CF5074B VCXO Module IC with Built-in Varicap OVERVIEW The CF5074B is VCXO module IC with built-in varicap diodes. The integrated varicap diode BiCMOS pro- cess allows the device to be fabricated on a single chip. A newly developed oscillator circuit features reduced drive level of crystal and wide pullrange. A VCXO module can be constructed with just the connection of a crystal unit, making the devices ideal as surface-mounted, compact VCXO modules. FEATURES I 2.25 to 3.6V operating supply voltage range I 15pF output load I 50MHz to 80MHz operating frequency range I Standby function I Varicap diode built-in • High impedance in standby mode I Oscillation start-up detector function I BiCMOS process I CMOS output duty level I Chip form (CF5074B) I 4mA (min) output drive capability APPLICATIONS I VCXO modules ORDERING INFORMATION Device Package CF5074B−1 Chip form CF5074B−3 SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —1 CF5074B PAD LAYOUT (Unit: µm) (1070,1270) XT 5 4 XTN VC 6 INHN 7 TESN 8 3 VDD DA5074B VSS12 Q (0,0) Chip size: 1.07 × 1.27mm Chip thickness: 300 ± 30µm (CF5074B-1) 180 ± 20µm (CF5074B-3) PAD size: 100 × 100µm (TESN: 80 × 80µm) Chip base: VSS potential PAD DESCRIPTION AND DIMENSIONS Pad dimensions [µm] Pad No. Name I/O Description XY 1 VSS – (−) supply pin 111 111 2 Q O Output pin. High-impedance in standby mode 958 111 3 VDD – (+) supply pin 958 567 4 XTN O Oscillator output. Crystal connection pin 930 1104 5 XT I Oscillator input. Crystal connection pin 140 1104 Oscillation frequency control voltage input pin. 6VCI 140 932 Positive polarity (frequency increases with increasing voltage) Output state control voltage input pin. 7 INHN I 140 734 Standby mode when LOW. Power-saving pull-up resistor built-in 8 TESN I Test pin (leave open) 140 547 BLOCK DIAGRAM XTN VDD XT Oscillator Detection RVC3 VC CMOS Q Output Buffer RVC1 RVC2 CVC1 CVC2 VSS RUP INHN SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —2 CF5074B ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VSS = 0V unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltage range VDD −0.5 to 7.0 V Input voltage range VIN −0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V Output voltage range VOUT −0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V Storage temperature range TSTG −65 to +150 °C Output current IOUT 20 mA RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS VSS = 0V unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max Operating supply voltage VDD 2.25 – 3.6 V Output frequency fOUT 50–80MHz Output load capacitance CL – – 15 pF Input voltage VIN VSS –VDD V Operating temperature TOPR –40 +25 +85 °C SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —3 CF5074B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD = 2.25 to 3.6V, VC = 0.5VDD, VSS = 0V, Ta = –40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit Min Typ Max Measurement circuit 2, VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V – 20 30 mA Current consumption IDD load circuit 1, INHN = open, CL = 15pF, f = 80MHz VDD = 3.0 to 3.6V – 26 36 mA HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement circuit 1, IOH = –4mA VDD – 0.4 VDD – 0.2 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement circuit 1, IOL = 4mA – 0.2 0.4 V Q: Measurement circuit 6, VOH = VDD – – 10 µA Output leakage current I Z INHN = LOW VOL = VSS – – 10 µA HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD ––V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V RUP1 INHN = VSS 0.4 0.8 1.2 MΩ INHN pull-up resistance Measurement circuit 3 RUP2 INHN = 0.7VDD 15 – 150 kΩ RVC1 75 150 225 kΩ Oscillator block built-in R Measurement circuit 4 75 150 225 kΩ resistance VC2 RVC3 10 30 90 kΩ VC = 0.3V 13 16.3 19.6 pF Oscillator block built-in Capacitance of CVC1 and CVC VC = 1.65V 6.7 8.9 10.9 pF capacitance CVC2 VC = 3.0V 3.3 4.7 6.1 pF VC input resistance RVIN Measurement circuit 7, Ta = 25°C10––MΩ VC input impedance ZVIN Measurement circuit 8, VC = 0V, f = 10kHz, Ta = 25°C – 250 – kΩ VC input capacitance CVIN Measurement circuit 8, VC = 0V, f = 10kHz, Ta = 25°C – 60 – pF Measurement circuit 9, –3dB frequency, VDD = 3.3V, Modulation bandwidth fm VC = 3.3Vp-p, Ta = 25°C, crystal: f = 80MHz, –30–kHz C0 = 4.8pF, γ ≤ 440 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS VDD = 2.25 to 3.6V, VC = 0.5VDD, VSS = 0V, Ta = –40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit Min Typ Max Measurement circuit 2, load circuit 1, Output rise time tr1 – 2.5 4 ns 0.2VDD → 0.8VDD, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF Measurement circuit 2, load circuit 1, Output fall time tf1 – 2.5 4 ns 0.8VDD → 0.2VDD, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF Measurement circuit 2, VDD = 2.5V 40 50 60 % Output duty cycle Duty load circuit 1, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF VDD = 3.3V 45 50 55 % Output disable delay time tPLZ Measurement circuit 5, load circuit 1, Ta = 25°C, – – 100 ns CL ≤ 15pF Output enable delay time tPZL – – 100 ns SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —4 CF5074B MEASUREMENT CIRCUITS Measurement Circuit 1 Measurement Circuit 4 IXT A VDD When measuring VOL VDD XT VC When measuring VOH XTN INHN Q VXTN V VC TESN A VSS (VDD − VXTN) VSS V RVC1 = IXT (VDD − VXT) RVC2 = IXTN VXTN XTN RVC3 = I A VDD IXT XT Measurement Circuit 2 XTN VXT V VC VSS A Crystal VDD XT INHN XTN Measurement Circuit 5 VC Q VSS C1 Signal VDD XT INHN VC = 0.5VDD, INHN = open, crystal oscillation Generator R1 VC Q Measurement Circuit 3 VSS VDD RUP1 = (VRUP = VSS) IRUP XT input signal: 10MHz, 1.0Vp-p VDD (VDD − 0.7VDD) C1 = 0.001µF, R1 = 50Ω, V = 0.5V RUP2 = (VRUP = 0.7VDD) C DD IRUP INHN A IRUP Measurement Circuit 6 VC V VSS VRUP VDD INHN VC = 0.5VDD VC Q A VSS VC = 1/2VDD SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —5 CF5074B Measurement Circuit 7 Measurement Circuit 9 Modulation VDD RVC = signal IVC Gain-phase C1 R1 VDD VDD Analyzer VC IVC A (HP4194A) R2 XT Crystal Modulaiton Demodulation XTN VC Analyzer signal Q VSS (HP8901B) VSS C1 = 20µF, R1 = R2 = 100MΩ, VDD = 3.3V Measurement Circuit 8 VC modulation signal: 100Hz to 100kHz, 3.3Vp-p Load Circuit 1 Q output VC CL Impedance (Including probe capacitance) Analyzer VSS (HP4194A) VC input signal: 100Hz to 10kHz, 0.1Vp-p, VC = 0V SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —6 CF5074B Switching Time Measurement Waveform Output duty level, tr, tf 0.8VDD 0.8VDD Q output DUTY measurement 0.2VDD 0.2VDD voltage (0.5V DD) TW tr tf Output duty cycle Q output DUTY measurement voltage (0.5V DD) TW DUTY= TW/ T 100 (%) T Output Enable/Disable Delay Times INHN VIH VIL tPLZ tPZL Q output INHN input waveform tr = tf 10ns SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —7 CF5074B FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Standby Function When INHN goes LOW, the device is in standby mode. The Q output becomes high impedance and the oscilla- tor circuit continues running. INHN Q Oscillator HIGH (or open) fO Operating LOW High impedance Operating Power-saving Pull-up Resistor The INHN pin pull-up resistance changes in response to the input level (HIGH or LOW). When INHN is tied LOW, the pull-up resistance becomes large, reducing the current consumed by the resistance. When INHN is left open, the pull-up resistance becomes small, such that even if the input is affected by external noise the out- puts are stable due to INHN being tied HIGH by the pull-up resistor. Oscillation Start-up Detector Function The devices also feature an oscillation start-up detector circuit. This circuit functions to disable the outputs until the oscillation starts. This prevents unstable oscillator output at oscillator start-up when power is applied. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —8 CF5074B TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS The following characteristics measured using the crystal for NPC characteristics authentication. Note that the characteristics will vary with the crystal used. Frequency Pullrange, Oscillator Equivalent Capacitance (CL) Characteristics 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 −50 −50 Frequency [ppm] Frequency [ppm] −100 −100 −150 −150 −200 −200 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.03.0 4.0 VC [V] VC [V] VDD = 2.5V (VC = 1.25V reference) VDD = 3.3V (VC = 1.65V reference) 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 [pF] [pF] L 8 L 8 C C 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 VC [V] VC [V] VDD = 2.5V VDD = 3.3V Measurement circuit Crystal VDD XT XTN VC Q VSS Crystal: f = 80MHz, C0 = 4.8pF, γ = 440 CL: Oscillator equivalent capacitance is determined by the oscillator frequency. SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —9 CF5074B Negative Resistance Characteristics Frequency [MHz] Frequency [MHz] 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 0 VC = 0V VC = 0V ] −200 ] −200 Ω Ω VC = 1.25V −400 −400 VC = 1.65V VC = 2.5V −600 −600 VC = 3.3V Negative resistance [ −800 Negative resistance [ −800 −1000 −1000 VDD = 2.5V VDD = 3.3V Measurement circuit HP8753B VDD Network Analyzer S2 XT + HP85046 XTN S-Parameter Test Set S1 VC Q VSS Modulation Characteristics Measurement circuit Frequency [kHz] 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 0 Modulation 1 signal − Gain-phase C1 R1 VDD −2 Analyzer VC −3 (HP4194A) R2 XT −4 Crystal Modulaiton −5 Demodulation XTN Analyzer signal fm [dB] −6 Q (HP8901B) VSS −7 −7 −9 −10 C1 = 20µF, R1 = R2 = 100MΩ, VDD = 3.3V VC modulation signal: 100Hz to 100kHz, 3.3Vp-p SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —10 CF5074B Output Waveform Measurement equipment I Oscilloscope: 54855A (Agilent) VDD = 2.5V, 15pF load, VC = 1.25V VDD = 3.3V, 15pF load, VC = 1.65V SEIKO NPC CORPORATION —11 CF5074B Relation Between Pulling Range and Constants for Crystal Units 500 450 γ = 300 VC = 0V to 3.3V 400 γ = 337 350 γ = 315 γ = 368 γ = 324 γ = 400 300 γ = 440 γ = 500 250 γ = 411 γ = 390 γ = 402 200 Pulling range [ppm] γ = 518 γ = 516 γ = 498 150 100 50 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 C0 [pF] Measurement data when crystal is changed.
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