SON OF THE WSFA JOURNAL WSFA JOURNAL Supplement: News/Reviews, etc. -'-------- 1st June/1971 Issue (#23) Editor & Publisher: Don Miller 20^ per copy In This Issue — IN THIS ISSUE; IN BRIEF (misc. notes & comments); COLOPHON.............pg 1 THE BOOKSHELF: New Releases (Ace, Doubleday SFBC, Misc„) ........... pg 2 MAGAZINARAMA: Contents of Recent Prozines (AMAZING 7/71; ANALOG ■ 6/71; GALAXY 5-6/71; F&SF 7/71) ................. pg 3 THE STEADY STREAM....: Books & Fanzines Recently Received .......... pp h-7 Michael Kurland (Pyramid)), Ted Pauls (Gallagher1 s Glacier, by Walt ■. ■■ ' & Leigh Richmond (Ace) ) .............................. .............. pg 8 WSFA ROSTER..........................................................................................................;. pg 9* 'THE CON GAME: June & July, 1971 ................. ■. • pg 10 CHANGES TO WSFA ROSTER........ ........................................................................... ,pg 10 -“'Incorrectly numbered "SOTWJ-23/1O"..,.: In Brief — ■ . ■ . All of this issue but the first and last pages have been on stencil ■ since the DISCLAVE. But, after the last-minute frenzy of getting the annual DISCLAVE Special monster issue of TWJ out (this year, #76: 13h pp., / covers (plus 16 more blank pages/reverses of artwork, for those who count both sides of the page regardless); $1.25, or two issues on subs), we couldn't bear' to evenlook , at a fanzine, much less type stencils, collate, or run one off. Didn't even get the rest of the copies of #76 collated and mailed until two weeks.had passed.... NEVER AGAIN! Next year's DISCLAVE issue will be smaller.../. One important change: SOTWJ is no longer avail, in combination with IWJ; it is now avail, separately only, via Ist-class (200 ea., 6/$l, 12/$1,75) U.S. & Canada only, or via 3rd-class (12/$1.50 U.S./Canada, 12/65p -U.K;-, equivalent elsewhere) (3rd-class inailed two at 21 time or witn TWJj at cda1 s discretion). #2li is all-rreviews issue; will have lots of club news and the like in #25, ■ -Science Fiction Book Review Index for 1970 is out ($1 from H.W. Hall, 3608 _ Meadow Oaks Lane, Bryan, Texas, 77001); Jan.-Feb.'71 installment in TWJ #76. SOTWJ is approz. bi-weekly. Subs (via Ist-class mail): 200 ea., 6/$l, 12/S1.75; via 3rd-class mail, 12/$1.5O (U.K.: 12/65p). THE WSFA JOURNAL is 50^ ea.,h/ * •Iiil.75, 8/$3.25 (U.K.: 20p ea., 6/100 p, 9/150 p), and is bi-monthly,. TWJ & SOTWJ are now avail.: by, separate subscription only. For names & addresses of Overseas Agents, write the Ed., or see TWJ DATA SHEET. (We have recently added Agents--for Japan (Takumi Shibano) & South .America (Hector Pessina); addresses in TWJ-77.) Address Code: A, Overseas Agent; C, Contributor; E, Club Exchange; -:H, Honorary WSFA Member; K, Something of yours is mentioned/reviewed herein;’ l7 WSFA Life Member; M, WSFA Regular Member (thru month shown); * N, You are mention­ ed herein; R, For Review; S, Sample; T, Trade; W, Subscriber via Ist-class mail (thru# shown);- X, Last issue, unless....; Y. Subber via 3rd-class mail (thru# shown), ### Receipt d-line for #25: June 28. ■ ■ . — — DLM. ■ THE WSFA JOURNAL (Supplement) ? D. Miller ‘ ' 12315 Judson Road ■Wheaton, Maryland ' ' ' U.S.A. 20906 ’ TO: ncskgi (V-3o) - - - -/ FIRST CLASS MIL FIRST CLASS MAIL SOTWJ-23/2 ’ ' ' THE BOOKSHELF — New Releases ACE BOOKS, 1120 Avenue of the Americas,- New York, N.Y., 10036 (June, 1971) — - Universe I, ed. Terry Carr (#8Li6OO; 95$) -- ’’Beginning a series of anthologies that you won’ t want to miss—a dozen never-before-published science fiction - stories from the best writers in the field. .” (Includes stories by Robert Silvcrberg, Joanna Russ, Ron Goulart, Greg Benford, Gordon Eklund, Wilson ‘Tucker, Edward Bryant, ‘R.A.'Lafferty, George Alec Effingor, Barry Malzberg, Gerard F. ... Conway, aha Edgar‘FangBofri. 9 ..'....................................... In the Kingdom of the Beasts, by Brian M. Stableford ."(#37106; 75$) — ’’Mark Chaos had spent years fighting in the Beast war-j^a war guided by one powerful . .. man. And that man—?Heljanita the Toymaker-rhas.special plans for Mark! . • .” ~ Dark Planet, by John Rackhanr ■’..(#13805; 75$.)/r—',.’” That/intolerable jungle world’ was regarded as the Space Navy’s Siberia...until'one man ventured out into its wilderness to discover that even the worst world "had*a golden side.” and The Herod Meh/ by Nick Karnin * ‘(#13’80'5; ’-- ”Iri the era of overpopulation, .• it was-the job of the Herods to kill off ‘unlicensed children and eccentric grown-­ ups--this is the tale of one such man and 'the. trap that was laid for him by the star-children.” .................. Citizen of the Galaxy,, by Robert A. Heinlein . (#10600; 95$) — ’’Why a slave market, in the .future’ s advanced galactic system? And why the sale of young Thor­ by? Read how" the Free Traders of the future solved, the problem of how to be •. .■ human and survive!” ; . Sea .Siege, by Andre Norton (#75695; 75$) — ’’Griff and his companions meet perils of the. deep, the fury of the elements and the terrors of atomic .war. .” City, by. Cliff ord D. Simak (#10621;’. 75$) —.’’Back in print by insistent de­ mand—an international award-winning science fiction classic! Imagine the end .. of cities,' a world controlled by dogs.,*, a world ruled by ants. Thq Best. From Fantasy and Science Fiction:; 16th Series, ed. Edward L. Ferman (#05h55; 95$) "The newest-annual collection from the Hugo award-winning maga-.- zine • ’ ’ ' . ’ ■ ’ ‘ / Plus: The- Sipful Stones, by Peter Dickinson (#76721; 75$; Supt. Pibble Mastery) The Iron King,, by Maurice Druon (#373601 95$; Historical Fiction); ’’.Gothics” Whistle at ^Window (by Helen Arvonen; #88540; ’75$)> Death in a Mist, (by. Eli^a^- beth Salter; #lhl9^; 75$), Corridor of Whispers (by Edwina Noone/ #117hl; 75$b A Dark and Splendid Passion (by Lady Eleanor Smith; #13831; 75$ )> Cloud Over Malverton (by Nancy Buckingham; #11221; 75$); and others. • . - DCUBLEDAt’SCIENCE FICTION BOOK. CLUB, Garden City, N.Y. I June, 1?71). x . - Ajone Against Tomorrow, by Harlan Ellison. (Member’s Ed., . $1.69;.- Publisher’s Ed.., $6,9.5) — ’’Four-time Bugp. Award winner Harlan-Ellison leads you into dark and wondrous real^p.of the future in thip big. collection of twenty ,short . stories. These’are tales of.’alien be.Ast s, ■.mutants, gods,, mortals^and, ma chine-s—and men and. women whose fates have’ -.set them apart from all others, c With'them you will ex-( perience'all the grandeur and .terror, known only to those compelled to -stand-•ALCW- AGAITJST TOMbRRGliT.’• ./ './ A Time cf Changes, :.by Robert Siiverberg (Member’ s Ed.,; $1.U9) — ”• • • -s&t in a future when the vast majority, rof humans live on.planets other than Earth. Each’-- of these5-new worlds has developed'its own form of society, but none so strange as that on the planet Borthan. ##r# ’’The life of every man arid- woman on Borthah is . ruled by the Covenant. Established thousands of years ago by the ori'gihal set­ tlers, the Covenant teaches that the self is to be despised, and5 it forbids any­ one to reveal his innermost thoughts or feelings to another. To the pbople-of■ Borthan, the filthiest obscenities imaginable are the -words ’I’ arid1 •’’me*. * MICHAEL’S BOOKSHOP, Verona, Pa., 151h7 (formerly ’’The Werewolf Bookshop”) is at it again, this time with an offer of ”25 free books” to anyone who buys or swaps anything from their 99$ clearance sale of ’’Sexy Pocket Books & Adult Magazines”. ' ' 33TWu- 23/3 ' .. ..MAGAZINARAMA: Contents of Recent Prozines AMAZING SCIENCE FICTION STORIES — July, 1971 (Vol„ U5, No,. 2) — Serial: ’’The Second Trip” (Part 1 of 2 parts), by Robert Silverberg; Short .Stories: ’’The Peacefulness of Vivyan", by James .Tiptree, Jr.; “Bohassian Learns”, by William Rotsler; ’’Border Town”, by P. G. Wyal;; “The Worlds of Monty Wilson”, by William F. Nolan; Reprint: "The Lost Language”, by David H. Keller, M.D. .,(1933 ).• Fea-' tures:. Editorial, by Ted White; Column:-"The Science in Science Fiction” ("How to Build a Solar System"), by Grog Benford; "The Club House", by John D. Berry : (fanzine reviews); "...Or So You Say" (lettercolumn). - Cover, by Dan L. Adkins; interior illos by Michael Wm0 Kaluta, Michael Hinge, Morey, and uncredited artist. 130 pp.., ^digest-size; 60$ ea.., 6/$3 U.S., 6/03°50 Canada & Pan Am. Union, 6/$h elsewhere. From Ultimate Pub. Co., Inc., 69-62 230 Sto, Oakland~Gdnsy-Flushing,-. NtY., 113611. Edited by Ted White, Bi-monthly.' • •• . •- • A^tQGrSCIENCE FICTION/SCIENCE FACT — June, 1971 (Vol„ 87, No. h) — Serial: ffThe .Outpostor" (Part 2 of 1)9 by Gordon R.- Dickson; Novelettes: • "Glory Day", by James H. Schmitz ("Tolzey". story) (cover, story); "The Habitat Manager", by • S. Kyle Boult;’ Short Stories: "The Swan Sbhg of Dame Horse", by Ted Thomas; ’"With Friends Like Those..by Alan Dean Foster. Features: Science Fast Ar­ ticle: ‘"Alpha-Wave Conditioning", by K.C. Keefe; Editorial: "Bargain Spacement", by John W. Campbell; "Reference Library", by P.’Schuyler Miller.(book rdVietos: • Solaris, by. Stanislaw Lem; Gadget Man, by-Ron Goulart; Hie Year of* the Cloud, by Ted. Thomas & Kate Wilhelm; Ringworld, by Larry Niven; The Year of the Last Eagle., by Leona Train Rienow & Robert Rienow; Science Fiction Collections Index, • by Len Collins; A Checklist of ASTOUNDING: Part 3-1950 to 1'959, by B.T. Jeeves; plus piece on The Science Fiction Book Club). 176 pp., digest-size.- Cover by Kelly Freas; interior illos by Kelly Freas, Leo Summers, Michael Gilbert. 600 (6/-) ea.; $6/yr., $10/2 yrs., 313/3 yrs., U.S. & Canada; elsewhere, 38/yr., 016/ 2 yrs. From Box 5205, Boulder, Colo., 80302. Ed. by-John W. Campbell. Monthly. GALAXY SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE' — May-June, 1971 (Vol. 31, No. 6) — Serial; ,rA Time of Changes0 (Part 3 of.
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