1BUBSDAY« FEBRUABY «, IM I TWENTY Average Daily Net Press Rm For ths W sek B n d ^ ' February 1,1964 The Royal Black Preceptory John W. Stevens Jr., son of win meet tomorrow at 8 p Jn. at Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stsvens, About Town Orange HalL M Westminster Rd., has been Prayer D ay 1 3 ,8 8 9 selected as a member of the Member of the Audit ■Vridn Ta^BOmqrrow,” m mo- championsMp imarmed drill Bureau of Oireulation tlan p M m alMUt w ig raMarcb Chapman Couit, Order of Set Feb. 14 ■ml Mtety, win tie ibown Amaranth, wiU meet and toil- team of St. Michael’s College, Mancheator^A City o f Viltago Charm Winooski Park; V t, where he is Ot tte mMting i t the Manchea* tiate candidhtes tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Tom* a freshman and a member of “Let U« Pray" la the theme Quality^ with thrifty ideas... tw JajOMa to be bdd Monday the Air Force ROTC. of the World Day of Prayer •t S p jn . at the Manchester pie. Mrs. William Morrison is V O L.LX X iaiI, NO. 109 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1964 (Claartfled AdvartWng m P egs IS) PRICE ^EViSN CEinel in charge of entertainment, service Friday, Feh. 14, al 1:80 Oountty Chib. John J. Jettersi Mias Joan C. Havens, daugh' repceaentaMve o< Bli Lilly and which will be presented after P4u. at ttia ^ r a t io n Army Oo. which Is a pharmaceutical the initiation. Mrs. Wilber Utr ter of ,Mf. and Mrs. Gustav W. Cltadal. Mra. Ralph Fkank ot fln a hi Indlanapcdia, Ind., will tie will head a refreriunent com­ Magnuson, 87 Plymouth Lane, Center Oongregatloiua Church hitrodooe the film. mittee. is on the first dean’s list for la dudnnan of the day. »y B the first semester at Connecti­ The aervloe ia a|>onaorad hy the big difference at Pinehurst... A%J| n a Mhachester Area Club of A Ladies Night committee of cut College fw Women, New the United Church Women of n Bela PM will meet Monday the Town Fire Department will London. Menohester. It ia observed each mg at 8 p jn . at the home of .Mrs. meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at year on the first Friday in BaynuiDd BUhop, 89 Kelly Rd., Hoee Oo. 8, Spruce and Florence Parents o f Grade 9 pupils at Lent. Wapptag. Mrs. Arthur Hawkins, Sts. lUing Junior High School are A potlubk will be aerved at Alpha Atamnae Province {n-eal- included in the PTC Open noon. Reservationa for the dent, win make an official visit Miss Mary O’Connor, daughter House tonight from 7:30 to 9:30 hmcheon will close Tuesday and •t Bda meeting. of Atty. and Mrs. John J. at Manchester Ifigh School. may be made with council re- O'Connor, 18 Gorman Place, and Teachers and guidance coun­ preaentativea from each church. a sophomore at St. Joseph Col­ selors WiU be present for par­ Church women partlc^tlng New Cuban Crisis lege, West Hartford, will serve ent conferences. in responsive reading will be as co-chairman of the annual Mrs. Dcmald Gray, Second Con­ Think o f it . w BARRiCiN i campus “ Mardl Gras,” public Miss MilUcent Jones of Bol­ gregational; Mrs. Tom Moriey, fresh swordfish ton, a member of the Manches­ eEohwIvely at auction and bridge party to be North Methodist; Mrs. How­ in February . held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ter Garden Club, was recently ard Lockward, United Method­ Fighing; Ships at the college. Proceeds from appointed chairman of the Hor­ ist of Bolton, and Mrs. Charles Also frekh had­ Uggeff Drug this event, sponsored by the ticultural Section of the Central PABKADE Baxter, Center Congregational dock and flounder student sodality, will benefit Connecticut Flower Show, Inc., Mrs. Alton MunSle o f the Sal­ fille ts ... oysters. Seen Part of the Catholic missions. for the 1965 show. vation Army will be soloist. This day has a meaningful history of more than 75 years. Castro P lan Prayer and giving for the worldwide mission of the church has been its primary WASHINGTON (AP) — purpose. It has traditionally President Johnson met with brought people together across his top military and diplo­ ALBERT and LARRY'S denominational, racial, national matic advisers for hearly and cultural boundaries to pray for the heeds of the world, and two hours today on the Cu­ to make an offering for carry­ ban crisis, and scheduled ing out the mission of the another session for the af­ BEAUTY STUDIO church around the world. Bonelms cuts are In this ENJOY MORE QUALITY... ternoon. There were signs FBBRtfARY BEEF SALE, tCK>... POCKET GREATER SAVINGS... the government might be TRI CITY SHOPPING PLAZA contemplating specific ac- Tender, easy to alice... GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH... ■■ ■■ I ' ■ ' ' (A^ PliotofAx) economical........... Arrested U.S. Olympic athletes with police are^ from lefty George Farmer, Bill Marolt, and Mike Hessel. jt -'-s . VERNON - THROW ’EM AT PINEHURST Pierre Salinger, White House DONT AWAY! presi secretarj’. said the morn­ Mitchell 4-0020 TRemont 5-1007 StiU plenty of wear left BONELESS ing conference was devoted to In your shoes i^en yon The finest U.S. Gov't graded Choice Baaf MetCa Suite Stretch “ eii examination of the facts es have them rebuilt In a CHUCK POT ROAST lb. 69c l/nS. Athletes they are now in the possession ' D eclared LOS ANGELES (AP) — of the U;S. government.'” professloBM shoe repair AU'waste and sinews removed... If those clothe.s on the rack shop. ALL WORK Salinger added, without ela- ALL PERMANENTS ON SALE GUARANTEED! Given Terms look too small this spring, boraUon, the’. Johnson and his Eye of the chuck for oven or pot roast . .lb, 79c men, don’t worry.' They’U key aides obviously were doing CHUCK stretch. Everything fashion­ Beckwith Case ipore than simply looking at the SPECIAL SAM.YULYES Of 3 Months able will be cut slim and facts. The Guantanamo naval base water storage plant. (AP Photofax.) trim. But if you’re not built Same Side m Watkins PINEHURST FAMOUS WHOLE BONE3LESS The President scheduled that way, clothes will pull f o r t h e m o n t h o f FEBRUARY 88 OAK STREET INNSBRUCK, Ausi^ (^ )— JACKSON, Miss. (AP)—A mistrial was declared to- second session for 4:30 p.m. SHOULDER CLODS lb. 99c In to fit sunken chests and It was believed that, out of OPEN MONDAYS stretch to accomodate paun- The management and staff JMn 6 to 7 lbs. each ROAST 5 T ISiS r'Sertv^S si£SS3 prosecution of Byron De La Beckwith, a cru- this meeting, might come deci­ Water Cutoff OUR LUXURIOUS ..T aiArwvesasvAriAVtiar Anaee/yAsI WSwli A«ea««sw a A J a w w a ch u . That’s the 1964 male (BONE IN) sentences of 8 and SH mpnths sading segregationist charged with murderi|ig a Negro sions . on specific , steps to be In a welcome to fashion look, decreed In a taken; by the tlnited States in UNT TENDER CUBES OF CHOICE today for attacking Austrian po­ civacivO riirhtarights leader. w lile sheTlS’; preview Thursday by the PERMANENT WAVE Hera’s protein minded meat flavor, lice and a tMrd. member w u Judge Leon Hendrick de­ response , to the Cuban govern­ Did Not Take MISS "JACKIE" tody. National Association of Re­ ment’s.-cut-off of fresh water to STEW ING BEEF lb. 85e einMiasiaed by Plnehurst’s famous q u ality... acquitted. A charge of making clared the mistrial after the tail Clothiers M d Furnish­ InehidM: Shi^[ring, stylinsr (Shuck roast cut from the flnest com fed unauthorised, use of a car was all-adiite Jury, called 'for indi­ The Judge warned spectators the U.S. naval base at Guantan­ CARROTS to co t* with it only 2 bch. 19c against any demonstraUon. He ers. The colors-light, bright, Receptionist — Eleanor beef money can buy...and priced for savlnf withdrawn. vidual pollii^ at . the end of amo, Cuba. U.S. Unaware fittd eretm rias«. It’s a real ahM told the Jurors they would bold plaids and checks. The 10 Mr. Albert Mr. Larry Skier Rill Marolt. A ). Aspm, about U hours delibaratlon, de­ Johnson and his advisers, it MTinf tor Februaryl OVERWEIGHT be approached and asked to talk fabrics, the new stretch was understood, were exploring Miss Naomi Mr. Robert Knuckle Soup Bones ............................... lb, 12c Colo., was convicted of attack­ clared the Jurors were hopeless­ kind, that mold the body By FRED 8. HOFFMAN AvaUaMa to yoa withoat a 4*e- ing police and received a three- ly deadlocked. about the case. He urged them the possibility that the Cuban Miss Carolyn Miss Gloria tor’BpicsertpUoa. oar dnut eallad not to do so, saying he believed and don’t wrlnHIe. Some a^e month Jail sentence, which was government might have ar­ WASHINGTON (AP) — For ODBINEX. Yen mast tose nglr fat Beckwith, 43, was charged "everybody will be better off,” irrldescent, to shimmer as "WALK-INS'' WELCOA\E Miss Cindy er year meaey back. Na strcaaeas suspended. He was placed' on' wlUi shooting Medgar W. Evers ranged the crisis by deliberate­ four years the Americans at the czerciM, lazattvee, maeiase er AGAIN WE FEATURE FRESHLY CHOPPED 1st Cuts you shimmy. ly sending four o f its fishing Guantanamo naval base have UdUas af Ba-calle4 radaeias eaa- probation for three years. in the back with a rifle. Evers * ~ X wnitom Waiur PINEHURST 59c GRADE WEfl itate fisld BDcrDtiry for the Dw* vessels inside American terri­ lived with the possibility that at dlei.
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