MAY 2015 One Heart- One Mind The Newsletter of the Association of Engaged Buddhists SANGHA LODGE: 20 Victoria St Lewisham NSW 2049! Ph/Fax: (02) 9590 3617 E: offi[email protected] W: www.engagedbuddhists.org.au Meditation & Dhamma Teaching Dana Days Association News Member Profile 7.30pm every Monday night. Dana Days are held on the first Sunday of each Robert Ljubicic • Join with others in sitting practice. month. Attendees bring food to offer to the Work Continues at Sangha and to share with each other. This is a Vejjasala Page 3 7.30pm every Wed night. great way to show respect for the Sangha and • Meditation evenings include a Dhamma Preparations Under- enjoy a delicious meal with others in the lay talk followed by around half an hour of way for This Year’s community. guided sitting practice. Beginners or more Food Fair experienced meditators are equally Please note that we must start promptly at welcome. 10:30am in order for the Sangha to finish • There is no charge for the teachings eating by noon. The next Dana Day will be Page 4 although donations are welcome as this is Sunday 6th June 2015 Sangha Lodge’s only means of support. Buddha had to defeat his own “self” in marking the birthplace of the Buddha. Remember Them order to attain the triumph of Nibbana As disciples of the Buddha we ought to but this was a victory attained by letting feel a strong urge to help in whatever Having just ‘celebrated ’ ANZAC Day go, by releasing, not grasping after and way we can in the light of this terrible which is simultaneously the remem- by learning the value of the Middle Path suffering. brance and commemoration of a mili- in all things. Naturally the Buddha always tary defeat and a kind of triumph of Marking this festi- teaches us that we must start human courage and bravery we must be val of the Birth, En- with ourselves in making the reminded of the reality of dukkha and lightenment and move from suffering to freedom anicca; suffering and unsatisfactoriness Passing Away of the but it is also a fact that we and the impermanence of all things. Buddha we must be must also see, appreciate and These core insights of the Buddha call us very aware of the real- realise our relationship and back each day to the facts of our exis- ity of the suffering interconnectedness with oth- tence and put before us the question of which is arising in Ne- ers. So, what can you do to help the whether or not we can overcome them. pal resulting from the terrible poor suffering people of Nepal? Time to The Buddha answers with a definite yes earthquake which has struck the land of get up off the meditation cushion and to this question. In his own words he the Buddha’s birth. The loss of life, the do something practical if you possibly says, “yes, it is possible to overcome grief of families, the disruption of the can. Maybe you would like to consider Dukkha otherwise I would not encour- whole social order and the terrible de- one of the regular and reputable chari- age you to do so”. The Buddha’s en- struction of infrastructure all contribute table organisations and make an offer- couragement comes not from theories or to ongoing suffering and a dreadful ing of dana. Maybe you might think of ideologies but arises out of his own ex- sense of impermanence for the people of the organisation set up by the Venerable perience. Nepal and for those whose hearts are Bhikku Bodhi: Buddhist Global Relief We are preparing to mark and celebrate moved by compassion and pity. www.buddhistglobalrelief.org and make the Buddha’s own triumph by calling to Nepal is the homeland of the Buddha. an offering through them. Here is their mind his birth, Nibbana and Parinib- Many of you have been to Lumbini and Mission Statement: bana in the festival of Vesakha puja. The seen the archaeological ruins there Continued on Page 2... One Heart-One Mind! 1 MAY 2015 Our Vision One way or another I urge you to help in Sue Toohey pointed out that yoga is it- We are inspired by the vision of a world in whatever way you are able. The Bud- self a method of meditation, allowing which debilitating poverty has finally been dha teaches that all our efforts at the mind to concentrate on the body and banished; a world in which all can avail Dhamma should begin with opening the thus screen out other, distracting themselves of the basic material supports of a heart with Dana; the Nepal disaster is a thoughts. She reminded us, as has meaningful life—food, clothing, housing, chance to do just this. Bhante many times, that the description and health care; a world in which everyone “Giving is good, dear sir! of the Eight-Fold Noble path is ill-served can achieve a satisfactory level of education Even when one has little, giving is good. by the word ‘right’, and would be better and freely pursue that which gives their life An offering given from what little one translated as ‘whole’ or ‘wise’. (Wise value and purpose; a world in which all peo- has Intention, Whole View etc.) And during ple dwell in peace and harmony with one is worth a thousand times its value.” the weekend she expanded on the vari- another and with the natural environment. ous stages in this Path, clarifying the - Samyutta Nikaya 1:33 ways in which we can follow – or indeed “May I be a good doctor for those who suffer This Vesakhapuja make your Dhamma stray from – it. We were offered some from illness, practice both a time for deeply personal useful reminders of what is involved in a guide for those who have gone astray, practice and an opportunity to practise mindfulness, in wise speech and action, a lamp for those who dwell in darkness, real Dana and recognise your relation- which questions we should ask our- a source of treasure for those in poverty and ship with all other suffering sentient selves in trying to decide whether we need.” - Vows of Samantabhadra, Ava- beings. are moving in our chosen direction or tamsaka Sutra May all beings be free from Dukkha not. There was a lively discussion on Our Mission vegetarianism. May all beings be well Our mission is to combat chronic hunger The yoga itself was relaxing and accessi- May all beings be happy. and malnutrition. Bearing in mind the ble to everyone, including at least two Buddha’s statements that “hunger is the With every blessing of the Dhamma, participants who had never done yoga worst kind of illness” and “the gift of food is Bhante Tejadhammo before. Thanh Ngyen, one of our two the gift of life,” we sponsor projects that retreat co-ordinators, managed not only promote hunger relief for poor communities to participate, but also to provide the around the world. We pursue our mission most delicious vegetarian meals and by: take care of her young son Qué. An en- • providing direct food aid to people af- thusiastic yoga practitioner – and of flicted by hunger and malnutrition course, a highly flexible one! – he brought much charm and lightness to • helping develop better long-term methods the whole weekend. of sustainable food production and man- agement appropriate to the cultures and Kangaroos, at least one wombat, and a traditions of the beneficiaries April Yoga Retreat magnificent pair of lyrebirds were sighted at various times, mainly dawn • promoting the education of girls and or dusk. Vejjasala itself is looking won- women, so essential in the struggle Fifteen participants gathered at Vejjasala derful, with Dave Denton’s care much in against poverty and malnutrition for a weekend of yoga, meditation, teaching and relaxation on the April 17- evidence. A large quantity of splendid • giving women an opportunity to start 19 weekend. Wild weather was pre- pine mushrooms was collected and right livelihood projects to support their dicted, but although we arrived in the brought back to Sydney by all who families. rain, we were fortunate that the real wanted them. And Thanh made a deli- We also seek to raise awareness of global wildness didn’t start until after lunch on cious mushrooms tarts for lunch on hunger and advocate for an international Sunday, when we were making our way Sunday, so that all those intimidated by food system that exemplifies social justice home. their slightly menacing appearance and conduces to ecological sustainability. could feel reassured. Caroline Lurie 2! One Heart-One Mind MAY 2015 land. I was on my world adventure tour more years going to India, Europe, Kale Chips and was a free spirit eager to explore the America then coming back to Suan Mok Thanh’s Recipe - as served at the yoga retreat world and what it had to offer. once more before going home to Austra- While in Bangkok a group of fellow lia. By then Ajhan Buddhadasa had Kale is exceptionally nutritious, densely travellers I had befriended invited me to passed away. packed with fibre, minerals and vita- go with them to a monastery in South- Robert Ljubicic mins, and deliciousness! It is extremely ern Thailand to do a ten day meditation versatile, with a distinctive flavour that retreat and to learn about Buddhism. I is not diminished by cooking. As you had some experience in meditation prac- can probably tell, it's one of my favour- tice with Transcendental Meditation and Mindfulness in ite foods.
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