-r/ <?fo 11? ? ' 4Y A/ Bl -F/ — YF European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG XVII) *** ★ t ★ thermie * ★ ★ ★ ^ ★ European Workshop RENEWABLE RURAL ENERGY APPLICATIONS IN NORTH-EAST EUROPE A Thermie Programme Action Helsinki, Finland 14-17 April, 1997 JVl 0 7 egg PROCEEDINGS SOLPROS, Finland AEE, Austria KANENERGI, Norway DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. TABLE OF CONTENTS page Foreword .................................................................................................................. 1 The THERMIE Programme ............................................................................................ 2 Workshop Programme .................................................................................................. 3 Lectures........................................................................................................................... 5 Tekes Boosts Technology ............................................................................................... 6 Renewable Energy in Latvia........................................................................................... 12 Rural Renewable Energy (Prospects) in Estonia ............................................................ 19 Renewable Energy for Rural Electrification................................................................... 26 Techno-Economic Analysis: Summary .................................................................. 28 Practical Experiences of Small-Scale Heat Generation from Fuelwood in Finland.. 31 Solar Systems for Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating.......................................... 34 Biomass for Energy: Small-Scale Technologies............................................................. 50 Photovoltaic Applications for Rural Areas in the North-East Europe ........................... 62 Business Forum ............................................................................................................. 78 ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE........................................ 79 SOLPROS.... ................................................................................................................... 83 KANENERGI.................................................................................................................. 87 TEKNOTERM................................................................................................................ 88 WATERPUMPS WP...................................................................................................... 91 NESTE ADVANCED POWER SYSTEMS.................................................................. 95 ISOVOLTA..... .............................................................................................................. 97 SONNENKRAFT............................................................................................................ 99 HOTAB..................................................................................................... 101 TTNOX............................................................................................................................ 103 SOLARNOK.................................................................................................................. 104 BIOGAS......................................................................................................................... 105 List of Participants 106 1 FOREWORD This workshop is part of the E.C. Thermic B project ‘Dissemination of Promising Renewable Rural Energy Applications in North-East Europe” . The project manager is Arbeitsgemainschaft Emeuerbare Energie from Austria and the partners are SOLPROS AY from Finland and Kanenergi AS from Norway. The main organizer of the workshop and the editor of the proceedings is SOLPROS AY. The workshop has been sponsored by the following organizations: Main sponsors: • European Commission DGXVII • Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland • Technology Development Centre of Finland/OPET Finland Main industrial sponsors: • Imatran Voima Oy, Finland • TeknoTerm AB, Sweden • Waterpumps WP Oy, Finland • Neste Oy NAPS, Finland • ISOVOLTA AG, Austria • Sonnenkraft GmbH, Austria Reproduction of the contents is subject to acknowledgements of the European Commission 1997. Neither the workshop arrangers, the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf make any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the information contained in this publication or assume liability with respect to the use of or damages resulting from this information. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. 2 THERMIE (1990-1994) This is an important European Community programme designed to promote the greater use of European energy technology. Its aim is to assist the European Union in achieving its fundamental objectives of: • improving the energy supply prospects of the European Union; • reducing environmental pollution by decreasing emissions, particularly those of C02, S02 and No,; • strengthening the competitive position of European industry, above all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); • promoting the transfer of technology to Third Countries; « strengthening economic and social cohesion within the European Union. The majority of the funds of the THERMIE Programme are devoted to financial support of projects which aim to apply new and innovative energy technologies for the production, conversion and use of energy in the following areas: • rational use of energy in buildings, industry, energy industry and transport; • renewable energy sources such as solar energy, energy from biomass and waste, as well as geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind energy; • solid fuels, in the areas of combustion, conversion (liquefaction and gasification), use of wastes and gasification integrated in a combined cycles; • hydrocarbons, their exploration, production, transport and storage. The THERMIE Programme (1990-1994) includes a provision for the enhanced dissemination of information to encourage a wider application and use of successful energy technologies. This information is brought together, for example, in publications such as this Maxibrochure. Maxibrochures provide an invaluable source of information for those who wish to discover the state of the art of a particular technology-or within a particular sector. The information they contain is drawn from all Member States and therefore provides a pan-European assessment. To guarantee the maximum effectiveness of the funds available, the THERMIE Programme (1990-1994) includes an element for the co-ordination of promotional activities with those of similar programmes carried out in Member States and with other European Community instruments such as ALTENER, SAVE, SYNERGIE, JOULE, PHARE and TACIS. JOULE - THERMIE (1995-1998) the first phase of the THERMIE Programme ran from 1990-1994 and had a budget of around 700 MECU. From 1995 the bulk of THERMIE activities will be carried out, with a budget of 530 MECU, as the demonstration component of the Non-Nuclear Energy Programme (JOULE-THERMIE) under the Fourth EC Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This change is based upon a concept within the Treaty on European Union to bring all research, development, demonstration and dissemination efforts of the Union closer together. However, to continue all the activities corresponding to the former THERMIE Programme (1990-1994), a successor programme called THERMIE II, outside the Framework Programme, is currently under discussion in the Council of Ministers. 3 E.C.Thermie (DGXVTI) Workshop on Renewable Rural Energy Applications in North-East Europe PROGRAMME Neste House, Keilaniemi, 02150 Espoo, Finland Monday, April 14, 1997 General Possibilities (chair: Dr. Faninger-Lund) 09:00-09:30 Registration and Coffee 09:30-09:45 Welcome and Introduction • Dr. Heidrun Faninger-Lund, SOLPROS, main organizer of workshop • Mr. Werner Weiss, AEE, project manager • Mr. Aimo Aalto, Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland • Mr. Heikki Tikkanen, Neste Advanced Power Systems 09:45-10:45 Presentation of Participants and Companies • 2 minutes persentation of each participant • indication of interest 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00-11:30 European overview on solar thermal, photovoltaics and biomass • Mr. Matti Heikkila, E C. Opet-network 11:30-12:00 Innovation system and energy technology - case Finland • Mr. Kari Komulainen, Technology Development Center of Finland 12:00-13:00 Lunch Market potential of renewable systems (diair: Mr. Fritjof Salvesen) 13:00-13:45 Renewable Energy in Latvia • Director Peteris Shipkovs, Latvian Energy Agency • discussion 13:45-14:30 Rural renewable energy in Estonia • Dr. Teolan Tomson, Energy Research Institute, Estonia • discussion 14:30-15:00 Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 Renewable energy for rural electrification • Dr. Dimitri Strebkov, V1ESH, Russia 15:30-16:00 Marketing forecast of renewable energy equipment ’s application in the Russian rural sector • Dr. Vladimir Kozlov, Alternative Energy Company, Russia 16:00-17:00 Discussion: Implementation Strategy 4 Tuesday, April 15 Technology and Applications (chair: Mr. Werner Weiss) 09:00-10:00 Presentation of the techno-economic analysis of renewable energy in rural areas of North-East Europe • Mr. Fritjof Salvesen, KanEnergi, Norway • discussion 10:00-10:30 Practical expenencies of
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