GOSHEN AREA CHURCH DIRECTORY prepared by Campus Ministries African Methodist Episcopal St James AME ChurchJennifer Tinsley 122 Dr Martin Luther King Elkhart 574-294-4950 Apostolic Christian Apostolic Pentecostal ChurchMichael Curton, Jack DeVault, Annette Curton, 63983 CR 15 Goshen 574-875-3220 goshenapc.com Richard Curton Faith Apostolic MinistriesEddieL. & Diana Miller 935 North Bendix Drive South Ben 574- 234-4309 myspace.com/faithapostolicministries Assemblies of God First Assembly of GodJason Kincaid, Matt Armstrong 1706 Westplains Dr Goshen 574-533-7333 goshenfirstag.org Iglesia SinaiNoe Campos 1213 E Lincoln Ave Goshen 574-533-2789 Baptist First Baptist ChurchGregg Lanzen, James Shrock, Brant VanHooser 1011 S Indiana Ave Goshen 574-533-3139 fbcgoshen.org Maple City Baptist ChurchDon Simmons 3104 W Wilden Ave Goshen 574-534-2065 Brethren Church Clearview United BrethrenVictor Mojica 67622 US Hwy 33 Goshen 574-642-4245 Dunkard Brethren ChurchTerry Gunderman 22538 CR 118 Goshen 574-875-7155 dunkardbrethrenchurch.com First Brethren ChurchJohn Drexler 215 W Clinton St Goshen 574-533-7660 First Brethren ChurchTed Schowengerdt 19076 3rd St New Paris 574-831-2766 newparisfbc.com Goshen Evangelical ChurchMitch Hile 61103 CR 17 Goshen 574-875-1444 Jefferson Brethren ChurchRon Spyker, Vickie Oldenburg, Kyle Koch, Pam 58915 SR 15 Goshen 574-533-1121 jeffersonbrethren.org Garber Old Brethren ChurchMelvin Coning 64865 CR 7 Goshen 574-862-2782 Old German Baptist BrethrenPaul Stahl 25811 CR 38 Goshen 574-862-2796 Slavic Evangelical Baptist ChurchPavel Sanzhora 623 N 3rd St Goshen 574-533-1947 Union Grove Brethren in Christ Jeff Donahue 23012 CR 50 New Paris 574-831-5610 Christian Reformed Church in North America Greene Road ChurchDan Gritter, John Wanders 518 N Greene Rd Goshen 574-533-2676 facebook.com/GreeneRoadChurch Church of Christ Goshen Church of ChristBrad Price 61073 SR 15 N Goshen 574-533-1856 goshencoc.com Church of God Goshen Church of GodPete Ramie 1304 E Lincoln Goshen 574-533-7019 LifepointTroy Scott, Nate Hickox, Cody Collier 1006 S. 16th St. Goshen 574-533-1191 lifepointgoshen.org Church of the Brethren Bethany Church of the BrethrenTim Sollenberger Morphew 19003 US Hwy 6 New Paris 574-831-4993 Community Church of WaterfordChris Russell, Sue Juday, Norma Miller, Karen 65154 CR 21 Goshen 574-534-5433 communitychurchofwaterford.com Green Goshen City Church of the BrethrenBev Weaver, Steve Norton 203 N 5th St Goshen 574-533-1884 goshencitychurch.org Maple Grove Church of the BrethrenDwayne Runkle 20430 CR 46 New Paris 574-831-4421 maplegrovechurch.net New Paris Church of the BrethrenStanley L. Godfrey Jr. 68170 CR 23 New Paris 574-831-2434 npcob.com Rock Run Church of the BrethrenTim Waits, Herman Kauffman 64985 CR 33 Goshen 574-642-4301 rockrunchurch.net West Goshen Church of the Brethren Norman L. Replogle 1200 Berkey Ave Goshen 574-533-6360 Yellow Creek Church of the BrethrenMark Bendes 65575 CR 11 Goshen 574-862-2672 yellowcreekcob.org Church of the Nazarene Crossroads Community ChurchJames D. Fischer, Marc D. Royer, Tim Fisher 57415 Alpha Dr Goshen 574-875-4479 mycrossroadscommunity.com New Paris Church of the Nazarene Don Meiner 67136 SR 15 New Paris 574-831-6880 Eastern Orthodox Holy Trinity Ukrainian OrthodoxSilouan Rolando, James Stickel 61314 CR 21 Goshen 812-339-4561 holytrinity.unmercenary.com Holy Virgin Protection Orthodox Daniel Marshall 61355 CR 21 Goshen 574-534-2375 orthodoxgoshen.org Church Episcopal St James Episcopal ChurchLarry Biller 105 S 6th St Goshen 574-533-4984 stjamesparishepiscopal.blogspot.com St. John of the Cross Episcopal Carol Fleming 601 E Vistula Street Bristol 574-848-7114 stjohncec.org Church Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches Grace Community ChurchJim Brown, Jon Rauch, Jeremiah Olson, Rich 20076 CR 36 Goshen 574-533-7546 gracecommunity-church.com Yauger, Jeremy Byng Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's 2310 Eisenhower Dr N Goshen 574-533-4645 Witnesses Lutheran First English Lutheran ChurchGene Hollingsworth 406 S 5th St Goshen 574-533-3773 lutheransonline.com/felcgoshen Prince of Peace Lutheran ChurchAndrew J. Wollman 18548 CR 18 Goshen 574-533-7705 popgoshen.net Trinity Lutheran ChurchJohn Hickey, Kay Hoffmeister, Dean DeVoe, Rex 202 S Greene Rd Goshen 574-533-5760 trinitygoshen.org Ellsworth Mennonite Church USA Assembly Mennonite ChurchKarl Shelly, Heidi Siemens-Rhodes, Carmen 1201 S 11th St Goshen 574-534-4190 assemblymennonite.org Horst, Bethany Swope, Gwen Gustafson-Zook Belmont Mennonite ChurchLarry Rohrer, Mandy Yoder 925 Oxford St Elkhart 574-293-5160 belmontmennonitechurch.org Benton Mennonite ChurchBrenda H. Meyer, Doug H. Kaufman 15350 CR 44 Goshen 574-642-3245 bentonchurch.org Berkey Avenue Mennonite Dan Schrock, Lois Stoltzfus Mast 2509 Berkey Ave Goshen 574-534-2398 berkeyavenue.org Fellowship Bonneyville Mennonite ChurchSherman Kauffman 15273 SR 120 Bristol 574-848-7148 bonneyville.in.us.mennonite.net Church Without WallsJonathan Brown, Cora Brown 731 Wagner Ave Elkhart 574-293-0776 churchwithoutwalls.in.us.mennonite.net Clinton Brick Mennonite ChurchDavid Mark Hathaway 62499 SR 13 Goshen 574-642-3805 clintonbrick.in.us.mennonite.net Clinton Frame Mennonite ChurchTerry Diener, John and Sheila Troyer, Anita 63846 CR 35 Goshen 574-642-3165 clintonframemc.us Yoder, Danny Yoder, Linda Miller College Mennonite ChurchLee Dengler, Susan Dengler, Willie Kanagy, Phil 1900 S Main St Goshen 574-535-7262 collegemennonite.org Waite, Rose Widmer, Daniel Yoder, Pamela Yoder, Talashia Keim Yoder East Goshen Mennonite ChurchMerle Hostetler, Steve Slagel 17861 SR 4 Goshen 574-533-7161 eastgoshenmc.org Eighth Street Mennonite ChurchKevin Farmwald, Brenda Sawatzky Paetkau 602 S 8th St Goshen 574-533-6720 8thstmennonite.org Faith House Fellowship 413 S 7th Street Goshen 574-533-4389 Faith Mennonite ChurchDeron Bergstresser, Kay Bontrager-Singer 1201 S 11th Street Goshen 574-533-9702 faith.in.us.mennonite.net Family Worship Center at the James Hochstetler 306 S 27th St Goshen 574-533-6778 Lighthouse Fellowship of HopeSuella Gerber 1618 S 6th St Elkhart 574-294-1416 fellowshipofhope.org First Mennonite ChurchGary Martin, Steve Thomas 203 E Lawrence St Middlebury 574-825-5135 firstmennonite.net First Mennonite ChurchJanet Brown 106 N Williams Nappanee 574-773-7294 Florence Church of the Brethren- Nina Lanctot 17975 Centreville-Constant Constantin 269-435-5945 florencechurch.blogspot.com Mennonite Forks Mennonite ChurchEugene Bontrager, Richard E. Martin, Philip W. 11435 W 025 S Middlebury 574-825-9333 Yoder Hively Avenue Mennonite ChurchCharles Geiser 800 E Hively Ave Elkhart 574-294-3423 hivelymennonite.org Holdeman Mennonite ChurchBetty Jo Leichty 65723 CR 1 Wakarusa 574-862-4751 holdemanmc.org House of Power FellowshipRobert Crockett, Maria Crockett 28103 CR 20 W Elkhart 574-522-7211 Iglesia Menonita del Buen PastorSeferina Garcia DeLeon 523 S 6th St Goshen 574-534-1357 iglesiamenonitadelbuenpastor.in.us.mennoni te.net North Goshen Mennonite ChurchIzaete Romao Araujo Nafziger, Jerry E. Wittrig, 501 N 8th St Goshen 574-533-4255 northgoshen.in.us.mennonite.net June Alliman Yoder Olive Mennonite ChurchKevin & Sharon Yoder, Veva 61081 CR 3 S Elkhart 574-293-2320 olivemc.org Zimmerman Mumaw Pleasant View Mennonite ChurchRon Diener, Tyler Hartford, Dixie Shrock, Sarah 58529 CR 23 Goshen 574-533-2872 mypv.org Miller Prairie Street Mennonite ChurchNelson Kraybill, Anne Mitchell, Frances 1316 Prairie St Elkhart 574-293-0377 prairiestreetmc.org Ringenberg Silverwood Mennonite ChurchRon Guengerich, Aimee Weishaupt, Jeremy Shue 1712 W Clinton St Goshen 574-533-1922 silverwoodmc.org Southside FellowshipDavid Moser 3003 Benham Ave Elkhart 574-293-2825 SSFElkhart.org Sunnyside Mennonite ChurchTerry Zehr, Melissa Fisher-Fast, Amy Kratzer 23786 Sunnyside Ave Elkhart 574-875-7790 sunnysidemennonitechurch.in.us.mennonite. net Topeka Mennonite ChurchRobert Martz 206 E Lake St Topeka 260-593-2389 True Vine TabernacleNancy Rodriguez-Lora 54365 Independence St Elkhart 574-264-0035 roselawn.in.us.mennonite.net Walnut Hill Mennonite ChurchJane Stoltzfus Buller, Randall Craig Miller 909 N 6th St Goshen 574-533-8023 walnuthill.in.us.mennonite.net Waterford Mennonite ChurchNeil Amstutz, Lyle Miller, Kristina Marie Stoltzfus 65975 SR 15 Goshen 574-533-5642 waterford.in.us.mennonite.net Schlabach Yellow Creek Mennonite ChurchWesley Bontreger, Harold Yoder, Katie 64901 CR 11 Goshen 574-862-2595 yellowcreekmc.org Cunningham, Jason Ramer, Adam Hartman Mennonite-Other Griner Mennonite Church 12418 CR 20 Middlebury 574-825-5641 grinerchurch.com Living Water Mennonite ChurchTodd E. Neuschwander, Marvin D. Troyer 65215 CR 27 Goshen 574- 533-3761 Maple City ChapelJay Shetler, Gary Miller Scott Herbert, Joe Miller, 2015 Lincolnway E Goshen 574-533-0327 maplecitychapel.org Lynette Miller Mount Joy Conservative MennoniteBen Shirk 200 N 23rd St Goshen 574-533-8355 Old Order MennoniteWilliam Weaver 25417 CR 40 Goshen 574-862-4746 Roselawn Conservative Mennonite John D. Yoder 206 S Mill St Middlebury 574-825-7450 Salem Mennonite ChurchWilliam Yoder 23984 CR 46 New Paris 574-831-2803 Siloam Mennonite FellowshipConrad Showalter 61616 CR 35 Goshen 574-825-3111 Wisler Yellow Creek MennoniteLeonard Martin 22012 CR 40 Goshen 574-831-4873 Woodlawn Amish Mennonite ChurchElmer J. Miller 63511 CR 33 Goshen 574-642-3056 Missionary Church Bethel Missionary ChurchJoel Gentz,Tim Stauss 63503 CR 7 Goshen 574- 862-2631 bethelmissionarychurch.org Beulah Missionary ChurchBrent Poe, Bryon Smith, Rod Tackett, Lottie Hines 57595
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