IAMP News Bulletin October 2016 International Association of Mathematical Physics Contents International Association of Mathematical Physics News Bulletin, October 2016 Contents Comments from the Editor3 A Walk in Barry Simon's Mathematical Garden4 The Advance of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science in Developing Countries 31 Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH) at the University of Copenhagen 47 News from the IAMP Executive Committee 49 Contact Coordinates for this Issue 51 Bulletin Editor Editorial Board Evans Harrell Rafael Benguria, Virginie Bonnaillie-No¨el, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Manfred Salmhofer, Robert Sims Contacts. http://www.iamp.org and e-mail: [email protected] Cover picture: Barry Simon (photograph courtesy of Bob Paz) The views expressed in this IAMP News Bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the IAMP Executive Committee, Editor or Editorial Board. Any complete or partial performance or reproduction made without the consent of the author or of his successors in title or assigns shall be unlawful. All reproduction rights are Mhenceforth reserved, and mention of the IAMP News Bulletin is obligatory in theΦ reference. (Art.L.122-4 of the Code of Intellectual Property). ISSN 2304-7348 News Bulletin (International Association of Mathematical Physics) 2 ∩IAMP News Bulletin, October 2016 Comments from the Editor Comments from the Editor As was reported in these pages several months ago, our colleague Barry Simon was awarded the Steele Prize of the American Mathematical Society, for lifetime achievement, and recently his 70th birth year was celebrated with a pair of conferences in Canada. See http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/activities/16-17/modern-physics and http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/2016/Simon16/. We are grateful to the Notices of the American Mathematical Society for permission to reprint two linked articles of reminiscences of Barry throughout his career, which were put together by Fritz Gesztesy. Another feature of this issue is an article on the state of mathematical sciences in the developing world, The Advance of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science in Developing Countries, by Wayne Patterson. The author shares perspectives from his extensive experience with scientific programs in developing countries through service at the US National Science Foundation and personal participation in numerous educational and scientific programs. This is the first of a planned series of articles on the spread of mathematical sciences in developing countries. The developing world is an essential topic for anyone concerned with the future of our field. International organizations like the IAMP not only have a philosophical commit- ment to international cooperation, but need to look south out of enlightened self-interest. Consider the remarkable fact that the world-wide adult literacy rate is now at about 85% for the first time in history. The greatest increases in education are taking place in the countries of the Global South, along with the greatest population growth. By the middle of this century the population of Africa, for example, will be substantially larger than either China or India, and with a much younger age distribution. Therefore, in one more generation, a significant fraction of the young researchers entering mathematical physics will very likely arrive from regions of the world that are unfamiliar to many universities and scientific institutions operating today. Knowing about mathematical and scientific activities in these regions and building bridges now will help the IAMP adapt successfully to the coming changes. Evans Harrell, Editor of the IAMP News Bulletin IAMP News Bulletin, October 20163 Fritz Gesztesy From Mathematical Physics to Analysis: A Walk in Barry Simon's Mathematical Garden by Fritz Gesztesy (Baylor University) This article has been reprinted with permission from the original publication in The Notices of the American Mathematical Society 63 (2016) 740-752 and 878-889. 4 IAMP News Bulletin, October 2016 A Walk in Barry Simon's Mathematical Garden Notices of the American Mathematical Society August 2016 FEATURES P * P P 732 740 772 P + P = 2 P Tverberg's Theorem at 50: From Mathematical WHAT IS... Extensions and Physics to Analysis: a Diophantine m-tuple? Counterexamples A Walk in Barry Simon’s by Andrej Dujella by Imre Bárány, Pavle V. M. Blagojevic, Mathematical Garden and Günter M. Ziegler Coordinating Editor Fritz Gesztesy Our August issue features the recent counterexample to the conjectured topological version of Tverberg's 1966 theorem and 2016 Steele Prize winner Barry Simon on the occasion of his 70th birthday conference this month. —Frank Morgan, Editor-in-Chief ALSO IN THIS ISSUE THE GRADUATE STUDENT SECTION Report on the 2014–2015 New Doctoral Recipients 754 Helen Moore Interview 768 William Yslas Vélez, Thomas H. Barr, and Colleen A. Rose Alexander Diaz-Lopez AMS Executive Director Donald E. McClure Retires 777 Allyn Jackson FROM THE SECRETARY'S OFFICE Chinese Mathematics and ICCM 780 Voting Information for 2016 AMS Election 775 Lizhen Ji Baa Hózhó Math: Math Circles for Navajo Students and Teachers 784 Dave Auckly, Bob Klein, Amanda Serenevy, and Tatiana Shubin Doctoral Degrees Conferred 790 The background figures on the cover show reflections 2014–2015 in the Poincaré Disk (left) and a spiraling line compac- tification that adds a circle at infinity (right) © Mihai The Mathematics of Love 821 Stoiciu, from Barry Simon's 5-volume set A Compre- Reviewed by Marc Colyvan hensive Course in Analysis. bookstore.ams.org/simon-set IAMP News Bulletin, October 20165 Fritz Gesztesy 1., 3'#,3(!+ '82(!2 3. -+82(2đ +* (- 118 (,.-ġ2 3'#,3(!+ 1"#- &EJUPSůT /PUF 'SJU[ (FT[UFTZ LJOEMZ BDDFQUFE PVS JOWJUBUJPO UP QVU UPHFUIFS UIJT GFBUVSF JO IPOPS PG #BSSZ 4JNPO PO UIF PDDBTJPO PG 4JNPOůT ".4 -FSPZ 1 4UFFMF 1SJ[F GPS -JGFUJNF "DIJFWFNFOU BOE IJT UI CJSUIEBZ DPOGFSFODF UIJT "VHVTU Ŭ4FQUFNCFS 'SJU[ (FT[UFTZ IJT JT B DPMMFDUJPO PG DPOUSJCVUJPOT CZ DPMMBCP SBUPST QPTUEPDT BOE TUVEFOUT PG #BSSZ 4JNPO PG UIF $BMJGPSOJB *OTUJUVUF PG 5FDIOPMPHZ PO UIF PDDBTJPO PG 4JNPOʍT SFDFJWJOH UIF ".4 -FSPZ 1 4UFFMF 1SJ[F GPS -JGFUJNF "DIJFWFNFOU 5IF5 DJUBUJPO GPS UIF BXBSE NFOUJPOT IJT USFNFOEPVT JN QBDU PO UIF FEVDBUJPO BOE SFTFBSDI PG B XIPMF HFOFSBUJPO PG NBUIFNBUJDBM TDJFOUJTUT BOE XF XJMM VOEFSTDPSF UIJT CZ EFNPOTUSBUJOH IJT QFOFUSBUJOH JOʲVFODF PO UPQJDT SBOHJOH GSPN RVBOUVN ʱFME UIFPSZ TUBUJTUJDBM NFDIBOJDT UIF HFOFSBM UIFPSZ PG 4DIS¶EJOHFS PQFSBUPST TQFDUSBM BOE JOWFSTF TQFDUSBM UIFPSZ UP PSUIPHPOBM QPMZOPNJBMT #VU XF TIPVME TUBSU BU UIF CFHJOOJOH #BSSZ XBT CPSO UP QBSFOUT .JOOJF BOE )Z 4JNPO JO BOE UPHFUIFS XJUI IJT PMEFS CSPUIFS 3JDL HSFX VQ JO #SPPLMZO /FX :PSL 5IFSF IF BUUFOEFE +BNFT .BEJTPO )JHI 4DIPPM PCUBJOJOH #BSSZ 4JNPO XJUI IJT NPUIFS BOE CSPUIFS 3JDL MFGU B QFSGFDU TDPSF PO UIF .""ʍT "NFSJDBO )JHI 4DIPPM BOE XJUI IJT GBUIFS SJHIU DB .BUIFNBUJDT &YBNJOBUPO JO BOE UIVT CFDPNJOH UIF TVCKFDU PG BO BSUJDMF JO UIF /FX :PSL 5JNFT BU UIF UFOEFS BHF PG TJYUFFO 6OEFS UIF JOʲVFODF PG 4BN .BSBOU[ BO JOTQJSJOH QIZTJDT UFBDIFS JO IJHI TDIPPM IF BQQMJFE UP #BSSZ 4JNPO DPNQMFUFE IJT EPDUPSBUF JO QIZTJDT BU )BSWBSE BOE XBT BENJUUFE 8IJMF BU )BSWBSE IF XBT B UPQ 1SJODFUPO VOEFS 8JHIUNBOʍT TVQFSWJTJPO JO 5IF ʱ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ʱFME UIFPSZ 'SJU[ (FT[UFTZ JT .BIBMB BOE 3PTF )PVDIJOT 1SPGFTTPS PG .BUIF TUBUJTUJDBM NFDIBOJDT BOE OPOSFMBUJWJTUJD RVBOUVN NF NBUJDT BU UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG .JTTPVSJ $PMVNCJB )JT FNBJM BEESFTT JT HFT[UFTZG!NJTTPVSJFEV 4JODF "VHVTU IF JT +FBO BOE DIBOJDT #BSSZ KPJOFE $BMUFDI JO IPMEJOH UIF QPTJUJPO 3BMQI 4UPSN $IBJS PG .BUIFNBUJDT BU #BZMPS 6OJWFSTJUZ )JT FNBJM PG *#. 1SPGFTTPS PG .BUIFNBUJDT BOE 5IFPSFUJDBM 1IZTJDT BEESFTT UIFSF JT 'SJU[@(FT[UFTZ!CBZMPSFEV TJODF "U $BMUFDI #BSSZʍT JOUFSFTUT GVSUIFS CSPBE 'PS QFSNJTTJPO UP SFQSJOU UIJT BSUJDMF QMFBTF DPOUBDU FOFE JOUP BSFBT TVDI BT SBOEPN BOE FSHPEJD 4DIS¶EJOHFS SFQSJOUQFSNJTTJPO!BNTPSH PQFSBUPST FYPUJD TQFDUSB JOWFSTF TQFDUSBM UIFPSZ BOE UIF %0* IUUQEYEPJPSHOPUJ BOBMZUJD UIFPSZ PG PSUIPHPOBM QPMZOPNJBMT /ƪƯƤƞƠƮ ƪơ ƯƣƠ ".4 7ƪƧưƨƠ /ưƨƝƠƭ 6 IAMP News Bulletin, October 2016 A Walk in Barry Simon's Mathematical Garden B QSPPG PG DPOUJOVPVT TZNNFUSZ CSFBLJOH JO ŀ DMBTTJDBM BOE RVBOUVN TUBUJTUJDBM NPEFMT 5IPNBTʊ'FSNJ UIFPSZ TFNJDMBTTJDBM CPVOET OPO ŀ 8FZM BTZNQUPUJDT BTZNQUPUJD QFSUVSCBUJPO UIFPSZ PG FJHFOWBMVFT ŀ #PSFM BOE 1BE© TVNNBCJMJUZ ;FFNBO FʰFDU BOIBS NPOJD PTDJMMBUPST JOTUBOUPO UVOOFMJOH #JSNBOʊ 4DIXJOHFS QSJODJQMF DPVQMJOH DPOTUBOU UISFTI PMET HFOFSBM UIFPSZ PG 4DIS¶EJOHFS PQFSBUPST FTTFO ŀ UJBM TFMGBEKPJOUOFTT QPJOUXJTF CPVOET PO FJHFO GVODUJPOT QBUI JOUFHSBM UFDIOJRVFT BCTFODF PG TJOHVMBS DPOUJOVPVT TQFDUSVN JO CPEZ TZUFNT #FSSZʍT QIBTF BOE IPMPOPNZ IPNPUPQJDւ JOUFSQSF ŀ UBUJPO PG UIF 5IPVMFTT JOUFHFST BOE UPQPMPHJDBM TUSVDUVSF JO UIF JOUFHFS RVBOUVN )BMM FʰFDU SBOEPN BOE BMNPTU QFSJPEJD 4DIS¶EJOHFS BOE ŀ +BDPCJ PQFSBUPST FYPUJD TQFDUSBM QIFOPNFOB $BO
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