NewsletterAPRIL 2017 VOLUME XLII | ISSUE 4 | WWW.CAGTOWN.ORG Recollections of Georgetown: CAROL JOYNT MODERATES ORAL HISTORY PANEL AT PINSTRIPES APRIL 25 TUESDAY, APRIL 25 news producer (she won an Emmy for a chaplain in the Army National Guard from RECEPTION AT 7PM; PROGRAM AT 7:30 PM Charlie Rose prison interview with Charles 1994-2007, including a deployment to Iraq 1064 WISCONSIN AVENUE, NW Manson) and took on the job as tavern in 2005-2006. As a resident of Georgetown owner. Twelve years later, reluctantly, she for more than 20 years, he speaks eloquently closed Nathan’s. of the unique aspect of Georgetown as a lease join CAG at Pinstripes for an small, supportive village in the midst of an evening filled with well-deserved Ella Pozell worked, along with her husband internationally influential city. Psalutes to significant Georgetowners Joseph, for 26 years at Oak Hill Cemetery in and their role in the history of Georgetown. the heart of Georgetown from 1986-2012. Vernon Ricks and his sister, Barbara Ricks Carol Joynt will moderate a fascinating panel Oak Hill is listed on the National Register Thompson, have been active worshipers at including Stuart Kenworthy, Ella Pozell, of Historic Places; included on the grounds Mt. Zion United Methodist Church on Vernon Ricks and Barbara Ricks Thompson. are two structures – Oak Hill Cemetery 29th Street since their childhood years in These Georgetowners will tell their stories Chapel and the Van Ness Mausoleum – the 1940’s and 50’s. Vernon and Barbara and share their memories. both of which are also listed, separately, on describe how living in Georgetown, attend- the National Register of Historic Places. ing Mt. Zion church, being educated at Emmy-winning CBS News producer, Founded in 1849 and completed in 1853, Philips, Wormley, and Armstrong schools author, The Q&A Cafe host, journalist and it’s a good example of a “garden cemetery” and being part of a close, supportive family former saloon owner Carol Joynt will mod- which has landscaped winding paths and and community gave them the foundations erate the panel as well as share some of her terraces that descend into nearby Rock upon which they each created successful own Georgetown memories. Nathan’s was Creek Park. The cemetery is notable not lives. a well-known and well-frequented tavern only for its natural beauty but for its many established in 1969 by Howard Joynt and famous inhabitants. Because of its history With thanks to Pinstripes for generously two partners. It sat in the heart of George- and its beauty, Trip Advisor recommends hosting and providing appetizers and soft town at the corner of M & Wisconsin. When Oak Hill as one site to see while visiting drinks. Cash bar will be available with Mr. Joynt died suddenly in 1997, Carol, his Washington, DC. Happy Hour prices: $4 wine and beer. The stunned and grieving widow and mother community is encouraged to stay for dinner of their five-year-old son, learned that the Stuart Kenworthy was Rector of Christ in the bistro after the meeting – reservations tavern owed millions of dollars in back taxes. Church Georgetown from 1991 until his strongly recommended: 202-625-6500. She quit her job as a successful network retirement in 2014. He also served as a Carol Joynt Ella Pozell Stuart Kenworthy Vernon Ricks and Barbara Ricks Thompson “GOODNESS IS THE ONLY INVESTMENT THAT NEVER FAILS.” - Henry David Thoreau As a leader in Georgetown’s real estate community, our firm proudly supports the Georgetown community. We are proud to sponsor the following events and organizations: Citizens Association of Georgetown Friends of Volta Park Concerts in the Park Georgetown House Tour (St. John’s) Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy Georgetown Jingle Friends of Book Hill Park Reception (Georgetown University Hospital) Friends of Montrose Park Hyde-Addison Elementary School Gala Friends of Rose Park Tudor Place Georgetown Brokerage 1206 30th Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 I +202 333 1212 I ttrsir.com Sotheby's GTC AD 2015.indd 1 2/2/15 11:58 AM Page 2 | April 2017 | CAG Newsletter pring has arrived a bit early with flow- through May and June. The evening at Via ering trees and perennials popping up, Umbria should be exciting and delicious, Sbut we cannot be assured that a snow and it helps support the expenses of hiring storm is not going to strike us in the early musicians and providing games for children days of April. CAG’s Trees for Georgetown at the concerts. program has been busy planting a total of The owners of the West Heating Plant proj- 68 new trees for the tree boxes along the ect have sought community input on certain sidewalks in Georgetown, with new trees new modifications to the plan for the con- species including Bald Cypress and Pond dominiums to be housed there. The regula- Cypress. and then to the D.C. and Bethesda side of tory proceedings will begin on April 3 at the the river. The affected communities in D.C. Less appealing is the long standing prob- ANC2E, meeting to be followed by a hearing have organized a coalition of communities lem of outflows of sewage into the Potomac at the Old Georgetown Board on April 6. called DC Fair Skies Coalition, and have River. Rain storms and snowmelt can create The demolition of the three walls will need filed a pleading before the U.S. Court of excess drainage that cannot be accommodat- to be approved by the D.C. Mayor’s Agent. Appeals for the District of Columbia. The ed by the six combined sewers located along CAG hopes that design changes will appeal D.C. government’s Department of Energy the Potomac River between Rock Creek to the regulators so that the building can be and Environment has also retained an air- and beyond the Key Bridge. DC Water has renovated and the community can enjoy an craft noise survey company, Freytag LLC, decided to begin using Green Infrastructure elevated new public park that will be adja- that hopefully will uncover issues that sup- projects in Burleith and north of Burleith to cent to the Heating Plant just south of the port our concerns. determine whether they can be effective in new building. decreasing the outflows into the Potomac Finally, the aircraft noise issue remains Bob vom Eigen, PRESIDENT River. Old sewers built in the 19th century unresolved. Since the spring of 2015, a new are a problem because groundwater inflows departure route from Reagan National Air- can enter the sewers through cracks and port to the north runs directly over west holes, therefore increasing the volume of Georgetown and adjoining communities. UPCOMING CAG MEETINGS overflows into the river. DC Water is repair- The Metropolitan Washington Airports ing those sewers to increase the capacity of Authority has hosted meetings of representa- Concerts in the Parks the sewers which will reduce outflows. tives of the communities in D.C., Maryland Kickoff Party“Umbrian Holiday” As spring is not far off, CAG is hosting a and Virginia, but Federal Aviation Admin- Thursday, April 6th, 6:30-8:30pm fundraiser on April 6 graciously sponsored istration has decided not to proceed with an Via Umbria – 1525 Wisconsin Ave by Via Umbria at 1525 Wisconsin Avenue to alternative route that would have moved via Tickets at cagtown.org/concerts support the Concerts in the Park programs the Potomac River to points north of Rossyln Reflections of Georgetown: Oral History Panel Tuesday, April 25, Reception at 7pm, TREE NOTES Program 7:30 Pinstripes – 1064 Wisconsin Ave., NW Betsy Emes, Trees for Georgetown Chair The city has also planted many new trees. They A panel of dedicated and fascinating need water, too. Gator bags (with zippers) have Georgetowners will tell their stories rees for Georgetown has completed been installed around these trees which need and share their memories. its Spring planting of 68 street trees. filling, as well. TSpecies planted include London Plane, Swamp White, Overcup and Willow Watering once a week will go a long way toward CAG Annual Meeting & Oak, Black Gum, Sweet Gum, Happidaze helping our street trees thrive. Start watering all Legacy Society Induction and Worpelsdon, Homestead Elm, Single your trees, NOW, especially the young ones. If Tuesday, May 23, Reception at 7pm, Stem Birch, Bald and Pond Cypress, and there is no watering device, a slow hose placed Program 7:30-8:30pm Hackberry. at the base of the tree for 30 minutes should do the trick. Dumbarton House – 2715 Q St. NW These trees are very thirsty and need water! If Presentation of Annual Awards, you have a newly planted tree near your house, Watering is the single most important thing Election of Officers, and Legacy please fill the ooze tube (watering bag) installed you can do to help ensure the survival of our Society Induction street trees. Please do not hesitate to contact around each tree. If water isn't slowly "oozing" Watch for announcements and out of the bag, punch a few extra holes in the Trees for Georgetown at Treesforgeorgetown@ bottom with a large safety pin or very small gmail.com if you have questions or need help. updates on cagtown.org/meetings and facebook.com/georgetowncitizens nail. Instructions are on the side of the bag. Thanks for helping to keep our canopy growing! CAG Newsletter | April 2017 | Page 3 GEORGETOWNVoices What's the Buzz??? Nancy Schafer ur early spring may have you noticing the arrival of bees in the neighbor- Ohood. As every backyard gardener knows, honey bees are vital to keeping plants productive and healthy. Without bees, we wouldn’t have the majority of the foods available to us in the produce section of our grocery store.
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