Notes CHAPTER I Noie: The pagination for note references to Wallas' books is from the following editions: Life rif Francis Place, I9I8 revised edition; Fabian Essays in Socialism, I948 Jubilee edition; Human Nature in Politics, 2nd English edition, I910; The Art rif Thought, I93I reprint in the Jonathan Cape 'Life and Letters' series; The Great Sociery and Our Social Heritage, first London editions. I. Introduction to John Ruskin, The Two Paths (London: Igo7) reprinted in Men and Ideas, 75-80. 2. John Ruskin, op. cit., 93-4· 3· 'The Future ofCowper-Templeism', Nation, 5, 24]uly I909, 597· 4· H. W. Nevinson, Changes and Chances (London: I923) 30. 5· Art of Thought, I I I; see also 289. 6. 'Let Youth But Know', Speaker, 20january I906, reprinted in Men and Ideas, I 54· 7· Ibid. 8. The Art of Thought, 289. 9· 'Government', Public Administration, 6( I) I928, 6. 10. Fragment on 'Education', Wallas Papers. I I. 'A Criticism ofFroebelian Pedagogy', first published in Child Life, July I90I, and reprinted in Men and Ideas, I37· I2. 'Darwinism and Social Motive', Inquirer, 28 April I9o6, and reprinted in Men and Ideas, 92. I3. Human Nature in Politics, 286. I4· M. J. Wiener, Between Two Worlds: The Political Thought rif Graham Wallas (Oxford I97I) 8. I5· Human Nature in Politics, I87. I6. 'L. T. Hobhouse', a review of J. A. Hobson and Morris Ginsberg, L. T. Hobhouse: His Life and Work, New Statesman and Nation, 25 April I93I, 326. I7· 'The Education of Beatrice Webb', a review of Beatrice Webb, My Apprenticeship, The Nation, 38, 6 March I926, 779· I8. Report ofWallas' Presidential Address to the Rationalist Press Association in I926, Literary Guide and Rationalist Review, 36I, July I926. I9· Sidney Webb, 'Graham Wallas', Economica, 38(4), I932, 403. 20. From a letter to Archibald Henderson, 3 January I905, in Bernard Shaw: Collected Letters, I8g/J-I9IO (London: I972) 490. 21. Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership (London: I948) I23. Italics in original. 22. Max Beer, A History rif British Socialism (London: I953) two-volume reprint, II, 280. 174 GRAHAM WALLAS AND THE GREAT SOCIETY 23. A.M. McBriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics, J884-19IB (London: I966) I49· 24. MS notes, dated 'I932', possibly intended for inclusion in Social Judgement, Wallas Papers. 25. See Wiener, op. cit., 6. 26. Sir Sydney Caine, A History of the Foundation of the London School of Economics and Political Science (London: I 963). 27. London School of Economics, Student Handbook, 1925, 'An Historical Note'. 28. Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership (London: I948) 86. Italics in the original. 29. 'A Library of Political Science', Daily Chronicle, 7 April I896. 30. Caine, op. cit., 39-40. 31. Wallas' original lectureship was designated the 'Hutchinson Trust Lectureship', because he was paid by the Trust instead ofby the School. (See F. A. Hayek, 'The London School of Economics and Political Science, I8gs­ I945', Economica, New Series, 3I(I), I946, 3.) 32. H.J. Laski, 'Lowes Dickinson and Graham Wallas' (obituary notices), Political Quarterly, 3(4), I932, 464. 33· Life of Francis Place, 37-8. 34· Review of the Life of Francis /1lace in Pall Mall Ga:;;ette, I 7 February I8g8. 35· From a review of the Life ofFrancis Place, in Westminster Review, April I898, 462. 36. Life of Francis Place, 324n. 37. Human Nature in Politics, I 21. 38. The Life of Francis Place was very widely reviewed. Wallas himself gathered more than fifty reviews together in a scrapbook, including one from the Master Tailor and Cutters' Ga:;;ette for September I898, which noted with some pride that the hero was himself a tailor. 39· 'Physical and Social Sciences' (I930), from Men and Ideas, 208. 40. 'Effective Social Research', New Republic, I2: 8 September I9I7, I56. 41. 'The Village Tragedy', Wallas' review ofj. L. and Barbara Hammond, The Village Labourer, I76o-I8J2, in The Nation, I I November I gi I, 248. 42. J. Bentham, Chrestomathia, quoted by Wallas in 'Bentham as Political Inventor', (I926) and printed in Men and Ideas, 36. 43· 'Bentham as Political Inventor', ibid., 36. 44· Ibid., 33· 45· Ibid., 34· 46. 'Jeremy Bentham', Political Science Quarterly, 38(I), I923, 47· 4 7. Article on 'Bentham, Jeremy', in Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences (I 930) 5 Ig. 48. Ibid. 49· From a speech at the Reform Club Banquet, I6 May I928, on 'Philosophy', subsequently published by the Liberal Publication Department. 50. 'A Criticism ofFroebelian Pedagogy', Men and Ideas, I39· 51. Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership, 37· CHAPTER 2 1. See, for example, Max Beer, A History of British Socialism, vol. II, chap. xiv ( I94o); Margaret Cole, The Story ofFabian Socialism ( Ig6I ); Anne Freemantle, This Little Band of Prophets: The British Fabians ( I959); A.M. McBriar, Fabian NOTES 175 Socialism and English Politics, IBB4-I918; and E. R. Pease, The History of the Fabian Society (I9I6). 2. Beer, A History of British Socialism, II, 274. 3· As quoted by Pease, The History of the Fabian Society, 32. 4· Ibid., 34· 5· 'Socialists and the School Board', Today, 10: I888, I26. 6. Bernard Shaw: The Basis of Socialism: Economic Bernard Shaw: The Transition to Social Democracy Sidney Webb: The Basis of Socialism: Historic William Clarke: The Basis of Socialism: Industrial Sydney Olivier: The Basis of Socialism: Moral Graham W alias: Property Under Socialism Annie Besant: Industry Under Socialism Hubert Bland: The Outlook 7· Wallas Papers. 8. The Art of Thought, 299· 9· Pease, The History of the Fabian Society, 9o-1. IO. McBriar, op. cit., 73· I I. Sidney Webb, 'The Basis of Socialism: Historic', Fabian Essays, 32. I2. Wiener,op.cit., I25. I3· See, for example, 'The American Analogy', Independent Review, November I903· I4· Beer, op. cit., II, 287. I 5· From the syllabus to a lecture, 'Ends and Means in Democracy', 30 October I930. Wallas Papers. I6. From the Introduction toR. M. Dawson, The Principle of Official Independence (London I922), xiv. I 7. 'Socialism and the Fabian Society' (a review of E. R. Pease, The History of the Fabian Society) New Republic, 24 June I9I6, as reprinted in Men and Ideas, 104· I8. See 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I25· I9· The policy of'permeation', advocated most vigorously by Webb and Wallas, was opposed by other Fabians, including Hubert Bland. 20. 'Socialism and the Fabian Society', Men and Ideas, 103. 2 I. Pease, op. cit., 24-5· 22. G. B. Shaw, Shaw: An Autobiography IBs6-IB¢, selected from his writings by Stanley Weintraub, New York, I969, I73-4· 23. McBriar, op. cit., I I. 24. 'Socialism and the Fabian Society', Men and Ideas, 104. 25. Letter from Wallas to E. R. Pease, 4 February I9I6. Wallas Papers. See also 'An Economic Eirenicon', Today, I889, 8o--6. Fabian economic theories are discussed at length in McBriar, op. cit. 26. Letter from Wallas to E. R. Pease, 4 February I9I6. Wallas Papers. 27. 'Socialism and the Fabian Society', Men and Ideas, 105. 28. Our Social Heritage, 247· 29· Ibid., I 73· 30. Pease, op. cit., 92. 31. 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I24· 32. Wallas Papers. 176 GRAHAM WALLAS AND THE GREAT SOCIETY 33· From the Basis of the Fabian Society, I887, printed as an Appendix to Pease, op. cit., 26g. 34· Beer, op. cit., II, 285. 35· McBriar, op. cit., 108. 36. 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I26. 37· Ibid., I30. 38. Ibid., I 26. 39· Memorandum to the Coal Industry Commission, Igig. Wallas Papers. 40. 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I36. 4I. From a highly critical review of A. T. Hadley, Economic 0 roblems of Democracy, in Economic Journal, 33: December I923, 524. 42. 'English Teachers' Organisations', New Statesman, s: 25 September I9I5, 586. 43· 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I36. 44· From a review ofR. H. Tawney, The Acquisitive Sociery, in Nation, 29: I I June I92I, 401. 45· 'The Beginning of Modern Socialism', Sociological Review, 3: IgiO, 44-50. 46. 'Working Class Economics', summary of a lecture to the Fabian Society, 4 November I8g2, published in Fabian News, December I8g2, 37· 47· The Great Sociery, 393· 48. 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I39· 49· M.P. Mack, 'Grahain Wallas' New Individualism', Western Political Q.uarterry, II(I), I958, Ig. 50. The Archives of the Fabian Society, now held by Nuffield College, Oxford, contain several letters from Wallas, disagreeing with the content of Fabian manifestos and pamphlets. 51. Letter of resignation, dated 24January I904, as published in Fabian News, I4(2), February I904, 6-7. 52. Letter from Wallas to E. R. Pease, 24January I904. Fabian Archives, Nuffield College, Oxford. 53· Wiener, op. cit., 38. 54· From H. G. Wells' review of The Great Sociery, in The Nation, 4 July I9I4· 55· 'Socialism and the Fabian Society', Men and Ideas, 106. 56. Mack, op. cit., IS· 57. Manuscript note, possibly intended for use in Social Judgement, Wallas Papers. 58. See 'English Teachers' Organisations', New Statesman, 5: 25 September I9I5, s86-7. 59· Ibid., 587. 6o. Ibid. The LCC is the London County Council and the NUT is the National Union of Teachers. 6I. Review of R. H. Tawney, The Acquisitive Sociery, in Nation and Athenaeum, I I June I92I, 401. 62. 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essays, I37· CHAPTER 3 I. Our Social Heritage, 70. 2. Wiener, op. cit., 38. 3· 'Socialists and the School Board', Today, IO: November I888. NOTES 4· Our Social Heritage, 52. 5· 'Property Under Socialism', Fabian Essqys, I37-8. 6. 'The Future of English Education in the Light of the Past', in H. B. Binns, A Century of Education I8o8-Igo8, reprinted in Men and Ideas, I65. 7· Ibid., I66. 8. Ibid., I69.
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