Dvoretsky I Yusupov · Secrets of Opening Preparation PrOgressinCfiess Volume 23 of the ongoing series Editorial board GM Victor Korchnoi GM Helmut Pfleger GM Nigel Short GM Rudolf Teschner 2007 EDITION OLMS m Mark Dvoretsky and Artur Yusupov Secrets of Opening Preparation School of Future Champions 2 Edited and translated by Ken Neat 2007 EDITION OLMS m 4 Books by the same authors: MarkDvorefsky, Artur Yusupov, School of Future Champions Vol. 1 : Secretsof Chess Training ISBN 978-3-283-00515-3 Available Vol. 2: Secretsof Opening Preparation ISBN 978-3-283-00516-0 Available Vol. 3: Secretsof Endgame Technique ISBN 978-3-283-00517-7 In Preparation Vol. 4: Secretsof Positional Play ISBN 978-3-283-00518-4 In Preparation Vol. 5: Secretsof Creative Thinking ISBN 978-3-283-00519-1 In Preparation Mark Dvorefsky, School of Chess Excellence Vol. 1 : Endgame Analysis ISBN 978-3-283-00416-3 Available Vol. 2: Tactical Play ISBN 978-3-283-00417-0 Available Vol. 3: Strategic Play ISBN 978-3-283-00418-7 Available Vol. 4: Opening Developments ISBN 978-3-283-00419-4 Available Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.ddb.de. © 2007 Edition Olms AG Willikonerstr. 1 0 · CH-8618 Oetwil a. S./Zurich E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.edition-olms.com All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not. by way of trade or otherwise. be lent. re-sold. hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Printed in Germany Editor and translator: Ken Neat Typeset: Arno Nickel · Edition Marco. D-1 0551 Berlin Printed by: Druckerei Fri edr. Schmucker GmbH. D-49624 Lbningen Cover: Eva Konig, D-22769 Hamburg ISBN 978-3-283-00516-0 ctJ s Contents Introduction (Mark Dvoretsky) .... ..... ...... ................. ... .... ................. .......... .... ..... ... ... 6 PARTI General Principles of Opening Play (A rturYu supov) . ............................... .. ................ ..... 9 Logic in the Opening (Mark Dvoretsky) ...................................................... ....................... 30 Su rprises in the Opening (A rturYusu pov) ... ...... ......... ..................... ... ..... ........ ...... .. .45 The creative Solving of irrational Problems in the Opening (Sergey Dolmatov) .............. 62 A practical Exercise (Mark Dvoretsky) ......... ...... .. ........ .... ............ ... ..... .... ..... ........... 84 PARTII The Development of an Opening Repertoire (Mark Dvoretsky) ... ... ........................ ........ 95 King's Indian Attack, from White's Point of View (Mark Dvoretsky) . ...................... ... ..... 126 Preparation for a Game (A rtur Yu supov) . ....... ......... ........ ........ .... ....... ...... ................ 156 You were right, Monsieur La Bourdonnais! (Yuri Razuvaev) ...... ............... .............. ... 170 PARTIll How do Opening Novelties originate? (Boris Zlotnik) ... .. ....... ....... ........... ...... ................ 181 The Move ...g7 -g5 in the French Defence (Aiexey Kosikov) .......................................... 192 Opening Research (Vladimir Vulfson) ................... .. .................... ...... .. ...................... 202 PART IV Middlegame Problems (Mark Dvoretsky) ................ .... .... .......................................... .. 211 The Connection of the Opening with the Endgame (A/exey Kosikov) ............................. 224 In the Footsteps of one Game (Mark Dvoretsky) ................ ..... ........ .. .......................... 234 PARTV Games by Pupils of the School (A rtur Yusupov) ............. ....... ... ... .... ...................... 255 Index of Players ...............................................................................................................274 Index of Openings ............................................................................................................ 277 6 Mark Dvoretsky Introduction hen embarking on some serious en­ Another idea which justified itself was the W terprise, one always endeavours to conducting of thematic sessions. Each of plan it as well and as accurately as possible. our meetings was devoted to some direction And if the project proves to be a good one, of work on chess. The 'massed' attack in this things usually develop successfully. direction -lectures, practical exercises, and Grandmaster Yusupov and I discussed in additional material which we provided for detail the directions and principles of the the pupils - gave a strong impetus for working of the school fo r gifted young chess improvement in the given field. players, which we were intending to organ­ We would like to be able to help any player ise. And now it is pleasant to report that our who wishes to play more strongly than main ideas have withstood the test of time. before, and who for this aim is prepared to An indication of this is provided by the work seriously on self-improvement. But the successes of pupils from the school. Many number of pupils at the school is limited. of them have already become quite strong Therefore right from the start we planned to players, victors and medal-winners in the prepare instructional books, combining lec­ junior championships of the country, Europe tures read at the sessions with the most and the world. In 1992 alone, four of our interesting articles on the given topic. pupils became champions of the world or The first such book, based on the materials Europe -llakha Kadymova, lnna Gaponen­ of the first session of our school, was ko, Alexey Alexandrov and Va dim Zviagin­ published in 1991 . Secrets of Chess Tra in­ tsev. ing (Oims 2006) was a new and greatly Our main principle was a reliable one, since expanded edition. In it the most general earlier it had been verified on our own questions of studying chess are analysed - experience. We realised perfectly well that the disclosure and elimination of a player's we should not simply convey specific chess weaknesses, the technique of analysing knowledge to the pupils - over two ten-day your own and other players' games and the sessions in a year you can't show much, and extraction of useful information from them, besides, this is by no means the most the role of the classical heritage, and so on. important thing when teaching chess. It is Now you have before you our second book. fa r more important: a) to fam iliarise pu­ It is devoted to the opening. What new ideas pils with the general ideas, methods and can we offer here to the reader? It is worth procedures of play- they have universal speaking about this in more detail. importance; b) to reveal rational ways of It is probable that a good 50% of all chess working on chess and means of master­ books are monographs, analysing a specific ing general ideas, as well as obtaining opening variation or a collection of them. necessary specific information; c) to Essentially these are reference books, and analyse deficiencies in the pupils' play sometimes you have to consult them, but to and help to eliminate them. master opening theory with them alone is Introduction 7 not easy. They offer too much information, The second part is devoted to the develop­ the greater part of which is completely ment of an opening repertoire, and prepara­ superfluous, and there is too little explana­ tion for an event or for a specific opponent. tion of the general ideas typical of the This topic is continued in the third part, variations in question. In addition, opening which talks about the independent analysis monographs very quickly become outdated. of opening positions and the technology of For chess amateurs who want to learn devising novelties. quickly how to play a particular opening, The fourth part traces the connection of the there are appropriate books, which analyse opening with other stages of the game, and only the necessary minimum number of demonstrates the continuity of chess ideas. variations. They are indeed very useful. But In it the central idea, permeating the entire to achieve genuine mastery in playing the book, is especially emphasised: the key to opening stage of the game, using only your success lies not in the mechanical ready-made prescriptions, is impossible. memorising of opening information, but in You need to study the methods of opening assimilating the wealth of chess ideas and preparation in general, reflect on the typical improving your chess culture. problems which other players encounter, However, although it was not our main and independently analyse opening sys­ objective, the reader will also find a consid­ tems that appeal to you. erable amount of useful specific information Our book will help you in this work. It is -opening novelties (some of which have not intended for players (in particular, young yet been employed in practice), recommen­ players) wishing to deepen their under­ dations on the playing of the most diverse standing of chess in general and the positions, and reviews of a number of opening stage in particular, and to learn to opening systems (King's Indian Attack, work independently on the opening. Closed Va riation of the Ruy Lopez, Queen's The first part of the book describes the Gambit Accepted, and others). problems you will encounter in playing the Finally, by tradition we conclude the book
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