Page 115 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 192b–9 PARCEL C Lands within the Rocky Mountain National Park that are adjacent to the Indian Peaks Wil- Beginning at a point on the west line of sec- derness and that are transferred by this Act to tion 32, township 4 north, range 75 west of the the Roosevelt National Forest shall be incor- sixth principal meridian, 800 feet north of the porated in and become part of the Indian Peaks southwest corner of said section 32; thence east Wilderness. 660.0 feet; thence north 520.0 feet; thence east 660.0 feet; thence north 1,325.94 feet; thence west (b) Acquisition of lands and interest; functions of to the west line of said section 32; thence south Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of along said west line of said section 32 to the Agriculture point of beginning, containing 48 acres, more or The Secretary of the Interior, with respect to less. lands added or transferred by this Act to Rocky Mountain National Park, and the Secretary of PARCEL D Agriculture, with respect to lands added or Beginning at a point 800.0 feet north and 660.0 transferred by this Act to Roosevelt and Arap- feet east of the southwest corner of section 32, aho National Forests, may acquire lands and in- township 4 north, range 75 west of the sixth terests in such lands, by donation, purchase principal meridian; thence east 1,962.18 feet; with donated or appropriated funds, or by ex- thence north 520.0 feet; thence west 1,962.18 feet; change. The Secretary of Agriculture, under sec- thence south 520.0 feet to the point of beginning, tions 485 and 486 of this title, may accept on be- containing 23.5 acres, more or less. half of the United States title to any land in section 30, township 7 north, range 73 west, of COMBINED PARCELS A AND B the sixth principal meridian which lies within Beginning at the corner common to sections 31 the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park and 32, township 4 north, range 75 west, and sec- as revised by this Act, in exchange for which the tions 5 and 6, township 3 north, range 75 west, Secretary of the Interior, notwithstanding sec- sixth principal meridian; thence south 88 de- tion 1279(a) of this title, is authorized to issue grees 55 minutes east, 660.0 feet along the south patent to lands lying within the Cache La section line of said section 32; thence north 800.0 Poudre Wild and Scenic River study corridor. feet; thence west 660.0 feet, more or less, to a Upon completion of the exchange, the Secretary point on the section line common to said sec- of Agriculture shall transfer to the administra- tions 31 and 32; thence continuing west 1,000.0 tive jurisdiction by the Secretary of the Interior feet; thence south 134.06 feet; thence west 329.75 the portion of such land lying within the bound- feet; thence south 166.94 feet; thence west 1,078.6 ary of the Rocky Mountain National Park as re- feet; thence south 497.82 feet, more or less, to a vised by this Act. point on the south section line of said section 31; (c) Transfer of certain areas by the Bureau of thence south 89 degrees 24 minutes east, 2,389.47 Land Management feet along the south section line of said section The Federal lands within the administrative 31 to the point of beginning; the tract as de- jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management scribed containing approximately 47 acres. and within the areas referred to as E–2 and GL–3 (Pub. L. 87–146, § 3, Aug. 17, 1961, 75 Stat. 383.) on the map referred to in subsection (a) shall be transferred to Rocky Mountain National Park § 192b–9. Rocky Mountain National Park, Roo- without transfer of funds. sevelt National Forest, and the Arapaho Na- tional Forest (d) City of Longmont, Colorado; retention of cer- tain areas for the development of a reservoir (a) Revision of boundaries If the city of Longmont, Colorado, notifies the The boundaries of Rocky Mountain National Secretary of the Interior that lands within the Park, the Roosevelt National Forest, and the area referred to as E–8 on the map referred to in Arapaho National Forest are revised as gener- subsection (a) of this section that are owned by ally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Boundary such city are necessary for the development of a Adjustments, Rocky Mountain National Park’’, reservoir, the Secretary shall by publication of numbered 121–80,047, dated October 1, 1979, which a revised boundary description in the Federal shall be on file and available for public inspec- Register revise the boundary of Rocky Mountain tion in the Office of the Director, National Park Park within such area to exclude the lands Service, Department of the Interior, and the Of- which are necessary for the development of the fice of the Chief, Forest Service, Department of reservoir: Provided, That the authority of such Agriculture: Provided, That the area shown on Secretary to revise the boundary for this pur- such map as E–5 and known as the Twin Sisters pose shall expire on November 1, 1981; and the area shall remain a part of the Rocky Mountain only lands which may be excluded are the ap- National Park. All lands added or transferred by proximately one hundred twenty-nine acres this Act to Rocky Mountain National Park, owned by such city. Roosevelt National Forest, and Arapaho Na- tional Forest shall be subject to the laws and (e) Old McGregor Ranch; retention by owners regulations applicable to the appropriate Na- If after the completion of two complete fiscal tional Park or National Forest. Lands within years following December 22, 1980, the Secretary the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area as designated of the Interior has not purchased interests in by Public Law 95–450 (92 Stat. 1099) [16 U.S.C. the lands of approximately one thousand two 460jj et seq.], that are transferred by this Act to hundred acres known as the Old McGregor Rocky Mountain National Park shall remain in Ranch located within the area referred to as E–2 the National Wilderness Preservation System. on the map referred to in subsection (a), and the § 192b–10 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION Page 116 owner of such lands petitions the Secretary to picted as ‘‘Proposed Park Additions’’ on the map exclude such lands from Rocky Mountain Na- entitled ‘‘Proposed Park Additions, Rocky tional Park, the Secretary shall by publication Mountain National Park’’, numbered 121–80, of a revised boundary description in the Federal 106–A and dated May, 1989, which map shall be Register return the boundary of Rocky Moun- on file and available for public inspection in the tain National Park in such area E–2 to the Office of the National Park Service, Department boundary as it existed before December 22, 1980. of the Interior. Upon acquisition of such lands, (f) City of Grand Lake, Colorado; conveyance of the Secretary shall revise the boundary of land by the Secretary Rocky Mountain National Park to include such lands within the park boundary and shall admin- The Secretary of the Interior shall convey, to ister such lands as part of the park subject to the city of Grand Lake, Colorado, without com- the laws and regulations applicable thereto. pensation or consideration, the lands, not to ex- ceed two acres, within the area referred to as (b) Boundary adjustment for Roosevelt National GL–5 on the map referred to in subsection (a). Forest (g) Use of snowmobiles in certain areas Upon acquisition of such lands by the Sec- The Secretary of the Interior may provide for retary, the Secretary of Agriculture shall revise the use of snowmobiles along the East Shore the boundary of the Roosevelt National Forest Trail of Shadow Mountain Lake if after study to exclude such lands from the national forest the Secretary determines such use will not re- boundary. sult in any significant adverse impact upon (c) Agreement wildlife. The Secretary is authorized to enter into an (Pub. L. 96–560, title I, § 111, Dec. 22, 1980, 94 Stat. agreement with the owner of the lands identified 3271.) as Tract 1127 and 1127B4, Section 23, Township 3 REFERENCES IN TEXT North, Range 73, Boulder County, Colorado, within the boundaries of Rocky Mountain Na- This Act, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (b), is Pub. L. tional Park, to ensure the right of use as a sin- 96–560, Dec. 22, 1980, 94 Stat. 3265, which enacted this gle family residence, unless said property is section and enacted provisions set out as notes under sections 1132 and 1133 of this title. For complete classi- being developed or is officially proposed to be fication of this Act to the Code, see Tables. developed by the owners in a manner which Public Law 95–450 (92 Stat. 1099), referred to in subsec. would substantially change its use. (a), is Pub. L. 95–450, Oct. 11, 1978, 92 Stat. 1095, as (Pub. L. 101–192, § 1, Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 1700.) amended, known as the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area, the Arapaho National Recreation Area and the Oregon Islands Wilderness Area Act, which is classified prin- § 192c. Vested rights cipally to subchapter XCIV (§ 460jj et seq.) of this chap- ter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, Nothing contained in this section and section see Short Title note set out under section 460jj of this 192b of this title shall affect any vested and ac- title and Tables.
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