BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS t-- _ _ 40LLV. f I know WHAT I LLOO- New Year "pi T ,"VOO * Happy for TOOK p4 f I'LL C'T THE e>OTuE«. OOts'T HAVE Evet.-x i IM A (TO verw (eht | t>OKEL«. CAME am" EVERYBODY HAO I ll OF'TEtN WITH C'T ... bOMg. CO'N TO C'T DONv/N Is Our Best H ish AOVN S. & F CONFECTIONS ie dlil JUNEAU MUSIC HOUSE »_ ] JAPANESE TOY SHOP* H. B. MAXIH0 I Front Street I ^ P. 0. Box 218 for Mail Ord m ^ ■—-- I. J. SHARICK Jeweler and Optician Watehei, Diamond*, , » Silverware i ■- -» '-- GAS BOAT INSURANCE SOUTHERN RADIOS DR., DAWES LEAVING. FOUND ADRIFT De‘ i Dr. Dawes Is leaving for the | In Nakusena Fuss, one flout with MANY EVENTS Hiking KETCHIKAN HI TO SEND and Clinic j ! OUT GAME Mayo Chicago January j steam donkey and logging equip-1 1st. Bills due may be paid at the | incut. Same held for salvage by I You can gel it here now LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 31.-—- First Natiouul Bank. —adv. Frank Herrmann, Sitka. —udv. I radio TO FRONT IN BESTS MORAN Ploy by play by relay of the I at Seattle rates in a good Washington-Alabama game will b« .... I sent out from KKI at Los Angeles, KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Dec. 31. from an and KPO at S.m Francisco tomorrow company agenl BOXING YEAR The Moral School basketball quintet THE HOME UNDERTAKING PARLORS afternoon. The stations will go on -S- from Seattle, in the opening game the air at 2 o’clock tomorrow after- Embalming and Professional Services. Special Attention to Out of you know. last night was defeated by the Ket- noon both receiving telephone le- Town and Horne Funerals. chikan High School live by a score Mit Artists Put on ports from the field at Pasadena. Many of 32 to 7. The Moran School live SEE Shows During Past Year is on a holiday trip to Southeastern H. V. SULLY —Champions Change. Alaska and plays games here, Pet- BASEBALL ATTENDANCE Thone 136 Ellingen Hldg., Third & Gold Street* ersburg and Wrangell. FIGURES HELD UP WELL Allen Shattucls NEW YORK, Dec. 31.—Outstanding LANDIS INVITED NEW YORK, Dec. 31. Ban JohnJ Insurance—Real Estate : events on the 1925 boxing calendar, sou. president of the American Lea- j chronologically revieved, are as fol- TO BE GUEST AT sue, announces his circuit fell only ; lows: BIG L. A. DINNER lift,DUO short of record attendance fig Jau. 2.—New York—Louis. (Kidl ures In 11)25. This, would mean the I Kaplan wins featherweight title tour- average daily attendance of last We wish to thank our patrons for the liberal LOS ANGELES, Dec. ill.—Judge nament by knocking out Danny Kra- I, year at each game was only 100 K. M. Landis, supreme dictator of business we have had and the cordial relations mer In the 9th round. •< less than the record year. for I baseball, was today invited to tie thi Jan. 2.—San Francisco—First bouts that have existed during the past year; with the ! honored guest at a Los Angeles eo under new boxing law are held. CAKeTTcA^ES ! club for 600 desire that the ' Jan 7. Newark Mickey Walker operative banquet per- Fruit Cake, Mocha, Layer and coining year may bring happiness FIRE ALARM CALLS sons here January 15. outpoints Mike McTigue in no-deci- Pound Cakes for your holiday din and An invitation was extended in a prosperity. sion contest. ner. RAN FRANCISCO BAKERY 1-3 Third and Franklin. telegram sent F (!. Hoffine, club 1-4 Front Jan. 15.—New York—Benny Leon- by 'hone 31. —adv and Franklin. president. The famous jurist was 1-6 near ard announces retirement. | Front, Ferry Way urged to accept in telegrams for- 1-6 Front, opp. Film Exchange Jan. 16.—Los Angeles—Jack Demp- warded by William Gibbs McAdon and MOOSE" DANCE ON 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharl sey announces retirement. Juneau Lumber Mills 1- 8 Harry A. Williams, president of tin Front, near Saw Mill Jan. 19.—Pittsburgh—Jack Zivic NEW YEAR’S NIGHT 2- 1 Willoughby at Totem Qroc Pacific Coast League. knocks out Lew Tendler in the 5th 2-3 Cole U»•-»■ Judge Landis will attend the an- Willoughby, opp. round. The New Year's night dance, to- 2-4 Front and Seward, nual meeting of the National Associ- Jan. 22.—Paris—Johnny Dundee in- morrow night, will be at the Moose 2-6 Front and Main. ation of Minor Leagues at Catalina definitely suspended by French box Hall under the auspices of the 2-6 Second and Main. next Month. ing Federation for failing to meet | Moose. The Capital City Players i- 2-7 Fifth and Seward. Fre^ Bretonnel. will furnish the music. Dancing 2- 9 Fire Hall. 3- 2 Gastineau and Raws Jan. 26. Baltimore—National Box BATTLING LEFT will start at 11:30 o'clock. Way SlST 3-4 Second and Gold. ing Association suspends Dundee. INVENTORY SHEETS and LETTER FILES 3-6 Fourth and Harris, Jan. 30.- Los VERY SMALL ESTATE WANTED TO KNOW Angeles—Fred Ful- 3-6 Fifth and Gold. Boy who called at Britt's Drug ton pleads guilty to engaging in a 3-7 Fifth and East. NEW YORK, Dec. 31.—Battling Store for a "fake” ring contest with Tony Fu- package on December 3-8 Seventh and Gold. Sikl. who was slain two weeks Let Us Help You Start the New Year Easily ente. ago. 5th. Please call at Goldstein's 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. left atf estate of only $600. This is office. Feslt. 6.—New York—State Athletic VII/^IAK COOTTAWY j Emporium —adv, 4- 1 Ninth, back of power hone* to of administra- rnmm — .—a according papers 4-2 Juneau Commission suspends Dundee. | — Calhoun, opp. Apia filed here by the widow. t-- Feb. 7.—San Diego—Jack Demp- 4-3 Distin Ave., and Indian St 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. sey marries Estelle Taylor. and Jack for tion Dempsey sign match J. B. BURFORD & CO. 4-6 Seventh and Main. Feb. 17.—New York.—Harry Wills in TACOMA FIGHTER IS 1926. j 4-7 Twelfth, at Northern L’dry files challenge for a match with FORGET-ME-NOT Oct. 12.—New York—'Paul Ber- GIVEN DECISION IN 4-8 Twelfth and Willoughby Dempsey. ienbach knocks out Solomon. 4-9 Home King LUNCH ROOM J Grocery. ■■ ■— — r- March 6.—New York—-James A. Oct. 26.— Newark — Harry Wills BOUT WITH CHAMPION i. j Farley elected chairman state athle- knocks out Floyd Johnson in first Go to Mrs. Kathryn Hooker’s i ■■ —■" tic commission. round. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 31.— Electric Kitchen for a real horae- March 20.—New York -— Charlie Nov. 25.—Newark—Mickey Walker Doc. Snell, of Tacoma, won the ten cooked, satisfying meal rightly (Phil) Rosenberg wins world's ban- uutpoints Sailor Friedman. round bout last night with Phil served. JUNEAU TRANSFER tamweight title by outpointing Eddie Dec. 7.—Buffalo—Rocky Kansas Rosenburg, world's bantamweight COMPANY (Cannonball) Martin. wins world's lightweight title by champion, by exceptional lighting. Full Course Dinner 75c March 24.—New York—Jack The title was not at stake as Demp- outpointing Jimmy Goodrich. both Luncheon 50c Movea, Pack* and Store* Preigh' sey placed on ineligible list by State Dec. 11.—New York—Paul Berlen men were overweight. and Athletic Commission. bach outpoints Jack Delaney in de Baggage. March 27.—St. Paul—Gene Tun- fense of light heavyweight title. J0E*S*CAFE EVERY THURSDAY ney outpoints Harry Greb. Dec. 18.—New York—Louis (Kid) Open Day and Night .adx April 1.—Philadelphia—Mike Bal- outpuints Babe Herman in ■■ Kaplan /-■ — — “v leriiio -wins junior lightweight title defense of feather title. Special chicken dinner $1 by outpointing Steve (Kid) Sulli- van. Ji April 7.—New York—State Athlet- ARRANGEMENTS ALL Walker, Mike McTigue and Johnny > I Dundee. MADE FOR GRANGE We take this opporun- ! May 2.—Manila—Pancho Villa re- L. A. APPEARANCE of our t tains world’s flyweight title against ty thanking Prompt Delivery ol Clever Sencio.. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 31.—All ar May 5.—New York—Sid Terris for the LADYSMITH COAL rangements were practically eoinplet J Patrons past year’s outp'oints Johnhy Dundee in final ed today for the appearance of "Red’ Give match in old Madison Gar- Something (or the Phone 48 Square Grange and his Chicago Bears Jan business and wish you all den. i uary 16 against a team led by Er May 22.—Waterbury—Louis (Kid) nie at Nevers the Coliseum. i a and Car for Christmas knocks out Steve Sul- Happy Prosperous Kaplau (Kid) The game will be staged under in 5th round. -1 livan, direction of P. H. “Puss" Halbriter New Everyone Is Glad to See 30.—New York—Paul Year. May Berlen- arul his associates. One of the lar- THE CLUB LUNCH ROOM bach wins world's light-weight title the Milkman gest crowds ever to see a football Mike OPEN 6 A. M. TO 2 A. M. DAILY by 'outpointing McTigue. game het-e is expected to throng the June 5.—New -York—Gene Tunney huge stadium. TONY LAURIDSEN, Proprietor. knocks out- Tom Gibbons in 12th Orange will perform against a team round. including eight All-American foot 2.—New Greb WINTER & POND July York—Harry ball players. Harry Shipkey, former Juneau Motor decision over Walker. gets Mickey Stanford star tackle, today signed up out Harry Wills knocks Charlie to play with Nevers' team. Shipkey COMPANY FRYE-BRUHN CO. In 2nd round.
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