» • The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO 29 SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1974 TEN CENTS 01 Sandy Hook—Its future is now (First el a series) to retire to Sandy Hook in By SHERRY CONOHAN summer to fish and clam and pick beach plums After the SANDY HOOK - Home lo white man took over the land, ospreys and armies, harbor lor recreational uses were limit- pjrgjes ind guiding light for ed, for the most part, to a patting ships at sea tavern which tenders of the Sandy Hook hat been all of lighthouse here apparently these and much more during operated for a time around the years since the Indiant 1800 and as a disembarking relinquished their rights to point for shore visitors of the this shifting spit of land It 10th century who arrived by has figured in nearly every steamboat here and trans- major event of historical sig- ferred to waiting trains which nificance to affect this region whisked them further south to since Henry Hudson paused Long Branch and other here in 1609, becoming the points. first white man of record to Sandy Hook State Park fi- visit the Hook, yet today it is nally was opened in 1967, on on the verge of getting what 745 acres of land leased from historian George H. Moss Jr the Army (450 acres exclusive of Rumson calls "its biggest of the park's holly forest and play" ever. the largely water area of The US Army, which has Spermaceti Cove), and since had forces stationed on Sandy then has averaged \ million Hook for more than a century visitors a year. and a half, is scheduled to pull out of Ft. Hancock here l.fM-arrr park by the end of this year and Dale B. Engquist, area turn nearly all of its property manager of the Sandy Hook over to the Department of the unit of the Gateway National Interior for inclusion in the Recreation Area, foresees the number of park visitors Gateway National Recreation • ••HIM IMH pO.1. kf O— in* climbing to two or three mil- Area A NAME CHANGE - Sandy Hook State Park has Area, a facility of the Department of the Interior's lion a year after the ex- become Sandy Hook Gateway National Recreation National Park Service. CMSI Guard base panded park — which will Only a few acres at the then total approximately 1,600 northernmost end of the acres — has been fully devel- Mr. Engquist explained that, The northern portion of the After the Army has moved DC "I hope," he added, Army post will be held'back oped. in general terms, it calls for Hook, the site of the PI Han- out, some hiking or bicycle "that sometime this summer and they are destined to be He envisions the developed dividing the Hook — with the cock main post with its Stan- trails may IK- cut through the it will be available for the transferred to the U.S. Coast park as a well-balanced mix exception of the Coast Guard ford White-designed homes, central portion of the park public and public comment " Guard which will retain its of the recreational, historic base which will remain at the Army museum and other his- and it also will be used for en Year-round use base at the tip of the Hook af- and educational which may northern tip — into three torically significant buildings, vironmental studies, Mr. Kng- A prime objective of the ter the Army has gone. possibly include a home for areas. will be preserved as a his- quisl said. master plan will be to in- The Army's bequest will the performing arts The southern portion, thai toric site through which pub- "Some of it would be crease the year-round use of more than triple the size of "The thing that is so ex- part which has been Sandy lic tours will be conducted, strictly off limits - much like the park, Mr Kngqutsl said the present Sandy Hook unit citing here is that, within cer- Hook State Park, will contin- the park director continued the Holly Forest is now — un- "In winter, by and large, ex- of the Gateway National tain limits of how to preserve ue as a recreation area, Mr The central portion of the less you are accompanied by cept for fishermen, the park park, and for the first time what we have, the slate is Engquist said. Added to that Hook, he added, will be left a park guide," he explained isn't used at all," he ob- since Indian days will make clean," he said. "The sky is will be most, if not all, of the largely undeveloped, just as it Mr. Kngquist said a prelim- served the bulk of the Hook available the limit as to what the poten- oceanfront strip of beach is today. This is the area ex- inary draft of the master plan Developing the PI Hancock to residents of the region for tial could be." stretching northward for ap- tending roughly from Sperma- has been completed and is un- post as a historic site would their recreational enjoyment. Although the master plan proximately four miles from ceti Cove to Horseshoe Cove dergoing an in-house review be a major factor In increas- Indians from throughout for development of Sandy the present park to the Coast and contains the Army mis- at National Park Service ing the year-round use of the what is now New Jersey used Hook is not completed yet. Guard base sile and radar sites. headquarters in Washington. See Sandy IWok, page II Abortion, Green Acres bills moved as legislators quit; tax reform to wait TRENTON (AP) - The In another significant devel- to Byrne's income tax plan sension, Assembly Democrats — The Assembly approved nn, D-Union, a supporter of New Jersey Legislature has opment, the Assembly passed The bill proposed a con- considered stripping Kenneth a bill sponsored by Assem- the measure. "It simply says approved controversial anti- and sent to the Senate a pro- stitutional amendment to per- A. Gewertz, D-Gloucester, of blyman Byron M Baer, D- that if you don't want to be abortion legislation but has posed $200 million Green mit a statewide classified his post as majority whip be- Bergen, to provide stricter involved in abortion, you recessed for the balance of Acres bond issue for acquisi- property tax that would place cause he attacked Byrne and regulation of migrant labor don't have to be." the summer without making tion and development of open higher rates on business real fellow assemblymen over the crew chiefs Baer's arm was A proposal to expand the any progress on tax reform or spaces. The Senate is ex- estate than homes tax. broken by a crew leader and authority of the Public Em- school funding. pected to approve the bill in It was shelved as open bick- In other developments: several migrant workers in ployment Relations Commis- The Assembly passed and September so that it can be ering broke out between the — Both houses passed a bill an altercation at a migrant sion was also a casualty of sent to Gov. Brendan T placed on the ballot in No- Democratic majorities in the to boost the state's unemploy- c>mp recently. the acrimony over the tax de- Byrne yesterday a bill that vember in a public referen- Assembly and Senate ment compensation fund — Several senators criti- bate The bill, which may be permits doctors, nurses and dum. Byrne's income tax bill ba- along with other measures fa- cized the media and their reconsidered in September, hospitals to refuse to perform In a hectic windup to a spe- rely passed the Assembly this voring workers. A massive sources as former Stale Sen was held up by the Assembly abortions. Byrne, who has ex- cial summer session that was month but was blocked in the rally estimated at nearly Kalph DeRose was confirmed Kfforts at tax reform bog pressed public support for called to deal with tax re- upper house 20,000 workers gathered out- as a member of the Bi Stale ged down completely when other anti-abortion measures, form, the Assembly killed a In another incident that un- side the State House to de- Waterfront Commission the Assembly balked at the is expected to sign the bill. Senate-sponsored alternative derscored Democratic dis- mand more jobs. There had been published re- Senate's proposed referendum ports alleging ties between on property taxes. DeRose and "unsavory" wa The referendum would have terfront elements which were proposed to just permit called unfounded by DeKose classifying property for tax and his supporters purposes It would have left II Subpoena flouting is next The abortion measure was up to future legislatures to attacked by opponents who ilii ule how many classifica- said it was unconstitutional tions of property there would because of the leeway it per- be in the stale impeachment article basis mitted hospitals The Ameri Proponent! said the refer- can Civil Liberties Union has endum wouM leave all options filed suit against two South open fur the legislature to WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon's failure to com- was taking a step toward parliamentary government by bas- Jersey hospitals that refused comply with a murt mandate OLDEST IN NATION — Sandy Hook is home to ply with House Judiciary Committee subpoenas will be the ing impeachment on so vague a charge as abuse of presides- in perform abortions for In dime up with an alternate the oldest working lighthouse in the United States.
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