Is Africa the Future of New England? Yes, If We’re Ready for It NATHANIEL BOWDITCH WITH KATE POMPER he Asian miracle had an extraordinary successful overseas Africans—and backed by the impact on the U.S. West Coast. The descendants of slaves throughout the African Diaspora African miracle, quietly underway now (more than 1 billion people in all)—are beginning to for a decade, could have a similarly pro- achieve an African miracle which over the next 30 Tfound effect on the U.S. East coast—especially for those years will rival the Asian miracle. states that anticipate and embrace it. As this happens, simply because of our geographic America failed to recognize the beginnings of the proximity to the African continent—especially West Asian miracle because in the 1960s, our mindset equat- Africa—the economy and the universities of New ed Asia with struggling, developing countries. We also England stand to gain hugely and disproportionately held uncomplimentary preconceptions about Asians; just like the West Coast economy and universities did we weren’t convinced they were capable of economic as the Asian miracle unfolded. Consider this: leadership. Now history is repeating itself and, even • Kwesi Botchwey, Ghana’s former minister of though free-enterprise democracies have taken hold all finance and now director of Africa research and pro- across the African continent and despite the fact that grams at Harvard’s Center for International many of them are achieving rapid annual growth rates Development, recently told me: “If you look at the reminiscent of the early years of Asia’s emergence, our economic performance of the past three or four years, mindset stands in the way: a color-laden mindset, rein- the numbers are encouraging. There are countries forced by our own tormented American racial precon- (Uganda, Botswana, Mauritius, Ghana, La Cote ceptions, of a “dark continent” and a “Black Africa” D’Ivoire, Mozambique for example) with a good policy paralyzed by disease, drought and dictatorship. environment, which are stable from a macroeconomic Most Americans, including most New Englanders— point of view and are also politically stable.” be they bankers, investors or educators; secretaries, • The chief economist of the International Finance carpenters or construction workers—imagine Africa as Corp. observed in a speech last fall: “A dozen a monolithic land of despair. They don’t think about a economies whose markets add up to $170 billion continent of 53 countries, 48 of them the so-called sub- or 60 percent of Africa’s total, are showing definite Saharan African nations, each with its own distinct cul- signs of progress. Their combined GDP has been ture, economic base and aspirations. We must change growing at nearly 5 percent a year during the past our mindset because the 700 million citizens of those five years [and] their exports have been expanding at African nations, joined by millions of highly educated, 7 percent annually.” PHOTOS BY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH. 34 NEW ENGLAND BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION • In March 1998, “to help the America is not taking much notice and nei- New England state featured at least five American people see the new Africa” ther is New England. Asian nations on its top 20 list of export President Clinton visited six countries: When members and guests of the New buyers. Maine had nine; Massachusetts five economic high-flyers—Senegal, England Economic Project gathered in and Connecticut, eight; Rhode Island Ghana, Uganda, South Africa and May to hear Zurich Financial Group Chief and Vermont, six; and New Hampshire, Botswana—and Rwanda, where he apol- Global Economist David Hale meticulous- five. But the real American beneficiaries ogized for American inaction during that ly describe the state of world markets, of the Asian miracle were the West Coast country’s dreadful ethnic cleansing. they heard valuable inside information on states, in particular, California. During that trip, the Boston Sunday Europe, Asia and South America, and A geographically large, economically Globe reported that “burgeoning stock they heard exactly what they expected to diverse state—not unlike New England’s markets ... a rise in exports and a 5 per- hear about Africa: nothing. six states taken together—California has cent annual increase in the continent’s Among the 33 Yale seniors “pursuing positioned itself carefully vis-a-vis Asia, gross domestic product for the past sev- research projects in far-flung corners of invested heavily and benefited greatly eral years are shattering Africa’s stereo- the globe” through Yale Summer from the Asian miracle. type as a financial basket case.” The New Traveling Fellowships, only one is head- How much did Asian growth over the York Times said about President Clinton’s ed for Africa, based on an eyeballing of past 40 years contribute to the growth of visit to Uganda that he “will be entering itineraries published recently in the Yale the U.S. West Coast states? Did this West a country that is a far cry from the dirt- Bulletin and Calendar. Coast growth come perhaps at the poor and oppressed nation ruled by Hundreds of New Englanders (almost expense of the Northeast’s longstanding Milton Obote and Idi Amin in the 1970s all of African descent) did gather at leadership in research and development, and 1980s. Uganda has seen an average Boston’s John F. Kennedy Library in July high technology and manufacturing? growth of 6.7 percent for the 12 years of 1999 for a regional conference organized In its December 1988 issue, The President Yoweri K. Museveni’s tenure.” by the Boston Pan-African Forum to Economist gushed about Asia and its • The fastest growing world economy explore issues around education, economic impact on California, blaring: in the three decades leading up to 1997 development, quality of life, democracy • “America’s shores are washed by was not in East Asia. It was Botswana, and peace on the African continent. The the Pacific as well as by the Atlantic, and whose per-capita income grew at an event was organized as the New England some people think that American inter- average rate of 9 percent annually during Regional Forum of the multiyear National ests lie more with the countries of East that period, according to the World Bank. Summit on Africa project, whose goal is to Asia than with those of Western Europe.” • Ghana’s stock exchange is “one of heighten the interest of Americans in a • “The rise of Asia is one of the the world’s best performing stock mar- continent with which most have no per- biggest stories of this half-century. ... In kets,” according to The Economist maga- sonal or financial connection. That this the quarter century that began in 1960 zine. “Building, tourism, technology and event was even held in New England is a the East Asian economies grew at an financial services provide more than 46 testament to the leadership and determi- average real rate of 6 percent a year. ... percent of national income and are usu- nation of MIT Professor Emeritus Willard East Asia’s share of gross world product ally cited for the country’s average annu- Johnson. Notably, however, New more than doubled during 1967-87, from al growth of nearly 5 percent for more England’s African Summit was held on a 8 percent to 20 percent. Its share of man- than 12 years.” Friday night and Saturday, probably ufactured exports went from 8 percent to • South Africa is the Japan of Africa. because most participants couldn’t justify 18 percent, of imports of all kinds from The Harvard Business School Bulletin attendance as part of their real jobs. 12 percent to 17 percent.” recently quoted Harvard Business School • “Californians of Asian descent Professor Richard H.K. Vietor as saying, ASIAN PARALLEL already make a bigger splash in the “The driving force behind the region’s Asian matters weren’t seen so differently state’s university system. They account growth is South Africa. South Africa pro- through American eyes 30 years ago. for 25 percent of this year’s entering duces 20 percent of Africa’s GNP.” The Since then, the Asian miracle—led by class at the University of California at Los Bulletin quotes his B-School colleague, postwar Japan and joined by Hong Kong, Angeles. ... Asian money is contributing Associate Professor Robert J. Robinson, Taiwan, China and a handful of “Asian along with Asian people. Japan has, after as saying: “South Africa is a regional tigers” (Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Canada, the biggest single stake of for- superpower. For those who can access South Korea, Malaysia)—has transformed eign capital in California; its companies it, the country has a First World infra- a continent. The formula was simple. are, bar none, the biggest foreign source structure—financial institutions, health These nations provided low-cost manu- of employment in the state.” care and transportation, for instance— facturing to an increasingly global econo- • “Californians do know more about and it is rich in natural resources.” my, fueling the creation of an indigenous Asia and pay more attention to it than The countries that America and New middle class whose consumer demand New Yorkers—as well they might, con- England should be watching carefully are: opened huge new markets for a wide sidering where so much of their money South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, assortment of products: CDs, telephones, is coming from.” Mauritius, Mozambique, Uganda, Lesotho, life insurance policies, roads, sewer sys- If California’s head was already turn- Mauritania, Ethiopia and, in West Africa— tems, Stephen King novels, home loans ing West in 1988, consider these more closest to New England’s shores—Ghana, and mutual funds, razor blades, comput- recent statistics from the California Trade Senegal, La Cote D’Ivoire, Benin, The ers and fast food restaurants.
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