste.co.nz 21 December and re-open hours and information to check collection dates. Monday 7 January (normal about holiday programmes. HAKIHEA DECEMBER 2018 / KOHITĀTEA JANUARY 2019 3 OurAuckland.nz TO TATOU TAMAKI MAKAURAU BY THE NUMBERS 78% of Aucklanders are in Auckland each weekend after January 7 65% of Aucklanders rank beaches as the region's top summer attraction You're welcome Welcome to the new-look OurAuckland magazine. DESCRIBE AN Summer is when Tāmaki Makaurau comes alive, and AUCKLAND SUMMER to help you make the most of it, we’ve put together a IN FIVE WORDS: definitive guide to the parks, beaches and events that make our city a world-class place to live. Blue skies, sand, Auckland is a stunning region and over the coming pŌhutukawa flowers. decade we are investing $1.4 billion in open space and 42m parks. Part of this work will include the transformation of WHAT DEFINES AN The deepest point of the our central city and waterfront to create more public and AUCKLAND SUMMER City Rail Link. The two green space and pedestrian-friendly thoroughfares. FOR YOU? tunnels will run 3.45km The way we use public spaces is changing, and, on under Auckland page 18, we take an in-depth look at the work Auckland Swimming at one Council is doing to ensure everyone has access to green of Auckland’s many space now and in the future. beaches. That’s why our 329,000 From beaches, walkways and hidden gems to Movies water quality work is so cycle trips were and Music in Parks and free cultural festivals, Auckland important. recorded across 26 has much to offer this summer. Enjoy it and be safe. counters in Auckland in Phil Goff, Mayor of Auckland WHAT’S YOUR October 2018, up 17 per FAVOURITE AUCKLAND cent on the previous year HOLIDAY EXPERIENCE? For this issue, OurAuckland asked a range of Aucklanders what's on their I love walking along the 12,945 summer play list. Wherever you see What's beach with family, seeing The number of dwellings the beach umbrella, you'll find some your people outside enjoying consented in the summer inspiration. Head to ourauckland.nz/ play list? their Christmas holidays in Auckland region in the mysummer and create your play list. our beautiful environment. year ending September MAYOR'S PHOTO: JOE HOCKLEY / SOURCES: AUCKLAND COUNCIL’S PEOPLES PANEL, AUCKLAND TRANSPORT, AUCKLAND HOUSING UPDATE AUCKLAND HOUSING TRANSPORT, AUCKLAND PEOPLES PANEL, COUNCIL’S AUCKLAND SOURCES: JOE HOCKLEY / PHOTO: MAYOR'S YOUR SUMMER'S SORTED WITH OURAUCKLAND.NZ Discover more at ourauckland.nz/mysummer Get weekly updates on news and events across Auckland at ourauckland.nz/enews Follow us on social media @aklcouncil 4 TE RETA A TE KOROMATUA / MAYOR'S LETTER SMART, SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR AUCKLAND’S FUTURE New energy technologies are We’re working to accelerate this new energy improving rapidly, and, alongside future by providing an even smarter energy system to support new and sustainable energy climate change imperatives, it technologies, while at the same time keeping means our lives are increasingly the lights on for Auckland. electrifying. Electric vehicles, solar, Auckland is growing fast, and it’s important batteries and more are already we grow in the right way. After all, Vector starting to transform the way we’re shares Auckland’s history as well as looking powered and transported. after its energy future. Vector.co.nz/futureofenergy CREATING A NEW ENERGY FUTURE ADVERTISEMENT NEW YEAR, NEW LOOK ENJOY YOUR DREAM FLOOR NOW! Cavalier Bremworth With 12 stores across the city from Switzerland Silverdale to Pukekohe, Carpet Court in Zurich has Auckland homeowners covered Styling by Catherine Wilkinson. Photography by Vanessa Lewis. SHELLEY’S STORY “FLOORING IS 0\KXVEDQGDQG,ERXJKWDQHZKRXVHWZR THE FO UNDATIO N \HDUVDJRVRRXUIDPLO\FRXOGHQMR\PRUH O F INTERIO R VSDFHDVRXUWZRER\VJRWROGHUDQGELJJHU D ESIG N AND SETS 8SJUDGLQJWRDPRUHH[SHQVLYHSURSHUW\ PHDQWDOORXUPRQH\ZDVWLHGXSLQWKH THE TO NE FO R PRUWJDJHZLWKQRWKLQJVSDUHIRUWKHLQWHULRU HOW THE ENTIRE XSGDWHWKHVKRXVHQHHGHG 0\KRPHLVDQH[SUHVVLRQRI P\VW\OHDQG HOUSE LOOKS” ,GHVSHUDWHO\ZDQWHGWRFKDQJHWKHROGDQG LQHIIHFWLYHFDUSHW)ORRULQJLVWKHIRXQGDWLRQ RI LQWHULRUGHVLJQDQGVHWVWKHWRQHIRUKRZ WKHHQWLUHKRXVHORRNVDVZHOODVPDNLQJLW PRUHHIILFLHQWVRLWZDVP\RQHDQGRQO\ SULRULW\²WKHUHVWFRXOGZDLW :KHQ,VDZ&DUSHW&RXUWDGYHUWLVH PRQWKVQRLQWHUHVWDQGQRSD\PHQWVYLD SHELLEY FERGUSON 4&DUG,LQYHVWLJDWHGLPPHGLDWHO\)ROORZLQJ TV personality & WKHFUHGLWDSSURYDOSURFHVVDQGDFRQVXOWDWLRQ Editorial director ,JRWEHDXWLIXOKDUGZRRGIORRULQJLQVWDOOHG WKURXJKRXWWKHOLYLQJDUHDVDQGSOXVK ZDUPFDUSHWLQWKHEHGURRPV$ORQJZLWK QHZLQWHULRUSDLQWWKHKRXVHZDVWRWDOO\ WUDQVIRUPHGZKLFKKXJHO\LQFUHDVHGKRZ PXFKZHKDYHHQMR\HGWKHVSDFHVRYHU WKHODVWWZR\HDUV 7KHNH\ZDVFRPLQJXSZLWKP\RZQ DFKLHYDEOHUHSD\PHQWSODQWRHQVXUH,FRXOG PDNHWKHPRVWRI WKHLQWHUHVWIUHHSHULRG :LWKSOHQW\RI EUHDWKLQJVSDFHWRPDQDJH UHSD\PHQWVWKHLQWHUHVWIUHHSHULRGLVQRZXS DQG,·PKDSS\WRVD\,·YHSDLGRII HYHU\FHQW DQGWKHIORRULQJVWLOOORRNVDVJRRGDVQHZ 1 Malmo Dynamic in Bough Pine. 2 Malmo Dynamic in Fjord Oak. 3 Malmo Dynamic in Cutter Oak. 4 Malmo Dynamic in Hacienda Oak. 5 Cavalier Bremworth Switzerland in Matterhorn. 6 Cavalier Bremworth Switzerland in Berne. 1 2 Dynamic in Barrow Oak YOU COULD GET YOUR DREAM FLOORING NOW AND PAY LATER. CARPET COURT HAS A FLEXIBLE RANGE OF FINANCE OPTIONS AVAILABLE WITH Q CARD AND Q MASTERCARD®*. 3 4 *Finance available on Flexi Payment Plans with Q Card and Q Mastercard. A minimum purchase amount may be required. Exclusions may apply. Annual Account Fee of $50 applies. New Cardholder fee - $55 Establishment. Existing Cardholder fee - $35 Advance. Standard Interest Rate, currently 25.99% p.a. applies to any outstanding balance at end of a payment holiday or interest free period. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. 5 6 Rates and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. WHAT’S ON? VISIT OURAUCKLAND.NZ/EVENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE EVENTS AND HUNDREDS MORE, AND TO SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY E-NEWS ASB CLASSIC 31 DEC - 12 JAN From $15 World-class tennis meets NZ’s ultimate summer social event. See your favourite international players on Summer court and enjoy the city's best pop-up restaurants, bars and live
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