A member publication of Lean, Mean & Green ● p. 10 i to i with Tom Zaucha ● p. 20 magazine FEBRUARY 2009 FOR THE INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY™ The Road Ahead What’s over the Horizon as the Food Industry Gears up to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of the Future Also Inside! Complete 2009 N.G.A. Convention Buyer’s Guide healthy greens FOR THE INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY FEATURES DEPARTMENTS The Long Road Ahead 6 Food on the Floor 24 Change in political leadership. Change in eco- Don’t miss your opportunity to sample some nomic environment. What does the future of the best fresh and prepared food the inde- hold? Executive Vice President and General pendent community has to offer. Counsel Tom Wenning looks at top issues. Supermarket Synergy Showcase 26 Shining Light on Energy 10 Your directory of all the vendors participating The independent community is taking a lead- in this year’s Supermarket Synergy Showcase, ership role on lighting and other energy con- including complete contact information and servation. company descriptions, begins here. Defi ning Healthcare 14 Creative Choice Awards 40 Healthcare is everywhere these days, with a Learn the art of effective retail advertising and lot of defi nitions that don’t really describe the merchandising, as we examine what works problem, or the solutions. Executive Vice Pres- and doesn’t through the experience of this i magazine for the ident Frank DiPasquale examines the issue. year’s Creative Choice Award fi nalists. independent community A Member Publication of the i to i with Tom Zaucha 20 New Product Showcase 44 National Grocers Association. After more than a quarter century with the The annual Supermarket Synergy Showcase Vol.1 No.1 February 2009 N.G.A., Tom Zaucha has witnessed a world of offers a central location to see what’s new and © National Grocers Asso- change in the industry...and the need for the hot for the coming year. Here’s a comprehen- ciation, 2009. All rights industry’s association to change in response. sive list to serve as your fl oor guide. reserved.Published by Food- An i to i interview. Chain Communications, LLC Farmer Goes to Market 50 233 SW Greenwich Dr. (PMB An N.G.A. exclusive! We bring in a group of real, working farmers so you can ask uncen- #164) sored questions about what’s on your mind Lee’s Summit, MO about food production. 64082-4426. To reserve advertising space, contact Kevin Murphy, at (816) 987-2130, kmurphy@ foodchaincommunications.com. For questions regarding the editorial portion, con- tact Mike Smith, at (913) 441-3970, msmith@ foodchaincommunications.com. 2009 Buyer’s Guide Special • for the independent 3 WELCOME Innovation, Information, Motivation & Enjoyment Michael L. Jackson, Chairman of the Board, N.G.A.; President and COO, SUPERVALU INC. Greetings and welcome to the Tom Brokaw about what we can expect 2009 National Grocers Association Con- from one of the most important elections vention and Supermarket Synergy Show- in U.S. history. case (S3)! Over the years, N.G.A. has earned the reputation of delivering a pro- A powerful lineup of educational and gram focused on signifi cant topics affect- informational sessions continues its tra- ing our industry and nation. N.G.A. dition as the best in the industry. These continues to address the timely operational workshops will feature topics that relate issues and trends affecting today’s commu- to solutions demonstrated on the con- nity-focused retailers and wholesalers. cept show fl oor to ensure you and your team will be guaranteed a total conven- This year’s theme is “Changing Times: A tion experience that is innovative and Blueprint for Success.” With the elections informational as well as motivational and now behind us, our legislative and regu- enjoyable. This year’s S3 is our most latory agenda will be set and controlled interactive concept show fl oor to date — by the Democratic leadership. The new providing in-depth demonstrations, edu- ‘The convention will offer White House administration is inheriting cation and solution-oriented information a business learning a daunting set of domestic and global on supplier related products and services. challenges. With the recent fl uctuation The concept show fl oor provides retailers experience that allows you in global food and fuel prices, a shaken and wholesalers the newest technology, and your staff to focus on economy and fi nancial markets, unprec- products, tools and resources to develop edented safety and security challenges, sales opportunities in areas such as fresh how your company should rising healthcare costs, immigration issues and prepared foods, center store catego- respond to industry and and investing in energy management solu- ries and fi nancial/operational services. tions for the environment and consumers’ marketplace trends and futures, we are all under enormous pres- Overall, N.G.A. has put together one of sure. Change is not only worldwide, but the most comprehensive and timely pro- issues’ there are changes throughout the food grams ever developed for a national con- industry, corporations and associations, vention for community focused retailers and - most importantly - today’s consum- and wholesalers. The convention will ers. “Political, Economic and Leadership offer a business learning experience that Changes in America” is the focus of our allows you and your staff to focus on how opening keynote session and will be led your company should respond to indus- by Tom Brokaw, former anchor and man- try and marketplace trends and issues aging editor of “NBC Nightly News with that will translate into greater success and Tom Brokaw”. In keeping with tradition, growth. From competing with the super- N.G.A. President and CEO Tom Zaucha centers and other emerging formats, to will engage in a spirited discussion with taking advantage of the latest technology, the convention program focuses squarely on how your company can better control Look for these banners throughout this 2009 Buyer’s Guide Special costs and drive more sales. of i magazine for the independent community. They’ll alert you to convergence seminars and other highlights available at this year’s convention which add value to the information you’re reading. 4 for the independent • 2009 Buyer’s Guide Special ©2008 McCormick & Co., Inc. & Co., ©2008 McCormick The McCormick® 7 Super Spices are great A teaspoon of sources of fl avor as well as concentrated sources of natural antioxidants. pure flavor. Contact McCormick for further details on POS materials, recipes and retail in-store Endless kits for our Health and Wellness Program. antioxidants. For more information, tips, and recipes, visit spicesforhealth.com GOVERNMENT Navigating the Long Road Ahead Webster’s Dictionary defi nes change as “to become different,” even radically dif- ferent. You and all Americans know only too well that since September 2008 our economy has undergone such unprecedented change that most U.S. citizens could not have even begun to fathom it at the time. As a result, we have also seen change in our national political leadership. The question now facing the nation is will the economic change place constraints on the new Administration’s and Congressional legislative and regulatory agenda, or will the legislative and regulatory agenda dominate the economy? Four issues are likely to dominate the economic and political “change” debate in 2009 — the economy and tax policy, labor policy, health- care, and credit card interchange reform. The key to the out- come on these important national issues may largely be controlled by the Senate, where it looks as if 57 Democrats plus two Independents maintain con- trol over 41 Republicans. Political observers have predicted the ability of the Democratic leadership to advance its agenda will rest on the ability to achieve the 60 votes necessary to end a fi libuster in the Senate, by holding moderate or centrist Democrats and Independents in their camp while swaying a few moderate Republicans to vote with them. But last year’s Senate votes on the auto bailout illustrated how diffi cult this may be to do on major issues, especially when 19 Republicans and 16 Democrats that are up for re-election already have their eyes on the 2010 elections. Tom Wenning, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, N.G.A. Economy and Tax Policy The economy and tax policy is at the top of President Obama’s agenda. President Bush on Oct. 3 signed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which authorized $700 billion of government funds to be expended to purchase fi nancial institution assets, such as residential or commercial mortgages and securi- ties. As of mid-December over $350 billion of the $700 billion had been spent. Congressional Democratic leaders retained control over the remaining $350 billion in preparation for President Obama’s Secretary of Treasury to take control. In addi- tion, Democratic leaders have laid the groundwork for a two-year stimulus package that ranges from $600 billion to $1 trillion, including $100 billion for state budget shortfalls, $175 billion for highway and other infrastructure projects, and $300 billion for tax relief. In December N.G.A. communicated its recommendations for a stimulus package to President Obama and Congressional leaders on behalf of entrepreneurial independent community based retailers and wholesalers: The best economical stimulus for entrepre- The estate tax exemption of $3.5 million neurial businesses is to decrease, not increase, should be increased to at least $5 million, the 1corporate tax rates, or the taxes on individu- 3rates reduced, and the exemption extended als that operate their businesses as subchapter S beyond the year 2010. corporations or other pass through entities. The Targeted Jobs Tax Credit should be The current expensing and bonus acceler- increased and extended to promote job 2ated depreciation should be extended.
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