Appendix 2 11 EAST AYRSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP SINGLE OUTCOME AGREEMENT 2015-18: IMPROVEMENT PLAN EAST AYRSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP SINGLE OUTCOME AGREEMENT: IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2017 Area for improvement Proposed Action Timescale Lead Responsibility ECONOMY AND SKILLS Local Outcome 1 : Local economic activity increased Priority 1.1: Grow the business base in East Ayrshire Annual number of visitors to the • Carry out a review of the performance indicator within the 2017/18 East Ayrshire Council area (Increase) Scottish Tourism Economic Assessment Model (STEAM) Planning and Economic Development Report to ensure that that tourism in East Ayrshire is being measured effectively (for example, ensuring that visitors to Dumfries House are included within the measure). • Continue to implement actions in line with the Tourism Action 2017-20 East Ayrshire Council Plan 2016/2020. Planning and Economic Development • Continue to explore opportunities to maximise the wider South 2017/18 East Ayrshire Council West Scotland regional tourism offer at both local and national Planning and Economic Development level. 12 Scottish Enterprise Scottish Government Priority 1.3: Improve the vibrancy of our town centres Number of vacant and derelict town • Consider the list of buildings which fall within this category and 2017/18 East Ayrshire Council Planning and Economic centre buildings (Reduction) develop proposals to address individual issues. Development • Continue to implement a town centre Vacant and Derelict Building Priority Action List and Grant Scheme, subject to available resources. • Prioritise projects identified in approved Community Action Plans or in support of community projects that meet the objectives of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 as amended by the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, in support of economic regeneration and sustainable development. • Work with communities and Community Led Action Plans to provide local solutions to reduce the number of vacant and derelict town centre buildings. • Work with property owners to encourage owners to repair and improve properties. Area for improvement Proposed Action Timescale Lead Responsibility • Work with property owners to release vacant buildings for development at prominent locations and bring them back into sustainable use. Priority 1.3: Improve the vibrancy of our town centres Number of vacant and derelict town • Ongoing implementation of the Conservation Area 2017/18 East Ayrshire Council centre buildings (Reduction) Regeneration Scheme (CARS) and Townscape Heritage Planning and Economic Development Initiative projects in Kilmarnock, Cumnock and Galston, targeting priority buildings. • Explore opportunities for further CARS projects in other communities, either in partnership with the Landscape Partnership Project or individually via the Council’s Planning and Economic Development Service. • Ensure that a range consultancy studies are progressed and concluded to inform a revised place making map for Kilmarnock town centre. Cleanliness Score (Percentage of • Implement action to reduce litter, in particular smoking related 2017/18 East Ayrshire Council streets at an acceptable standard by litter, and detritus in targeted areas within communities. Outdoor Amenities and Corporate Enforcement Unit 2018) (Increase ) 13 • Engage Community Led Action Plan Steering Groups and East Ayrshire Council community activists in addressing this issue and implementing Outdoor Amenities, Corporate Enforcement Unit and targeted action days. Vibrant Communities It should be noted that the LEAMS Score in 2016/17 has improved from the previous year (although lower than the baseline) and that East Ayrshire received an extremely high rating in respect of the public perception of litter (99.4% of sites would be seen as at an acceptable standard). Local Outcome 2: Skills, qualifications and employability improved for all learners Priority 2.1: Ensure East Ayrshire residents, particularly our young people, have the relevant skills and qualifications and positive attitude needed for the world of work Percentage of looked after children • Increase the focus of activity to support young people, in 2017/18 Economy and Skills in positive and sustained particular vulnerable young people, identified through the Delivery Plan Group destinations (Increase) Economy and Skills Delivery Plan. • Consider relevant recommendations arising from the Joint Community Planning Inspection of Services for Children and Young People in the Partnership East Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Area and Economy and Skills Delivery Plan Group implement as appropriate. Area for improvement Proposed Action Timescale Lead Responsibility SAFER COMMUNITIES Local Outcome 2: East Ayrshire residents are safe and supported in their own homes and communities Priority 2: Support residents to live safely and independently in their homes and communities Fire related casualties and fire • Continue to offer annual home fire safety visits, particularly to 2017/18 Scottish Fire and fatalities (Reduction) individuals deemed to be of high risk. Rescue Service • Continue to focus on domestic fire safety, and identify and promote activity through the Winter Action Plan. • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to link to Vibrant Communities in relation to Community Led Action Plan Steering Group engagement in reducing fire raising issues in targeted areas. Local Outcome 3:Road safety improved through enforcement , engineering, education, positively influencing driver behaviour and effective early intervention Priority 3: Reduce road casualties in East Ayrshire 14 People seriously injured in road • Develop and implement road safety schemes, as appropriate, 2017/18 Ayrshire Roads Alliance accidents (Reduction) at locations where there has been recent history of road accidents. Safer Communities Delivery Plan Group Area for improvement Proposed Actions Timescale Lead Responsibility WELLBEING Local Outcome 2: All residents are given the opportunity to improve their wellbeing, to lead and active , healthy life and to make positive lifestyle choices Priority 1.1:Our children have the best start in life • Maintain UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Accreditation. 2017/18 East Ayrshire Health and Social Care • Provide peer support for breastfeeding through the health Partnership visiting team, the Breastfeeding Network (BfN) and volunteers. • Percentage of new born children Maximise healthy outcomes for children at the earliest possible exclusively breastfed at 6-8 weeks opportunity through the Universal Health Visiting Pathway Pre- (Increase) Birth to Pre-School, which will be fully implemented during the course of 2017/18. This means that each child within East Ayrshire will receive 12 home visits by a Health Visitor beginning with a visit in the antenatal period. The Universal Health Visiting Pathway will be used to harness opportunities for increasing breastfeeding. • Continue to implement cross-cutting partnership activity to 2017-20 Community Planning 15 influence national policy and strategy, take forward universal Partnership preventative work locally, and targeted work to mitigate the effects of poverty. • Progress a range of new activity through the Financial Inclusion 2017/18 Health and Social Care Team, in particular: Partnership Percentage of children in poverty - Explore opportunities to develop and implement a schools Financial Inclusion Team, East Ayrshire Council and Third Sector (after housing costs) (Reduction) clothing bank; and Partners - Work with the Local Energy Advice Forum to address fuel poverty; and - Three Financial Inclusion Officers work in the Employability Team to support individuals furthest removed from the labour market, in particular addressing financial barriers to employment. Percentage uptake of P1-P3 free • Continue to promote a wide range of activity to promote and 2016-18 East Ayrshire Council school meals based on entitlement encourage the uptake of free school meals: Education Service/Facilities and Property Management (Increase) (absence adjusted) - Action will focus on good practice in relation to food Percentage uptake of overall free choices, dining room organisation, pupil support and adult school meals based on entitlement interaction. (absence adjusted) (Increase) - Use social media to promote the value and quality of school meals. Area for improvement Proposed Actions Timescale Lead Responsibility - Work with schools to promote mentoring roles across the workforce. - Continue to implement cashless school meals across all schools that will assist in addressing anonymity and support free school meal uptake. Priority 2.1: People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer Rate for general acute and day case • Continue targeted action through awareness campaigns; 2017/18 East Ayrshire Health stays with a diagnosis of drug proactive public engagement across all partners; creating and Social Care misuse (Reduction) training and employability opportunities through the Partnership Addiction Worker training programme and other avenues; delivering evidence-based interventions and recovery-focused services, including specialist support such as the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) pathway and preventing accidental overdose; and tackling stigma through events such as the ‘Recovery Festival’. Local Outcome 3: Older people and adults who require support and their carers are included and empowered to live the healthiest life possible Priority
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